Legion Beta: Ein Hotfix für die legendären World Drops

Einem vor einigen Tagen von Game Designer Zugsworth in den offiziellen Battle.Net Foren veröffentlichten Bluepost zufolge haben die Entwickler von World of Warcraft vor Kurzem scheinbar einen neuen Hotfix auf die Server der geschlossenen Beta der kommenden Erweiterung „Legion“ aufgespielt, der eine Vielzahl von Anpassungen an den in dieser Testphase vorhandenen legendären World Drops mit sich brachte. Dabei konzentrierte sich dieser neue Hotfix scheinbar aber hauptsächlich auf das Balancing dieser Legendaries im Vergleich zueinander und zu anderen Gegenständen, weshalb dieses Update in den meisten Fällen nur einige Werte und Schadenzahlen verändere.
Der Bluepost: We applied a hotfix today to adjust the power of multiple Legion legendary items with the intent of leveling off the power they provide. If you’ve been concerned a legendary item is too high or too low, please check again. Thank you for all of the feedback, it has been tremendously helpful!
Wer diese angepassten legendären Gegenstände nun gerne vor dem Launch von Legion am 30. August 2016 ausprobieren möchte und über einen Zugang zu der geschlossenen Beta verfügt, der kann diese Legendaries zu Testzwecken direkt bei einem Händler in Dalaran erwerben und ausrüsten. Dadurch möchten die Entwickler sicherstellen, dass genug Spieler diese teilweise mit sehr mächtigen Effekten ausgestatteten Gegenstände testen können und sie sich beim Balancing nicht vollständig auf zufällige World Drops verlassen müssen.
Ansonsten veröffentlichten die Mitarbeiter der Internetseite „mmo-champion“ vor Kurzem auch noch eine umfangreiche Übersicht zu diesem Hotfix, die einmal genau auflistet, welche legendären World Drops mit diesem Update verändert wurden.
Die veränderten Legendaries:
- Sephuz’s Secret – 1241 Haste reduced to 620. 1552 Critical Strike added.
- Cinidaria, the Symbiote – Your attacks cause an additional 30% damage as Physical to enemies above 90% health, down from 50% damage.
- Toravon’s Whiteout Bindings – With Pillar of Frost active you deal 15% increased frost damage, down from 20%.
- Shackles of Bryndaor – Death Strike refunds 15% (was 25%) of Runic Power spent if it heals you for more than 10% of your maximum health.
- Service of Gorefiend – Heart Strike reduces the remaining cooldown on Vampiric Blood by 2 seconds, down from 3 sec.
- Uvanimor, the Unbeautiful – Your abomination’s melee attacks have a 10% chance to active a rune, down from 15%
- Tak’theritrix’s Shoulderpads – Dark Transformation also empowers your Dark Arbiter and Army of the Dead for 20 sec, increasing their damage by 30%, down from 50%.
- Fragment of the Betrayer’s Prison – Now grants 15% Leech when Demon Spikes is active, down from 20%.
- Loramus Thalipedes‘ Sacrifice – Fel Rush deals 5% increased damage to each subsequent target hit, down from 20%.
- Cloak of Fel Flames – You take 15% reduced magic damage while Immolation Aura is active, down from 20%.
- Kirel Narak – The instant initial damage from your Immolation Aura reduces the remaining cooldown on Fiery Brand by 2 sec for each enemy hit, down from 3 sec.
- Skysec’s Hold – Frenzied Regeneration heals for an additional 12% of maximum health over 3 seconds, changed from 15% over 5 seconds
- Dual Determination – Survival Instincts gains 1 additional charges and recharges 15% faster, down from 20%.
- The Wildshaper’s Clutch – 662 Critical Strike added
- Magnetized Blasting Cap Launcher – Increases Bursting Shot’s damage by 800% and range by 30 yards, up from 200% and 20 yards.
- Marquee Bindings of the Sun King – After consuming Hot Streak, there is a 20% chance that your next non-instant Pyroblast cast within 15 sec deals 300% additional damage, up from 200%.
- Cord of Infinity – Mana regeneration is now increased after dropping below 40% mana, up from 25%.
- Koralon’s Burning Touch – 662 Haste reduced to 496. 662 Critical Strike added. Scorch deals 350% increased damage against enemies below 25% health, up from 250%.
- Leggings of The Black Flame – Thunder Focus Tea also grants Effuse, Enveloping Mist, Essence Font, Renewing Mist, and Vivify 1 extra charges at random, up from 2.
- Petrichor Lagniappe – The remaining cooldown on Revival is reduced by 2 sec each time you cast Renewing Mist, down from 3 sec.
- Breastplate of the Golden Val’kyr – Each enemy hit by Avenger’s Shield reduces the remaining cooldown on Guardian of Ancient Kings by 3 sec, down from 4 sec.
- Tyr’s Hand of Faith – Now reduces the cooldown of Lay on Hands by 60%, up from 40%.
- Uther’s Guard – Duration of affected blessings increased by 50%, up from 40%.
- Xalan the Feared’s Clench – Duration of Atonement on both yourself and target increased to 3 seconds, up from 2
- Estel, Dejahna’s Inspiration – Plea increases your haste by 2% for each target with your Atonement for 5 sec, up from 1%.
- Thraxi’s Tricksy Treads – Run Through deals increased damage equal to 20% of your increased movement speed, down from 50%.
- Duskwalker’s Footpads – 496 Mastery and 166 Haste added.
- Insignia of Ravenholdt – 776 Haste added.
- Zoldyck Family Training Shackles – 311 Haste removed, 310 Mastery added. Your Poisons and Bleeds deal 40% increased damage to targets below 30% health, up from 25% health.
- Greenskin’s Waterlogged Wristcuffs – Between the Eyes has a 20% chance per Combo Point to increase the damage of your next Pistol Shot by 400%, up from 300%.
- Denial of the Half-Giants – 124 Critical Strike removed, 124 Mastery added.
- Focuser of Jonat, the Elder – Healing Wave and Healing Surge increase the healing of your next Chain Heal by 15%, down from 20%
- Akainu’s Absolute Justice – Lava Lash deals 30% increased damage while your weapons are enhanced by both Flametongue and Frostbrand, down from 60%
- Destiny Driver – Intercepted attacks grant you and your Intercept target an absorb shield equal to 15% of the damage done by the attack for 10 sec, down from 25%
- Naj’entus’s Vertebrae – If Whirlwind hits 3 or more enemies, it hits them 1 additional time, down from 2 additional times.