Legion: Build 22685 für Patch 7.1 wurde veröffentlicht

Die Entwickler von World of Warcraft haben im Verlauf der letzten Nacht den neuen Build 22685 auf den aktuell laufenden öffentlichen Testserver von Patch 7.1 aufgespielt und den dort spielenden Testern durch diese Maßnahme wieder einmal einige weitere Neuerungen zum Ausprobieren zur Verfügung gestellt. Diese neue Version dieses vermutlich bereits in einigen Wochen erscheinenden Updates beinhaltete dabei dann neben einer Reihe von Klassenänderungen, Anpassungen an den Artefakten und ein paar interessanten Kleinigkeiten unter anderem auch noch die verschiedenen Modelle für die kosmetischen Rüstungssets, die in Patch 7.1 als Belohnung für die Quest „The Lost Army“ fungieren werden.
Highlights aus diesem Build:
- Es gibt eine neue Glpyhe für Druiden:
Technique: Glyph of Twilight Bloom
- Ein neues Spielzeug:
- Ein Gegenstand für das PvP:
Ivory Feather
- Es gibt einige neue Talente für das PvP:
Die Rüstungssets aus der Prüfung des Mutes:
Folgende kosmetische Rüstungssets fungieren in Patch 7.1 als Belohnung für die Quest „The Lost Army„.
Neue Karten:
- Breath of Sindragosa (Blood) Continuously deal [ 1 +
150%175% of AP ] Shadowfrost damage every 1 sec to enemies in a cone in front of you. - Breath of Sindragosa (Frost) Continuously deal [ 1 +
150%175% of AP ] Shadowfrost damage every 1 sec to enemies in a cone in front of you. - Breath of Sindragosa (Unholy) Continuously deal [ 1 +
150%175% of AP ] Shadowfrost damage every 1 sec to enemies in a cone in front of you. - Frostscythe A sweeping attack that strikes all enemies in front of you for (
120%135% of weapon damage) Frost damage. This attack benefits from Killing Machine. Critical strikes with Frostscythe deal 4 times normal damage. Frost Death Knight – Level 90 Talent. 1 Runes. 8 yd range. Instant. - Frozen Pulse While you have fewer than 2 full Runes, your auto attacks radiate intense cold, inflicting [ 1 +
60%66% of AP ] Frost damage on all nearby enemies. Frost Death Knight – Level 57 Talent. - Rune Tap Consume a Rune to reduce all damage taken by 25% for 3 sec. Blood Death Knight – Level 90 Talent. 1 Runes. Instant.1.5 sec cooldown.
PvP Talents
- Blood for Blood (New) Sacrifices 15% of your total health to increase the damage done by your Heart Strike by 60% for 12 sec. Blood DeathKnight – Tier 5 PvP Talent. 15% of Total Health. Instant. 1.5 sec cooldown.
- Chill Streak
Deals 7%Deals 8% of the target’s total health in Frost damage and reduces their movement speed by 70% for 4 sec. Chill Streak bounces up to 5 times between closest targets. Frost DeathKnight – Tier 5 PvP Talent. 40 yd range. Instant.60 sec cooldown.45 sec cooldown. - Death Chain Chains 3 enemies together, dealing [ 180% of AP ] Shadow damage and causing 25% of all damage taken to also be received by the others in the chain. Lasts for 15 sec. Blood DeathKnight – Tier 5 PvP Talent. 10 yd range. Instant. 15 sec cooldown.
- Deathchill
Chains of Ice now freezes the targetYour Death Grip automatically applies Chains of Ice free of cost, and when you Chains of Ice a target already afflicted by your Chains of Ice you Freeze them, rooting them in place for 4 sec,but now has a 5 sec cooldown.Frost DeathKnight – Tier 4 PvP Talent. - Delirium (New) Your Howling Blast and Frost Strike apply Delirium to the target. Delirium A disease that debilitates the targets movement, reducing the cooldown recovery rate of movement enhancing abilities by 50%. Stacks up to 2 times. Lasts for 8 sec. Frost DeathKnight – Tier 4 PvP Talent.
- Frozen Center
The radius of your Remorseless Winter is increased by 50%, damage increased by 200%, and your movement speed is increased by 15% while active. Frost DeathKnight – Tier 5 PvP Talent.Your Remorseless Winter also freezes all targets within 10 yards, rooting them in place for 4 sec when cast. Frost DeathKnight – Tier 4 PvP Talent. - Last Dance (New) Reduces the cooldown of your Dancing Rune Weapon by 50%. Blood DeathKnight – Tier 5 PvP Talent.
- Necrotic Strike (New) A vicious strike that deals (150% of weapon damage) Plague damage, and inflicts a Necrotic Wound, absorbing the next [ 1,000% of AP ] healing received by the target. Unholy DeathKnight – Tier 5 PvP Talent. 1 Runes. Melee range. Instant. 45 sec cooldown.
- Overpowered Rune Weapon (New) Empowered Rune Weapon’s cooldown is reduced by 2 minutes. Frost DeathKnight – Tier 5 PvP Talent.
- Reanimation Reanimates a nearby corpse, summoning a zombie with 5 health for 20 sec to slowly move torwards your target. If it reaches your target, it explodes stunning all enemies within 5 yards for 3 sec and dealing 10% of enemies health in Shadow damage. Unholy DeathKnight – Tier 5 PvP Talent.
21 Runes. 40 yd range. Instant.5 sec cooldown. - Strangulate Shadowy tendrils constrict an enemy’s throat, silencing them for 5 sec.
HonorBlood DeathKnight – Tier 4 PvP Talent. 30 yd range. Instant. 60 sec cooldown. - Tundra Stalker Damage of your Frost Strike is increased by 25% on snared targets, and critical strike chance increased by 50% on rooted targets. Frost DeathKnight – Tier
4 PvP Talent.5 PvP Talent.
- Frost Strike Chill your weapons with icy power, and quickly strike the enemy with both weapons, dealing a total of (
500%560% of weapon damage) Frost damage. Death Knight – Frost Spec. 250 Runic Power. Melee range. Instant. - Howling Blast Blast the target with a frigid wind, dealing
[ 50%[ 55% of AP ] Frost damage to that foe, and[ 42.5%[ 46.8% of AP ] Frost damage to all other enemies within 10 yards, infecting all targets with Frost Fever. Frost Fever A disease that deals [ 440% of AP ] Frost damage over 24 sec and has a chance to grant the Death Knight 5 Runic Power each time it deals damage. Death Knight – Frost Spec. 1 Runes. 30 yd range. Instant. - Obliterate A brutal attack with both weapons that deals a total of (
640%760% of weapon damage) Physical damage. Death Knight – Frost Spec. 2 Runes. Melee range. Instant. - Remorseless Winter Drain the warmth of life from all nearby enemies, dealing
[ 216%[ 324% of AP ] Frost damage over 8 sec and reducing their movement speed by 50%. Death Knight – Frost Spec. 1 Runes. Instant. 20 sec cooldown.
