Heroes: „Update“ Das neue Balance Update wurde veröffentlicht

Update: Wie bereits vor Kurzem von den Entwicklern durch einen Blogeintrag angekündigt wurde, haben sie in der letzten Nacht nun ein neues Balance Update auf die Liveserver von Heroes of the Storm aufgespielt, welches mittlerweile in allen Spielregionen aktiv sein sollte. Auch wenn die in diesem Patch enthaltenen Anpassungen an den spielbaren Helden dann den bereits vor einigen Tagen veröffentlichten Patchnotes entsprechen, so haben die Mitarbeiter von Blizzard die dort aufgeführten Fehlerbehebungen allerdings noch ein wenig erweitert und Lösungen für Probleme mit Tracer und Rehgar hinzugefügt.
We’ve just released a new patch for Heroes of the Storm in order to apply balance changes to Rehgar, Chromie, and Kael’thas, and to address a few live bugs. Check out the detailed patch notes below.
Im Verlauf des heutigen Abends haben die Mitarbeiter von Blizzard Entertainment durch einen Blogeintrag auf der offiziellen Seite von Heroes of the Storm angekündigt, dass sie am 22. Juni 2016 ein neues Balance Update veröffentlichten möchten, welches kurz darauf dann auch in den restlichen Spielregionen dieses Titels erscheinen sollte. Dabei beinhaltet dieser in den nächsten Tagen erscheinende Patch neben den üblichen Fehlerbehebungen dann auch noch einige kleinere Anpassungen an den Charakteren „Kael’thas“, „Chromie“ und „Rehgar“. Eine genaue Liste mit den genauen Änderungen aus diesem Balance Update findet ihr in folgenden Patchnotes.
We will be releasing a new patch for Heroes of the Storm later this week in order to apply balance changes to Rehgar, Chromie, and Kael’thas, and to address a few live bugs. Check out the detailed patch notes below.
Basic Abilities
- Living Bomb (W)
- Damage over time reduced from 84 to 50.
- Explosion damage increased from 138 to 200.
Developer Comments: Kael’thas’ damage is a bit too high, so we’re nerfing his single-target Living Bomb damage by 10%. While we were successful at giving him some weaknesses by reducing his survivability and removing Bolt of the Storm, he is still able to put out more single-target damage than we’re comfortable with. We want to point him towards being more of an AoE mage, and this is the beginning of that process. Expect to see some tweaks in the future to continue pointing him in that direction.
Basic Abilities
- Time Trap (E)
- Mana cost reduced from 50 to 25
- Cast range increased by 50%.
- Time Trap Base Health increased from 200 to 300.
Developer Comments: We want to play up the strategic positioning that Chromie uses to stay alive. As such, we are making Time Traps less of a Mana drain and increasing their range so Chromie players are encouraged to reposition the traps where it will offer the best benefit.We are also increasing the Health of the traps so that they don’t die as frequently to incidental damage. These buffs will make it easier for Chromie to protect herself from the enemies that she knows are coming…or will know were coming… time dragons are confusing.
- Basic Attack damage increased from 95 to 99.
Basic Abilities
- Chain Heal (Q)
- Primary heal amount reduced from 372 to 334.
- Secondary bounce heal amount reduced from 186 to 167.
- Lightning Shield (W)
- Damage increased from 60 damage per second to 64 damage per second.
Level 4
- Stormcaller (W)
- Mana return increased from 3 to 4 per Hero hit.
- Maximum Mana returned increased from 30 to 40.
Developer Comments: Rehgar is still performing too well in competitive play. We agree with the majority of the community that we’d rather see him being a more aggressive support, so we’re offsetting some of the healing nerfs by increasing his damage potential. This should be an overall nerf to Rehgar, but he is almost universally regarded as one of the best supports at all levels of play and with all team compositions. These should bring him in line while also rewarding those behind-biting plays that everyone loves.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue causing the Hero League screen to fail to update with Placement Match results after a game completed.
- Rehgar: The untalented Lightning Shield gained from the Lightning Bond talent will no longer increase the damage dealt by Rising Storm when both talents are taken.
- Tracer: Fixed an issue causing Pulse Bomb to deal unintended additional damage when certain talents were chosen.
- The Profile Statistics page will now show the highest rank earned for current and previous seasons, instead of current rank.
- The Profile Summary page will now show lifetime player and Hero stats instead of the current season’s stats.
Make reghar shit again!
Naja 10% Weniger Heal auf seinem Q Schadet ihm nicht so sehr denke ich.
Und eventuell bekommt man in der Hero League so andere Supporter wieder öfter zusehn. #liebefürMalf