WoW Legion: Der neue Build 21108

Im Verlauf der vergangenen Nacht haben die Entwickler von World of Warcraft den neuen Build 21108 auf die Testserver der derzeit laufenden Alpha zu der kommenden Erweiterung „Legion“ aufgespielt und diese Testphase um einige zusätzliche Inhalte erweitert. Dabei brachte dieses Update dann neben den üblichen Klassenänderungen auch wieder eine Reihe von neuen Modellen, Informationen zu kommenden Reittieren und viele weitere Neuerungen mit sich.
(Hier gibt es eine lange Liste mit Klassenänderungen)
2/18 Alpha Build Design Notes:
(Bluepost von Game Designer Celestalon)
- Class Status – We’re continuing to iterate on our class abilities and talents, based on testing and feedback. This build has many revisions scattered around the classes, but here are some highlights:
- Fury Warriors – Significant iterations on the core combat abilities. A few more talent changes are still yet to come.
- Mages – Significant revisions to their level 30 talents, and a few related baseline utility abilities.
- Death Knights – Wraith Walk added to aid mobility. Several new/revised talents across all 3 specs.
- Protection Warriors – Several revisions to talents and core rotation.
- Demon Hunters – Numerous changes across both specs and talents.
- Shadow Priests – Voidform is now an active ability.
- Retribution Paladins – Many talents revised.
- Marksmanship Hunters – Significant revisions to core combat abilities and talents.
Neue Modelle:
Neue Modelle für Artefaktwaffen:
T-19 Boni:
- Item – Druid T19 Restoration 2P Bonus Wild Growth’s healing reduces
20% less over time.50% less over time. - Item – Priest T19 Holy 2P Bonus Holy Word: Sanctify’s Echo of Light heals for
50% more.100% more. - Item – Priest T19 Holy 4P Bonus Holy Word: Serenity gains
50%20% increased critical strike chance if the target is affected by your Echo of Light.
Neue Reittiere:
- Bloodfang Widow (New) Summons and dismisses a rideable Bloodfang Widow. 1.5 sec cast.
- Brilliant Direbeak (New) Summons and dismisses your Brilliant Direbeak. Account wide. 1.5 sec cast.
- Coldflame Infernal Name changed from „Mount Template 51“ to „Coldflame Infernal“. Summons and dismisses your
Mount Template 51Coldflame Infernal. Account wide. 1.5 sec cast. - Fel Core Hound (New) Summons and dismisses a rideable Fel Core Hound. Account wide. 1.5 sec cast.
- Felblaze Infernal (New) Summons and dismisses your Felblaze Infernal. Account wide. 1.5 sec cast.
- Flarecore Infernal (New) Summons and dismisses your Flarecore Infernal. Account wide. 1.5 sec cast.
- Hellfire Infernal Name changed from „Mount Template 50“ to „Hellfire Infernal“. Summons and dismisses your
Mount Template 50Hellfire Infernal. Account wide. 1.5 sec cast. - Llothien Prowler Name changed from „Mount Template 49“ to „Llothien Prowler“. Summons and dismisses your
Mount Template 49Llothien Prowler. Account wide. 1.5 sec cast. - Predatory Bloodgazer (New) Summons and dismisses your Predatory Bloodgazer. Account wide. 1.5 sec cast.
- Snowfeather Hunter (New) Summons and dismisses your Snowfeather Hunter. Account wide. 1.5 sec cast.
- Viridian Sharptalon (New) Summons and dismisses your Viridian Sharptalon. Account wide. 1.5 sec cast.
Talente der Artefakte:
Demon Hunter
- Aldrachi Design (Rank 1) Parry chance increased by
2%.1%. - Aldrachi Design (Rank 2) Parry chance increased by
4%.2%. - Aldrachi Design (Rank 3) Parry chance increased by
6%.3%. - Aldrachi Design (Rank 4) Parry chance increased by
8%.4%. - Aldrachi Design (Rank 5) Parry chance increased by
10%.5%. - Aldrachi Design (Rank 6) Parry chance increased by
12%.6%. - Aura of Pain (Rank 1) Name changed from „Fire Hardened Warblades (Rank 1)“ to „Aura of Pain (Rank 1)“. Increase the damage of
Felblade by 5%.Immolation Aura by 5%. - Aura of Pain (Rank 2) Name changed from „Fire Hardened Warblades (Rank 2)“ to „Aura of Pain (Rank 2)“. Increase the damage of
Felblade by 10%.Immolation Aura by 10%. - Aura of Pain (Rank 3) Name changed from „Fire Hardened Warblades (Rank 3)“ to „Aura of Pain (Rank 3)“. Increase the damage of
Felblade by 15%.Immolation Aura by 15%. - Aura of Pain (Rank 4) Name changed from „Fire Hardened Warblades (Rank 4)“ to „Aura of Pain (Rank 4)“. Increase the damage of
Felblade by 20%.Immolation Aura by 20%. - Aura of Pain (Rank 5) Name changed from „Fire Hardened Warblades (Rank 5)“ to „Aura of Pain (Rank 5)“. Increase the damage of
Felblade by 25%.Immolation Aura by 25%. - Aura of Pain (Rank 6) Name changed from „Fire Hardened Warblades (Rank 6)“ to „Aura of Pain (Rank 6)“. Increase the damage of
Felblade by 30%.Immolation Aura by 30%. - Charred Warblades (Rank 1) (New) You heal for 15% of all Fire damage dealt.