- Fury of the Illidari Throws the Twinblades of the Deceiver in a whirlwind of energy, causing [ 14.000 *
140%112% of weapon damage ] Chaos damage over 3 sec to all nearby enemies. 100 yd range. Instant. - Fury of the Illidari Throws the Twinblades of the Deceiver in a whirlwind of energy, causing [ 14.000 *
140%112% of weapon damage ] Chaos damage over 3 sec to all nearby enemies. Artifact. 40 yd range. Instant. 60 sec cooldown. - Fury of the Illidari Throws the Twinblades of the Deceiver in a whirlwind of energy, causing [ 14.000 *
140%112% of weapon damage ] Chaos damage over 3 sec to all nearby enemies. 100 yd range. Instant.
- Agonizing Flames Immolation Aura increases your movement speed by 30%, and deals
50%30% increased damage. Vengeance Demon Hunter – Level 99 Talent. - Bloodlet Throw Glaive causes targets to bleed for
200%150% of the damage inflicted over 10 sec. If this effect is reapplied, any remaining damage will be added to the new Bloodlet. Havoc Demon Hunter – Level 102 Talent. - Fel Barrage At your command, unleash Fel, inflicting [ 250% of AP ] Chaos damage to your target and nearby enemies for each charge. Max 5 charges. Your damaging
attacksabilities have a chance to generate a charge. Havoc Demon Hunter – Level 110 Talent. 30 yd range. Instant. - Fel Mastery Increases Fel Rush damage by
50%30%, and grants 25 Fury when Fel Rush damages at least one target. Havoc Demon Hunter – Level 99 Talent. - Soul Barrier Shield yourself for
812 sec, absorbing [ 1,500% of AP * Percent Health + 15% of AP * AP * Percent Health ] damage. Consuming a Soul Fragment adds [ 250% of AP * Percent Health ] to the shield. Soul Barrier’s absorption cannot be reduced below [ 200% of AP * Percent Health ]. Consumes all Soul Fragments within 25 yds. Vengeance Demon Hunter – Level 110 Talent. 300 Pain. Instant. 20 sec cooldown. - Spirit Bomb Launch a nearby Soul Fragment at your target, dealing [ 252% of AP ] Shadow damage to all nearby enemies and afflicting them with Frailty for 15 sec. You heal for
10%15% of all damage you deal to enemies with Frailty. Vengeance Demon Hunter – Level 108 Talent. 40 yd range. Instant.
- Demon Spikes Surge with fel power, increasing your Parry chance by 20% and reducing Physical damage taken by
10%20% for 6 sec. Demon Hunter – Vengeance Spec. 200 Pain. Instant. 1.5 sec cooldown. - Mastery: Fel Blood Demon Spikes reduces Physical damage taken by an additional
12.00%6.00%. Also increases your attack power by 8%. Demon Hunter – Vengeance Spec.
- Moonfire (Balance) A quick beam of lunar light burns the enemy for
1[ 1 + 110% of Spell Power Arcane damage and then an additional [ 8 +50%55% of Spell Power ] Arcane damage over 16 sec. - Moonfire (Feral, Guardian, Restoration) A quick beam of lunar light burns the enemy for
1[ 1 + 110% of Spell Power Arcane damage and then an additional [ 8 +50%55% of Spell Power ] Arcane damage over 16 sec. - Moonfire (Balance) A quick beam of lunar light burns the enemy for
1[ 1 + 110% of Spell Power Arcane damage and then an additional [ 8 +50%55% of Spell Power ] Arcane damage over 16 sec. - Moonfire (Feral, Guardian, Restoration) A quick beam of lunar light burns the enemy for
1[ 1 + 110% of Spell Power Arcane damage and then an additional [ 8 +50%55% of Spell Power ] Arcane damage over 16 sec. - Regrowth
Druid – Restoration Spec. - Sunfire (Balance) A quick beam of solar light burns the enemy for
1[ 1 + 110% of Spell Power Nature damage and then an additional [ 6 +50%55% of Spell Power ] Nature damage over 12 sec to the primary target and all enemies within 5 yards. - Sunfire (Feral, Guardian) A quick beam of solar light burns the enemy for
1[ 1 + 110% of Spell Power Nature damage and then an additional [ 6 +50%55% of Spell Power ] Nature damage over 12 sec. - Sunfire (Restoration) A quick beam of solar light burns the enemy for
1[ 1 + 110% of Spell Power Nature damage and then an additional [ 6 +50%55% of Spell Power ] Nature damage over 12 sec to the primary target and all enemies within 5 yards.
PvP Talents
- Nourish Reduces the cast time of Healing Touch by 0.5 sec and
automatically applies Rejuvenationyour Healing Touch automatically applies one of your missing healing over time spells at to the target. If all of them are present, Healing Touch critically heals. Restoration Druid – Tier 4 PvP Talent.
- Lunar Strike Call down a strike of lunar energy, causing
[ 270%[ 284% of Spell Power ] Arcane damage to the target, and[ 94.5%[ 99.4% of Spell Power ] Arcane damage to all other enemies within 5 yards. Generates 12 Astral Power. Can be cast in Tree of Life Form, Moonkin Form. Druid – Balance Spec. 40 yd range. 2.5 sec cast. - Solar Wrath (Balance) Hurl a ball of solar energy at the target, dealing [ 1 +
190%200% of Spell Power ] Nature damage. - Solar Wrath (Feral, Guardian, Restoration) Hurl a ball of solar energy at the target, dealing [ 1 +
190%200% of Spell Power ] Nature damage. - Starfall (Balance) Calls down waves of falling stars at the targeted area, dealing [ 9 +
360%396% of Spell Power ] Astral damage over 8 sec. - Starfall (Feral, Guardian, Restoration) Calls down waves of falling stars at the targeted area, dealing [ 9 +
360%396% of Spell Power ] Astral damage over 8 sec.
