Legion: Der neue Build 22133

Im Verlauf der vergangenen Nacht haben die Entwickler von World of Warcraft interessanterweise den neuen Build 22133 auf die derzeit laufenden Server der geschlossenen Beta der kommenden Erweiterung „Legion“ aufgespielt. Dabei wurde dieses Update von den Mitarbeitern bei Blizzard allerdings wieder einmal sehr klein gehalten und beinhaltet neben zwei neuen Musikstücken hauptsächlich nur noch einige Änderungen an den Klassen und den Talenten der Artefaktwaffen.
Neue Musik:
Dieser Build beinhaltete zwei neue Musikstücke,
Anpassungen an den Artefakten:
Death Knight
- Frozen Core (Rank 1) Your Pillar of Frost also increases Frost damage dealt by
Demon Hunter
- Aura of Pain (Rank 1) Increases damage dealt by Immolation Aura by
5%.3%. - Aura of Pain (Rank 2) Increases damage dealt by Immolation Aura by
10%.6%. - Aura of Pain (Rank 3) Increases damage dealt by Immolation Aura by
15%.9%. - Aura of Pain (Rank 4) Increases damage dealt by Immolation Aura by
20%.12%. - Aura of Pain (Rank 5) Increases damage dealt by Immolation Aura by
25%.15%. - Aura of Pain (Rank 6) Increases damage dealt by Immolation Aura by
30%.18%. - Devour Souls (Rank 1) Soul Cleave heals for an additional
5%.3%. - Devour Souls (Rank 2) Soul Cleave heals for an additional
10%.6%. - Devour Souls (Rank 3) Soul Cleave heals for an additional
15%.9%. - Devour Souls (Rank 4) Soul Cleave heals for an additional
20%.12%. - Devour Souls (Rank 5) Soul Cleave heals for an additional
25%.15%. - Devour Souls (Rank 6) Soul Cleave heals for an additional
30%.18%. - Honed Warblades (Rank 1) Increases damage dealt by Shear by
5%.3%. - Honed Warblades (Rank 2) Increases damage dealt by Shear by
10%.6%. - Honed Warblades (Rank 3) Increases damage dealt by Shear by
15%.9%. - Honed Warblades (Rank 4) Increases damage dealt by Shear by
20%.12%. - Honed Warblades (Rank 5) Increases damage dealt by Shear by
25%.15%. - Honed Warblades (Rank 6) Increases damage dealt by Shear by
30%.18%. - Tormented Souls (Rank 1) Increases damage dealt by Soul Cleave by
15%.10%. - Will of the Illidari (Rank 1) Increases maximum health by
5%.1%. - Will of the Illidari (Rank 2) Increases maximum health by
10%.2%. - Will of the Illidari (Rank 3) Increases maximum health by
15%.3%. - Will of the Illidari (Rank 4) Increases maximum health by
20%.4%. - Will of the Illidari (Rank 5) Increases maximum health by
25%.5%. - Will of the Illidari (Rank 6) Increases maximum health by
- It’s Cold Outside (Rank 1) Your Water Elemental’s Water Bolt deals 30% increased damage and has a
10%5% chance to generate a charge of Fingers of Frost.
- Death Art (Rank 1) Reduces the remaining cooldown on Touch of Death by 10% if the target dies
before Touch of Death expires.while under the effects of Touch of Death or from Touch of Death. - Death Art (Rank 2) Reduces the remaining cooldown on Touch of Death by 20% if the target dies
before Touch of Death expires.while under the effects of Touch of Death or from Touch of Death. - Death Art (Rank 3) Reduces the remaining cooldown on Touch of Death by 30% if the target dies
before Touch of Death expires.while under the effects of Touch of Death or from Touch of Death. - Death Art (Rank 4) Reduces the remaining cooldown on Touch of Death by 40% if the target dies
before Touch of Death expires.while under the effects of Touch of Death or from Touch of Death. - Death Art (Rank 5) Reduces the remaining cooldown on Touch of Death by 50% if the target dies
before Touch of Death expires.while under the effects of Touch of Death or from Touch of Death. - Death Art (Rank 6) Reduces the remaining cooldown on Touch of Death by 60% if the target dies
before Touch of Death expires.while under the effects of Touch of Death or from Touch of Death.
- Focused Healing (Rank 5) Your Lay on Hands cools down
25% faster.50% faster. - Focused Healing (Rank 6) Your Lay on Hands cools down
27% faster.60% faster.
- Highlord’s Judgment (Rank 1) Increases damage dealt by Judgment by
15%.8%. - Highlord’s Judgment (Rank 1) Increases damage dealt by Judgment by
15%.8%. - Highlord’s Judgment (Rank 2) Increases damage dealt by Judgment by
30%.16%. - Highlord’s Judgment (Rank 3) Increases damage dealt by Judgment by
45%.24%. - Highlord’s Judgment (Rank 4) Increases damage dealt by Judgment by
60%.32%. - Highlord’s Judgment (Rank 5) Increases damage dealt by Judgment by
75%.40%. - Highlord’s Judgment (Rank 6) Increases damage dealt by Judgment by
- Kingsbane (Rank 1) Releases lethal poison within The Kingslayers and injects it into your target, dealing 0 Nature damage instantly and an additional [ 35 +
75%45% of AP ] Nature damage over 14 sec. Each time you apply a Lethal Poison to a target affected by Kingsbane, Kingsbane damage increases by 0%.
