Patch 7.3.2: Der neue Build 25135 wurde auf den PTR aufgespielt

In der vergangenen Nacht haben die Entwickler von World of Warcraft den neuen Build 25135 auf den bereits in der letzten Woche gestarteten öffentlichen Testserver von Patch 7.3.2 aufgespielt und dadurch dann einige weitere Änderungen für dieses MMORPG zu dieser kommenden Spielversion hinzugefügt. Da es sich bei Patch 7.3.2 im Grunde allerdings nur um ein recht kleines Update voller technischer Anpassungen und Spielbalanceänderungen handelt, brachte selbstverständlich auch dieser neue Build nur eine Reihe von kleineren Veränderungen an den spielbaren Klassen, ausgewählten Gegenständen und den Inhalten rund um den bald erscheinenden Schlachtzug „Antorus, der Brennende Thron“ mit sich. Weiter unten in diesem Artikel findet ihr nun eine informative Zusammenfassung der meisten bisher bereits von Data Minern in den Spieldaten dieses Builds entdeckten Inhalte.
Probleme auf einem Mac:
Einem Beitrag von Blueposter Arvaanas zufolge steht dieser neue Build den Spielern mit einem Mac im Moment noch nicht zur Verfügung. Das Entwicklerteam möchte diese Inhalte im Verlauf des heutigen Tages nachreichen.
Hey everyone!
We’re aware that 7.3.2 Mac build files are not available at the moment and we will deploy them tomorrow morning.Thanks for your patience and we apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
Veränderungen an den Schmuckstücken aus Antorus:
Eonar’s Verdant Embrace
- Your healing effects have a chance to grow an Emerald Blossom nearby, which heals a random injured ally for 0 every 2 sec. Lasts
12 sec.14 sec.- Eonar’s Verdant Embrace
- When empowered by the Pantheon, your next 6 direct healing spells grant the target a shield that prevents 0 damage for 30 sec.
- Eonar’s Verdant Embrace
- Your healing effects have a chance to grow an Emerald Blossom nearby, which heals a random injured ally for 0 every 2 sec. Lasts
Golganneth’s Thunderous Wrath Your damaging abilities have a chance to create a Ravaging Storm at your target’s location, inflicting 0 Nature damage to all enemies within 6 yds over
6 sec.8 sec.- Golganneth’s Thunderous Wrath
- When empowered by the Pantheon, your autoattacks cause an explosion of lightning dealing [1 * (Mainhand weapon base speed) * 0] Nature damage to all enemies within 8 yds of the target. Lasts 15 sec.
- Golganneth’s Thunderous Wrath
Anpassungen an den Set-Boni:
- Item – Druid T21 Balance 2P Bonus Increase the damage of
Solar Wrath by 15% and Lunar Strike by 10%.Starfall by 10% and Starsurge by 10%. - Item – Hunter T21 Marksmanship 4P Bonus Marked Shot has a
15% chance to fire at the target an additional time.30% chance to fire at up to 3 additional targets hit by Marked Shot an additional time. - Item – Hunter T21 Survival 2P Bonus Flanking Strike has a
10%50% chance to increase the critical strike chance of your next Raptor Strike by 100% and the critical strike damage of Raptor Strike by 50% within the next 20 sec. - Item – Hunter T21 Survival 4P Bonus Each cast of Mongoose Bite increases the damage of your next Raptor Strike by
10%20%. Stacks up to 6 times. - Item – Mage T21 Frost 4P Bonus When you consume Brain Freeze, the damage of your next
Frostbolt or Ice Lance is increased by 75%.Ice Lance is increased by 25%. - Item – Monk T21 Mistweaver 2P Bonus When Gust of Mists heals a target, they have a 100% chance to gain Tranquil Mist which heals them for
[*4 + 80%[*6 + 38% of Spell Power*] health over8 sec.12 sec. - Item – Monk T21 Mistweaver 4P Bonus When you cast Renewing Mist, you have a
50%100% chance to send a bolt of healing Chi at all targets affected by Tranquil Mist, healing them for[*50% of Spell Power*].[*300% of Spell Power*]. - Item – Priest T21 Discipline 2P Bonus Reduces the recharge time of Power Word: Radiance by
