Patch 8.3: Eine Übersicht zu den neuen Essenzen

Auch wenn sich einige der mit Patch 8.2 eingeführten Azerit-Essenzen etwas zu schwer freischalten ließen und das Balancing dieser Effekte nicht unbedingt perfekt war, so stellen diese sammelbaren Vorteile aber dennoch eine im Grunde erfolgreiche Neuerung dar, die weitaus beliebter ist als die alte Mechanik rund um das Freischalten von Azerit-Kräften. Aus diesem Grund haben die Entwickler sich auch dazu entschieden, dieses System mit dem kommenden Patch 8.3: Visions of N‚zoth noch weiter auszubauen und den Spielern eine Reihe von brandneuen Essenzen für ihr Herz von Azeroth zur Verfügung zu stellen. Diese neuen Essenzen werden die Spieler dann ebenfalls wieder über die Interaktion mit den Inhalten aus dem neuen Content Update freischalten können, weshalb an diesen Objekten interessierte Personen den neuen Content nicht einfach ignorieren können werden.
Was die Spielstärke und die Nützlichkeit der neuen Essenzen betrifft, so kann man ohne die finalen Werte des Updates im Moment leider noch nicht mit Sicherheit sagen, wie gut diese Essenzen am Ende sein werden. Allerdings kann man im Moment zumindest schon einmal festhalten, dass die verantwortlichen Designer sich einige kreative Effekte für diese Verbesserungen überlegt haben. Dazu gehören dann beispielsweise ein automatisch ausgelöster Schutz vor dem ersten Tod innerhalb eines Zeitraums von 10 Minuten, ein AoE-Spott für Tanks oder auch eine sonderbare Essenz, die die aktive Essenz von anderen Spielern kopiert und sie ihrem Besitzer einige Zeit lang zur Verfügung stellt.
Die folgende Übersicht listet alle bisher in Patch 8.3 gefundenen Essenzen und ihre jeweiligen Effekte auf.
Die neuen Essenzen aus Patch 8.3:
Rank 1
- Major Power: Guardian Shell – Release 12 protective spheres outward over 4 sec, granting the first ally to touch it a barrier that absorbs 888 damage for 10 sec.
- Minor Power: Unwavering Ward – Every 10 sec, allies with 15 yds gain a shield that absorbs 109 damage, stacking up to 409. x
Rank 2
- Major Power: Guardian Shell – Each time you send out a protective sphere, gain an absorb shield for 2% of your maximum health that stacks.
- Minor Power: Unwavering Ward – Absorption can stack up to 20% higher.
Rank 3
- Major Power: Guardian Shell – Each sphere consumed heals you and the ally for 0.
- Minor Power: Unwavering Ward – Protected targets take 3% reduced damage.
Rank 1
- Major Power: Spirit of Preservation – Channel a beam of energy onto an ally, healing them for 5,256 over 3 sec.
- Minor Power: Devout Spirit – Every 5 sec, gain Saving Vigil, causing your next Quick Heal to heal for an additional 42, stacking up to 3 times.
Rank 2
- Major Power: Spirit of Preservation – Allies in the beam are healed for 219 every 0.6 sec.
- Minor Power: Devout Spirit – Saving Vigil can now stack up to 5 times.
Rank 3
- Major Power: Spirit of Preservation – Gain 1 stack of Devout Spirit each time the beam heals its primary target.
- Minor Power: Devout Spirit – Each stack of Saving Vigil consumed increases the critical strike chance of your next Quick Heal within 6 sec by 20%.
Rank 1
- Major Power: Touch of the Everlasting – Your next death is prevented, and you instead regenerate to 20% of your maximum health and take 85% reduced damage for 3 sec. Cannot occur more often than once per 10 min.
- Minor Power: Will to Survive – When you fall below 35% health, gain 0 Avoidance for 15 sec, and your next Active Mitigation will last 30% longer. This can only occur once every 1.5 min.