- Defensive Spikes (Rank 1) (New) For the first 0 of Demon Spikes, your parry chance is increased by 0%.
- Demonic Flames (Rank 1) Name changed from „Infernal Rumbles (Rank 1)“ to „Demonic Flames (Rank 1)“.
Infernal Strike will deal 50% of its damage again at the same location after 2 sec.Increase the duration of Fiery Brand by 2.0 sec. - Devour Souls (Rank 1) (New) Soul Cleave heals for an additional 1% of your maximum health when used.
- Devour Souls (Rank 2) (New) Soul Cleave heals for an additional 2% of your maximum health when used.
- Devour Souls (Rank 3) (New) Soul Cleave heals for an additional 3% of your maximum health when used.
- Devour Souls (Rank 4) (New) Soul Cleave heals for an additional 4% of your maximum health when used.
- Devour Souls (Rank 5) (New) Soul Cleave heals for an additional 5% of your maximum health when used.
- Devour Souls (Rank 6) (New) Soul Cleave heals for an additional 6% of your maximum health when used.
- Embrace the Pain (Rank 1) (New) Increase the maximum health gained from Metamorphosis by 5%.
- Embrace the Pain (Rank 2) (New) Increase the maximum health gained from Metamorphosis by 10%.
- Embrace the Pain (Rank 3) (New) Increase the maximum health gained from Metamorphosis by 15%.
- Embrace the Pain (Rank 4) (New) Increase the maximum health gained from Metamorphosis by 20%.
- Embrace the Pain (Rank 5) (New) Increase the maximum health gained from Metamorphosis by 25%.
- Embrace the Pain (Rank 6) (New) Increase the maximum health gained from Metamorphosis by 30%.
- Fiery Demise (Rank 1) (New) Fiery Brand also increases Fire damage you deal to the target by 0%.
- Fiery Demise (Rank 2) (New) Fiery Brand also increases Fire damage you deal to the target by 0%.
- Fiery Demise (Rank 3) (New) Fiery Brand also increases Fire damage you deal to the target by 0%.
- Fiery Demise (Rank 4) (New) Fiery Brand also increases Fire damage you deal to the target by 0%.
- Fiery Demise (Rank 5) (New) Fiery Brand also increases Fire damage you deal to the target by 0%.
- Fiery Demise (Rank 6) (New) Fiery Brand also increases Fire damage you deal to the target by 0%.
- Fueled by Pain (Rank 1) (New) You have a chance to enter Metamorphosis form for 10 sec each time you consume a Soul Fragment.
- Infernal Force (Rank 1) (New) Increases the damage of Infernal Strike by 5%.
- Infernal Force (Rank 2) (New) Increases the damage of Infernal Strike by 10%.
- Infernal Force (Rank 3) (New) Increases the damage of Infernal Strike by 15%.
- Infernal Force (Rank 4) (New) Increases the damage of Infernal Strike by 20%.
- Infernal Force (Rank 5) (New) Increases the damage of Infernal Strike by 25%.
- Infernal Force (Rank 6) (New) Increases the damage of Infernal Strike by 30%.
- Painbringer (Rank 1)
Soul Cleave extends the duration of Metamorphosis and Immolation Aura by 2 sec.Each Soul Fragment consumed grants you 0% damage reduction for 0. - Scorched Ground (Rank 1) (New) Sigil of Flame now has 2 charges.
- Shatter the Souls (Rank 1) (New) Shear has a 5% increased chance to shatter a Lesser Soul Fragment from the target while you are below 50% health.
- Shatter the Souls (Rank 2) (New) Shear has a 10% increased chance to shatter a Lesser Soul Fragment from the target while you are below 50% health.
- Shatter the Souls (Rank 3) (New) Shear has a 15% increased chance to shatter a Lesser Soul Fragment from the target while you are below 50% health.
- Shatter the Souls (Rank 4) (New) Shear has a 20% increased chance to shatter a Lesser Soul Fragment from the target while you are below 50% health.
- Shatter the Souls (Rank 5) (New) Shear has a 25% increased chance to shatter a Lesser Soul Fragment from the target while you are below 50% health.