- Precision Strike (Rank 1) Increases damage dealt by Shadowstrike by
10%.5%. - Precision Strike (Rank 2) Increases damage dealt by Shadowstrike by
20%.10%. - Precision Strike (Rank 3) Increases damage dealt by Shadowstrike by
30%.15%. - Precision Strike (Rank 4) Increases damage dealt by Shadowstrike by
40%.20%. - Precision Strike (Rank 5) Increases damage dealt by Shadowstrike by
50%.25%. - Precision Strike (Rank 6) Increases damage dealt by Shadowstrike by
- Lava Imbued (Rank 3) Increases damage dealt by Lava Burst by
10%.9%. - Lava Imbued (Rank 4) Increases damage dealt by Lava Burst by
13%.12%. - Lava Imbued (Rank 5) Increases damage dealt by Lava Burst by
16%.15%. - Lava Imbued (Rank 6) Increases damage dealt by Lava Burst by
20%.18%. - Molten Blast (Rank 1) Increases critical strike damage dealt by Lava Burst by
3%.4%. - Molten Blast (Rank 2) Increases critical strike damage dealt by Lava Burst by
6%.8%. - Molten Blast (Rank 3) Increases critical strike damage dealt by Lava Burst by
10%.12%. - Molten Blast (Rank 4) Increases critical strike damage dealt by Lava Burst by
13%.16%. - Molten Blast (Rank 5) Increases critical strike damage dealt by Lava Burst by
16%.20%. - Molten Blast (Rank 6) Increases critical strike damage dealt by Lava Burst by
- Doom Winds (Rank 1) Unleashes the inner power of the Doomhammer, causing all auto attacks to trigger Windfury, and increasing damage dealt by Windfury by
400% for 6 sec.200% for 6 sec.
- Rage of the Fallen (Rank 1) Increases damage dealt by Revenge by
3%.4%. - Rage of the Fallen (Rank 2) Increases damage dealt by Revenge by
6%.8%. - Rage of the Fallen (Rank 3) Increases damage dealt by Revenge by
10%.12%. - Rage of the Fallen (Rank 4) Increases damage dealt by Revenge by
13%.16%. - Rage of the Fallen (Rank 5) Increases damage dealt by Revenge by
16%.20%. - Rage of the Fallen (Rank 6) Increases damage dealt by Revenge by
20%.24%. - Toughness (Rank 1) Increases Stamina by
3%.1%. - Toughness (Rank 2) Increases Stamina by
6%.2%. - Toughness (Rank 3) Increases Stamina by
10%.3%. - Toughness (Rank 4) Increases Stamina by
13%.4%. - Toughness (Rank 5) Increases Stamina by
16%.5%. - Toughness (Rank 6) Increases Stamina by
20%.6%. - Vrykul Shield Training (Rank 1) Increases armor by
3%.2%. - Vrykul Shield Training (Rank 2) Increases armor by
6%.4%. - Vrykul Shield Training (Rank 3) Increases armor by
10%.6%. - Vrykul Shield Training (Rank 4) Increases armor by
13%.8%. - Vrykul Shield Training (Rank 5) Increases armor by
16%.10%. - Vrykul Shield Training (Rank 6) Increases armor by
20%.12%. - Wall of Steel (Rank 1) When you target an ally with Intercept, it redirects 2 additional attacks, and the damage you take from those attacks is reduced by
Death Knight
- Death Strike
4045 Runic Power. - Frost Breath
Inflicts [ 27,000 + 200%Inflicts [ 2,000% of AP ] Frost damage to enemies in front of the caster. In addition, the targets‘ movement speed is slowed by 50% for 10 sec. 100 yd range. Instant. - Sindragosa’s Fury Summons Sindragosa, who breathes frost on all enemies within 40 yd in front of you, dealing
[ 27,000 + 200%[ 2,000% of AP ] Frost damage and slowing movement speed by 50% for 10 sec. Artifact. Instant. 5 min cooldown.
- Breath of Sindragosa (Blood) Continuously deal [ 1 +
120%140% of AP ] Shadowfrost damage every 1 sec to enemies in a cone in front of you. - Breath of Sindragosa (Frost) Continuously deal [ 1 +
120%140% of AP ] Shadowfrost damage every 1 sec to enemies in a cone in front of you. - Breath of Sindragosa (Unholy) Continuously deal [ 1 +
120%140% of AP ] Shadowfrost damage every 1 sec to enemies in a cone in front of you. - Bursting Sores Festering Wounds deal 50% more damage when burst, and all enemies within 8 yds of a burst Festering Wound suffer
[ 58%[ 90% of AP ] Shadow damage. Unholy Death Knight – Level 56 Talent. - Freezing Fog Howling Blast and Frost Fever deal
40%30% increased damage. Frost Death Knight – Level 57 Talent. - Hungering Rune Weapon Empower your rune weapon, gaining 1 rune and 5 Runic Power instantly and every 1.5 sec for
912 sec. Frost Death Knight – Level 58 Talent. Instant. 3 min cooldown. - Icy Talons Frost Strike also increases your melee attack speed by
15%12% for 6 sec, stacking up to 3 times. Frost Death Knight – Level 56 Talent. - Necrosis Dealing damage with Death Coil causes your next Scourge Strike to deal
25%35% increased damage. Unholy Death Knight – Level 90 Talent. - Pestilent Pustules
Every 4Every 6 Festering Wounds you burst, you gain 1 Rune. Unholy Death Knight – Level 57 Talent.
- Veteran of the Third War Increases Stamina by
25%50% and armor by 15%. Death Knight – Blood Spec.