2.0 sec.3.0 sec. - Item – Priest T21 Discipline 4P Bonus When you cast Power Word: Radiance, the damage of your next Penance is increased by
30%.65%. - Item – Priest T21 Shadow 4P Bonus Each stack of Void Form increases
your critical strike chance by 1%.the critical strike chance of Mind Flay, Void Bolt, and Mind Blast by 1%. - Item – Rogue T21 Assassination 2P Bonus When you
Envenom a targetuse Envenom, your Deadly and Wound poisons have 15% increased chance to critically strikethe target.for 6 sec. - Item – Rogue T21 Assassination 4P Bonus When your Deadly or Wound poisons critically strike the target, you have
100% chance to gain 1 Energy.a 100% chance to gain 4 Energy. - Item – Rogue T21 Subtlety 4P Bonus
Nightblade and Eviscerate have a 10% chanceBackstab and Shadowstrike have a 5% chance to grant you Shadow Gestures, causing your next finishing move to refund 100% of Combo Points spent when used. - Item – Shaman T21 Restoration 2P Bonus When you cast Healing Rain, up to 6 allies within its area are immediately healed for [*1 +
50% of Spell Power*].225% of Spell Power*]. - Item – Shaman T21 Restoration 4P Bonus Healing Wave and Healing Surge casts have a 100% chance to heal a player standing in your Healing Rain for
30% of the amount.40% of the amount. - Item – Warlock T21 Affliction 2P Bonus When Agony deals damage, there is a
2%8% chance to increase the duration of Unstable Affliction on the target by1.0 sec.2.0 sec. - Item – Warlock T21 Affliction 4P Bonus When you cast Unstable Affliction or Seed of Corruption, all targets within 60 yards suffering from your Agony
immediately take 1 Shadow damage.take 10% increased damage from your Corruption and Agony for 6 sec. - Item – Warlock T21 Demonology 2P Bonus
Increases the damage of your Call Dreadstalkers by 25%.Each Soul Shard spent on Hand of Gul’dan increases the damage dealt by your next Call Dreadstalkers by 4%. - Item – Warlock T21 Destruction 4P Bonus Chaos Bolt will deal an additional
10%12% of its direct damage caused to the target over 4 sec. - Item – Warrior T21 Protection 2P Bonus
When you cast Demoralizing Shout, the duration of your next Shield Block is increased by 6.0 sec.While Battle Cry is active, the cooldown of Shield Slam is reduced by 100%.
Death Knight:
- Blood
Death and Decay
- Corrupts the targeted ground, causing [(28.62% of Attack power) * 11] Shadow damage over 10 sec to targets within the area. While you remain within the area, your Heart Strike will hit up to
1003 additional targets.Scourge Strike will hit all enemies near the target.
- Corrupts the targeted ground, causing [(28.62% of Attack power) * 11] Shadow damage over 10 sec to targets within the area. While you remain within the area, your Heart Strike will hit up to
- Unholy
Death and Decay
- Corrupts the targeted ground, causing [(28.62% of Attack power) * 11] Shadow damage over 10 sec to targets within the area. While you remain within the area, your Heart Strike will hit up to
1003 additional targets.Scourge Strike will hit all enemies near the target.
- Corrupts the targeted ground, causing [(28.62% of Attack power) * 11] Shadow damage over 10 sec to targets within the area. While you remain within the area, your Heart Strike will hit up to
- Balance
Touch of the Moon
- When you take damage, you have a
5%20% chance to heal yourself for [(360% of Spell power) * 1]. Cannot occur more than once every 20 sec. - Rank 2: When you take damage, you have a
10%20% chance to heal yourself for ((360% of Spell power) * 2). Cannot occur more than once every 20 sec. - Rank 3: When you take damage, you have a
15%20% chance to heal yourself for ((360% of Spell power) * 3). Cannot occur more than once every 20 sec. - Rank 4: When you take damage, you have a 20% chance to heal yourself for ((360% of Spell power) * 4). Cannot occur more than once every 20 sec.
