Patch 8.2: Der neue Build 30329 wurde auf den PTR aufgespielt

In der Nacht von gestern auf heute haben die für die fortlaufende Entwicklung von neuen Inhalten für World of Warcraft überraschenderweise den neuen Build 30329 auf die derzeit noch immer aktiv laufenden öffentlichen Testserver von Patch 8.2: Rise of Azshara aufgespielt. Auch wenn diese neue Spielversion keine gewaltigen Neuerungen mit sich brachte, so konnten Data Miner in den Spieldaten dieses Builds aber dennoch den einen oder anderen interessanten Inhalt ausfindig machen. Dabei handelt es sich unter anderem um neue spektrale Reittiere, Änderungen an vielen Essenzen, einen neuen Tanz für Mechagnome oder auch umfangreiche Änderungen an dem Dungeonkompendium für die neuen Instanzen aus Patch 8.2. Weitere Details zu den Auswirkungen von Build 30329 findet ihr bei Interesse in der folgenden Übersicht.
Ein neuer Tanz für Mechagnome:
Die weiblichen Mechagnome aus Mechagon haben einen neuen Tanz erhalten.
Neue spektrale Reittiere:
Diese Mounts besitzen alle die Beschreibung „Even the dead need a lift every now and then“ und sind somit vermutlich für tote Spieler bestimmt.
Eine neue Essenz:
Spieler können diese neue Essenz scheinbar durch das Abschließen von Abgesandtenquests erhalten.
Reality Shift
- Rank 3,4 Major Power
- Create an Azerite beacon at a target location. After 3 sec, the Heart of Azeroth will relocate you to this beacon and deal 2229 Fire damage to all nearby enemies.
- For 10 sec after being relocated, you take 10% reduced damage.
- Source: Battle for Azeroth Emissary Reward.
Reality Shift
- Rank 3,4 Minor Power
- Your movement speed is increased by 3%, and when you move more than 20 yds within 4 sec, gain 231 primary stat for [6 + (4000 / 1000)] sec.
- This can only occur once every 1 min.
- Source: Battle for Azeroth Emissary Reward.
Interessante Änderungen im Dungeonkompendium:
- Der Encounter „Rage of Azshara“ wurde in „Radiance of Azshara“ umbenannt.
- Die Beutetabellen der Bosse wurden erweitert. Spieler können in dem neuen Raid eine Reihe von interessanten Schmuckstücken erbeuten:
Edicts of the Faithless,
Stay of Execution,
Shredded Veil of Sanity,
Zoatroid Egg Sac,
Leviathan’s Lure,
Phial of the Frigid Tempest
- Einige Waffen und Rüstungsteile besitzen jetzt spezielle Effekte:
Chimeric Stinger: Incoming damage exceeded the Mindleech Tether’s capacity.
Great Reef Barrier: Automatically sacrifice 5% of your maximum health for an absorb of equal value each time the absorb is depleted.
Staff of the Eternal: Your spells have a chance to grant you a charge of Potency. If you fall below 10% health or mana, unleash Potency damaging enemies and healing allies within 40 yards for 3640 per charge.
- Die Beute in dem Mechagon Mega-Dungeon wurde überarbeitet.
- Spieler können in diesem Dungeon zwei Haustiere erbeuten:
Golden Snorf und
Microbot 8D.
- Die Helme aus diesem Dungeon besitzen jetzt alle eine Zoom-Funktion:
Apogee Inventor’s Goggles
- Spieler können in diesem Dungeon zwei Haustiere erbeuten:
- Hier findet ihr weitere kleinere Änderungen am Dungeonkompendium.
Neue Ladebildschirme:
Neue Icons:
Neue Namen für die Bienen-Fraktion:
- Hivemother heißt jetzt „Tidebreak Hive“
- A species of bee known for their unusual size. While newcomers to Stormsong Valley, they quickly made their presence known to adventurers and insect enthusiasts alike.
- Queen heißt jetzt Tidebreak Hivemother
- Drone heißt jetzt Tidebreak Guardian
- Honey Bee heißt jetzt Tidebreak Harvester
Neue Karten:
Änderungen an Essenzen:
Aegis of the Deep
- Rank 3,4 Major Power
- The elements protect you, reducing the damage you take from each attack by 422 for 10 sec. While active,
heal for 587 health when damaged.gain 814 maximum health, up to (814 * 5) health for 10 sec when damaged. - Source: Ankoan Supply Caches earned through Paragon reputation. / Unshackled Salvage Crates earned through Paragon reputation.
Anima of Death
- Rank 4,3 Major Power
- Draw upon your
ownvitality to sear your foes,sacrificingdealing 10% of your maximum healthto dealin Fire damage to all nearby enemiesequal to that amount.
Heal for 10% of your maximum health per enemy hit, up to a maximum of 50% of maximum health. Source: Combine Focused Life Anima from your Grand Challenger’s Bounty.and heal for 10% of your maximum health per enemy hit, up to 50% of your maximum health.- Source: Combine Call to Arms Distinctions from the weekly ‚Call to Arms‘ quest.
