BfA: Weitere Videos zu den Raidtests in Uldir

In der Nacht von gestern auf heute haben die für die fortlaufende Entwicklung von neuen Inhalten für World of Warcraft verantwortlichen Mitarbeiter von Blizzard Entertainment weitere Raidtests auf dem vermutlich noch einige Monate lang aktiv laufenden Testserver der geschlossenen Beta von Battle for Azeroth veranstaltet und es den bisher bereits in diese Testphase eingeladenen Personen dadurch dann erneut ermöglicht in die heroische Version des kommenden Raids „Uldir“ einzudringen. In diesem Schlachtzug durften die Tester dann erneut gegen Zek’voz, Herald of N’zoth kämpfen und zum ersten Mal überhaupt gegen den am Ende der Instanz positionierten Alten Gott G’huun antreten. Da selbstverständlich auch diese Testphase wieder von einer Vielzahl von Spielern in Videoform festgehalten wurde, können jetzt selbst die Fans einen Blick auf diese beiden unfertigen Encounter werfen, die zum aktuellen Zeitpunkt noch nicht selbst in die Beta eingeladen wurden. Folgend findet ihr aus diesem Grund sowohl interessantes Videomaterial als auch Übersichten zu den Fähigkeiten dieser Bosse.
Zek’voz, Herald of N’zoth:
Die Fähigkeiten dieses Encounters:
- Titan Spark: Titan energy arcs from the damaged Titan Disc, striking several targets for 8749 to 9191 Nature damage.
- Surging Darkness: Upon reaching 100 energy, Zek’vozj unleashes a series of eruptions in quick succession. Each eruption inflicts 48700 to 51300 Shadow damage to players caught within it. In addition, each eruption inflicts 0 Shadow damage to all players.
- Might of the Void: Zek’voz performs a series of powerful attacks.
- Void Lash: Zek’voz summons lashing tentacles, inflicting 27950 to 29380 Shadow damage in a frontal cone, and reduces healing received by 50% for 8 sec. This effect stacks.
- Shatter: Zek’vozj strikes the target, inflicting 139100 to 146900 Physical damage and increasing Physical damage taken by 50% for 40 sec.
- Stage One: Chaos:
- At (59% of Spell power)% health remaining Protocol: Chaos begins. Summoning projections of C’Thun and replicating minions from the Qiraji empire. (Normal, Heroic, Raid Finder)
- Eye Beam: The Eye of C’Thun penetrates the soul of the target, dealing 32786 to 34645 Shadow damage and leaping to any nearby allies for increased damage.
- Qiraji Warrior
- Fixate: A Qiraji Warrior sets its attention on an enemy. Lasts 15 sec or until it strikes its target.
- Jagged Mandible: The Qiraji Warrior’s melee attacks maim the target, inflicting 6550 to 6890 Physical damage every 3 sec. This effect stacks.
- In Heroic difficulty, Jagged Mandible also reduces movement speed by 50%.
- Stage Two: Deception:
- At (59% of Spell power)% health remaining Protocol: Deception begins. Summoning projections of Yogg-Saron and replicating servants from Azjol-Nerub. (Normal, Heroic, Raid Finder)
- Roiling Deceit: Yogg-Saron corrupts the target, inflicts 15900 to 16700 Shadow damage every 3 sec and forms an Ominous Cloud upon expiration.
- Ominous Cloud: Ominous Clouds slowly drift through the area and will Boil Ominously if an enemy strays too close, summoning a Guardian of Yogg-Saron.
- Guardian of Yogg-Saron: Casts Shadow Nova upon reaching 100 energy or when defeated.
- Shadow Nova: Self destructs, Inflicting 19400 to 20500 Shadow damage to all enemies.
- Guardian of Yogg-Saron: Casts Shadow Nova upon reaching 100 energy or when defeated.
- Ominous Cloud: Ominous Clouds slowly drift through the area and will Boil Ominously if an enemy strays too close, summoning a Guardian of Yogg-Saron.
- Anub’ar Voidweaver
- Shadowbind: The caster binds itself, preventing forced movement effects. (Heroic, Mythic)
- Void Bolt: Launches Shadow energy towards an enemy, inflicting 31850 to 33280 Shadow damage.