- Rank 5: When you take damage, you have a
25%20% chance to heal yourself for ((360% of Spell power) * 5). Cannot occur more than once every 20 sec. - Rank 6: When you take damage, you have a
30%20% chance to heal yourself for ((360% of Spell power) * 6). Cannot occur more than once every 20 sec. - Rank 7: When you take damage, you have a
35%20% chance to heal yourself for ((360% of Spell power) * 7). Cannot occur more than once every 20 sec. - Rank 8: When you take damage, you have a
40%20% chance to heal yourself for ((360% of Spell power) * 8). Cannot occur more than once every 20 sec.
- When you take damage, you have a
- Feral
Enraged Maim
- You deal 600% Physical damage and incapacitate the target for
65 sec. - Cost changed from 35 Energy to 35 Energy / 5 Energy
- Cooldown changed from 6 sec cooldown to 10 sec cooldown
- You deal 600% Physical damage and incapacitate the target for
- Beast Mastery
One with the Pack
- Grants Wild Call a 30% increased chance to
reducereset the cooldown of Dire Frenzy.
- Grants Wild Call a 30% increased chance to
- Fire
Fire Blast
- Blasts the enemy for (188.8% of Spell power) Fire damage. Castable while casting other spells. Always deals a critical strike.
Maximum 1 charges.
- Blasts the enemy for (188.8% of Spell power) Fire damage. Castable while casting other spells. Always deals a critical strike.
- Frost
Fire Blast
- Blasts the enemy for (188.8% of Spell power) Fire damage. Castable while casting other spells. Always deals a critical strike.
Maximum 1 charges.
- Blasts the enemy for (188.8% of Spell power) Fire damage. Castable while casting other spells. Always deals a critical strike.
- Elemental
Shamanistic Healing
- When your health drops below 35%, The Fist of Ra-den heals you for [(412.5% of Spell power) * 1]. Can occur only once every 30 sec.
- Rank 2: When your health drops below 35%, The Fist of Ra-den heals you for ((412.5% of Spell power) * 2). Can occur only once every
2830 sec. - Rank 3: When your health drops below 35%, The Fist of Ra-den heals you for ((412.5% of Spell power) * 3). Can occur only once every
2630 sec. - Rank 4: When your health drops below 35%, The Fist of Ra-den heals you for ((412.5% of Spell power) * 4). Can occur only once every
2430 sec. - Rank 5: When your health drops below 35%, The Fist of Ra-den heals you for ((412.5% of Spell power) * 5). Can occur only once every
2230 sec. - Rank 6: When your health drops below 35%, The Fist of Ra-den heals you for ((412.5% of Spell power) * 6). Can occur only once every
2030 sec. - Rank 7: When your health drops below 35%, The Fist of Ra-den heals you for ((412.5% of Spell power) * 7). Can occur only once every
1830 sec. - Rank 8: When your health drops below 35%, The Fist of Ra-den heals you for ((412.5% of Spell power) * 8). Can occur only once every
1630 sec.
Argus, der Zerrütter im Dungeonkompendium:
Der neue Build 25135 hat den im Dungeonkompendium vorhandenen Eintrag von Argus, der Zerrütter noch einmal aktualisiert.
- The Unmaking of Creation: The Speaker has heard the anguished whispers of the Unmaker, an emerald star calling out from the darkness. Little is known of him, only that his once-noble soul has been twisted by ages of endless torment.
- Tanks:
- >Alternate tanks on Argus to minimize [Sweeping Scythe] damage.
- If you are made the [Avatar of Aggramar], you will need to protect players afflicted by [Soulbomb] so they are not killed by [Soulbomb Detonation].
- Constellar Designates equipped with [Sword of the Cosmos] and [Blades of the Eternal] should be tanked. Additionally, try to keep the Designate equipped with [Sword of the Cosmos] away from any other designates to avoid [Cosmic Power] stacking too high.
- Healers:
- Players afflicted by [Soulbomb] and [Soulburst] will take heavy damage – make sure their health is high enough that they are not subsequently killed by [Soulbomb Detonation] and [Soulburst Detonation].