- Shatter the Souls (Rank 6) (New) Shear has a 30% increased chance to shatter a Lesser Soul Fragment from the target while you are below 50% health.
- Soul Carver (Rank 1) Name changed from „Demon Rage (Rank 1)“ to „Soul Carver (Rank 1)“.
Reduces damage taken by 20%.Release fel energy into your target, causing [ 1 + 150% of AP ] Fire damage every 2 sec for 10 sec. Every time Soul Carver deals damage, the Aldrachi Warblades generate a Lesser Soul Fragment. - Will of the Illidari (Rank 1) (New) Maximum health increased by 5%.
- Will of the Illidari (Rank 2) (New) Maximum health increased by 10%.
- Will of the Illidari (Rank 3) (New) Maximum health increased by 15%.
- Will of the Illidari (Rank 4) (New) Maximum health increased by 20%.
- Will of the Illidari (Rank 5) (New) Maximum health increased by 25%.
- Will of the Illidari (Rank 6) (New) Maximum health increased by 30%.
- Protection of Ashamane (Rank 1) When you leave Cat Form, you have 0% increased dodge chance and armor for 0. Shapeshifting into Cat Form will cancel this effect.This can only occur once every 30 sec.
- Ion Cannon (Rank 1)
When your Moonfire expires you gain 50 rageDisabled. - Right to Bear Arms (Rank 1)
Mangleincreases the duration of Frenzied Regeneration by2 sec.1 sec. - Ursoc’s Endurance (Rank 2) Increases the duration of your Active Mitigation spells by
2 sec.1 sec. - Ursoc’s Endurance (Rank 3) Increases the duration of your Active Mitigation spells by
3 sec.2 sec. - Ursoc’s Endurance (Rank 4) Increases the duration of your Active Mitigation spells by
4 sec.2 sec. - Ursoc’s Endurance (Rank 5) Increases the duration of your Active Mitigation spells by
5 sec.3 sec. - Ursoc’s Endurance (Rank 6) Increases the duration of your Active Mitigation spells by
6 sec.3 sec. - Wildflesh (Rank 1) Increases the periodic healing of your Frenzied Regeneration by
10%.5%. - Wildflesh (Rank 2) Increases the periodic healing of your Frenzied Regeneration by
20%.10%. - Wildflesh (Rank 3) Increases the periodic healing of your Frenzied Regeneration by
30%.15%. - Wildflesh (Rank 4) Increases the periodic healing of your Frenzied Regeneration by
40%.20%. - Wildflesh (Rank 5) Increases the periodic healing of your Frenzied Regeneration by
50%.25%. - Wildflesh (Rank 6) Increases the periodic healing of your Frenzied Regeneration by
- Artificial Damage (Rank 1) (New)
- Dreamwalker (Rank 1)
Swiftmend has a chance to cause your mind to fullySwiftmend causes your mind to momentarily shift into the Emerald Dream,increasing the healing rate of your heal over time spells by 0% for 0.causing all allies affected by your Rejuvenation on them to instantly be healed for 0. - Essence of G’Hanir (Rank 1) Release the natural
powers within G’Hanir to increase all healing done to allies within 8 yards by 10% for 8 sec.power within G’Hanir to increase the freuquency that all of your heal over time effects heal allies by 50% for 8 sec. - Tranquil Mind (Rank 1) Tranquility can now be
castchanneled while moving and heals for 20% more.
- Eagle’s Bite (Rank 1) Name changed from „Hunter’s Fortune (Rank 1)“ to „Eagle’s Bite (Rank 1)“.
- Everywhere At Once (Rank 1)
Reduces the cooldown of your Blink by 3 sec.Increases the range of Blink by 3. - Everywhere At Once (Rank 2)
Reduces the cooldown of your Blink by 6 sec.Increases the range of Blink by 6. - Everywhere At Once (Rank 3)
Reduces the cooldown of your Blink by 10 sec.Increases the range of Blink by 10. - Everywhere At Once (Rank 4)
Reduces the cooldown of your Blink by 13 sec.Increases the range of Blink by 13. - Everywhere At Once (Rank 5)
Reduces the cooldown of your Blink by 16 sec.Increases the range of Blink by 16. - Everywhere At Once (Rank 6)
Reduces the cooldown of your Blink by 20 sec.Increases the range of Blink by 20.
- Adjunct Advantage (Rank 1) (New) Increases the damage of Breath of Fire by 5%.
- Adjunct Advantage (Rank 2) (New) Increases the damage of Breath of Fire by 10%.
- Adjunct Advantage (Rank 3) (New) Increases the damage of Breath of Fire by 15%.
- Adjunct Advantage (Rank 4) (New) Increases the damage of Breath of Fire by 20%.
- Adjunct Advantage (Rank 5) (New) Increases the damage of Breath of Fire by 25%.