- Stage Three: Corruption:
- At (59% of Spell power)% health remaining Protocol: Corruption begins. The magic released from the damaged Titan Discs appears to be unchecked and more than a mere demonstration of power… (Normal, Heroic, Raid Finder)
- Overload: The damaged disc activates, increasing the frequency of [Titan Spark].
- Orb of Corruption: Explodes on impact with the ground, inflicting 15300 Shadow damage to all players. Pulses every 5 sec while grounded for 0% increased damage. Intercepting the Orb of Corruption launches the orb foward and afflicts the intercepting player with Corruptor’s Pact.
- Corruptor’s Pact: Overwhelming power courses through you. Maximum health, damage done, and healing done increased by 100%.
Afflicted by Will of the Corruptor upon expiration.
- Corruptor’s Pact: Overwhelming power courses through you. Maximum health, damage done, and healing done increased by 100%.
- Will of the Corruptor: The mind of the victim is overtaken, forcing them to attack their allies until they are slain.
- In Heroic difficulty, Will of the Corruptor causes the victim to release an [Entropic Wave].
- Entropic Wave: Releases a wave of pure void energy, causing 14600 to 15400 Shadow damage to players within 8 yards and causing them to flee in fear for 6 sec. (Heroic, Mythic)
- Entropic Blast: Blasts the target’s mind for 9740 to 10200 Shadow damage and causes them to flee in fear for 6 sec.
- Stage One: Chaos and Deception:
- At (59% of Spell power)% health remaining Chaos and Deception Protocols begin. Summoning projections of C’Thun and Yogg-Saron along with their minions.
- !16 In Mythic difficulty, activated Titan Discs remain powered on indefinitely.
- Eye Beam: The Eye of C’Thun penetrates the soul of the target, dealing 32786 to 34645 Shadow damage and leaping to any nearby allies for increased damage.
- Roiling Deceit: Yogg-Saron corrupts the target, inflicts 15900 to 16700 Shadow damage every 3 sec and forms an Ominous Cloud upon expiration.
- Ominous Cloud: Ominous Clouds slowly drift through the area and will Boil Ominously if an enemy strays too close, summoning a Guardian of Yogg-Saron.
- Guardian of Yogg-Saron: Casts Shadow Nova upon reaching 100 energy or when defeated.
- Shadow Nova: Self destructs, Inflicting 19400 to 20500 Shadow damage to all enemies.
- Guardian of Yogg-Saron: Casts Shadow Nova upon reaching 100 energy or when defeated.
- Ominous Cloud: Ominous Clouds slowly drift through the area and will Boil Ominously if an enemy strays too close, summoning a Guardian of Yogg-Saron.
- Qiraji Warrior
- Fixate: A Qiraji Warrior sets its attention on an enemy. Lasts 15 sec or until it strikes its target.
- Jagged Mandible: The Qiraji Warrior’s melee attacks maim the target, inflicting 6550 to 6890 Physical damage every 3 sec. This effect stacks.
- In Mythic difficulty, Jagged Mandible also reduces movement speed by 50%.
- Anub’ar Voidweaver
- Shadowbind: The caster binds itself, preventing forced movement effects.
- Void Bolt: Launches Shadow energy towards an enemy, inflicting 31850 to 33280 Shadow damage.
- Stage Two: Corruption:
- At (59% of Spell power)% health remaining Protocol: Corruption begins. The magic released from the damaged Titan Discs appears to be unchecked and more than a mere demonstration of power… (Mythic)
- Overload: The damaged disc activates, increasing the frequency of [Titan Spark].
- Orb of Corruption: Explodes on impact with the ground, inflicting 15300 Shadow damage to all players. Pulses every 5 sec while grounded for 0% increased damage. Intercepting the Orb of Corruption launches the orb foward and afflicts the intercepting player with Corruptor’s Pact.
- Corruptor’s Pact: Overwhelming power courses through you. Maximum health, damage done, and healing done increased by 100%.
Afflicted by Will of the Corruptor upon expiration.
- Corruptor’s Pact: Overwhelming power courses through you. Maximum health, damage done, and healing done increased by 100%.
- Will of the Corruptor: The mind of the victim is overtaken, forcing them to attack their allies until they are slain.