Balance & Restoration
- Sunfire (Balance) A quick beam of solar light burns the enemy for
1[ 1 + 110% of Spell Power Nature damage and then an additional [ 6 +50%55% of Spell Power ] Nature damage over 12 sec to the primary target and all enemies within 5 yards. - Sunfire (Feral, Guardian) A quick beam of solar light burns the enemy for
1[ 1 + 110% of Spell Power Nature damage and then an additional [ 6 +50%55% of Spell Power ] Nature damage over 12 sec. - Sunfire (Restoration) A quick beam of solar light burns the enemy for
1[ 1 + 110% of Spell Power Nature damage and then an additional [ 6 +50%55% of Spell Power ] Nature damage over 12 sec to the primary target and all enemies within 5 yards.
- Solar Wrath Causes [ 1 +
220%231% of Spell Power ] Nature damage to the target. Can be cast in Moonkin Form. Druid – Restoration Spec. 3.5% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. Instant.
- Stomp When your Dire Beasts charge in, they will stomp the ground, dealing
[ 1 + 407.1%[ 2 + 477.9% of AP ] Physical damage to all nearby enemies. Beast Mastery Hunter – Level 30 Talent.
Beast Mastery
- Bestial Wrath (Beast Mastery) Sends you and your pet into a rage, increasing all damage you both deal by
20% for 10 sec.25% for 10 sec. - Bestial Wrath (Marksmanship, Survival) Sends you and your pet into a rage, increasing all damage you both deal by
20% for 10 sec.25% for 10 sec.
- Flanking Strike (Beast Mastery, Marksmanship) A coordinated attack on the target, where you deal [ 0.650 *
200%325% of weapon damage or 0.035 * Level *200% of weapon damage + 0.300 * 200% of weapon damage or 200%325% of weapon damage + 0.300 * 325% of weapon damage or 325% of weapon damage ] Physical damage and your pet deals [ 16.1% of AP or 322.8% of AP ] Physical damage. - Flanking Strike (Survival) A coordinated attack on the target, where you deal [ 0.650 *
200%325% of weapon damage or 0.035 * Level *200% of weapon damage + 0.300 * 200% of weapon damage or 200%325% of weapon damage + 0.300 * 325% of weapon damage or 325% of weapon damage ] Physical damage and your pet deals [ 16.1% of AP or 322.8% of AP ] Physical damage.
- Arcane Missiles Launches five waves of Arcane Missiles at the enemy over 2 sec, causing a total of [ 5 +
175%190% of Spell Power ] Arcane damage. Damage increased by 60% per Arcane Charge. Each damaging spell cast has a 15% chance to activate Arcane Missiles. Chance doubled for Arcane Blast. Limit 3 charges. Generates 1 Arcane Charge. 60 yd range. Instant. - Frozen Orb Launches an orb of swirling ice up to 40 yards forward which deals up to 0 Frost damage to all enemies it passes through. Grants 1 charge of Fingers of Frost when it first damages an enemy. Enemies damaged by the Frost Orb are slowed by
30%50% for 15 sec. 100 yd range. Instant.
- Glacial Spike Conjures a massive spike of ice, and merges your current Icicles into it. It impales your target, dealing
[ 650%[ 750% of Spell Power ] damage plus the damage stored in your Icicles, and freezes the target in place for 4 sec. Damage may interrupt the freeze effect. Requires 5 Icicles to cast. Passive: Ice Lance no longer launches Icicles. Frost Mage – Level 100 Talent. 1% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. 3 sec cast. - Ice Nova Causes a whirl of icy wind around the target enemy or ally, dealing [ 1 +
400%450% of Spell Power ] Frost damage to all enemies within 8 yards, and freezing them in place for 2 sec. A primary enemy target will take 100% increased damage. Frost Mage – Level 60 Talent. 40 yd range. Instant. 25 sec cooldown. - Quickening Arcane Blast, Arcane Missiles, and Arcane Explosion also grant 2% Haste for 6 sec, stacking up to
10050 times. This effect is cleared when you cast Arcane Barrage. Arcane Mage – Level 100 Talent. - Ray of Frost For the next 10 sec, you can channel a beam of icy power at an enemy, slowing movement by 50% and dealing
[ 145%[ 185% of Spell Power ] Frost damage every 1 sec. Each time Ray of Frost deals damage, its damage increases by 20%. Frost Mage – Level 15 Talent. 40 yd range. 10 sec cast (Channeled). 60 sec cooldown. - Splitting Ice Your Ice Lance and Icicles now deal 5% increased damage, and hit a second nearby target for
50%80% of their damage. Frost Mage – Level 60 Talent.
PvP Talents
- World in Flames Reduces the cast time of Flamestrike by
32 sec, and increases its damage by 30%. Fire Mage – Tier 4 PvP Talent.
- Arcane Blast Blasts the target with energy, dealing
[ 150%[ 165% of Spell Power ] Arcane damage. Damage increased by 60% per Arcane Charge. Mana cost increased by 100% per Arcane Charge. Generates 1 Arcane Charge Mage – Arcane Spec. 3% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. 2.2 sec cast. - Arcane Missiles Launches five waves of Arcane Missiles at the enemy over 2 sec, causing a total of [ 5 +
175%190% of Spell Power ] Arcane damage. Damage increased by 60% per Arcane Charge. Each damaging spell cast has a 15% chance to activate Arcane Missiles. Chance doubled for Arcane Blast. Limit 3 charges. Generates 1 Arcane Charge. Mage – Arcane Spec. 40 yd range. 2 sec cast (Channeled). - Mastery: Savant Increases your Mana regeneration rate and maximum Mana by
8.0%9.6%. Arcane Charges increase the damage of affected spells by an additional4.00%. Mage – Arcane Spec.4.80%. Mage – Arcane Spec.
- Combustion
Arcane, Frost: Engulfs you in flames for 10 sec, increasing your critical strike chance by 100%. Castable while casting other spells. Fire:Engulfs you in flames for 10 sec, increasing your critical strike chance by 100% and granting you Mastery equal to your Critical Strike stat. Castable while casting other spells. Mage – Fire Spec. 10% of Base Mana. Instant. 2 min cooldown. - Molten Armor Name changed from „Combustion“ to „Molten Armor“.
Combustion grants you Mastery equal to your Critical Strike stat. Mage – Fire Spec.Molten Armor grants an additional 10% critical strike chance. Mage – Fire Spec. - Molten Armor Increases your spell critical strike chance by
15%10% and reduces all Physical damage you take by 6%. Mage – Fire Spec.