- Howling Blast Blast the target with a frigid wind, dealing [ 50% of AP ] Frost damage to that foe, and
[ 40%[ 42.5% of AP ] Frost damage to all other enemies within 10 yards, infecting all targets with Frost Fever. Frost Fever A disease that deals [ 440% of AP ] Frost damage over 24 sec and has a chance to grant the Death Knight 5 Runic Power each time it deals damage. Death Knight – Frost Spec. 1 Runes. 30 yd range. Instant.
- Festering Strike
Deals (400%Deals (500% of weapon damage) Physical damage and infects the target with 2 to 4 Festering Wounds. Festering Wound A pustulent lesion that will burst on death or when damaged by Scourge Strike, dealing[ 50%[ 90% of AP ] Shadow damage and generating 3 Runic Power. Death Knight – Unholy Spec. 2 Runes. Melee range. Instant. - Festering Wound A pustulent lesion that will burst on death or when damaged by Scourge Strike, dealing
[ 50%[ 90% of AP ] Shadow damage and generating 3 Runic Power. Death Knight – Unholy Spec. - Outbreak Deals [ 38% of AP ] Shadow damage and surrounds the target in a miasma lasting for 6 sec that causes the target and all nearby enemies to be infected with Virulent Plague. Virulent Plague A disease that deals [ 294% of AP ] Shadow damage over 21 sec. It erupts when the infected target dies, dealing
[ AP[ 85% of AP ;] Shadow damage divided among nearby enemies, and has a 30% chance to erupt each time it deals damage. Death Knight – Unholy Spec. 1 Runes. 30 yd range. Instant.
- Rune of the Fallen Crusader Affixes your rune weapon with a rune that has a chance to heal you for 6% and increase total Strength by
25%15% for 15 sec. Modifying your rune weapon requires a Rune Forge in Ebon Hold. 5 sec cast. - Rune of the Stoneskin Gargoyle Affixes your two-handed rune weapon with a rune that increases Armor by
4% and all stats by 3%5% and all stats by 5%. Modifying your rune weapon requires a Rune Forge in Ebon Hold. 5 sec cast.
Demon Hunter
- Blade Dance Strike all nearby enemies for [ 100% of weapon damage + 2.000 *
110% of weapon damage + 330%96% of weapon damage + 288% of weapon damage ] Physical damage, and increase your chance to dodge by 100% for 1 sec. 35 Fury. Instant. 10 sec cooldown. - Demon’s Bite Quickly attack for (
350%305% of weapon damage) Physical damage. Generates 20 to 30 Fury. Melee range. Instant. - Metamorphosis Leap into the air and land with explosive force, dealing [ 200% of AP ] Chaos damage to enemies within 8 yds, and stunning them for 3 sec. Upon landing, you are transformed into a hellish demon for 30 sec, greatly empowering your Chaos Strike and Blade Dance abilities. and gaining 25% Haste. 40 yd range. Instant. 5 min cooldown.
- Chaos Cleave Chaos Strike hits an additional target for 50% damage. Havoc Demon Hunter – Level 99 Talent.
- Fel Eruption Impales the target for [ 100 +
1,000%900% of AP ] Chaos damage and stuns them for 2 sec. Inflicts an additional 0% damage against targets permanently immune to stuns. Vengeance Demon Hunter – Level 106 Talent.1020 Fury / 100 Pain. 20 yd range. Instant. 35 sec cooldown. - Felblade (Vengeance)
Generates 20 Pain.Generates 14 Pain. - First Blood Reduces the Fury cost of Blade Dance by 20 and increases its damage to [ 2.000 * 100% of weapon damage + 4.000 *
110% of weapon damage + 2.000 * 330%96% of weapon damage + 2.000 * 288% of weapon damage ] against the first target struck. Havoc Demon Hunter – Level 102 Talent.
- Demon Spikes Surge with fel power, increasing your Parry chance by 20% and reducing Physical damage taken by 8% for 6 sec. Demon Hunter – Vengeance Spec.
10050 Pain. Instant. 1.5 sec cooldown. - Demonic Wards Your tattoos reduce magic damage taken by 10%, and increase your Stamina by
20%45% and your Armor by 120%. Demon Hunter – Vengeance Spec. - Metamorphosis Transform to demon form for
2015 sec, increasing current and maximum health by 30%. Generates107 Pain every 1 sec. Demon Hunter – Vengeance Spec. Instant. 3 min cooldown. - Shear Shears an enemy for (375% of weapon damage) Physical damage, and has a small chance to shatter a Lesser Soul Fragment from your target that heals you for 0 health when consumed. Generates
107 Pain. Demon Hunter – Vengeance Spec. Melee range. Instant.
- Bear Form Shapeshift into Bear Form, increasing armor by 200% and Stamina by
30%55%, granting protection from Polymorph effects, and increasing threat generation. The act of shapeshifting frees you from movement impairing effects. Can’t be cast in Tree of Life Form, Moonkin Form. Shapeshift. Instant. - Full Moon Deals [ 1 + 1,200% of Spell Power ] Astral damage to the target and all enemies near the target, and resets Full Moon to become New Moon. Generates 40 Astral Power. Can’t be cast in Cat Form, Tree of Life Form, Travel Form, Bear Form. Artifact. 40 yd range. 3 sec cast.
- Half Moon Deals [ 1 + 600% of Spell Power ] Astral damage to the target and empowers Half Moon to become Full Moon. Generates 20 Astral Power. Can’t be cast in Cat Form, Tree of Life Form, Travel Form, Bear Form. Artifact. 40 yd range. 2 sec cast.