- In Mythic difficulty, Will of the Corruptor causes the victim to release an [Entropic Wave].
- Entropic Wave: Releases a wave of pure void energy, causing 14600 to 15400 Shadow damage to players within 8 yards and causing them to flee in fear for 6 sec.
- Entropic Blast: Blasts the target’s mind for 9740 to 10200 Shadow damage and causes them to flee in fear for 6 sec.
Die Fähigkeiten dieses Encounters:
- Stage One: My Minions are Endless!
- Arena Floor
- Spawn of G’huun: When any of G’huun’s minions are slain, Spawns of G’huun erupt from the corpse. (Mythic)
- Blood Host: The Spawn of G’huun burrows into its target, inflicting 10 Plague damage every 2 sec for 20 sec.
Upon removal, 2 Spawn of G’huun erupt from the afflicted player. - Dark Purpose: The Spawn of G’huun fixates upon a random player and moves towards them, increasing in speed over time. Upon reaching the target the Spawn of G’huun burrows into the target, making it a Blood Host.
- Blood Host: The Spawn of G’huun burrows into its target, inflicting 10 Plague damage every 2 sec for 20 sec.
- Blood Shield: While shielded, G’huun’s regenerates 5% of his maximum health every 0.5 sec.
- Explosive Corruption: G’huun spreads corruption to a random player that explodes after 5 sec, inflicting 37 Plague damage to all players within 5 yards, creating a patch of Blighted Ground.
- In addition, when Explosive Corruption expires, it creates 5 Virulent Corruption that radiate outward. (Normal, Heroic, Raid Finder)
- Virulent Corruption: Touching a Virulent Corruption inflicts 18 Plague damage and causes it to infect the target with Explosive Corruption (Heroic)
- Virulent Corruption: Touching a Virulent Corruption inflicts 18 Plague damage. (Normal, Raid Finder)
- Blighted Ground: Creates a zone of corrupted ground. Standing within the area inflicts 20 Plague damage every 1.5 sec and reduces the target’s movement speed by 70%.
Reorigination Blast causes all areas of Blighted Ground to shrink over time until they vanish. (Normal, Heroic, Raid Finder)
- Explosive Corruption: G’huun spreads corruption to all players that explodes after 5 sec, inflicting 37 Plague damage to all players within 5 yards. Creating a patch of Blighted Ground.
In addition, when Explosive Corruption expires, it creates 3 Virulent Corruption that radiate outward. (Mythic) - Virulent Corruption: Touching a Virulent Corruption inflicts 18 Plague damage and causes it to infect the target with Explosive Corruption
- In Mythic difficulty, touching Virulent Corruption immediately causes 3 additonal Virulent Corruption to radiate out from the target.(Mythic)
- Blighted Ground: Creates a zone of corrupted ground. Standing within the area inflicts 20 Plague damage every 1.5 sec and reduces the target’s movement speed by 70%.
Reorigination Blast causes all areas of Blighted Ground to shrink over time until they vanish. (Mythic)
- Thousand Maws: G’huun summons forth minions to assist him.
- Cyclopean Terror
- Torment: The caster assaults a random player’s mind, inflicting increasing Shadow damage every 3 sec for 15 sec.
- Cyclopean Terror
- Spawn of G’huun: When any of G’huun’s minions are slain, Spawns of G’huun erupt from the corpse. (Mythic)
- Dark Young
- Massive Smash: Filled with unending rage, the caster slams their target, inflicting 180 Physical damage and knocking them back.
- Dark Bargain: Upon reaching 100 energy the Dark Young unleashes a profane ritual, increasing the damage taken, healing done and damage done of all creatures, including players, within 10 yards of the caster by 25% for 30 sec. (Raid Finder)
- Dark Bargain: Upon reaching 100 energy the Dark Young unleashes a profane ritual, increasing the damage taken, healing done and damage done of all creatures, including players, within 10 yards of the caster by 25% for 30 sec.
Any player reaching 2 stacks of Dark Bargain becomes an unwilling thrall of G’huun, attacking their allies until they are brought to 50% of their maximum life. (Normal) - Dark Bargain: Upon reaching 100 energy the Dark Young unleashes a profane ritual, increasing the damage taken, healing done and damage done of all creatures, including players, within 10 yards of the caster by 25% for 30 sec.