- Blizzard Ice shards pelt the target area, dealing [ 8 +
264.2%360% of Spell Power ] Frost damage over 0 and reducing movement speed by30%50% for 15 sec. Mage – Frost Spec.5%2.5% of Base Mana. 35 yd range. 8 sec cast (Channeled). 8 sec cooldown. - Flurry Unleash a flurry of ice shards, striking the target 3 times for a total of [ 3 +
315%435% of Spell Power ] Frost damage. Each shard reduces the target’s movement speed by 70% for 1 sec. Mage – Frost Spec. 1% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. Instant. - Frostbolt Launches a bolt of frost at the enemy, causing [ 1 +
185%200% of Spell Power ] Frost damage and slowing movement speed by30%50% for 15 sec. Mage – Frost Spec. 2% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. 2 sec cast. - Frozen Orb Launches an orb of swirling ice up to 40 yards forward which deals up to 0 Frost damage to all enemies it passes through. Grants 1 charge of Fingers of Frost when it first damages an enemy. Enemies damaged by the Frost Orb are slowed by
30%50% for 15 sec. Mage – Frost Spec. 1% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. 15 sec cast (Channeled). 60 sec cooldown. - Ice Lance Quickly fling a shard of ice at the target, dealing [ 1 +
76%85% of Spell Power ] Frost damage. Ice Lance damage is tripled against frozen targets. Mage – Frost Spec. 1% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. Instant.
- Soothing Mist Heals the target for [ 20 +
55%60% of Spell Power ] over 10 sec. While channeling, Effuse and Enveloping Mist are instant cast, and will heal the soothed target without breaking the Soothing Mist channel. Honor Talent. 0% of Base Mana, plus0.7%0.3% per sec. 40 yd range. 10 sec cast (Channeled). 1 sec cooldown.
PvP Talents
- Ancient Mistweaver Arts Soothing Mist is now an active spell, and no longer is automatically applied through casting Effuse, Enveloping Mist or Vivify. Heals the target for [ 20 +
55%60% of Spell Power ] over 10 sec. While channeling, Effuse and Enveloping Mist are instant cast, and will heal the soothed target without breaking the Soothing Mist channel. Mistweaver Monk – Tier 3 PvP Talent. - Counteract Magic Renewing Mist heals for
200%150% more when the target is affected by a magical damage over time effect. Mistweaver Monk – Tier 4 PvP Talent. - Dome of Mist Enveloping Mist transforms 100% of its remaining periodic healing into a Dome of Mist when dispelled. Dome of Mist Absorbs damage. All healing received by the Monk increased by 30%. Lasts
68 sec. Mistweaver Monk – Tier 4 PvP Talent. - Fortune Turned Your Effuse applies Fortune Turned to the target, increasing the healing received by your next Effuse by
15%50% for 6 sec. Stacks up to32 times. Mistweaver Monk – Tier 5 PvP Talent. - Mighty Ox Kick You perform a Mighty Ox Kick, hurling your enemy a distance behind you. Brewmaster Monk – Tier 5 PvP Talent. Melee range. Instant.
60 sec cooldown.30 sec cooldown. - Refreshing Breeze Increases the healing of Vivify by 25%, and Vivify refreshes the duration of
Renewing MistsEssence Font on targets it heals. Mistweaver Monk – Tier 5 PvP Talent.
- Consecration Consecrates the land beneath you, causing
[ 9 + 270%[ 12 + 360% of AP ] Holy damage over 12 sec to enemies who enter the area. Retribution Paladin – Level 15 Talent. Instant. 12 sec cooldown. - Crusade Profoundly empowers your Judgment for 20 sec. While empowered, Judgment generates 1 Holy Power, has a 75% reduced cooldown, and increases your damage and healing by 3%, stacking up to 15 times. Retribution Paladin – Level 100 Talent. Instant.
20 sec cooldown.21 sec cooldown. - Zeal Strike the target for (
285%320% of weapon damage) Physical damage. Maximum 2 charges. Grants Zeal, causing Zeal attacks to chain to an additional nearby target per stack. Maximum 3 stacks. Each jump deals 40% less damage. |cFFFFFFFFGenerates 1 Holy Power. Retribution Paladin – Level 30 Talent. Melee range. Instant.
- Blessed Hammer Throws a Blessed Hammer that spirals outward, dealing [ 57.4% of AP ] Holy damage to enemies that it hits, and causing them to deal 15% less damage to you on their next auto attack.Paladin – Protection Spec.
- Blade of Justice Strikes an enemy with the Blade of Justice, dealing [ 0.880 *
400%450% of weapon damage or 0.030 * Level *400% of weapon damage + 0.400 * 400% of weapon damage or 400%450% of weapon damage + 0.400 * 450% of weapon damage or 450% of weapon damage ] Physical damage. Generates 2 Holy Power. Paladin – Retribution Spec. 12 yd range. Instant. 10.5 sec cooldown. - Divine Storm Unleashes a whirl of divine energy, dealing (
180%216% of weapon damage) Holy damage to all nearby enemies. Paladin – Retribution Spec. 3 Holy Power. Instant. - Templar’s Verdict A powerful weapon strike that deals [ 0.725 *
400%440% of weapon damage or 0.028 * Level *400% of weapon damage + 0.450 * 400% of weapon damage or 400%440% of weapon damage + 0.450 * 440% of weapon damage or 440% of weapon damage ] Holy damage. Paladin – Retribution Spec. 3 Holy Power. Melee range. Instant.
Retribution & Protection
- Avenging Wrath Increases all damage and healing you deal by 35% for 20 sec. Paladin – Retribution & Protection Spec. Instant.
20 sec cooldown.21 sec cooldown.
- Divine Star
FiresThrow a Divine Star forward 24 yds, healing allies in its path for [ 1 + 90% of Spell Power ] and dealing [ 1 + 145% of Spell Power ] Holy damage to enemies. After reaching its destination, the Divine Star returns to you, healing allies and damaging enemies in its path again. 100 yd range. Instant. - Divine Star
FiresThrow a Divine Star forward 24 yds, healing allies in its path for [ 1 + 90% of Spell Power ] and dealing [ 1 + 145% of Spell Power ] Holy damage to enemies. After reaching its destination, the Divine Star returns to you, healing allies and damaging enemies in its path again. 100 yd range. Instant.