- If you are afflicted by [Soulbomb], move to the [Avatar of Aggramar] to avoid being killed by [Soulbomb Detonation].
- Once [Gift of the Lifebinder] is afflicted with [Withering Roots], heal it to keep it alive so that players can use it to come back to life.
- Collect the [Motes of Titanic Power] while you are a ghost to empower Khaz’goroth, enabling him to cast [Titanforging].
- Damage Dealers:
- Move into [Gift of the Sky] or [Gift of the Sea] to gain the power of Golganneth. However, make sure you always move into the same one, as the effects are mutually exclusive!
- If you are afflicted by [Soulbomb], move to the [Avatar of Aggramar] to avoid being killed by [Soulbomb Detonation].
- Collect the [Motes of Titanic Power] while you are a ghost to empower Khaz’goroth, enabling him to cast [Titanforging].
- Tanks:
- Stage One: Storm and Sky
- Cone of Death: When Argus reaches 100 Titanic Essence, he cleaves the fabric of reality, creating a cone of Death Fog in front of him.
- Blight Orb: Summons a Blight Orb which applies Wasting Plague to players before dissipating.
- Wasting Plague: Inflicts 1250000 Shadow damage and creates a pool of Death Fog at the affected player’s location every 4 sec. for 8 sec.
- Death Fog: Inflicts 2500000 Shadow damage to players every 1 sec.
- Tortured Rage: Argus strikes the ground in rage, inflicting 2437500 to 2562500 Shadow damage to all players.
- Sweeping Scythe: Cleaves players in a half-circle in front of him, inflicting 6000000 Physical damage and increasing damage taken by subsequent Sweeping Scythes by 200% for 30 sec. This effect stacks.
- Golganneth’s Aid
- Sky and Sea: Golganneth channels his fury to empower players, creating a Gift of the Sky and a Gift of the Sea.
- Gift of the Sky: A swirling essence of storms that lasts for 10 sec, granting any player who enters it the Strength of the Sky.
Players may only gain Strength of the Sky once from each Gift of the Sky.- Strength of the Sky: Increases Critical Strike and Mastery by 1500 for 30 sec. This effect stacks.
This effective is mutually exclusive with Strength of the Sea. Gaining Strength of the Sea will cancel Strength of the Sky.
- Strength of the Sky: Increases Critical Strike and Mastery by 1500 for 30 sec. This effect stacks.
- Gift of the Sky: A swirling essence of storms that lasts for 10 sec, granting any player who enters it the Strength of the Sky.
- Sky and Sea: Golganneth channels his fury to empower players, creating a Gift of the Sky and a Gift of the Sea.
- Gift of the Sea: A torrential mass of water that lasts for 10 sec, granting any player who enters it the Strength of the Sea.
Players may only gain Strength of the Sea once from each Gift of the Sea.- Strength of the Sea: Increases Haste and Versatility by 1500 for 30 sec. This effect stacks.
This effective is mutually exclusive with Strength of the Sky. Gaining Strength of the Sky will cancel Strength of the Sea.
- Strength of the Sea: Increases Haste and Versatility by 1500 for 30 sec. This effect stacks.
- Stage Two: The Protector Redeemed:
- When Argus reaches 70% health, Golganneth begins to cast [Golganneth’s Wrath], clearing away any [Death Fog] on the platform.
- Volatile Soul: At 100 Titanic Essence, Argus exposes the volatility in living souls, applying Soulburst to two players and Soulbomb to one.
The lingering corruption will then again apply Soulburst to two players when Argus reaches 50 Titanic Essence.- Soulburst: Inflicts 500000 Shadow damage every 3 sec. for 15 sec.
When Soulburst wears off, a Soulburst Detonation is triggered from the afflicted players location.- Soulburst Detonation: Inflicts up to 2000000 Shadow damage to all players. This amount is reduced the further away players are from the blast, up to a maximum of 45 yards.
- Soulbomb: Inflicts 750000 Shadow damage every 3 sec. for 15 sec.
