Diablo 3: „Update“ Die PTR Patchnotes zu Patch 2.5.0

Vor Kurzem wurde der für Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls bestimmte neue Patch 2.5.0 von den Entwicklern auf den öffentlichen Testserver dieses Titels aufgespielt und kann dort nun einige Zeit lang von allen daran interessierten Spielern ausprobiert werden. Passend dazu veröffentlichten die Mitarbeiter von Blizzard Entertainment dann auch wieder offizielle Patchnotes zu diesem Update auf der Internetseite dieses Titels, die die Spieler darüber informieren sollen, was für Neuerungen und Änderungen dieses kommende Update eigentlich mit sich bringen wird. Laut diesen Patchnotes beinhaltet der neue Patch 2.5.0 unter anderem die bereits auf der Blizzcon 2016 vorgestellte Rüstkammer, einen speziellen Lagerbereich für Handwerksmaterialien, eine neue Form von legendären Gegenständen mit der Bezeichnung „Primal Ancient“ und mehrere Anpassungen an den Ausrüstungsteilen des Spiels.
Update: Die Entwickler haben die PTR Patchnotes mittlerweile aktualisiert.
PTR PATCH 2.5.0 – v2.5.0.44247
Last updated March 10 @ 12:00 PM PST.
- New Feature: Armory
- Players may now save up to five different builds per character using the Armory
- This new feature can be found in the town hub within each Act
- Saving a build in the Armory will snapshot your character’s current gear, socketed gems, active and passive skills, and Kanai’s Cube powers
- Equipping a saved armory build will automatically swap items and gear between the character and stash
- Players may now save up to five different builds per character using the Armory
- New Feature: Crafting Mat Storage
- Starting with Patch 2.5.0, crafting materials picked up or obtained through salvaging will now appear in a separate storage tab, freeing up space in the shared stash
- This tab can be accessed through the Inventory window
- Starting with Patch 2.5.0, crafting materials picked up or obtained through salvaging will now appear in a separate storage tab, freeing up space in the shared stash
- Crusader
- Shield Glare
- The Divine Verdict rune has been updated to apply its secondary effect even if the target is immune to crowd control effects
- Shield Glare
- Barbarian
- Seismic Slam
- The Rumble rune will now consume all remaining fury to increase the rune’s damage over time component by 15% weapon damage per point of fury spent
- Seismic Slam
- Bug Fixes
- Demon Hunter
- Impale – Ricochet
- Fixed a bug where the second bounce granted by this rune would sometimes fail if enemies were packed tightly together.
- Impale – Ricochet
- Demon Hunter
- General
- Primal Ancient Items
- Legendary and Set items will now have a chance to roll as Primal Ancient
- These items are much more rare than Ancient items and have perfect Ancient-level stats on all affixes, including the item’s Legendary Power
- Note: Primal Ancients will only begin dropping after a character on the player’s account has reached Greater Rift 70 Solo
- There are separate unlocks for normal and Hardcore characters, as well as Seasonal and non-Seasonal characters
- The stats on these items will be tailored to the character class you are playing when the item first drops
- Note: Primal Ancients will only begin dropping after a character on the player’s account has reached Greater Rift 70 Solo
- Primal Ancient items salvage into 15 Forgotten Souls
- Ancient Items
- Now salvage into 3 Forgotten Souls
- Primal Ancient Items
- Legendary Items
- The following items have been adjusted
- Rimeheart
- Increased the chance to proc its Legendary item power on frozen targets from 10% to 20%
- Strongarm Bracers
- The damage bonus from this item is now applied when the knockback occurs rather than when the enemy lands
- The damage bonus duration has been increased to 6 seconds
- Rimeheart
- The following items have been adjusted
- Class Specific Items
- The following class sets received changes
- Crusader
- Roland’s Legacy
- (4) Set Bonus
- Damage bonus has been increased to 2500% (from 1250%) damage bonus on Sweep Attack and Shield Bash
- (4) Set Bonus
- Roland’s Legacy
- Monk
- Inna’s Favor
- (6) Set Bonus
- Damage bonus for each Mystic Ally has been increased to 125% (from 100%)
- (6) Set Bonus
- Inna’s Favor
- Witch Doctor
- Zunimassa’s Haunt
- (6) Set Bonus
- Damage bonus has been increased to 2500% (from 1500%) when enemies are hit by your mana spenders for 8 seconds
- (6) Set Bonus
- Zunimassa’s Haunt
- Wizard
- Delsere’s Magnum Opus
- (2) Set Bonus
- Cooldown of Slow Time is reduced by 3 seconds (from 2) when casting Arcane Orb, Energy Twister, Explosive Blast, Magic Missile, Shock Pulse, Spectral Blade and Wave of Force
- (4) Set Bonus
- Damage reduction increased to 60% (from 50%)
- (6) Set Bonus