- Adjunct Advantage (Rank 6) (New) Increases the damage of Breath of Fire by 30%.
- Brew-Stache (Rank 1) (New) When you consume a Brew, you gain 0% dodge for 0.
- Dark Side of the Moon (Rank 1) (New) Take 5% less damage from the next attack after your Blackout Strike.
- Dark Side of the Moon (Rank 2) (New) Take 10% less damage from the next attack after your Blackout Strike.
- Dark Side of the Moon (Rank 3) (New) Take 15% less damage from the next attack after your Blackout Strike.
- Dark Side of the Moon (Rank 4) (New) Take 20% less damage from the next attack after your Blackout Strike.
- Dark Side of the Moon (Rank 5) (New) Take 25% less damage from the next attack after your Blackout Strike.
- Dark Side of the Moon (Rank 6) (New) Take 30% less damage from the next attack after your Blackout Strike.
- Dragonfire Brew (Rank 1) (New) Casting Breath of Fire surrounds you with flame for until cancelled, dealing 1 Fire damage over 0 and reducing the cooldown of your brews by 1 sec when an enemy is hit.
- Even Handed (Rank 1) (New) Paralysis can now be cast on two targets.
- Fortification (Rank 1) (New) When you activate Fortifying Brew, Elusive Brawler stacks are not consumed by dodges for the next 21 seconds.
- Gifted Student (Rank 1) (New) Increases the healing granted by Gift of the Ox orbs by 5%.
- Gifted Student (Rank 2) (New) Increases the healing granted by Gift of the Ox orbs by 10%.
- Gifted Student (Rank 3) (New) Increases the healing granted by Gift of the Ox orbs by 15%.
- Gifted Student (Rank 4) (New) Increases the healing granted by Gift of the Ox orbs by 20%.
- Gifted Student (Rank 5) (New) Increases the healing granted by Gift of the Ox orbs by 25%.
- Gifted Student (Rank 6) (New) Increases the healing granted by Gift of the Ox orbs by 30%.
- Healthy Appetite (Rank 1) (New) Increases maximum health by 5%.
- Healthy Appetite (Rank 2) (New) Increases maximum health by 10%.
- Healthy Appetite (Rank 3) (New) Increases maximum health by 15%.
- Healthy Appetite (Rank 4) (New) Increases maximum health by 20%.
- Healthy Appetite (Rank 5) (New) Increases maximum health by 25%.
- Healthy Appetite (Rank 6) (New) Increases maximum health by 30%.
- Obsidian Fists (Rank 1) (New) Increases the critical strike chance of Blackout Strike by 5%.
- Obsidian Fists (Rank 2) (New) Increases the critical strike chance of Blackout Strike by 10%.
- Obsidian Fists (Rank 3) (New) Increases the critical strike chance of Blackout Strike by 15%.
- Obsidian Fists (Rank 4) (New) Increases the critical strike chance of Blackout Strike by 20%.
- Obsidian Fists (Rank 5) (New) Increases the critical strike chance of Blackout Strike by 25%.
- Obsidian Fists (Rank 6) (New) Increases the critical strike chance of Blackout Strike by 30%.
- Overflow (Rank 1) (New) Any time a Gift of the Ox is generated, it has a chance to be a Greater Gift of the Ox that heals for twice as much.
- Pawsed (Rank 1) (New) Tiger Palm has a 5% chance to reduce the cooldown of your Brews by one sec.
- Pawsed (Rank 2) (New) Tiger Palm has a 10% chance to reduce the cooldown of your Brews by one sec.
- Pawsed (Rank 3) (New) Tiger Palm has a 15% chance to reduce the cooldown of your Brews by one sec.
- Pawsed (Rank 4) (New) Tiger Palm has a 20% chance to reduce the cooldown of your Brews by one sec.
- Pawsed (Rank 5) (New) Tiger Palm has a 25% chance to reduce the cooldown of your Brews by one sec.
- Pawsed (Rank 6) (New) Tiger Palm has a 30% chance to reduce the cooldown of your Brews by one sec.
- Potent Kick (Rank 1) (New) Increases the duration of Ironskin Brew by 0.5 sec.
- Potent Kick (Rank 2) (New) Increases the duration of Ironskin Brew by 1.0 sec.
- Potent Kick (Rank 3) (New) Increases the duration of Ironskin Brew by 1.5 sec.
- Potent Kick (Rank 4) (New) Increases the duration of Ironskin Brew by 2.0 sec.
- Potent Kick (Rank 5) (New) Increases the duration of Ironskin Brew by 2.5 sec.
- Potent Kick (Rank 6) (New) Increases the duration of Ironskin Brew by 3.0 sec.
- Smashed (Rank 1) (New) Increases the range of Keg Smash by 5 yards.
- Smashed (Rank 2) (New) Increases the range of Keg Smash by 10 yards.