When Soulbomb wears off, a Soulbomb Detonation is triggered from the afflicted players location.- Soulbomb Detonation: Inflicts up to 10000000 Shadow damage to all players. This amount is dramatically reduced the further away players are from the blast, up to a maximum of 45 yards.
- Soulburst: Inflicts 500000 Shadow damage every 3 sec. for 15 sec.
- Edge of Obliteration: Manifests a scythe of dark energy which travels in a line, inflicting 1250000 Physical damage every 2 sec. for 12 sec, and knocking back any players it comes into contact with.
- Tortured Rage: Argus strikes the ground in rage, inflicting 2437500 to 2562500 Shadow damage to all players.
- Sweeping Scythe: Cleaves players in a half-circle in front of him, inflicting 6000000 Physical damage and increasing damage taken by subsequent Sweeping Scythes by 200% for 30 sec. This effect stacks.
- Aggramar’s Aid
- Avatar of Aggramar: Aggramar grants a player a measure of his strength, increasing health by 200% and movement speed by 0% for 1 min.
The Avatar of Aggramar also grants Agrammar’s Boon to all nearby players, redirecting damage taken to nearby players to themselves.
Any damage taken while a player is the Avatar of Aggramar grants Titanic Essence, and the Avatar of Aggramar also gains access to the ability Taehsalach Technique.- Aggramar’s Boon: Players who stand near the Avatar of Aggramar have any damage they take redirected to the Avatar.
- Taeshalach Technique: The Avatar of Aggramar fully takes on the form of Aggramar and unleashes his wrath in the form of a deadly series of blows. The Avatar cannot move or use abilities while unleashing Taeshalach Technique.Requires 75 Titanic Essence.
- Flame Rend: Inflicts 2500000 Fire damage to any enemies in front of the Avatar.
- Foe Breaker: Inflictrs 2500000 Physical damage to the Avatar’s current target.
- Searing Tempest: Inflicts 5000000 Fire damage to any of the Avatar’s enemies within 35.
- Avatar of Aggramar: Aggramar grants a player a measure of his strength, increasing health by 200% and movement speed by 0% for 1 min.
- Stage Three: The Arcane Masters:
- When Argus reaches 40% health, he is sufficiently weakened such that Aman’thul is able to subdue him with a [Temporal Blast]. However, the players must then contend with Argus‘ Constellar Designtaes. (Normal, Heroic, Raid Finder)
- The Constellar Designates
- Cosmic Ray: Channels a beam of cosmic energy towards a player, inflicting 3000000 Arcane damage to any players hit by the beam.
- Cosmic Beacon: Selects a player as a targeting beacon for Cosmic Smash, calling one down at their position after 8 sec.
- Cosmic Smash: Inflicts 1500000 Arcane damage to all players immediately and an additional 900000 Arcane damage every 2 sec. for 6 sec. This effect stacks.
- Impending Inevitability: Constellars gain Impending Inevitability when their casts are interrupted.
- Inevitability: Immune to interrupts for 20 sec.
- Starblast: Inflicts 1156250 to 1343750 Arcane damage to an enemy.
- The Stellar Armory: Periodically, two of the Constellar Designates will be granted arms from the Stellar Armory. When equipped with these arms, the Designates will no longer use their other abilities and will instead engage in melee attacks.
- Sword of the Cosmos: Increases melee attack damage by 200% and grants the ability Cosmic Power.
- Cosmic Power: Empowers the caster and any other Constellar Designates within 20, increasing damage done by 20% for 3 min.
- Sword of the Cosmos: Increases melee attack damage by 200% and grants the ability Cosmic Power.
- Blades of the Eternal: Melee attack damage increased by 300%.
- Norgannon’s Aid
- The Discs of Norgannon: Exposes elemental weaknesses in the Constellar Designates. Each Designate takes 200% increased damage from a single school for until cancelled.
- Aman’thul’s Aid
- Drain Titanic Essence: Aman’thul drains the Titanic Essence from defeated Constellar Designates, powering a massive strike to disrupt Argus‘ attack against the players.