Any player reaching 2 stacks of Dark Bargain becomes an unwilling thrall of G’huun, attacking their allies until they are slain. (Heroic, Mythic)
- Blightspreader Tendril: The Blightspreader Tendril slowly loses energy over time. Upon reaching 0 energy, the tendril burrows through the ground to a new location. (Heroic, Mythic)
- Decaying Eruption: Inflicts 49 Plague damage to all players.
- Burrow: The caster burrows through the ground to a random location.
- Upper Platforms
- Power Matrix: A mote of titanic power. Depositing this core in the Reorigination Drive generates 17 energy. While holding the Power Matrix, the target’s movement speed is reduced by 20% every 2 sec until they become immobile. !16 In Mythic difficulty, the Reorigination Drive is only charged if two Power Matrices are deposited within 3 sec.
- Throw Power Matrix: Throws the titan core up to 20 yards. If the core is not caught by another player it is destroyed.
- Imperfect Physiology: The lingering effects of the curse of flesh interfere with the titan’s power, preventing interaction with the Titan Cores for 5 min.
- Matrix Surge: Picking up the Power Matrix causes a surge of power that moves towards whomever holds the Power Matrix, inflicting 184 Arcane damage to all enemies within 4 yards every 0.5 sec. (Mythic)
- Reorigination Blast: When the Reorigination Drive reaches 100 energy it unleashes a blast of titanic power, inflicting 47 Arcane damage to all creatures, including players, every 5 sec for 25 sec.
This blast incapacitates G’huun and all of his minions, and increases all damage taken by these creatures by 100% for 25 sec. - Amorphus Cyst
- Undulating Mass: Creates an area of mossy growth that, inflicts 2 Plague damage every 1.5 sec and reduces movement speed by 75% while standing within the area.
- Tendrils of Corruption: Nightmarish tendrils grasp and squeeze any player who touches them, immobilizing the target and inflicting 8 Plague damage every 1.5 sec for 12 sec. (Mythic)
- Unclean Contagion: Spore clouds choke the upper platforms surrounding G’huun, inflicting 2 Plague damage every 2 sec while remaining in the area.
- Arena Floor
- Stage Two: Behold the Power of G’huun!: After activating the Reorigination Drive, G’huun is forced from his protective lair.
- Arena Floor
- Spawn of G’huun: When any of G’huun’s minions are slain, Spawns of G’huun erupt from the corpse. (Mythic)
- Dark Purpose: The Spawn of G’huun fixates upon a random player and moves towards them, increasing in speed over time. Upon reaching the target the Spawn of G’huun burrows into the target, making it a Blood Host.
- Blood Host: The Spawn of G’huun burrows into its target, inflicting 10 Plague damage every 2 sec for 20 sec.
Upon removal, 2 Spawn of G’huun erupt from the afflicted player.
- Corrupting Bite: Each of G’huun’s melee attacks inflict an additional 25 Plague damage.
- Growing Corruption: With each consecutive melee attack against the same target, the damage of Corrupting Bite is increased by 20%. This effect stacks.
When G’huun switches to a new target, Growing Corruption is reset.
- Growing Corruption: With each consecutive melee attack against the same target, the damage of Corrupting Bite is increased by 20%. This effect stacks.
- Wave of Corruption: G’huun unleashes a wave of decay that radiates away from him. Any player touching the wave causes a noxious explosion that inflicts 12 Plague damage to all players within 5 yards, knocking them back and applying Putrid Blood to each player.
- Putrid Blood: Inflicts 5 Plague damage every 1.5 sec. This effect stacks.
- Blood Feast: Tendrils of G’huun’s corruption immobilize a target for 8 sec.
After 8 sec, players within 8 yards of the target have their applications of Putrid Blood reset and a Gibbering Horror is spawned.- Gibbering Horror
- Blood Might: Each application of Putrid Blood that is consumed by Blood Feast increases the Gibbering Horror’s maximum health and damage done by 5%.
- Unstoppable Corruption: The churning corruption of G’huun prevents the Gibbering Horror from dying outright.
When reduced to 0 life, the Gibbering Horror erupts into a mass of Blighted Ground. After 35 sec, the Gibbering Horror is restored to 80% of its maximum life.