- Divine Star
FiresThrow a Divine Star forward 24 yds, healing allies in its path for [ 1 + 90% of Spell Power ] and dealing [ 1 + 145% of Spell Power ] Holy damage to enemies. After reaching its destination, the Divine Star returns to you, healing allies and damaging enemies in its path again. Can be cast in Spirit of Redemption. Priest – Level 90 Talent. 2.5% of Base Mana. 30 yd range. Instant. 15 sec cooldown. - Mind Spike Assail the target with shadowy spikes, dealing
[ 35%[ 45% of Spell Power ] Shadowfrost damage and leaving a spike embedded in their mind. Mind Blast will detonate these spikes, each dealing 200% of their original damage to the main target, and 100% to all nearby targets. Generates 4 Insanity. Shadow Priest – Level 100 Talent. 40 yd range. 1.5 sec cast. - Void Ray Each time your Mind Flay or Mind Sear deals damage, you gain 10% increased Mind Flay and Mind Sear damage for 6 sec, stacking up to
54 times. Shadow Priest – Level 60 Talent.
- Holy Nova (Discipline, Shadow) Causes an explosion of holy light around you, dealing
[ 180%[ 150% of Spell Power ] Holy damage to all enemies within 12 yds. - Holy Nova (Holy) Causes an explosion of holy light around you, dealing
[ 180%[ 150% of Spell Power ] Holy damage to all enemies within 12 yds.
- Mind Flay (Discipline, Holy) Assaults the target’s mind with Shadow energy, causing [ 4 +
50%60% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage over 3 sec and slowing their movement speed by 50%. - Mind Flay (Shadow) Assaults the target’s mind with Shadow energy, causing [ 4 +
50%60% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage over 3 sec and slowing their movement speed by 50%. - Mind Sear Corrosive shadow energy radiates from the target, dealing
[ 180%[ 324% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage over 5 sec to all enemies within 10 yards of the target. Generates69 Insanity over the duration per target hit. Priest – Shadow Spec. 40 yd range. 5 sec cast (Channeled). - Shadowform Assume a Shadowform, increasing your Shadow damage dealt by 10%, and reducing your Physical damage taken by 10%.
However, you may not cast any Holy spells while in this form. Priest – Shadow Spec. Instant. 1.5 sec cooldown.Priest – Shadow Spec. Instant. - Voidform (Discipline, Holy)
Intensifies your ShadowformTwists your Shadowform with the powers of the Void, increasing all damage you deal by20%30% and granting an additional 1% Haste every 1 sec. - Voidform (Shadow)
Intensifies your ShadowformTwists your Shadowform with the powers of the Void, increasing all damage you deal by20%30%, reducing the cooldown on Mind Blast by 3 sec, and granting an additional 1% Haste every 1 sec.
- Deadly Poison Coats your weapons with a Lethal Poison that lasts for 60 min. Each strike has a 30% chance to poison the enemy for [ 24 +
110%143% of AP ] Nature damage over 12 sec. Subsequent poison applications will instantly deal[ 17%[ 22.1% of AP ] Nature damage. 100 yd range. Instant. - Deadly Poison Poisoned weapons have a chance to deal
[ 17%[ 22.1% of AP ] Nature damage to a target already affected by Deadly Poison. 100 yd range. Instant.
- Death from Above (Assassination) You whirl around, dealing up to [ 1 +
183.3%366% of AP ] damage to all enemies within 8 yds, then leap into the air and Envenom your target on the way back down, with such force that it has a 50% stronger effect. - Death from Above (Outlaw) You whirl around, dealing up to [ 1 +
183.3%366% of AP ] damage to all enemies within 8 yds, then leap into the air and Run Through your target on the way back down, with such force that it has a 50% stronger effect. - Death from Above (Subtlety) You whirl around, dealing up to [ 1 +
183.3%366% of AP ] damage to all enemies within 8 yds, then leap into the air and Eviscerate your target on the way back down, with such force that it has a 50% stronger effect.
PvP Talents
- Control is King When enemies within 40 yards of you are Stunned, Silenced or Polymorphed you gain
53 sec of Adrenaline Rush. Outlaw Rogue – Tier 4 PvP Talent.
- Deadly Poison Coats your weapons with a Lethal Poison that lasts for 60 min. Each strike has a 30% chance to poison the enemy for [ 24 +
110%143% of AP ] Nature damage over 12 sec. Subsequent poison applications will instantly deal[ 17%[ 22.1% of AP ] Nature damage. Rogue – Assassination Spec. 3 sec cast. - Fan of Knives Sprays knives at all targets within 10 yards, dealing [ 1 +
83.16%107.9% of AP ] Physical damage and applying your active poisons at their normal rate. Awards 1 combo points. Rogue – Assassination Spec. 35 Energy. Instant.
- Nightblade Finishing move that infects the target with shadowy energy, dealing Shadow damage over time and causing attacks against the target to reduce movement speed by 50% for 8 sec. Lasts longer per combo point. 1 point : [ 4 +
480%552% of AP ] over 8 sec 2 points: [ 5 +600%690% of AP ] over 10 sec 3 points: [ 6 +720%828% of AP ] over 12 sec 4 points: [ 7 +840%966% of AP ] over 14 sec 5 points: [ 8 +960%1,104% of AP ] over 16 sec Rogue – Subtlety Spec. 25 Energy. Melee range. Instant. - Shuriken Storm Sprays shurikens at all targets within 10 yards, dealing [ 1 +
55.44%72.15% of AP ] Physical damage. Damage increased by 200% while Stealth or Shadow Dance is active. Awards 1 combo points per target hit. Rogue – Subtlety Spec. 35 Energy. Instant.
Subtlety & Assassination
- Eviscerate Finishing move that disembowels the target, causing damage per combo point. 1 point :
[ 85.3%[ 98.1% of AP ] damage 2 points:[ 170.7%[ 196.3% of AP ] damage 3 points:[ 256%[ 294.4% of AP ] damage 4 points:[ 341.3%[ 392.5% of AP ] damage 5 points:[ 426.7%[ 490.7% of AP ] damage Rogue – Subtlety & Assassination Spec. 35 Energy. Melee range. Instant.
- Windfury Attack Each of your main hand attacks has a
10%20% chance to trigger two extra attacks, dealing (80% of weapon damage) Physical damage each. 100 yd range. Instant.
PvP Talents
- Earth Shield Protects the target with an earthen shield, reducing all damage the target recieves by 20% and causes the target to be healed for [ 325% of Spell Power ] when they take an attack equal to
10%6% of their total health. N Charges. Earth Shield can only be placed on one target at a time. Restoration Shaman – Tier 5 PvP Talent. 12.6% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. Instant. - Ride the Lightning When you use Stormstrike you also cast a Chain Lightning on the target. Chain Lightning Hurls a lightning bolt at the enemy, dealing [ 1 +
60.7%200% of Spell Power ] Nature damage and then jumping to additional nearby enemies. Affects 3 total targets. Enhancement Shaman – Tier 4 PvP Talent. - Spirit Link You link yourself and two closest allies within 15 yards together. When linked targets take damage, 50% is distributed among the other linked allies. Lasts for 20 sec. Limited to 3 targets. Restoration Shaman – Tier 5 PvP Talent. 28% of Base Mana. 15 yd range. Instant.
