WoW Legion: Der Boss „Ursoc“ im Video

Im Verlauf der vergangenen Nacht haben die Entwickler von World of Warcraft den ersten Raidtest in der derzeit laufenden Alpha zu „Legion“ veranstaltet und allen interessierten Spielern Zugang zu der heroischen Variante des Smaragdgrünen Albtraums gewährt. Zum Testen stand dabei dann der verdorbene Halbgott „Ursoc“ zur Verfügung, der auf dem Liveserver vermutlich eine der ersten Begegnungen in diesem Schlachtzug darstellen wird.
Passend dazu haben die YouTuber des Kanals „FatbossTV“ heute nun auch wieder ein sehr informatives Video zu diesem Bosskampf veröffentlicht, welches einmal genau erklärt, welche Fähigkeiten „Ursoc“ besitzt und wie die Mechaniken dieses Encounters in der Testphase derzeit funktionieren.
Fähigkeiten des Bosses:
Overwhelm – Ursoc overwhelms a player’s defenses, inflicting 1679616 Physical damage. This reduces armor by 20% and increases damage taken by Rend Flesh by 250% for 12 sec. This effect stacks.
Rend Flesh – Ursoc viciously rends a player, inflicting 1350000 Physical damage and an additional 789750 Physical damage every 2 sec for 12 sec.
Focused Gaze – Ursoc focuses his gaze upon a player, charging them after 6 sec and striking them with Crushing Impact. Upon reaching his destination, Ursoc strikes all players with Barreling Impact.
- Barreling Momentum – Ursoc charges through any players to his target, inflicting 435000 Physical damage to all targets in his path and knocking them back.
- Unbalanced – Players in Ursoc’s path struck by Barreling Momentum, suffer 500% increased damage from Barreling Momentum for 50 sec.
Barreling Impact – When Ursoc reaches his marked target, he inflicts 1800000 Physical damage to all players. This effect is reduced by each player Ursoc has charged through.
Crushing Impact – Ursoc inflicts 1000000 Physical damage to the target. This damage is reduced the further away the target is from Ursoc.
- Barreling Momentum – Ursoc charges through any players to his target, inflicting 435000 Physical damage to all targets in his path and knocking them back.
- Roaring Cacophony – Releases a mighty roar, inflicting 3672000 Physical damage divided evenly among all players within 20 yds.
- Nightmarish Cacophony – Whenever Ursoc roars, he leaves behind a Nightmare Image. On subsequent Ursoc roars, the Nightmare Image also releases a mighty roar, inflicting 500000 Shadow damage divided evenly among all players within 20 yds. This effect causes players to run in fear for 6 sec.
- Miasma – Nightmare Images project a zone of miasma 20 yds around themselves, inflicting 120000 Shadow damage every 1 sec to players caught within.
- Echoing Cacophony – Echoes increase the damage done by Roaring Cacophony by 10%. This effect stacks.
- Blood Frenzy – Ursoc enters a mighty rage at 30% health remaining, increasing attack speed by 20% and damage done by 20%.