- Moonfire (Balance) A quick beam of lunar light burns the enemy for
[ 1 + 90% of Spell Power1;] Arcane damage and then an additional [ 8 +50%55% of Spell Power ] Arcane damage over 16 sec. - Moonfire (Feral, Guardian, Restoration) A quick beam of lunar light burns the enemy for
[ 1 + 90% of Spell Power1;] Arcane damage and then an additional [ 8 +50%55% of Spell Power ] Arcane damage over 16 sec. - Moonfire (Balance) A quick beam of lunar light burns the enemy for
[ 1 + 90% of Spell Power1;] Arcane damage and then an additional [ 8 +50%55% of Spell Power ] Arcane damage over 16 sec. - Moonfire (Feral, Guardian, Restoration) A quick beam of lunar light burns the enemy for
[ 1 + 90% of Spell Power1;] Arcane damage and then an additional [ 8 +50%55% of Spell Power ] Arcane damage over 16 sec. - New Moon Deals [ 1 + 300% of Spell Power ] Astral damage to the target and empowers New Moon to become Half Moon. Generates 10 Astral Power. Can’t be cast in Cat Form, Tree of Life Form, Travel Form, Bear Form. Artifact. 40 yd range. 1 sec cast.
- Sunfire (Balance) A quick beam of solar light burns the enemy for
[ 1 + 90% of Spell Power1;] Nature damage and then an additional [ 6 +50%55% of Spell Power ] Nature damage over 12 sec to the primary target and all enemies within 5 yards. - Sunfire (Feral, Guardian, Restoration) A quick beam of solar light burns the enemy for
[ 1 + 90% of Spell Power1;] Nature damage and then an additional [ 6 +50%55% of Spell Power ] Nature damage over 12 sec to the primary target and all enemies within 5 yards.
- Feral Affinity You gain: Feline Swiftness Increases your movement speed by 15%. You also learn: Shred Rake Rip Ferocious Bite Swipe Your energy regeneration is increased by 35%. Restoration Druid – Level 45 Talent.
- Feral Affinity You gain: Feline Swiftness Increases your movement speed by 15%. You also learn: Shred Rake Rip Ferocious Bite Swipe Your energy regeneration is increased by 35%. Balance Druid – Level 45 Talent.
- Feral Affinity You gain: Feline Swiftness Increases your movement speed by 15%. You also learn: Shred Rake Rip Ferocious Bite Your energy regeneration is increased by 35%. Guardian Druid – Level 45 Talent.
- Soul of the Forest Your finishing moves grant
68 Energy per combo point. Feral Druid – Level 75 Talent.
PvP Talents
- Focused Growth Your Lifebloom also applies Focused Growth to the target, increasing Lifebloom’s healing by 15%. Stacks up to 3 times. Restoration Druid – Tier 5 PvP Talent.Instant.
Balance & Restoration
- Killer Instinct
Grants 140%Grants 100% of your Intellect as Agility when you shapeshift into Bear Form or Cat Form. Druid – Balance & Restoration Spec. - Sunfire (Balance) A quick beam of solar light burns the enemy for
[ 1 + 90% of Spell Power1;] Nature damage and then an additional [ 6 +50%55% of Spell Power ] Nature damage over 12 sec to the primary target and all enemies within 5 yards. - Sunfire (Feral, Guardian, Restoration) A quick beam of solar light burns the enemy for
[ 1 + 90% of Spell Power1;] Nature damage and then an additional [ 6 +50%55% of Spell Power ] Nature damage over 12 sec to the primary target and all enemies within 5 yards.
- Ferocious Bite (Balance, Guardian, Restoration) 1 point :
[ 106%[ 116% of AP ] damage 2 points:[ 212%[ 232% of AP ] damage 3 points: [ 1 +318%348% of AP ] damage 4 points: [ 1 +424%464% of AP ] damage 5 points: [ 1 +530% of AP ] damage580% of AP ] damage - Ferocious Bite (Feral) 1 point :
[ 106%[ 116% of AP ] damage 2 points:[ 212%[ 232% of AP ] damage 3 points: [ 1 +318%348% of AP ] damage 4 points: [ 1 +424%464% of AP ] damage 5 points: [ 1 +530% of AP ] damage580% of AP ] damage - Rake (Balance, Guardian, Restoration) Rake the target for [ 1 +
66%80% of AP ] Bleed damage and an additional [ 5 +66%80% of AP ] Bleed damage over 15 sec. - Rake (Feral) Rake the target for [ 1 +
66%80% of AP ] Bleed damage and an additional [ 5 +66%80% of AP ] Bleed damage over 15 sec.
- Frenzied Regeneration Heals you for
40%50% of all damage taken in the last 5 sec over 3 sec, minimum 5% of maximum health. Requires Bear Form. Druid – Guardian Spec. 10 Rage. Instant. 1 sec cooldown.
- True Aim Each successive Arcane Shot or Aimed Shot fired at the same target increases the damage those Shots deal to the target by 2%, stacking up to
106 times. Limit 1 target. Marksmanship Hunter – Level 30 Talent.
- Aimed Shot A powerful aimed shot that deals (
185%200% of weapon damage) Physical damage. Hunter – Marksmanship Spec. 50 Focus. 40 yd range. Instant.
