Diablo 3: Eine Vorschau auf Patch 2.4

In ihrem Panel auf der aktuell stattfindenden Blizzcon 2015 haben die Entwickler von Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls dann unter anderem den kommenden Patch 2.4 vorgestellt, der vermutlich bereits in den nächsten Wochen auf die Testserver dieses Titels aufgespielt werden soll. Da selbstverständlich nicht alle an diesem Action-Rollenspiel interessierten Spieler dieses Panel verfolgen können, wurde mittlerweile eine offizielle Vorschau auf die mit Patch 2.4 kommenden Neuerungen in Form eines Blogeintrag auf der Seite von Diablo 3 veröffentlicht.
- Greyhollow Island:
- Eine neue Zone, die optisch an einen verfluchten Wald erinnert.
- The Eternal Woods und Royal Quarters
- Sowohl Sescheron als auch das Anwesen von Leroic wurden erweitert und besitzen nun neue Unterzonen.
- Set Items
- Mit Patch 2.4 wollen die Entwickler alle bisher noch nicht veränderten Rüstungssets der Klassen überarbeiten und besser an die jeweiligen Spielweisen anpassen.
- Set Dungeons
- Spieler können diese neuen und nicht zufällig erzeugten Dungeons nur dann betreten, wenn sie ein komplettes Rüstungsset mit sechs Teilen gesammelt haben. Dieser Bereich basiert dabei dann auf den Fähigkeiten des jeweiligen Sets und erfordert von Spielern, dass sie die Spielweise ihrer Rüstung ausreichen beherrschen. Als Belohnung winkt dafür dann jeweils eine einzigartige kosmetische Dekoration für das jeweilige Rüstungsset.
- Empowered Rifts
- Spieler können in Zukunft ihr gesammeltes Gold in ihre Nephalemportale investieren und damit dann die Anzahl der möglichen Upgrades für ihre legendären Sockelsteine erhöhen. Das Maximum liegt in diesem Fall dann allerdings bei vier. Ansonsten soll die Höhe des benötigten Goldes dann jeweils auf dem Level und der Schwierigkeit des Portals basieren.
- Neue legendäre Gegenstände
- Patch 2.4 wird selbstverständlich auch wieder eine Vielzahl von neuen Legendaries mit sich bringen.
- Anpassungen am Interface
- Die Entwickler haben einige der dauerhaften oder länger aktiven Buffs aus der normalen Anzeige entfernt und die Darstellung dieser Effekte mit der Aktionsleiste verbunden. Dieses Vorgehen soll die Übersicht im Spiel verbessern.
- Mehr Lagerplatz
- Alle Besitzer von RoS werden mit Patch 2.4 einen weiteren Tab für ihre Truhe erhalten. Weitere Tabs können in Zukunft dann über die Saisons freigeschaltet werden. Das Maximum liegt dabei dann aktuell bei 10 Tabs.
- Anpassungen an der Saisonreise
- Die mit Patch 2.4 kommenden Legendaries werden allen Spielern zur Verfügung stehen. Es gibt keine „Saison-Only“ Items mehr.
- Spieler erhalten für das Abschließen der Ersten vier Schritten der Saisonreise ein komplettes Rüstungsset der für ihre Klasse verfügbaren sechs Rüstungen. Welches Set die Spieler dann erhalten, soll sich mit jeder Saison ändern.
- Season Rebirth
- Diese Option erlaubt es Spielern ihre normalen Charaktere auf Level 1 zu setzen, alle Gegenstände an ihre anderen Helden zu schicken und den zurückgesetzten Helden dann als saisonalen Charakter zu verwenden. Durch diesen Vorgang können Spieler die Namen und die Anzahl der gespielten Stunden beibehalten und jede Saison im Grunde den gleichen Charakter spielen.
- Action Combat
- Dieses aus der Konsolenumsetzung stammende System basiert im Grunde darauf, dass Spieler längere Serien von bestimmten Tätigkeiten ausführen und je nach Länge dieser „Streak“ dann einen Bonus auf bestimmte Werte erhalten.
- Das andauernde Töten von Feinden gibt einen Bonus auf die Erfahrungspunkte.
- Das andauernde Zerstören von Objekten gibt einen Bonus auf das Tempo.
- Das andauernde Verwenden von Fallen in der Umgebung gibt einen Bonus auf die Erzeugung von Ressourcen.
- Dieses aus der Konsolenumsetzung stammende System basiert im Grunde darauf, dass Spieler längere Serien von bestimmten Tätigkeiten ausführen und je nach Länge dieser „Streak“ dann einen Bonus auf bestimmte Werte erhalten.
- Weitere Inhalte…
- Zusätzliche Inhalte von Patch 2.4 sollen in der Zukunft vorgestellt werden.
Patch 2.4.0 PTR Preview
We draw ever closer to the Public Test Realm for Patch 2.4.0, and it’s time to take a look at what the next patch for Diablo III: Reaper of Souls has to offer! We recommend you grab a drink, maybe a snack, and get comfy—there are loads of new items, features, and quality of life changes to cover, so let’s get to it!
Please note that this is only a preview. The below information does not reflect all changes available in Patch 2.4.0 and is subject to change. Some images represent works in progress, and may not be representative of the final product.