This effect is removed when the Gibbering Horror is under the effect of Reorigination Blast. (Mythic)- Blighted Ground: Creates a zone of corrupted ground. Standing within the area inflicts 20 Plague damage every 1.5 sec and reduces the target’s movement speed by 70%.
Reorigination Blast causes all areas of Blighted Ground to shrink over time until they vanish. (Mythic)
- Blighted Ground: Creates a zone of corrupted ground. Standing within the area inflicts 20 Plague damage every 1.5 sec and reduces the target’s movement speed by 70%.
- Mind-Numbing Chatter: The caster babbles incoherently, inflicting 18 Shadow damage to all players and interrupting casting for 3 sec.!16 In Mythic difficulty, each cast also applies Chattering Echoes to the caster.
- Chattering Echoes: Increases the damage of Mind-Numbing Chatter by 50%. This effect stacks. (Mythic)
- Gibbering Horror
- Spawn of G’huun: When any of G’huun’s minions are slain, Spawns of G’huun erupt from the corpse. (Mythic)
- Bursting Boil: G’huun calls forth 3 Bursting Boils. Each boil explodes after 10 sec, inflicting 50 Shadow damage and an additional 12 Shadow damage every 2 sec for 30 sec to the 3 targets closest to the boil.
Any player reaching 2 stacks of Bursting Boil becomes an unwilling thrall of G’huun, attacking their allies until they are slain. (Mythic) - Explosive Corruption: G’huun spreads corruption to a random player that explodes after 5 sec, inflicting 37 Plague damage to all players within 5 yards, creating a patch of Blighted Ground.In addition, when Explosive Corruption expires, it creates 5 Virulent Corruption that radiate outward. (Normal, Heroic, Raid Finder)
- Virulent Corruption: Touching a Virulent Corruption inflicts 18 Plague damage and causes it to infect the target with Explosive Corruption (Heroic)
- Virulent Corruption: Touching a Virulent Corruption inflicts 18 Plague damage. (Normal, Raid Finder)
- Blighted Ground: Creates a zone of corrupted ground. Standing within the area inflicts 20 Plague damage every 1.5 sec and reduces the target’s movement speed by 70%.
Reorigination Blast causes all areas of Blighted Ground to shrink over time until they vanish. (Normal, Heroic, Raid Finder)
- Explosive Corruption: G’huun spreads corruption to all players that explodes after 5 sec, inflicting 37 Plague damage to all players within 5 yards. Creating a patch of Blighted Ground.
In addition, when Explosive Corruption expires, it creates 3 Virulent Corruption that radiate outward. (Normal)- Virulent Corruption: Touching a Virulent Corruption inflicts 18 Plague damage and causes it to infect the target with Explosive Corruption (Mythic)
- Blighted Ground: Creates a zone of corrupted ground. Standing within the area inflicts 20 Plague damage every 1.5 sec and reduces the target’s movement speed by 70%.
Reorigination Blast causes all areas of Blighted Ground to shrink over time until they vanish. (Mythic)
- Upper Platforms
- Power Matrix: A mote of titanic power. Depositing this core in the Reorigination Drive generates 17 energy. While holding the Power Matrix, the target’s movement speed is reduced by 20% every 2 sec until they become immobile. !16 In Mythic difficulty, the Reorigination Drive is only charged if two Power Matrices are deposited within 3 sec.
- Throw Power Matrix: Throws the titan core up to 20 yards. If the core is not caught by another player it is destroyed.
- Imperfect Physiology: The lingering effects of the curse of flesh interfere with the titan’s power, preventing interaction with the Titan Cores for 5 min.
- Matrix Surge: Picking up the Power Matrix causes a surge of power that moves towards whomever holds the Power Matrix, inflicting 184 Arcane damage to all enemies within 4 yards every 0.5 sec. (Mythic)
- Reorigination Blast: When the Reorigination Drive reaches 100 energy it unleashes a blast of titanic power, inflicting 47 Arcane damage to all creatures, including players, every 5 sec for 25 sec.