- Smashed (Rank 3) (New) Increases the range of Keg Smash by 15 yards.
- Smashed (Rank 4) (New) Increases the range of Keg Smash by 20 yards.
- Smashed (Rank 5) (New) Increases the range of Keg Smash by 25 yards.
- Smashed (Rank 6) (New) Increases the range of Keg Smash by 30 yards.
- Staggering Around (Rank 1) (New) Increases the Stagger granted by Fortifying Brew by 2%.
- Staggering Around (Rank 2) (New) Increases the Stagger granted by Fortifying Brew by 4%.
- Staggering Around (Rank 3) (New) Increases the Stagger granted by Fortifying Brew by 6%.
- Staggering Around (Rank 4) (New) Increases the Stagger granted by Fortifying Brew by 8%.
- Staggering Around (Rank 5) (New) Increases the Stagger granted by Fortifying Brew by 10%.
- Staggering Around (Rank 6) (New) Increases the Stagger granted by Fortifying Brew by 12%.
- Swift as a Coursing River (Rank 1) (New) Drinking a Brew increases your movement speed by 10% for 10 sec. This effect stacks up to five times.
- Wanderer’s Special (Rank 1) (New) Drink deep from Fu Zan’s special Brew, granting you the power of flaming breath, fortitude, or elusiveness.
- Artificial Damage (Rank 1) (New)
- Spirit Tether (Rank 1) Enemies within 8 yards of your Transcendence Spirit have their movement speed reduced by
30%.20%. - Spirit Tether (Rank 2) Enemies within 8 yards of your Transcendence Spirit have their movement speed reduced by
40%.30%. - Spirit Tether (Rank 3) Enemies within 8 yards of your Transcendence Spirit have their movement speed reduced by
50%.40%. - Spirit Tether (Rank 4) Enemies within 8 yards of your Transcendence Spirit have their movement speed reduced by
60%.50%. - Spirit Tether (Rank 5) Enemies within 8 yards of your Transcendence Spirit have their movement speed reduced by
70%.60%. - Spirit Tether (Rank 6) Enemies within 8 yards of your Transcendence Spirit have their movement speed reduced by
- Artificial Damage (Rank 1) (New)
- Knight of the Silver Hand (Rank 1) When Judgment strikes an enemy,
your armor is increased by 5%.damage taken is reduced by 5% for 0. - Knight of the Silver Hand (Rank 2) When Judgment strikes an enemy,
your armor is increased by 10%.damage taken is reduced by 10% for 0. - Knight of the Silver Hand (Rank 3) When Judgment strikes an enemy,
your armor is increased by 15%.damage taken is reduced by 15% for 0. - Knight of the Silver Hand (Rank 4) When Judgment strikes an enemy,
your armor is increased by 20%.damage taken is reduced by 20% for 0. - Knight of the Silver Hand (Rank 5) When Judgment strikes an enemy,
your armor is increased by 25%.damage taken is reduced by 25% for 0. - Knight of the Silver Hand (Rank 6) When Judgment strikes an enemy,
your armor is increased by 30%.damage taken is reduced by 30% for 0.
- Righteous Crusader (Rank 2) Increases the damage and damage reduction of Shield of the Rigtheous by
3%.6%. - Righteous Crusader (Rank 3) Increases the damage and damage reduction of Shield of the Rigtheous by
3%.10%. - Righteous Crusader (Rank 4) Increases the damage and damage reduction of Shield of the Rigtheous by
3%.13%. - Righteous Crusader (Rank 5) Increases the damage and damage reduction of Shield of the Rigtheous by
3%.16%. - Righteous Crusader (Rank 6) Increases the damage and damage reduction of Shield of the Rigtheous by
- Ashes to Ashes (Rank 1) (New) Judgment has a chance to blast your target with Holy damage.
- Blades of Light (Rank 1) (New) Blade of Justice now causes a Blade of Light to strike the target an additional 1-3 times.
- Deflection (Rank 1) (New) Reduce the cooldown of Shield of Vengeance by 5 sec.
- Deflection (Rank 1)
Damage taken reduced by 3%.Reduce the cooldown of Shield of Vengeance by 5 sec. - Deflection (Rank 2)
Damage taken reduced by 6%.Reduce the cooldown of Shield of Vengeance by 10 sec. - Deflection (Rank 2) (New) Reduce the cooldown of Shield of Vengeance by 10 sec.
- Deflection (Rank 3)
Damage taken reduced by 10%.Reduce the cooldown of Shield of Vengeance by 15 sec. - Deflection (Rank 3) (New) Reduce the cooldown of Shield of Vengeance by 15 sec.
- Deflection (Rank 4) (New) Reduce the cooldown of Shield of Vengeance by 20 sec.