60 sec cooldown.30 sec cooldown.
- Chain Lightning Hurls a lightning bolt at the enemy, dealing [ 1 +
130%160% of Spell Power ] Nature damage and then jumping to additional nearby enemies. Affects 3 total targets. Generates46 Maelstrom per target hit. Shaman – Elemental Spec. 40 yd range. 2 sec cast. - Lightning Bolt (Elemental) Hurls a bolt of lightning at the target, dealing [ 1 +
130%160% of Spell Power ] Nature damage. - Lightning Bolt (Enhancement, Restoration) Hurls a bolt of lightning at the target, dealing [ 1 +
130%160% of Spell Power ] Nature damage. - Mastery: Elemental Overload Your Lightning Bolt, Chain Lightning, and Lava Burst casts have a
16%18% chance to trigger a second cast on the same target for 75% of normal damage and Maelstrom generation. Shaman – Elemental Spec.
Elemental & Restoration
- Lava Burst (Elemental) Hurls molten lava at the target, dealing [ 1 +
210%220% of Spell Power ] Fire damage. - Lava Burst (Enhancement) Hurls molten lava at the target, dealing [ 1 +
210%220% of Spell Power ] Fire damage. - Lava Burst (Restoration) Hurls molten lava at the target, dealing [ 1 +
210%220% of Spell Power ] Fire damage.
- Windfury Each of your main hand attacks has a
10%20% chance to trigger two extra attacks, dealing (80% of weapon damage) Physical damage each. Shaman – Enhancement Spec.
- Chain Lightning Hurls a lightning bolt at the enemy, dealing [ 1 +
180%220% of Spell Power ] Nature damage and then jumping to additional nearby enemies. Affects 3 total targets. Shaman – Restoration Spec. 1% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. 2 sec cast.
- Corruption Corrupts the target, causing
[ 30%[ 33% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage over 14 sec. 40 yd range. Instant. - Rain of Fire Calls down a rain of hellfire, dealing
[ 400%[ 444% of Spell Power ] Fire damage over 8 sec to enemies in the area. 100 yd range. Instant. - Seed of Corruption Embeds a demon seed in the enemy target that will explode after 18 sec, dealing [ 1 +
120%138% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage to all enemies within 10 yards and applying Corruption to them. The seed will detonate early if the target is hit by other detonations, or takes [ 300% of Shadow Spell Power ] damage from your spells. Unlimited range. Instant.
- Cataclysm (Affliction) Conjures a cataclysm at the target location, dealing
[ 700%[ 777% of Spell Power ] Shadowflame damage to all enemies within 0 yards and afflicting them with Agony and Unstable Affliction. - Cataclysm (Demonology) Conjures a cataclysm at the target location, dealing
[ 700%[ 777% of Spell Power ] Shadowflame damage to all enemies within 0 yards and afflicting them with Agony, Unstable Affliction, Corruption, or Immolate. - Cataclysm (Destruction) Conjures a cataclysm at the target location, dealing
[ 700%[ 777% of Spell Power ] Shadowflame damage to all enemies within 0 yards and afflicting them with Immolate. - Channel Demonfire Launches 15 bolts of felfire over 3 sec at random targets afflicted by your Immolate within 40 yds. Each bolt deals
[ 42%[ 46.62% of Spell Power ] Fire damage. Destruction Warlock – Level 100 Talent. 4.8% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. 3 sec cast (Channeled). 15 sec cooldown. - Demonbolt Draws energy from your demons and launches a ball of demonic energy at the target, dealing [ 1 +
80%88% of Spell Power ] Chaos damage. Damage increased 20% for each demon you have active. Generates 1 Soul Shard. Demonology Warlock – Level 100 Talent. 4.8% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. 2 sec cast. - Drain Soul Drains the target’s soul, causing [ 6 +
312%343.2% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage over 6 sec, and healing you for 400% of the damage done. Generates 1 Soul Shard if the target dies during this effect. Affliction Warlock – Level 15 Talent. 0% of Base Mana, plus 3% per sec. 40 yd range. 6 sec cast (Channeled). - Haunt A ghostly soul haunts the target, dealing [ 1 +
700%805% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage. If the target dies within 15 sec, Haunt’s cooldown is reset. Affliction Warlock – Level 15 Talent. 5% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. 1.5 sec cast. 15 sec cooldown. - Implosion Demonic forces suck all of your Wild Imps toward the target, and then cause them to violently explode, dealing
[ 200%[ 230% of Spell Power ] Shadowflame damage to all enemies within 8 yards. Demonology Warlock – Level 30 Talent. 6% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. Instant. - Phantom Singularity Places a phantom singularity above the target, which consumes the life of all enemies within 25 yards, dealing
[ 1,152%[ 1,324.8% of Spell Power ] damage over 16 sec, healing you for 30% of the damage done. Warlock – Level 100 Talent. 40 yd range. Instant. 60 sec cooldown. - Shadowflame Lobs a ball of Shadowflame at the target, dealing
0[ 110% of Spell Power Shadowflame damage immediately, and another[ 35%[ 38.5% of Spell Power ] Shadowflame damage over 8 sec, stacking up to 3 times. Generates 1 Soul Shard. Demonology Warlock – Level 15 Talent. 40 yd range. Instant. - Siphon Life Siphons the target’s life essence, dealing
[ 50%[ 55% of Spell Power ] damage over 15 sec and healing you for 100% of the damage it deals. Warlock – Level 60 Talent. 40 yd range. Instant. - Summon Darkglare Summons a Darkglare for 12 sec that launches Eye Lasers at all targets afflicted by your Doom, dealing
0[ 110% of Spell Power Shadow damage. Demonology Warlock – Level 100 Talent. 1 Soul Shard. Instant. 24 sec cooldown.