- Tar Trap Hurls a tar trap to the target location that creates a
08 yd radius pool of tar around itself for 30 sec when the first enemy approaches. All enemies have 50% reduced movement speed while in the area of effect. Trap will exist for 60 sec. Hunter – Survival Spec. 40 yd range. Instant. 30 sec cooldown.
- Charged Up Immediately grants 4 Arcane Charges. Arcane Mage – Level 60 Talent. Instant.
30 sec cooldown.40 sec cooldown. - Flame On Immediately grants 2 charges of Fire Blast. Fire Mage – Level 60 Talent. Instant.
30 sec cooldown.40 sec cooldown. - Thermal Void
Casting Ice Lance extendsYour Ice Lances against frozen targets extend your Icy Veins by 2 sec. Frost Mage – Level 100 Talent.
- Arcane Blast Blasts the target with energy, dealing
[ 160%[ 165% of Spell Power ] Arcane damage. Damage increased by 60% per Arcane Charge. Mana cost increased by 100% per Arcane Charge. Generates 1 Arcane Charge Mage – Arcane Spec. 3.2% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. 2.2 sec cast.
- Frostbolt Launches a bolt of frost at the enemy, causing [ 1 +
190%175% of Spell Power ] Frost damage and slowing movement speed by 30% for 15 sec. Mage – Frost Spec. 2% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. 2 sec cast. - Ice Lance Quickly fling a shard of ice at the target, dealing [ 1 +
95%80% of Spell Power ] Frost damage. Ice Lance damage is tripled against frozen targets. Mage – Frost Spec. 1% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. Instant.
- Blackout Kick Kick with a blast of Chi energy, dealing
[ 325%[ 335% of AP ] Physical damage. 1 Chi. Melee range. Instant. 3 sec cooldown. - Breath of Fire Breathe fire on targets in front of you, causing [ 2 +
200%180% of AP ] Fire damage. Targets affected by Keg Smash will also burn for[ 30%[ 27% of AP ] Fire damage over 8 sec. Unlimited range. Instant. - Fists of Fury Pummels all targets in front of you, dealing
[ 2,500%[ 2,625% of AP ] damage over 4 sec. Can be channeled while moving. Melee range. Instant. - Tiger Palm (Brewmaster) Attack with the palm of your hand, dealing [ 1 +
AP ] damage.90% of AP ] damage. - Tiger Palm (Windwalker) Attack with the palm of your hand, dealing [ 1 +
AP ] damage.90% of AP ] damage. - Tiger Palm (Mistweaver) Attack with the palm of your hand, dealing [ 1 +
AP ] damage.90% of AP ] damage.
- Ascension Increases your maximum Chi by 1, and your Energy regeneration by
15%10%. Windwalker Monk – Level 45 Talent.
- Blackout Strike Strike with a blast of Chi energy, dealing
[ 487.5%[ 415% of AP ] Physical damage. Monk – Brewmaster Spec. Melee range. Instant. 3 sec cooldown. - Breath of Fire Breathe fire on targets in front of you, causing [ 2 +
200%180% of AP ] Fire damage. Targets affected by Keg Smash will also burn for[ 30%[ 27% of AP ] Fire damage over 8 sec. Monk – Brewmaster Spec. Instant. 15 sec cooldown. - Keg Smash Smash a keg of brew on the target, dealing [ 1 +
900%675% of AP ] damage to all enemies within 8 yds and reducing their movement speed by 50% for 15 sec. Reduces the remaining cooldown on your Brews by 4 sec. Monk – Brewmaster Spec. 40 Energy. 15 yd range. Instant. 8 sec cooldown.
- Fists of Fury Pummels all targets in front of you, dealing
[ 2,500%[ 2,625% of AP ] damage over 4 sec. Can be channeled while moving. Monk – Windwalker Spec. 3 Chi. Melee range. 4 sec cast (Channeled). 24 sec cooldown.
Windwalker & Mistweaver
- Rising Sun Kick (Brewmaster, Mistweaver) Kick upwards, dealing
[ 750% of AP ] damage.[ 790% of AP ] damage. - Rising Sun Kick (Windwalker) Kick upwards, dealing
[ 750%[ 790% of AP ] damage, and reducing the effectiveness of healing on the target for 10 sec.
- Crusader Strike (Holy, Protection) Strike the target for (
180%210% of weapon damage) Physical damage. - Crusader Strike (Retribution) Strike the target for (
180%210% of weapon damage) Physical damage. - Judgment (Holy) Judges the target, dealing [ 1 +
220%250% of Spell Power ] Holy damage, and causing the target to take 0% increased damage from your Crusader Strike and Holy Shock for 6 sec. - Judgment (Protection) Judges the target, dealing [ 1 +
220%250% of Spell Power ] Holy damage, and reducing the remaining cooldown on Shield of the Righteous by 1 sec, or 2 sec on a critical strike. - Judgment (Retribution) Judges the target and 1 other nearby enemy, dealing [ 1 +
220%250% of Spell Power ] Holy damage, and causing them to take 0% increased damage taken from your Holy Power spenders for 8 sec.
- Blade of Wrath Strikes an enemy with the Blade of Wrath, dealing (140% of weapon damage) Holy damage, and an additional [ 55% of AP ] Holy damage over 6 sec. |cFFFFFFFFGenerates 2 Holy Power. Retribution Paladin – Level 60 Talent. 12 yd range. Instant.