- Stage Three: The Arcane Masters:
- When Argus reaches 40% health, he is sufficiently weakened such that Aman’thul is able to subdue him with a [Temporal Blast]. Or – so it seems… (Mythic)
- Stage Four: The Gift of Life, The Forge of Loss:
- His Constellar Designates buying him the time to regain his strength, Argus kills the players with [Reap Soul]. All hope would be lost, were it not for the titans… (Normal, Heroic, Raid Finder.
- Ember of Rage: Argus‘ pure rage manifests as burning embers of titanic energy, which fall to the platform and detonate, inflicting 3000000 Shadow damage immediately and 1000000 Shadow damage every 2 sec. for 20 sec to any players hit. This effect stacks.
- Tortured Rage: Argus strikes the ground in rage, inflicting 2437500 to 2562500 Shadow damage to all players.
- Volatile Soul: At 100 Titanic Essence, Argus exposes the volatility in living souls, applying Soulburst to two players and Soulbomb to one.
The lingering corruption will then again apply Soulburst to two players when Argus reaches 50 Titanic Essence. - Sweeping Scythe: Cleaves players in a half-circle in front of him, inflicting 6000000 Physical damage and increasing damage taken by subsequent Sweeping Scythes by 200% for 30 sec. This effect stacks. (Normal, Raid Finder)
- Deadly Scythe: Cleaves players in a half-circle in front of him, inflicting 6000000 Physical damage and increasing damage taken by subsequent Deadly Scythes by 200%. This effect lasts forever and stacks. (Heroic)
- Reorigination Modules: Reorigination Modules will begin an Initialization Sequence when created.
When their health is consumed, they will cast Reorigination Pulse.- Initialization Sequence: Drains the Reorigination Module’s health over 15 sec, increasing the radius of Reorigination Pulse the longer the Initialiation Sequence is channeled.
- Reorigination Pulse: Inflicts 0 Arcane damage to all players and 15000000 Arcane damage to players within area of the Reorigination Pulse.
- The Spirit World
- Hungering Souls: Hungering Souls stalk the spirit world, released by Argus‘ wrath. If they come into contact with any ghosts they will burst, applying Drained Soul to any nearby ghosts.
- Soul Detonation: Knocks back nearby ghosts and reduces their movement speed by 60% for 8 sec.
- Motes of Titanic Power: When Reorigination Modules complete a Reorigination Pulse, their Titanic energy is released into the Spirit World as Motes of Titanic power. Players can walk into these to collect them, granting Khaz’goroth Titanic Essence that he can use to fule his Titanforging ability.
- Hungering Souls: Hungering Souls stalk the spirit world, released by Argus‘ wrath. If they come into contact with any ghosts they will burst, applying Drained Soul to any nearby ghosts.
- Eonar’s Aid
- Gift of the Lifebinder: Eonar causes the Gift of the Lifebinder to spring forth to save the players. While the Gift of the Lifebinder lives, players may freely Release Spirit after dying. If players move to the tree as ghosts, they will be returned to life, at the cost of some of the Gift of the Lifebinder’s Life Energy.
- When the Gift of the Lifebinder’s Life Energy is depleted, it becomes the Withered Gift of the Lifebinder.
- Withered Gift of the Lifebinder: Players may heal the Withered Gift of the Lifebinder. Additionally, when they use it to resurrect, it is afflicted by Withering Roots.
- Withering Roots: Inflicts 850000 Nature damage every 2 sec. This effect stacks.
- Withered Gift of the Lifebinder: Players may heal the Withered Gift of the Lifebinder. Additionally, when they use it to resurrect, it is afflicted by Withering Roots.
- Khaz’goroth’s Aid:
- When Khaz’goroth has at least 20 Titanic Essence, he will begin to channel Titanforging.
- Players can collect Motes of Titanic Power within the Spirit World to grant Khaz’goroth Titanic Energy.
- Titanforging: Channels, draining 1 Titanic Essence every 1 sec., to grant all living players Titanforged.
- Titanforged: Khaz’goroth reforges players in his image, granting them 15% increased damage and healing and 15% increased movement speed as long as he is able to channel Titanforging.