This blast incapacitates G’huun and all of his minions, and increases all damage taken by these creatures by 100% for 25 sec. - Amorphus Cyst
- Undulating Mass: Creates an area of mossy growth that, inflicts 2 Plague damage every 1.5 sec and reduces movement speed by 75% while standing within the area.
- Tendrils of Corruption: Nightmarish tendrils grasp and squeeze any player who touches them, immobilizing the target and inflicting 8 Plague damage every 1.5 sec for 12 sec. (Mythic)
- Unclean Contagion: Spore clouds choke the upper platforms surrounding G’huun, inflicting 2 Plague damage every 2 sec while remaining in the area.
- Arena Floor
- Stage Three: Your Destruction is Assured!: When G’huun reaches 25% health he destroys the focusing crystal, rendering the machine inoperable.
- Collapse: G’huun destroys the Reorigination Drive causing several pieces of debris to rain from the ceiling, inflicting 300 Physical damage to all players. Players farther from the impact take less damage.
- Arena Floor
- Malignant Growth: G’huun creates a series of Malignant Growths that explode, inflicting 123 Plague damage to all players within 7 yards. (Mythic, Heroic)
- Bursting Boil: G’huun calls forth 3 Bursting Boils. Each boil explodes after 10 sec, inflicting 50 Shadow damage and an additional 12 Shadow damage every 2 sec for 30 sec to the 3 targets closest to the boil.
Any player reaching 2 stacks of Bursting Boil becomes an unwilling thrall of G’huun, attacking their allies until they are slain. (Mythic) - Corrupting Bite: Each of G’huun’s melee attacks inflict an additional 25 Plague damage.
- Growing Corruption: With each consecutive melee attack against the same target, the damage of Corrupting Bite is increased by 20%. This effect stacks.
When G’huun switches to a new target, Growing Corruption is reset.
- Growing Corruption: With each consecutive melee attack against the same target, the damage of Corrupting Bite is increased by 20%. This effect stacks.
- Wave of Corruption: G’huun unleashes a wave of decay that radiates away from him. Any player touching the wave causes a noxious explosion that inflicts 12 Plague damage to all players within 5 yards, knocking them back and applying Putrid Blood to each player. (Heroic, Mythic)
- Putrid Blood: Inflicts 5 Plague damage every 1.5 sec. This effect stacks.
- Wave of Corruption: G’huun unleashes a wave of decay that radiates away from him. Any player touching the wave causes a noxious explosion that inflicts 12 Plague damage, and applies an application of Putrid Blood. (Normal, Raid Finder)
- Putrid Blood: Inflicts 5 Plague damage every 1.5 sec. This effect stacks.
- Gaze of G’huun: G’huun unleashes a wave of terror, causing all players facing him to flee in fear for 6 sec.
- Explosive Corruption: G’huun spreads corruption to a random player that explodes after 5 sec, inflicting 37 Plague damage to all players within 5 yards, creating a patch of Blighted Ground. In addition, when Explosive Corruption expires, it creates 5 Virulent Corruption that radiate outward. (Normal, Heroic, Raid Finder)
- Virulent Corruption: Touching a Virulent Corruption inflicts 18 Plague damage and causes it to infect the target with Explosive Corruption (Heroic)
- Virulent Corruption: Touching a Virulent Corruption inflicts 18 Plague damage. (Normal, Raid Finder)
- Blighted Ground: Creates a zone of corrupted ground. Standing within the area inflicts 20 Plague damage every 1.5 sec and reduces the target’s movement speed by 70%. Reorigination Blast causes all areas of Blighted Ground to shrink over time until they vanish. (Normal, Heroic, Raid Finder)
- Explosive Corruption: G’huun spreads corruption to all players that explodes after 5 sec, inflicting 37 Plague damage to all players within 5 yards. Creating a patch of Blighted Ground. In addition, when Explosive Corruption expires, it creates 3 Virulent Corruption that radiate outward. (Mythic)
- Virulent Corruption: Touching a Virulent Corruption inflicts 18 Plague damage and causes it to infect the target with Explosive Corruption (Mythic)
- Blighted Ground: Creates a zone of corrupted ground. Standing within the area inflicts 20 Plague damage every 1.5 sec and reduces the target’s movement speed by 70%. Reorigination Blast causes all areas of Blighted Ground to shrink over time until they vanish. (Mythic)