7 sec cooldown.7.5 sec cooldown. - Consecration Consecrates the land beneath you, causing [ 9 + 270% of AP ] Holy damage over
912 sec to enemies who enter the area. Retribution Paladin – Level 15 Talent. Instant.9 sec cooldown.12 sec cooldown. - Crusade Increases your damage and haste by
2.5%3.0% for 20 sec. Each Holy Power spent during Crusade increases damage and haste by an additional2.5%3.0%. Maximum 15 stacks. Retribution Paladin – Level 100 Talent. Instant. 20 sec cooldown. - Divine Hammer Divine Hammers spin around you, damaging enemies within 8 yds for (50% of weapon damage) Holy damage instantly and every 2 sec for
1012 sec. Generates 2 Holy Power. Retribution Paladin – Level 60 Talent. Instant.10 sec cooldown.12 sec cooldown. - Execution Sentence A hammer slowly falls from the sky, dealing 0 Holy damage after
87 sec. Retribution Paladin – Level 15 Talent. 3 Holy Power. 20 yd range. Instant. 20 sec cooldown. - Greater Judgment Your Judgment ability hits 2 additional nearby enemies, and always deals a critical strike against targets above
75%50% health. Retribution Paladin – Level 30 Talent. - The Fires of Justice Reduces the cooldown of Crusader Strike by
1.51.0 sec and gives it a20%15% chance to reduce the cost of your next damaging or healing Holy Power ability by 1. Retribution Paladin – Level 30 Talent. - Word of Glory Heal yourself and up to 5 friendly targets within 15 yards for [ 1 +
600%900% of Spell Power ]. Maximum 2 charges. Retribution Paladin – Level 75 Talent. 3 Holy Power. Instant. - Zeal Strike the target for (
280%330% of weapon damage) Physical damage. Maximum 2 charges. Grants Zeal, causing Zeal attacks to chain to an additional nearby target per stack. Maximum 3 stacks. Each jump deals 40% less damage. |cFFFFFFFFGenerates 1 Holy Power. Retribution Paladin – Level 30 Talent. Melee range. Instant.
- Light of Dawn Unleashes a wave of holy energy, healing up to 5 injured allies within a 15 yd frontal cone for [ 180% of Spell Power ]. Paladin – Holy Spec. 14% of Base Mana. Instant.
10 sec cooldown.12 sec cooldown.
- Guarded by the Light Increases your total Stamina by
10%30% and your block chance by 50%. Reduces the chance you will be critically hit by melee attacks by 0%. Your spell power is now equal to 100% of your attack power, and you no longer benefit from other sources of spell power. Grants 6% of your maximum mana every 5 sec. Paladin – Protection Spec.
- Blade of Justice Strikes an enemy with the Blade of Justice, dealing (
340%400% of weapon damage) Physical damage. Generates 2 Holy Power. Paladin – Retribution Spec. 12 yd range. Instant.8 sec cooldown.10.5 sec cooldown.
- Mind Spike Assail the target with shadowy spikes, dealing
[ 37%[ 35% of Spell Power ] Shadowfrost damage and leaving a spike embedded in their mind. Mind Blast will detonate these spikes, each dealing 200% of their original damage to the main target, and 100% to all nearby targets. Generates 4 Insanity. Shadow Priest – Level 100 Talent. 40 yd range. 1.5 sec cast.
PvP Talents
- Psyfiend Summons a Psyfiend with 10 health for
2012 sec beside you to attack the target at range with Psyflay. Psyflay Deals 2% of the target’s total health in Shadow damage every 1 sec. Also slows their movement speed by 50% and reduces their healing received by 50%. Shadow Priest – Tier 5 PvP Talent. 40 yd range. Instant. 45 sec cooldown.
- Holy Fire Consumes the enemy in Holy flames that cause [ 150% of Spell Power ] Holy damage and an additional
[ 37%[ 33% of Spell Power ] Holy damage over 7 sec. Stacks up to 2 times. Can’t be cast in Shadowform. Priest – Holy Spec. 1% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. Instant. 10 sec cooldown. - Holy Word: Chastise Chastises the target for [ 1 +
500%450% of Spell Power ] Holy damage and incapacitates them for 5 sec. Can’t be cast in Shadowform. Priest – Holy Spec. 2% of Base Mana. 30 yd range. Instant. 60 sec cooldown.
- Vampiric Touch A touch of darkness that causes [ 6 +
70%77% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage over 18 sec, and heals the Priest for 50% of damage dealt. If Vampiric Touch is dispelled, the dispeller flees in Horror for 3 sec. Generates 4 Insanity. Priest – Shadow Spec. 40 yd range. 1.5 sec cast. - Void Eruption Releases an explosive blast of pure void energy, activating Voidform and causing
1[ 1 + 150% of Spell Power Shadow damage to all enemies afflicted by your Shadow Word: Pain or Vampiric Touch. During Voidform, this ability is replaced by Void Bolt. Requires [ 1% of C ] Insanity to activate. Priest – Shadow Spec. All Shadow Orbs. 2 sec cast. 3 sec cooldown.
- Kingsbane Releases lethal poison within The Kingslayers and injects it into your target, dealing [ 2.000 *
500%300% of weapon damage ] Nature damage instantly and an additional [ 35 +75%45% of AP ] Nature damage over 14 sec. Each time you apply a Lethal Poison to a target affected by Kingsbane, Kingsbane damage increases by20%15%. Artifact. 35 Energy. Melee range. Instant. 45 sec cooldown. - Kingsbane Releases lethal poison within The Kingslayers and injects it into your target, dealing [ 2.000 *
500%300% of weapon damage ] Nature damage instantly and an additional [ 35 +75%45% of AP ] Nature damage over 14 sec. Each time you apply a Lethal Poison to a target affected by Kingsbane, Kingsbane damage increases by20%. 100 yd range. Instant.15%. 100 yd range. Instant. - Kingsbane Releases lethal poison within The Kingslayers and injects it into your target, dealing [ 2.000 *
500%300% of weapon damage ] Nature damage instantly and an additional [ 35 +75%45% of AP ] Nature damage over 14 sec. Each time you apply a Lethal Poison to a target affected by Kingsbane, Kingsbane damage increases by20%. 100 yd range. Instant.15%. 100 yd range. Instant.