- Deflection (Rank 4)
Damage taken reduced by 13%.Reduce the cooldown of Shield of Vengeance by 20 sec. - Deflection (Rank 5)
Damage taken reduced by 16%.Reduce the cooldown of Shield of Vengeance by 25 sec. - Deflection (Rank 5) (New) Reduce the cooldown of Shield of Vengeance by 25 sec.
- Deflection (Rank 6) (New) Reduce the cooldown of Shield of Vengeance by 30 sec.
- Deflection (Rank 6)
Damage taken reduced by 20%.Reduce the cooldown of Shield of Vengeance by 30 sec. - Deliver the Justice (Rank 1) (New) Increases damage of Blade of Justice by 8%.
- Deliver the Justice (Rank 2) (New) Increases damage of Blade of Justice by 16%.
- Deliver the Justice (Rank 3) (New) Increases damage of Blade of Justice by 24%.
- Deliver the Justice (Rank 4) (New) Increases damage of Blade of Justice by 32%.
- Deliver the Justice (Rank 5) (New) Increases damage of Blade of Justice by 40%.
- Deliver the Justice (Rank 6) (New) Increases damage of Blade of Justice by 48%.
- Divine Tempest (Rank 1) (New) Ashbringer causes your Divine Storm to quickly move 20 yards in front of you, dealing damage to all enemies within its path. Damage of Divine Storm also increased by 20%.
- Echo of the Highlord (Rank 1) (New) When you use Templar’s Verdict or Divine Storm, Ashbringer will mimic that action.
- Embrace the Light (Rank 1) (New) Increases the healing of Flash of Light by 15%.
- Embrace the Light (Rank 2) (New) Increases the healing of Flash of Light by 30%.
- Embrace the Light (Rank 3) (New) Increases the healing of Flash of Light by 45%.
- Embrace the Light (Rank 4) (New) Increases the healing of Flash of Light by 60%.
- Embrace the Light (Rank 5) (New) Increases the healing of Flash of Light by 75%.
- Embrace the Light (Rank 6) (New) Increases the healing of Flash of Light by 90%.
- Endless Resolve (Rank 1)
Forbearance no longer applies to you.Forbearance duration reduced by 10 sec. - Endless Resolve (Rank 1) (New) Forbearance duration reduced by 10 sec.
- Healing Storm (Rank 1) (New) Divine Storm now also heals allies within its radius for 0 when it deals damage.
- Highlord’s Judgment (Rank 1) (New) Increases the damage of Judgment by 15%.
- Highlord’s Judgment (Rank 2) (New) Increases the damage of Judgment by 30%.
- Highlord’s Judgment (Rank 3) (New) Increases the damage of Judgment by 45%.
- Highlord’s Judgment (Rank 4) (New) Increases the damage of Judgment by 60%.
- Highlord’s Judgment (Rank 5) (New) Increases the damage of Judgment by 75%.
- Highlord’s Judgment (Rank 6) (New) Increases the damage of Judgment by 90%.
- Might of the Templar (Rank 1) (New) Increases the damage of Templar’s Verdict by 4%.
- Might of the Templar (Rank 2) (New) Increases the damage of Templar’s Verdict by 8%.
- Might of the Templar (Rank 3) (New) Increases the damage of Templar’s Verdict by 12%.
- Might of the Templar (Rank 4) (New) Increases the damage of Templar’s Verdict by 16%.
- Might of the Templar (Rank 5) (New) Increases the damage of Templar’s Verdict by 20%.
- Might of the Templar (Rank 6) (New) Increases the damage of Templar’s Verdict by 24%.
- Protector of the Ashen Blade (Rank 1) (New) Reduces the cooldown of Hand of Protection by 10 sec.
- Protector of the Ashen Blade (Rank 2) (New) Reduces the cooldown of Hand of Protection by 20 sec.
- Protector of the Ashen Blade (Rank 3) (New) Reduces the cooldown of Hand of Protection by 30 sec.
- Protector of the Ashen Blade (Rank 4) (New) Reduces the cooldown of Hand of Protection by 40 sec.
- Protector of the Ashen Blade (Rank 5) (New) Reduces the cooldown of Hand of Protection by 50 sec.
- Protector of the Ashen Blade (Rank 6) (New) Reduces the cooldown of Hand of Protection by 60 sec.
- Righteous Blade (Rank 1) (New) Increases the damage of Divine Storm by 5%.
- Righteous Blade (Rank 2) (New) Increases the damage of Divine Storm by 10%.
- Righteous Blade (Rank 3) (New) Increases the damage of Divine Storm by 15%.
- Righteous Blade (Rank 4) (New) Increases the damage of Divine Storm by 20%.
- Righteous Blade (Rank 5) (New) Increases the damage of Divine Storm by 25%.
- Righteous Blade (Rank 6) (New) Increases the damage of Divine Storm by 30%.
