Diesen Monat in WoW: April 2016

Letzte Nacht haben die Mitarbeiter von Blizzard neuen Blogeintrag zu World of Warcraft auf ihrer offiziellen Seite veröffentlicht, der dieses Mal die für den anstehenden April 2016 geplanten Ereignisse in diesem Spiel selbst und der Community auflistet. Wer also beispielsweise Informationen zu kommenden Feiertagen, den wöchentlichen Events im nächsten Monat, geplanten Podcasts oder interessanten PvP-Events erhalten möchte, der der sollte sich folgenden Artikel der Entwickler von WoW durchlesen.
This Month in WoW – April 2016
A new month is here. Spring has sprung, bells have rung, and birds have sung! There’s much to see and do, and we have our eye on what the community’s up to, too. In this April edition of This Month in WoW, we look forward to some of the more remarkable things going on in the World of Warcraft community.
A Foolish Start to the Month
We had a lot of fun celebrating April Fool’s Day, as always. In case you missed them, here are our Warcraft jokes for 2016:
- Transportation Tensions Mount as Flightmasters Face “Flyt” – Flyt allows customers to simply whisper their destination to a central operator. Flyt then automatically connects travelers with a nearby “transporters”.
- Introducing Azeroth TV! – Get ready to experience World of Warcraft on a whole new screen—your television! We’re pleased to introduce our brand-new network—Azeroth TV—which will be coming your way Soon™.
- Hearthstone the MMO – You’ve always wanted to take your favorite Hearthstone characters out of the tavern and into a full 3D world.
- Legion Alpha Patch Note Preview – As always, a new patch requires patch notes. You’ll want to read these closely.
- Introducing the Frostdoge Clan – Soon, heroes across Draenor will have the chance to take up arms to earn the respect of an all-new faction: the enigmatic Frostdoge clan.
Running through April 4, the hunt is on in Azeroth’s celebration of bright colors, rebirth, and hidden treats! In case you missed them, the beautiful Mystical Spring Bouquet pet and three types of painted eggs are now available from event-only vendors during Noblegarden.
Who knows where you or others might hide a painted egg? The possibilities for egg hunts with your friends are endless!
Learn more about all of the other toys, gear, and achievements available during this event on our site here, and for tips and tricks on making the most of the holiday, head over to Wowhead’s egg-celent Noblegarden guide.
Did You Know?
April 1, 2016 marked the 14th anniversary of the realization that Pandaren were a race of people in Azeroth.
Streaming and Live Events
Guild Survivor Season 2
Join Sparty Smallwood live every Thursday at 9:00 p.m. PST for Guild Survivor. Season two includes teams from the Death Jesters and Zeroes to Heroes guilds competing for the grand prize of 1,000,000 gold. There will be plot twists, PVP, PVE challenges, Toys, Pet Battles, World Events, and places in game you may never have even thought of! See Warcraft in ways you haven’t seen it before!
Who will be voted off next? What is Guild Survivor? Learn more about it from Sparty in this video.*
View Guild Survivor Season 1 on the Death Jester’s YouTube page.
*Warning: Some mild language. Viewer discretion advised.
Stay up-to-date on all of the latest World of Warcraft news and goings-on with some of our favorite podcasts:
- When: Wednesdays
- About: Medros, Toasty, and Phandeth talk about World of Warcraft news every week.
- Visit the All Things Azeroth site to learn more about the show and follow them on Twitter at @AllThingsAz.
Wowhead Weekly and Downtime Tuesday
- When: Saturdays and Tuesdays
- About: Wowhead’s Perculia and Panser discuss most everything going on in the World of Warcraft.
- Follow @Wowhead on Twitter for every episode.
- When: Fridays at 9:00 a.m. PDT
- About: We highlighted Scott Johnson right here on March 25. Check it out!
- Visit The Instance site to learn more about the show and follow them on Twitter at @InstanceShow.
Esports Live Events
GCD EU Pro League – Spring Tournament Finals
- Saturday, April 2 12:30 p.m. EDT / 9:30 a.m. PDT / 6:30PM CEST
- Sunday, April 3 12:30 p.m. EDT / 9:30 a.m. PDT / 6:30PM CEST
Stay on top of all the latest from GCD.tv by following them on Twitter and on Twitch.tv.
Want to catch up on any tournament action you may have missed? Visit the GCDTV YouTube page.
In Game Events
You can keep up-to-date on all of the in-game events through the calendar on the World of Warcraft website here (log in and select Events from the drop-down menu under your character name), or simply view the in-game calendar for exact event start times for your realm.
Bonus Events:
Draenor Dungeons Bonus Event — March 30-April 4
- While this event is active, defeating enemies in any level 100 Heroic or Mythic dungeon will award reputation with an appropriate Draenor faction.
Pet Battle Bonus Event — April 6–11
- While this event is active, your pets will earn experience at triple the usual rate. Get out there and battle with your mighty minions!
Timewalking Dungeon Event: Cataclysm — April 13-18
- While this event is active, players level 86 or higher may access a special Timewalking Dungeon Finder queue, which scales players and their items down to revisit past dungeons from the Cataclysm expansion. While Timewalking, bosses will yield loot appropriate for a player’s natural level.
Apexis Crystal Bonus Event — April 20-25
- While this event is active, Apexis Crystal gains are multiplied. Get yourself to Tanaan Jungle and cash in on the Apexis Windfall.
Arena Skirmishes Bonus Event — April 27-May 2
- While this event is active, Arena Skirmishes will award Honor at triple the usual rate. Will you answer the call to battle?
Legion Alpha Test
Check out the latest development information on the Legion alpha test.