- Alacrity Your finishing moves have a 20% chance per combo point to grant 1% Haste for 20 sec, stacking up to
2520 times. Rogue – Level 90 Talent. - Cannonball Barrage Command a ghost ship crew to barrage the target area with cannonballs doing [ 6 +
600%720% of AP ] Physical damage over 1.8 sec and slowing enemies by 50% for 1.5 sec. Outlaw Rogue – Level 90 Talent. 35 yd range. Instant. 60 sec cooldown. - Elaborate Planning Your finishing moves grant
15%12% increased damage done for 5 sec. Rogue – Level 15 Talent. - Ghostly Strike Strikes an enemy with your cursed weapon, dealing (176% of weapon damage) Physical damage and causing the target to take
8%10% increased damage from your abilities for 15 sec. Awards 1 combo points. Outlaw Rogue – Level 15 Talent. 30 Energy. Melee range. Instant. - Slice and Dice Finishing move that consumes combo points to increase attack speed by
75%100%. Lasts longer per combo point. 1 point : 12 seconds 2 points: 18 seconds 3 points: 24 seconds 4 points: 30 seconds 5 points: 36 seconds Outlaw Rogue – Level 100 Talent. 25 Energy. 100 yd range. Instant. - Swordmaster Saber Slash has a
15%10% increased chance to strike an additional time. Outlaw Rogue – Level 15 Talent. - Weaponmaster Your abilities have a
12%6% chance to hit the target twice each time they deal damage. Subtlety Rogue – Level 15 Talent.
- Run Through Lunging finishing move that causes damage per combo point and has increased range: 1 point :
[ 90%[ 85% of AP ] damage 2 points:[ 180%[ 170% of AP ] damage 3 points:[ 270%[ 255% of AP ] damage 4 points:[ 360%[ 340% of AP ] damage 5 points:[ 450%[ 425% of AP ] damage Rogue – Outlaw Spec. 35 Energy. Melee range. Instant.
- Doom Winds Unleashes the inner power of the Doomhammer, causing all auto attacks to trigger Windfury, and increasing damage dealt by Windfury by
400%200% for 6 sec. Artifact. 100 yd range. Instant.45 sec cooldown.60 sec cooldown.
- Boulderfist Slams your target with the power of stone, dealing [ 1 +
300%250% of AP ] Nature damage and enhancing your weapons for 10 sec, increasing your critical strike chance by 10% and all damage you deal by 5%. Generates 25 Maelstrom. Enhancement Shaman – Level 15 Talent. 10 yd range. Instant. - Elemental Blast Harnesses the raw power of the elements, dealing
[ 500%[ 450% of Spell Power ] Elemental damage and increasing your Critical Strike, Haste, or Mastery by 5 for 10 sec. Elemental Shaman – Level 60 Talent. 40 yd range. 2 sec cast. 12 sec cooldown. - Elemental Mastery Elemental forces empower you with
30%25% haste for 20 sec. Elemental Shaman – Level 90 Talent. Instant. 2 min cooldown. - Fury of Air Creates a vortex of wind 8 yards around you, dealing
[ 35%[ 30% of AP ] damage every 1 sec to enemies caught in the storm, and slowing them by 30% for 3 sec. Enhancement Shaman – Level 90 Talent. 5 Maelstrom, plus 5 per sec. Instant. - Hailstorm Frostbrand now also enhances your weapon’s damage, causing each of your weapon attacks to also deal (
1%0% of weapon damage) Frost damage. Enhancement Shaman – Level 60 Talent. - Totem Mastery Summons four totems that increase your combat capabilities for 2 min. Resonance Totem Generates 1 Maelstrom every 1 sec. Storm Totem Increases the chance for Lightning Bolt and Chain Lightning to trigger Elemental Overload by 10%. Ember Totem Increases Flame Shock damage over time by
20%10%. Tailwind Totem Increases your haste by 2%. Elemental Shaman – Level 15 Talent. 40 yd range. Instant.
- Earth Shock Instantly shocks the target with concussive force, causing up to
[ 900%[ 800% of Spell Power ] Nature damage based on Maelstrom spent. Shaman – Elemental Spec. 10 Maelstrom. 40 yd range. Instant.
Elemental & Restoration
- Lava Burst (Elemental, Enhancement) Hurls molten lava at the target, dealing [ 1 +
240%210% of Spell Power ] Fire damage. - Lava Burst (Restoration) Hurls molten lava at the target, dealing [ 1 +
240%210% of Spell Power ] Fire damage.
- Lava Lash Charges your off-hand weapon with lava and burns your target, dealing (
480%505% of weapon damage) Fire damage. Shaman – Enhancement Spec. 30 Maelstrom. Melee range. Instant. - Rockbiter Assaults your target with earthen power, dealing [ 1 +
152.5%120% of AP ] Nature damage. Generates 15 Maelstrom. Shaman – Enhancement Spec. 10 yd range. Instant.