- Sharpened Edge (Rank 1) (New) Increases damage of Crusader Strike by 6%.
- Sharpened Edge (Rank 2) (New) Increases damage of Crusader Strike by 12%.
- Sharpened Edge (Rank 3) (New) Increases damage of Crusader Strike by 18%.
- Sharpened Edge (Rank 4) (New) Increases damage of Crusader Strike by 24%.
- Sharpened Edge (Rank 5) (New) Increases damage of Crusader Strike by 30%.
- Sharpened Edge (Rank 6) (New) Increases damage of Crusader Strike by 36%.
- Unbreakable Will (Rank 1) (New) When unable to act in combat for more than 2 seconds, Ashbringer will break you free. This can only occur once every 0.
- Unbreakable Will (Rank 1)
When disabledWhen unable to act in combat for more than 2 seconds, Ashbringer will break you free. This can only occur once every 0. - Wake of Ashes (Rank 1) (New) Call down the Ashbringer at the target location, dealing 0 Holy damage and snaring all enemy targets within 0 yards by up to 0% based on distance from the center of the impact, and generates 5 Holy Power. Demon and Undead creatures are stunned for 0 if struck by the Wake of Ashes.
- Wrath of the Ashbringer (Rank 1) (New) Increases the duration of Avenging Wrath by 3 .1 sec.
- Wrath of the Ashbringer (Rank 2) (New) Increases the duration of Avenging Wrath by 5 .1 sec.
- Wrath of the Ashbringer (Rank 3) (New) Increases the duration of Avenging Wrath by 8 .1 sec.
- Wrath of the Ashbringer (Rank 4) (New) Increases the duration of Avenging Wrath by 10 .1 sec.
- Wrath of the Ashbringer (Rank 5) (New) Increases the duration of Avenging Wrath by 13 .1 sec.
- Wrath of the Ashbringer (Rank 6) (New) Increases the duration of Avenging Wrath by 15 .1 sec.
- Ghostly Shell (Rank 1) When you use Cloak of Shadows, the Dreadblades will heal you for
2%0% of your maximum health for each effect immediately cleared as well as any effects resisted during its duration. - Ghostly Shell (Rank 2) When you use Cloak of Shadows, the Dreadblades will heal you for
4%0% of your maximum health for each effect immediately cleared as well as any effects resisted during its duration. - Ghostly Shell (Rank 3) When you use Cloak of Shadows, the Dreadblades will heal you for
6%0% of your maximum health for each effect immediately cleared as well as any effects resisted during its duration. - Ghostly Shell (Rank 4) When you use Cloak of Shadows, the Dreadblades will heal you for
8%0% of your maximum health for each effect immediately cleared as well as any effects resisted during its duration. - Ghostly Shell (Rank 5) When you use Cloak of Shadows, the Dreadblades will heal you for
10%0% of your maximum health for each effect immediately cleared as well as any effects resisted during its duration. - Ghostly Shell (Rank 6) When you use Cloak of Shadows, the Dreadblades will heal you for
12%0% of your maximum health for each effect immediately cleared as well as any effects resisted during its duration. - Greed (Rank 1) When you use Run Through
on a target, the greed of the Dreadblades will sometimesthe Dreadblades occasionally cause you to perform an additional attacktoagainst all enemies within 0 yardsaround you causing 0 damage and heals you for 5% of your maximum health per target hit.causing 0 Physical damage, and healing you for [ 5% of Total Health ] per target hit. - Shady Dealer (Rank 1) Name changed from „Cursed Leather (Rank 1)“ to „Shady Dealer (Rank 1)“.
Damage taken reduced by 3%.Reduces the cooldown of Bribe by 10 sec. - Shady Dealer (Rank 2) Name changed from „Cursed Leather (Rank 2)“ to „Shady Dealer (Rank 2)“.
Damage taken reduced by 6%.Reduces the cooldown of Bribe by 20 sec. - Shady Dealer (Rank 3) Name changed from „Cursed Leather (Rank 3)“ to „Shady Dealer (Rank 3)“.
Damage taken reduced by 10%.Reduces the cooldown of Bribe by 30 sec. - Shady Dealer (Rank 4) Name changed from „Cursed Leather (Rank 4)“ to „Shady Dealer (Rank 4)“.
Damage taken reduced by 13%.Reduces the cooldown of Bribe by 40 sec. - Shady Dealer (Rank 5) Name changed from „Cursed Leather (Rank 5)“ to „Shady Dealer (Rank 5)“.
Damage taken reduced by 16%.Reduces the cooldown of Bribe by 50 sec. - Shady Dealer (Rank 6) Name changed from „Cursed Leather (Rank 6)“ to „Shady Dealer (Rank 6)“.
Damage taken reduced by 20%.Reduces the cooldown of Bribe by 60 sec.