- Agony Inflicts increasing agony on the target, causing up to [ 54 +
21.6%22.7% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage over 18 sec. Damage starts low and increases over the duration. Refreshing Agony maintains its current damage level. Agony damage sometimes generates 1 Soul Shard. Warlock – Affliction Spec. 3% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. Instant. - Corruption Corrupts the target, causing
[ 30%[ 33% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage over 14 sec. Warlock – Affliction Spec. 3% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. Instant. - Seed of Corruption Embeds a demon seed in the enemy target that will explode after 18 sec, dealing [ 1 +
120%138% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage to all enemies within 10 yards and applying Corruption to them. The seed will detonate early if the target is hit by other detonations, or takes [ 300% of Shadow Spell Power ] damage from your spells. Warlock – Affliction Spec. 4.5% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. 2.5 sec cast. - Unstable Affliction (Affliction) Afflicts the target with
[ 80%[ 92% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage over 8 sec. If dispelled, deals[ 160%[ 184% of Spell Power ] damage per stack to the dispeller and silences them for 4 sec. - Unstable Affliction (Demonology, Destruction) Afflicts the target with
[ 80%[ 92% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage over 8 sec. If dispelled, deals[ 160%[ 184% of Spell Power ] damage per stack to the dispeller and silences them for 4 sec.
Affliction, Demonology, Destruction
- Drain Life Drains life from the target, causing [ 6 +
35%38.5% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage over 6 sec, and healing you for 600% of the damage done. Warlock – Affliction, Demonology, Destruction Spec. 0% of Base Mana, plus 3% per sec. 40 yd range. 6 sec cast (Channeled).
- Demonwrath Causes your demons to crackle with demonic energy, dealing
[ 90%[ 103.5% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage to all enemies within 10 yds of any of your demons over 3 sec. Castable while moving. Demonwrath damage has a 15% chance to generate 1 Soul Shard. Warlock – Demonology Spec. 0% of Base Mana, plus 2.5% per sec. 100 yd range. 3 sec cast (Channeled). - Doom Inflicts impending doom upon the target, causing [ 1 +
500%550% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage after 20 sec. Doom damage generates 1 Soul Shard. Warlock – Demonology Spec. 2% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. Instant. - Hand of Gul’dan Calls down a demonic meteor full of Wild Imps which burst forth to attack the target for 12 sec. Deals up to [ 4 +
144%172.8% of Spell Power ] Shadowflame damage on impact to all enemies within 8 yds of the target and summons up to 0 Wild Imps, based on Soul Shards consumed. Warlock – Demonology Spec. 1 Soul Shard. 40 yd range. 1.5 sec cast.
Demonology & Destruction
- Shadow Bolt (Affliction, Destruction) Sends a shadowy bolt at the enemy, causing [ 1 +
80%88% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage. - Shadow Bolt (Demonology) Sends a shadowy bolt at the enemy, causing [ 1 +
80%88% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage.
- Chaos Bolt Unleashes a devastating blast of chaos, causing [ 1 +
330%366.3% of Spell Power ] Chaos damage. Chaos Bolt always critically strikes and your critical strike chance increases its damage. Warlock – Destruction Spec. 2 Soul Shard. 40 yd range. 3 sec cast. - Conflagrate Triggers an explosion on the target, dealing [ 1 +
204.1%226.55% of Spell Power ] Fire damage. Generates 1 Soul Shard. Warlock – Destruction Spec. 2% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. Instant. - Immolate Burns the enemy, causing [ 1 +
120%133.2% of Spell Power ] Fire damage immediately and an additional [ 6 +65%72.15% of Spell Power ] Fire damage over 18 sec. Periodic damage has a 15% chance to generate 1 Soul Shard. Chance doubled on critical strikes. Warlock – Destruction Spec. 6% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. 1.5 sec cast. - Immolate Burns the enemy, causing [ 1 +
120%133.2% of Spell Power ] Fire damage immediately and an additional [ 6 +65%72.15% of Spell Power ] Fire damage over 18 sec. Periodic damage has a 15% chance to generate 1 Soul Shard. Chance doubled on critical strikes. Warlock – Destruction Spec. - Incinerate Draws fire toward the enemy, dealing
[ 210%[ 233.1% of Spell Power ] Fire damage. Warlock – Destruction Spec. 6% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. 2 sec cast. - Rain of Fire Calls down a rain of hellfire, dealing
[ 400%[ 444% of Spell Power ] Fire damage over 8 sec to enemies in the area. Warlock – Destruction Spec. 3 Soul Shard. 35 yd range. 8 sec cast (Channeled).
- Execute Off-Hand Attempt to finish off a wounded foe, causing (
588%616% of weapon damage) Physical damage. Only usable on enemies that have less than 20% health. Melee range. Instant. - Raging Blow A mighty blow with both weapons that deals a total of [ 1.616 *
146%153% of weapon damage or 0.055 * Level *146% of weapon damage + 0.904 * 146%153% of weapon damage + 0.904 * 153% of weapon damage or 2.000 *146%153% of weapon damage ] Physical damage. Only usable while Enraged. Generates 5 Rage. 100 yd range. Instant. - Raging Blow A mighty blow with both weapons that deals a total of [ 1.616 *
146%153% of weapon damage or 0.055 * Level *146% of weapon damage + 0.904 * 146%153% of weapon damage + 0.904 * 153% of weapon damage or 2.000 *146%153% of weapon damage ] Physical damage. Only usable while Enraged. Generates 5 Rage. 100 yd range. Instant.
- Focused Rage Focus your rage on your next Mortal Strike, increasing its damage by
40%30%, stacking up to 3 times. Unaffected by the global cooldown Arms Warrior – Level 75 Talent. 150 Rage. Melee range. Instant. 1.5 sec cooldown. - In For The Kill Mortal Strike
generatesrefunds 20 Rage when used against targets that are below 20% health. Arms Warrior – Level 75 Talent. - Vengeance Ignore Pain reduces the Rage cost of your next Focused Rage by
50%35%, and Focused Rage reduces the Rage cost of your next Ignore Pain by50%35%. Protection Warrior – Level 90 Talent.
PvP Talents
- Echo Slam Colossus Smash deals an additional
10%5% of the target’s total health in damage 2.5 sec later. Damage done ignores all armor. Arms Warrior – Tier 5 PvP Talent.
- Hamstring Maims the enemy for (5% of weapon damage) Physical damage, reducing movement speed by 50% for 15 sec. Warrior – Arms Spec. 100 Rage. Melee range. Instant.
1 sec cooldown. - Tactician You have a
0.65%0.75% chance per Rage spent to reset the remaining cooldown on Colossus Smash and Mortal Strike. Warrior – Arms Spec.