- Chaos Barrage Deals [ 1 +
66.6%55% of Spell Power ] Chaos damage. 100 yd range. Instant. - Corruption Corrupts the target, causing
[ 32%[ 30% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage over 14 sec. 40 yd range. Instant. - Shadow Bolt Sends a shadowy bolt at the enemy, causing [ 1 +
250%200% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage. 40 yd range. Instant.
- Cataclysm
6045 sec cooldown.
- Agony Inflicts increasing agony on the target, causing up to [ 90 +
38%36% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage over 18 sec. Damage starts low and increases over the duration. Refreshing Agony maintains its current damage level. Agony damage sometimes generates 1 Soul Shard. Warlock – Affliction Spec. 3% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. Instant. - Corruption Corrupts the target, causing
[ 32%[ 30% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage over 14 sec. Warlock – Affliction Spec. 3% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. Instant. - Unstable Affliction Afflicts the target with
[ 85%[ 80% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage over 8 sec. Multiple casts accumulate increased damage. If dispelled, deals 200% of its remaining damage to the dispeller and silences them for 4 sec. Refunds 1 Soul Shard if the target dies before 8 sec have elapsed. Warlock – Affliction Spec. 0 Soul Shard. 40 yd range. 1.5 sec cast.
- Chaos Bolt Unleashes a devastating blast of chaos, causing [ 1 +
340%330% of Spell Power ] Chaos damage. Chaos Bolt always critically strikes and your critical strike chance increases its damage. Warlock – Destruction Spec. 0 Soul Shard. 40 yd range. 3 sec cast. - Immolate Burns the enemy, causing [ 1 + 120% of Spell Power ] Fire damage immediately and an additional
[ 5[ 6 + 65% of Spell Power ] Fire damage over1518 sec. 15% chance to generate 1 Soul Shard. Chance doubled on critical strikes. Warlock – Destruction Spec. - Immolate Burns the enemy, causing [ 1 + 120% of Spell Power ] Fire damage immediately and an additional
[ 5[ 6 + 65% of Spell Power ] Fire damage over1518 sec. 15% chance to generate 1 Soul Shard. Chance doubled on critical strikes. Warlock – Destruction Spec. 6% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. 1.5 sec cast. - Incinerate Draws fire toward the enemy, dealing
[ 175%[ 170% of Spell Power ] Fire damage. Warlock – Destruction Spec. 6% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. 2 sec cast.
- Bloodbath For 8 sec, your melee attacks and abilities cause the target to bleed for
20%40% additional damage over 6 sec. 100 yd range. Instant. - Bloodthirst Heal Bloodthirst heals the Warrior for
5% of their health. Instant.4% of their health. Instant. - Raging Blow A mighty blow with both weapons that deals a total of [ 2.000 *
185%160% of weapon damage ] Physical damage. Only usable while Enraged. Generates 5 Rage. 100 yd range. Instant. - Raging Blow A mighty blow with both weapons that deals a total of [ 2.000 *
185%160% of weapon damage ] Physical damage. Only usable while Enraged. Generates 5 Rage. 100 yd range. Instant.
- Bloodbath For 8 sec, your melee attacks and abilities cause the target to bleed for
20%40% additional damage over 6 sec. Fury Warrior – Level 90 Talent. Instant. 30 sec cooldown. - Dragon Roar Roar explosively, dealing [ 150% of AP ] damage to all enemies within 8 yards and increasing all damage you deal by 20% for 6 sec. Dragon Roar ignores all armor and always critically strikes. Fury Warrior – Level 100 Talent. Instant.
20 sec cooldown.25 sec cooldown. - Wrecking Ball Your attacks have a chance to make your next Whirlwind
cost no Rage anddeal 200% increased damage. Fury Warrior – Level 45 Talent.
- Bloodthirst Assault the target in a bloodthirsty craze, dealing (
275%225% of weapon damage) Physical damage and restoring5%4% of your health. Generates 10 Rage. Warrior – Fury Spec. Melee range. Instant. 4.5 sec cooldown. - Furious Slash Aggressively strike with your off-hand weapon for (
310%280% of weapon damage) Physical damage. Increases your Bloodthirst critical strike chance by 15% until it next deals a critical strike, stacking up to 6 times. Warrior – Fury Spec. Melee range. Instant. - Raging Blow A mighty blow with both weapons that deals a total of [ 2.000 *
185%160% of weapon damage ] Physical damage. Only usable while Enraged. Generates 5 Rage. Warrior – Fury Spec. Melee range. Instant.
- Devastate A direct strike, dealing (
320%350% of weapon damage) Physical damage. 30% chance to reset the remaining cooldown on Shield Slam. Warrior – Protection Spec. Melee range. Instant. - Ignore Pain Fight through the pain, ignoring 90% of the next up to
[ 2,250% of AP + 225%[ 2,800% of AP + 280% of AP ] damage you take from any sources, based on Rage spent. Warrior – Protection Spec. 20 Rage. Melee range. Instant. 1 sec cooldown. - Shield Slam Slams the target with your shield, causing [ 1 +
533.6%613.6% of AP ] Physical damage. Generates 15 Rage. Warrior – Protection Spec. Melee range. Instant. 9 sec cooldown. - Unwavering Sentinel Your Defensive Stance provides several additional benefits. Increases your total Stamina by
10%30%. Reduces the chance you will be critically hit by melee attacks by 6%. Reduces the chance your attacks will be parried by 3%. Warrior – Protection Spec.