- Enemies take 3500% increased damage (from 2500%) while inside Slow Time
- The slow and damage bonuses persist on enemies for 5 seconds after they exit Slow Time
- (2) Set Bonus
- Delsere’s Magnum Opus
- Crusader
- Some existing class-specific Legendary items have been updated to include a unique Legendary power
Note: Existing items will not be affected by the following changes. Only new versions of the items will roll with the added Legendary power- Demon Hunter
- Holy Point Shot
- Impale throws two additional knives
Note: Each enemy can only be hit once per skill use- Note: This change is still being tested and evaluated
- Impale throws two additional knives
- Holy Point Shot
- Demon Hunter
- The functionality of some items has changed
- The Barber
- This weapon is now a Ceremonial Knife instead of a Dagger, allowing it to roll the same damage as other Witch Doctor items
- The damage bonus to the final explosion of this item’s Legendary power has also been reintroduced
- With this change, the item’s Legendary power will also be updated in Kanai’s Cube for those who already extracted it
- Players will need to re-equip the power in the cube for the updated version to appear
- Manald Heal
- Wizard pets such as Hydras will now also proc the damage component of Manald Heal when attacking a target
- Note: This change will appear in an upcoming PTR patch
- The number of procs generated by channeled skills while using this item has been reduced by 25%
- Wizard pets such as Hydras will now also proc the damage component of Manald Heal when attacking a target
- Illusory Boots
- Now allow the player to pass through enemies and the Waller affix when using Furious Charge, Whirlwind, Strafe and Tempest Rush
- The Barber
- The following class sets received changes
- Bug Fixes
- The Legacy of Raekor
- Fixed a bug where the 6 piece bonus of this set would not buff Earthquake damage
- Primal Ancients
- (PTR Only) Fixed an issue which caused the base armor of Primal Ancient items to incorrectly roll with different values
- The Legacy of Raekor
- Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue causing Elite enemies with the Juggernaut affix to incorrectly take normal damage from Slow Time when combined with Deslere’s Magnum Opus
Adventure Mode
- Greater Rifts
- The requirement for participating in certain difficulty levels in public games has been changed from current Paragon Level to highest solo Greater Rift clear, as follows
- Torment I – VI: No Requirement
- Torment VII: Solo Greater Rift 30
- Torment VIII: Solo Greater Rift 35
- Torment IX: Solo Greater Rift 40
- Torment X: Solo Greater Rift 45
- Torment XI: Solo Greater Rift 50
- Torment XII: Solo Greater Rift 55
- Torment XIII: Solo Greater Rift 60
- Note: This change only applies to players on PC / Mac
- Additionally, several quality of life changes have been made
- The frequency of several tilesets in Greater Rifts has been adjusted
- Caves, Keep Depths and Zoltun Kulle’s Archives will appear less often
- Stinging Winds, Festering Woods, Pandemonium, Tristram Cathedreal, Arreat Crater and Realm of the Banished will appear more often
- The Flooded Causeway and Westmarch locations will no longer appear on the first floor of Greater Rifts
- The number of Spear Throwing Goatmen and Skeleton Archers that appear in Greater Rifts has been reduced in certain enemy populations
- The frequency of several tilesets in Greater Rifts has been adjusted
- The requirement for participating in certain difficulty levels in public games has been changed from current Paragon Level to highest solo Greater Rift clear, as follows
- Set Dungeons
- Unhallowed Essence
- The upper right tile for this dungeon has been replaced with one that affords more space for monster spawning as a quality of life improvement
- Armor of Akkhan
- The number of times Condemn must hit 10 or more enemies to complete the objective has been reduced from 12 to 10
- Delsere’s Magnum Opus
- The required number of enemies players must hit at once with Slow Time has been reduced from 30 to 20, and the number of times they must be hit has increased from 3 to 4
- Uliana’s Stratagem
- The minimum number of enemies players need to hit with a single Exploding Palm for the first Bonus Objective has been lowered from 21 to 15 and the number of times it must be performed has been changed from 3 to 4
- Unhallowed Essence
- Bounties
- Bonus Acts have been removed
- With this change, completing five bounties in any act will now grant you a Large Horadric Chest containing the same contents as the Horadric and Bonus Caches
- Bonus Acts have been removed
- Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue that caused a specific enemy population of Triune Cultists in Greater Rifts to spawn the wrong ratio of minions