- Bloodthirst Assault the target in a bloodthirsty craze, dealing [ 0.631 *
217%243% of weapon damage or 0.037 * Level *217% of weapon damage + 0.263 * 217% of weapon damage or 217%243% of weapon damage + 0.263 * 243% of weapon damage or 243% of weapon damage ] Physical damage and restoring 4% of your health. Generates 10 Rage. Warrior – Fury Spec. Melee range. Instant. 4.5 sec cooldown. - Execute Attempt to finish off a wounded foe, causing (
588%616% of weapon damage) Physical damage. Only usable on enemies that have less than 20% health. Warrior – Fury Spec. 250 Rage. Melee range. Instant. - Furious Slash (Arms, Protection) Aggressively strike with your off-hand weapon for [ 0.631 *
271%284% of weapon damage or 0.037 * Level *271% of weapon damage + 0.262 * 271% of weapon damage or 271%284% of weapon damage + 0.262 * 284% of weapon damage or 284% of weapon damage ] Physical damage. - Furious Slash (Fury) Aggressively strike with your off-hand weapon for [ 0.631 *
271%284% of weapon damage or 0.037 * Level *271% of weapon damage + 0.262 * 271% of weapon damage or 271%284% of weapon damage + 0.262 * 284% of weapon damage or 284% of weapon damage ] Physical damage. - Raging Blow A mighty blow with both weapons that deals a total of [ 1.616 *
146%153% of weapon damage or 0.055 * Level *146% of weapon damage + 0.904 * 146%153% of weapon damage + 0.904 * 153% of weapon damage or 2.000 *146%153% of weapon damage ] Physical damage. Only usable while Enraged. Generates 5 Rage. Warrior – Fury Spec. Melee range. Instant. - Rampage Enrages you and unleashes a series of 5 brutal strikes over 2 sec for a total of (
735%823% of weapon damage) Physical damage. Warrior – Fury Spec. 850 Rage. Melee range. Instant. 1.5 sec cooldown.
- Intercept Run at high speed toward an ally or enemy. When targeting an enemy, Intercept will root for 1.5 sec, but has a minimum range of 8 yds. When targeting an ally, Intercept will intercept the next melee or ranged attack against the ally within 10 sec while the target remains within 10 yards. Generates
2010 Rage. Warrior – Protection Spec. 25 yd range. Instant. 1.5 sec cooldown. - Shield Slam Slams the target with your shield, causing [ 1 + 492.8% of AP ] Physical damage. Generates
1510 Rage. Warrior – Protection Spec. Melee range. Instant. 9 sec cooldown.
Änderungen an den Artefakten:
- Balanced Blades (Rank 1) Increases damage dealt by Blade Dance by
10%3% for each target within 0 yards.
- Poison Knives (Rank 1) When Fan of Knives strikes targets poisoned with your Deadly Poison, Deadly Poison instantly deals
2% of its remaining damage.4% of its remaining damage. - Poison Knives (Rank 2) When Fan of Knives strikes targets poisoned with your Deadly Poison, Deadly Poison instantly deals
4% of its remaining damage.8% of its remaining damage. - Poison Knives (Rank 3) When Fan of Knives strikes targets poisoned with your Deadly Poison, Deadly Poison instantly deals
6% of its remaining damage.12% of its remaining damage. - Poison Knives (Rank 4) When Fan of Knives strikes targets poisoned with your Deadly Poison, Deadly Poison instantly deals
8% of its remaining damage.16% of its remaining damage. - Poison Knives (Rank 5) When Fan of Knives strikes targets poisoned with your Deadly Poison, Deadly Poison instantly deals
10% of its remaining damage.20% of its remaining damage. - Poison Knives (Rank 6) When Fan of Knives strikes targets poisoned with your Deadly Poison, Deadly Poison instantly deals
12% of its remaining damage.24% of its remaining damage.
- Black Powder (Rank 1) Increases damage dealt by Between the Eyes by
8%.6%. - Black Powder (Rank 2) Increases damage dealt by Between the Eyes by
16%.12%. - Black Powder (Rank 3) Increases damage dealt by Between the Eyes by
24%.18%. - Black Powder (Rank 4) Increases damage dealt by Between the Eyes by
32%.24%. - Black Powder (Rank 5) Increases damage dealt by Between the Eyes by
40%.30%. - Black Powder (Rank 6) Increases damage dealt by Between the Eyes by
48%.36%. - Deception (Rank 1) Activating Sprint
causecauses Feint to activate for no Energy cost. - Fatebringer (Rank 1) Reduces the Energy cost of finishing moves by
4.3. - Fatebringer (Rank 2) Reduces the Energy cost of finishing moves by
8.6. - Fatebringer (Rank 3) Reduces the Energy cost of finishing moves by
12.9. - Fatebringer (Rank 4) Reduces the Energy cost of finishing moves by
16.12. - Fatebringer (Rank 5) Reduces the Energy cost of finishing moves by
20.15. - Fatebringer (Rank 6) Reduces the Energy cost of finishing moves by
24.18. - Fate’s Thirst (Rank 1) Increases damage dealt by Run Through by
8%.6%. - Fate’s Thirst (Rank 2) Increases damage dealt by Run Through by
16%.12%. - Fate’s Thirst (Rank 3) Increases damage dealt by Run Through by
24%.18%. - Fate’s Thirst (Rank 4) Increases damage dealt by Run Through by
32%.24%. - Fate’s Thirst (Rank 5) Increases damage dealt by Run Through by
40%.30%. - Fate’s Thirst (Rank 6) Increases damage dealt by Run Through by
- Embrace of Darkness (Rank 1) When you enter Stealth,
you gain a shield which absorbs damage equal to your Attack Power.or Shadow Dance, you gain an absorb shield for AP damage. - Second Shuriken (Rank 1) Shuriken Storm has a chance per target hit to deal 0 additional Physical damage to that target.Damage increased by 0% while Stealth or Shadow Dance is active.
- Exploit the Weakness (Rank 1) Tactitian’s chance to trigger is increased as if you spent
10% more Rage.4% more Rage. - Exploit the Weakness (Rank 2) Tactitian’s chance to trigger is increased as if you spent
20% more Rage.8% more Rage. - Exploit the Weakness (Rank 3) Tactitian’s chance to trigger is increased as if you spent
30% more Rage.12% more Rage. - Exploit the Weakness (Rank 4) Tactitian’s chance to trigger is increased as if you spent
40% more Rage.16% more Rage. - Exploit the Weakness (Rank 5) Tactitian’s chance to trigger is increased as if you spent
50% more Rage.20% more Rage. - Exploit the Weakness (Rank 6) Tactitian’s chance to trigger is increased as if you spent
60% more Rage.24% more Rage.