Anima of Death
- Rank 2 Major Power
- Draw upon your
ownvitality to sear your foes,sacrificingdealing 10% of your maximum healthto dealin Fire damage to all nearby enemiesequal to the health lost. Source: Complete a dungeon at Mythic Level 7 or higher in Season 3 or later.and heal for 5% of your maximum health per enemy hit, up to 25% of your maximum health.- Source: Vendor – Crafticus Mindbender – Mezzamere / Vendor – Dazzerian – Newhome
Anima of Death
- Rank 1 Major Power
- Draw upon your
ownvitality to sear your foes,sacrificingdealing 10% of your maximum healthto dealin Fire damage to all nearby enemiesequal to the health lost. Source: Complete a dungeon at Mythic Level 4 or higher in Season 3 or later.and heal for 5% of your maximum health per enemy hit, up to 25% of your maximum health.- Source: Complete the quest „Drowning the Horde“ from Crafticus Mindbender in Mezzamere. / Complete the quest „Drowning the Alliance“ from Dazzerian in Newhome.
Anima of Life
- Rank 4,3 Minor Power
- Azerite energy courses through your veins, increasing maximum health by 906 every
45 sec, stacking up to15 times.This effect is lost if you fall below 35% health. Source: Combine Focused Life Anima from your Grand Challenger’s Bounty.10 times. While at maximum stacks, heal for 568 health every 5 sec.- Gain a stack of Anima of Life when you kill an enemy that yields experience or honor. This effect is lost if you fall below 35% health.
- Source: Combine Call to Arms Distinctions from the weekly ‚Call to Arms‘ quest.
Anima of Life
- Rank 2 Minor Power
- Azerite energy courses through your veins, increasing maximum health by 906 every
45 sec, stacking up to 10times. This effect is lost if you fall below 35% health.
Source: Complete a dungeon at Mythic Level 7 or higher in Season 3 or later.times.- Gain a stack of Anima of Life when you kill an enemy that yields experience or honor. This effect is lost if you fall below 35% health.
- Source: Vendor – Crafticus Mindbender – Mezzamere / Vendor – Dazzerian – Newhome
Anima of Life
- Rank 1 Minor Power
- Azerite energy courses through your veins, increasing maximum health by 906 every 5 sec, stacking up to 10
times. This effect is lost if you fall below 35% health.
Source: Complete a dungeon at Mythic Level 4 or higher in Season 3 or later.times.[While at 10 stacks, heal for 568 health very 5 sec.$?a294970[
- Gain a stack of Anima of Life when you kill an enemy that yields experience or honor.] This effect is lost if you fall below 35% health.
- Source: Complete the quest „Drowning the Horde“ from Crafticus Mindbender in Mezzamere. / Complete the quest „Drowning the Alliance“ from Dazzerian in Newhome.
Condensed Life-Force
- Rank 3,4 Minor Power
- Your spells and abilities have a high chance to impale your target with a spike of azerite, causing 0 Physical damage.
- When an Azerite spike deals damage, all damage you deal against that target is increased by
15%10% for 6 sec. - Source: Defeat Queen Azshara – Mythic.
Guardian of Azeroth
- Rank 3,4 Major Power
- Call upon Azeroth to summon a Guardian of Azeroth to aid you in combat for 20 sec.
- Each time an Azerite spike deals damage, the cooldown of Condensed Life-Force is reduced by
6 sec.5 sec. - Each time the Guardian of Azeroth casts a spell, you gain 4% Haste, stacking up to 5 times. This effect ends when the Guardian of Azeroth despawns.
- Source: Defeat Queen Azshara – Mythic.
Guardian of Azeroth
- Rank 2 Major Power
- Call upon Azeroth to summon a Guardian of Azeroth to aid you in combat for 20 sec.
- Each time an Azerite spike deals damage, the cooldown of Guardian of Azeroth is reduced by
6 sec.5 sec. - Source: Defeat Queen Azshara – Heroic.
The Unbound Force
- Rank 3,4 Major Power
- Unleash the forces within the Heart of Azeroth, causing shards of Azerite to strike your target for [(341 * (7.06061) * (1 + Versatility))] Fire damage over 2 sec. This damage is increased by 300% if it critically strikes.
and has a 25% increased critical strike chance. - Each time The Unbound Force causes a critical strike, it immediately strikes the target with an additional Azerite shard, up to a maximum of 5.
- Source: Ankoan Supply Caches earned through Paragon reputation. / Unshackled Salvage Crates earned through Paragon reputation.
- Cooldown changed from 1 min cooldown to 45 sec cooldown
The Unbound Force
- Rank 1 Minor Power
Each time you critically strike, you gain a stack of Reckless Force, up to 5. Every 10 sec, your next spell or ability will blast your target with a bolt of Azerite energy, dealing [119 * (1 + Versatility)] Fire damage per stack of Reckless Force.When a direct damage ability fails to critically strike, gain Unbound Force. When Unbound- Force reaches 20 stacks, your critical strike is increased by 50% for 4 sec.
- Source: Ankoan – Honored. / Unshackled – Honored.