- Ghost Armor (Rank 1) You take –
m1% less damage.3% less damage. - Ghost Armor (Rank 2) You take –
m1% less damage.6% less damage. - Ghost Armor (Rank 3) You take –
m1% less damage.10% less damage. - Ghost Armor (Rank 4) You take –
m1% less damage.13% less damage. - Ghost Armor (Rank 5) You take –
m1% less damage.16% less damage. - Ghost Armor (Rank 6) You take –
m1% less damage.20% less damage. - Goremaw’s Bite (Rank 1) Lash out at an enemy target, inflicting
0%[ 209,783w2 + 209,784w2 Shadow damage and reducing their movement speed by 0% for 0. - Shadow Nova (Rank 1)
When using an Opener, a Shadow Clone appears and assists you in attacking the target.When you exit Stealth, you explode, dealing 0 Shadow damage to all enemies within 0 yds.
- Firestorm (Rank 1) Name changed from „Defender of the Storm (Rank 1)“ to „Firestorm (Rank 1)“. Increase the
range of Purge by 2 yards.damage of Flame Shock by 5%. - Firestorm (Rank 2) Name changed from „Defender of the Storm (Rank 2)“ to „Firestorm (Rank 2)“. Increase the
range of Purge by 4 yards.damage of Flame Shock by 10%. - Firestorm (Rank 3) Name changed from „Defender of the Storm (Rank 3)“ to „Firestorm (Rank 3)“. Increase the
range of Purge by 6 yards.damage of Flame Shock by 15%. - Firestorm (Rank 4) Name changed from „Defender of the Storm (Rank 4)“ to „Firestorm (Rank 4)“. Increase the
range of Purge by 8 yards.damage of Flame Shock by 20%. - Firestorm (Rank 5) Name changed from „Defender of the Storm (Rank 5)“ to „Firestorm (Rank 5)“. Increase the
range of Purge by 10 yards.damage of Flame Shock by 25%. - Firestorm (Rank 6) Name changed from „Defender of the Storm (Rank 6)“ to „Firestorm (Rank 6)“. Increase the
range of Purge by 12 yards.damage of Flame Shock by 30%. - Shamanistic Healing (Rank 1) When you fall below
25% health, Healing Surge is automatically cast on you35% health, you are automatically healed for 0 health. This can only occur every15 sec.30 sec.
- Gathering of the Maelstrom (Rank 1)
Rockbiter has a 5% chance to generate 100% additional Maelstrom.Increases the Maelstrom generated by Rockbiter by 1. - Gathering of the Maelstrom (Rank 2)
Rockbiter has a 10% chance to generate 100% additional Maelstrom.Increases the Maelstrom generated by Rockbiter by 2. - Gathering of the Maelstrom (Rank 3)
Rockbiter has a 15% chance to generate 100% additional Maelstrom.Increases the Maelstrom generated by Rockbiter by 3. - Gathering of the Maelstrom (Rank 4)
Rockbiter has a 20% chance to generate 100% additional Maelstrom.Increases the Maelstrom generated by Rockbiter by 4. - Gathering of the Maelstrom (Rank 5)
Rockbiter has a 25% chance to generate 100% additional Maelstrom.Increases the Maelstrom generated by Rockbiter by 5. - Gathering of the Maelstrom (Rank 6)
Rockbiter has a 30% chance to generate 100% additional Maelstrom.Increases the Maelstrom generated by Rockbiter by 6.
- Artificial Damage (Rank 1) (New)
- Cumulative Upkeep (Rank 1) Every time Healing Tide heals an ally, that ally gains an additional
25%10% healing taken from Healing Tide. This effect stacks.
- Bloodcraze (Rank 1) While below 50% health, Bloodthirst heals for an additional
2% of maximum health.1% of maximum health. - Bloodcraze (Rank 2) While below 50% health, Bloodthirst heals for an additional
4% of maximum health.2% of maximum health. - Bloodcraze (Rank 3) While below 50% health, Bloodthirst heals for an additional
6% of maximum health.3% of maximum health. - Bloodcraze (Rank 4) While below 50% health, Bloodthirst heals for an additional
8% of maximum health.4% of maximum health. - Bloodcraze (Rank 5) While below 50% health, Bloodthirst heals for an additional
10% of maximum health.5% of maximum health. - Bloodcraze (Rank 6) While below 50% health, Bloodthirst heals for an additional
12% of maximum health.6% of maximum health.
- Reflective Plating (Rank 1) Spell Reflect now reflects all spells cast on you for 5 sec.and reflecting a spell generates 0 Rage.
Liest sich doch ganz gut.
Die neuen Modelle schauen auch super aus.
(Besonders die „Nightmarespider“ hat einen gewissen Charme)
Die Vorfreude wächst von Tag zu Tag.