Rank 2
- Major Power: Touch of the Everlasting – When Touch of the Everlasting saves you from death, regenerate to 40% of maximum health.
- Minor Power: Will to Survive – The minor effect of Touch of the Everlasting can now occur every 60 sec.
Rank 3
- Major Power: Touch of the Everlasting – When Touch of the Everlasting saves you from death, the cooldown of Shield Wall is reset.
- Minor Power: Will to Survive – Increases the duration bonus of Active Mitigation by an additional 20%.
Rank 1
- Major Power: Vigilant Protector – Taunt all nearby enemies, forcing them to attack you for 6 sec.
- Minor Power: Endurance – Every 2 sec, store 76 healing, up to a maximum of [ 10% of Total Health ]. When you dodge or parry an attack, heal for all stored healing.
Rank 2
- Major Power: Vigilant Protector – When you activate Vigilant Protector, gain 15% dodge for 6 sec.
- Minor Power: Endurance – Accumulate 25% additional healing every 2 sec.
Rank 3
- Major Power: Vigilant Protector – Deal 50% additional damage to targets affected by your Vigilant Protector.
- Minor Power: Endurance – The maximum health of all Tank specialization players in your party or raid is increased by 3%. This effect stacks.
Rank 1
- Major Power: Reaping Flames – Burn your target with a bolt of Azerite, dealing 1,481 Fire damage. If the target has less than 20% health, the cooldown is reduced by 30 sec.
- Minor Power: Lethal Strikes – Your spells and abilities have a chance to strike your target for 300 Fire damage. Unique: Corruption reduced by 10.
Rank 2
- Major Power: Reaping Flames – Virtuous Assault now also has a reduced cooldown if the target is above 80% health.
- Minor Power: Lethal Strikes – You heal for 50% of the damage dealt by Virtuous Assault.
Rank 3
- Major Power: Reaping Flames – If Reaping Flames kills an enemy, its cooldown is reset and it will deal 100% increased damage on the next cast.
- Minor Power: Lethal Strikes – Virtuous Assault happens 400% more frequently against targets below 20% health.
Rank 1
- Major Power: Moment of Glory – Release a wave of energy from your Heart of Azeroth, increasing the damage all party members within 15 yds deal with Azerite Essences by 45% for the next 10 sec.
- Minor Power: Unified Strength – Your spells and abilities have a chance to increase your Haste by 0 and reduce the cooldown of your currently slotted Major Essence by 1.0 sec. Unique: Corruption reduced by 10.
Rank 2
- Major Power: Moment of Glory – Increase the duration of Moment of Glory by 10 sec.
- Minor Power: Unified Strength – Unified Strength now affects 1 additional ally.
Rank 3
- Major Power: Moment of Glory – Moment of Glory now also increases your Speed by 0.
- Minor Power: Unified Strength – Unified Strength now affects 1 additional ally.
ank 1
- Major Power: Replica of Knowledge – Replicate the energy in your target’s Heart of Azeroth, gaining access to rank 1 of their currently slotted Major Essence for the next 15 sec. The Formless Void will go on cooldown for 50% longer than the base cooldown of the Essence you replicated. Does not work on passive Essences.
- Minor Power: Symbiotic Presence – Each time any ally within 40 yds uses an Azerite Essence, gain 89 pri for 20 sec. Unique: Corruption reduced by 10.
Rank 2
- Major Power: Replica of Knowledge – Replica of Knowledge can now copy up to rank 2 of your target’s current Major Essence, and the increased cooldown is lowered by 10%.
- Minor Power: Symbiotic Presence – pri bonus increased by 25%.
Rank 3
- Major Power: Replica of Knowledge – Replica of Knowledge can now copy up to rank 3 of your target’s current Major Essence, and the increased cooldown is lowered by 10%.
- Minor Power: Symbiotic Presence – When an ally within 40 yds uses an Azerite Essence, you and that ally gain 0 Haste for 20 sec.