- Rank 1 Minor Power
The Unbound Force
- Rank 3,4 Minor Power
Each time you critically strike, you gain a stack of Reckless Force, up to 7. Every 10 sec, your next spell or ability will blast your target with a bolt of Azerite energy, dealing [119 * (1.25) * (1 + Versatility)] Fire damage per stack of Reckless Force.When a direct damage ability fails to critically strike, gain Unbound Force. When- Unbound Force reaches 20 stacks, your critical strike is increased by 100% for 6 sec.
- Source: Ankoan Supply Caches earned through Paragon reputation. / Unshackled Salvage Crates earned through Paragon reputation.
- Rank 3,4 Minor Power
The Unbound Force
- Rank 2 Major Power
- Unleash the forces within the Heart of Azeroth, causing shards of Azerite to strike your target for [(341 * (7.06061) * (1 + Versatility))] Fire damage over 2 sec. This damage is increased by 300% if it critically strikes.
and has a 25% increased critical strike chance. - Source: Ankoan – Revered. / Unshackled – Revered.
- Cooldown changed from 1 min cooldown to 45 sec cooldown
The Unbound Force
- Rank 1 Major Power
- Unleash the forces within the Heart of Azeroth, causing shards of Azerite to strike your target for [(
0 * (7.06061) * (1 + Versatility341 * (7.06061))] Fire damage over 2 sec. This damage is increased by 300% if it critically strikes. - Source: Ankoan – Honored. / Unshackled – Honored.
The Unbound Force
- Rank 2 Minor Power
Each time you critically strike, you gain a stack of Reckless Force, up to 5. Every 10 sec, your next spell or ability will blast your target with a bolt of Azerite energy, dealing [119 * (1.25) * (1 + Versatility)] Fire damage per stack of Reckless Force.When a direct damage ability fails to critically strike, gain Unbound Force. When- Unbound Force reaches 20 stacks, your critical strike is increased by 100% for 4 sec.
- Source: Ankoan – Revered. / Unshackled – Revered.
- Rank 2 Minor Power
Worldvein Boon
- Rank 1 Minor Power
- Every 18-25 sec, a shard of Azerite erupts from the nearby ground for 12 sec, granting you
0and any other ally using Worldvein Boon 50 primary stat whileyou arewithin 8 yards of it. - Source: Complete the quest „Azerite for the Alliance“ and the Mysterious Treasure Map Mission rewarded. / Complete the quest „Azerite for the Horde“ and the
- Mysterious Treasure Map Mission rewarded.
Worldvein Boon
- Rank 1 Major Power
- Concentrate energy into the Heart of Azeroth, immediately causing
32 Azerite Shards to erupt from the nearby ground. - Source: Complete the quest „Azerite for the Alliance“ and the Mysterious Treasure Map Mission rewarded. / Complete the quest „Azerite for the Horde“ and the
- Mysterious Treasure Map Mission rewarded.
Worldvein Boon
- Rank 2 Minor Power
- Every 18-25 sec, a shard of Azerite erupts from the nearby ground for 18 sec, granting you
025 primary stat while you are within 8 yds of it. - Source: Combine fragments of Zem’lan’s Lost Treasure Map from Island Expeditions, then complete the mission „Lost Treasure of the Pirate King“.
Worldvein Boon
- Rank 3,4 Minor Power
- Every 1-25 sec, a shard of Azerite erupts from the nearby ground for 18 sec, granting you
025 primary stat while you are within 8 yds of it. - Source: Mysterious Treasure Map missions.
Reality Shift
- Rank 3,4 Major Power
- Create an Azerite beacon at a target location. After 3 sec, the Heart of Azeroth will relocate you to this beacon and deal 2229 Fire damage to all nearby enemies.
- For 10 sec after being relocated, you take 10% reduced damage.
- Source: Battle for Azeroth Emissary Reward.
Reality Shift
- Rank 1 Major Power
- Create an Azerite beacon at a target location. After 4 sec, the Heart of Azeroth will relocate you to this beacon and deal 2229 Fire damage to all nearby enemies.
- Source: Ankoan Emissary Reward. / Unshackled Emissary Reward
Reality Shift
- Rank 2 Major Power
- Create an Azerite beacon at a target location. After 3 sec, the Heart of Azeroth will relocate you to this beacon and deal 2229 Fire damage to all nearby enemies.
- Source: Vendor – Stolen Royal Vendorbot – Mechagon
Reality Shift
- Rank 2 Minor Power
- When you move more than 20 yds within 4 sec, gain 231 primary stat for [6 + (4000 / 1000)] sec.
- This can only occur once every 1 min.
- Source: Vendor – Stolen Royal Vendorbot – Mechagon
Reality Shift
- Rank 1 Minor Power
- When you move more than 20 yds within 4 sec, gain 231 primary stat for 6 sec.
- This can only occur once every 1 min.
- Source: Ankoan Emissary Reward. / Unshackled Emissary Reward
Reality Shift
- Rank 3,4 Minor Power
- Your movement speed is increased by 3%, and when you move more than 20 yds within 4 sec, gain 231 primary stat for [6 + (4000 / 1000)] sec.
- This can only occur once every 1 min.
- Source: Battle for Azeroth Emissary Reward.