New Zone: Greyhollow Island
Explore a new stretch of Sanctuary by venturing to Greyhollow Island! This mysterious forested locale is steeped in intrigue, and rumors abound that those who visit are doomed to never return. Brave the wild beasts and supernatural creatures and unravel the mystery behind the tragedies that have occurred here. This new zone is exclusive to Adventure Mode, but be forewarned; the land itself is said to be hungry for blood.
Expanded Areas: The Eternal Woods and Royal Quarters
In addition to an entirely new zone, Adventure Mode will be growing even bigger. We’ve expanded on two existing areas in Sanctuary to give additional variety to bounties and pique the interest of the most stalwart explorers.
We know already what lies beyond the gates of the Ruins of Sescheron, but what’s the land like before it? Take a look over your shoulder and wander the Eternal Woods, an undead-infested boreal forest featuring new events and bounties.
Have you ever wondered what lies beyond the rubble in Leoric’s Manor? In Patch 2.4.0, you’ll no longer need to speculate as the blockade has been cleared and the Royal Quarters are open for exploration! Learn more about the Skeleton King’s living days and discover hidden secrets that are bound to lead to more adventure.
Revamped Set Items
One of our long-standing goals has been to bring more parity across class sets. Patch 2.4.0 is going to be a milestone in this regard, as we’re revamping, revisiting, or revising nearly every one of the 24 class sets in the game. Some will see total overhauls, like Thorns of the Invoker or the Shadow’s Mantle. Others will be getting their power or play style juiced up, like Inna’s Mantra or Firebird’s Finery.
We’ve also completely reworked two existing two-piece jewelry sets and will be adding a two-piece flail and shield set for the Crusader. These are bound to spur an untold number of never explored builds, especially for those of you who’d like to explore the boundaries beyond 6-piece class sets.
The amount of changes headed to each set varies, so keep a close eye out for our upcoming PTR patch notes for full details!
New Feature: Set Dungeons
With all these updated sets comes greater power, and, with our latest feature, greater challenge. We want to give players the opportunity to learn and master their sets inside and out. To do this, we’re introducing an entirely new set of challenges in the form of Set Dungeons. Once you complete and don the full six pieces of any given class set, you’ll receive a clue to track down an ancient dungeon designed just for you and your set.
These completely static dungeons are not randomized, and it’s up to you to decide how to best utilize your powers to complete these challenges. Mastering a set dungeon comes with cosmetic rewards unique to each set, but the truly dedicated can earn even more exclusive rewards by mastering all the sets from one class or even all 24 of them!
New Feature: Empowered Rifts
While not everyone is a virtual billionaire, we’ve heard from plenty of players that there just aren’tenough ways to spend your piles of filthy lucre. We agree, and our next feature aims at giving you a way to turn all that gold laying around into a greater chance of glory with Empowered Rifts.
When you enter a Greater Rift, you’ll have the option to choose to make your attempt an Empowered Rift. By spending some of your hard earned gold, you’ll increase the number of possible Legendary Gem upgrades at the end of a successful run by one, to a maximum of four. The amount of gold this will cost you varies based on the tier of Greater Rift you’re attempting, so spend wisely!
New Legendaries
It wouldn’t be a new content patch in Diablo without a slew of new items. In addition to the numerous Set revisions being made, we’re adding over forty new Legendary powers in Patch 2.4.0. We’re adding new powers to existing power-less Legendaries, introducing completely new items, and even updating some existing powers that previously lacked that familiar orange text. We couldn’t possibly cover them all here, but enjoy this tiny taste of what’s to come!
Revised Buff UI
When Kanai’s Cube was added in Patch 2.3.0, we knew we were opening up a level of power to all players that was completely unprecedented. With all these crazy new levels of power came an overburdened buff bar, and we immediately heard your requests to spiff up the user interface for better, clearer communication.
We’ve removed some of the more static buffs from the buff bar area, improving the skill bar to show duration and whether or not a given skill is active. This has cleared up a lot of space from the more precious temporary buff area for each class, and we’re excited to hear your feedback on this huge quality of life addition.
More Stash Space
It’s been a long time request for players to have more room to store their treasures, and we’re pleased to announce the technology has arrived! With all the new stuff we’ve added and the loads more that are headed your way, it’s time to give you more storage for all of it.
We’re adding an additional gold-purchasable stash tab for all players with the Reaper of Souls expansion. If you’re concerned that’s not enough, don’t worry—we’re also adding a way for players to earn additional Stash tabs, up to a maximum of 10, through our Season Journey feature.
Stash space works differently for our Console players, so we’ll also be offering comparable new space on the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One platforms. You’ll be able to purchase up to 350 item slots using gold.
Season Journey Revisions
Seasonal players have spent Season 4 getting to know the Season Journey, a feature that details your adventure through any given Season, tailored for different styles of gameplay at every level. We’ve got some revisions headed to the Season Journey that are bound to make Seasons as a whole an adventure you’ll always want to re-explore.
We heard a lot of your feedback when it came to Seasons, so first up is a change that includes our non-Seasonal players: starting with Season 5, we will no longer be including new Seasonal Legendaries. Instead, all Legendary items headed to Patch 2.4.0 will be made immediately available to players regardless of Season participation.
However, we still want there to be item-based rewards as part of the Season experience. We’ve introduced Haedrig’s Gift, a special bundle of Set items you’ll receive on completion of certain stages of the Season Journey. Should you complete the first four chapters of the Season Journey, you’ll be guaranteed a full set of one of your six piece class sets. Which set applies to the Season will rotate with each new Season, so you’ll have plenty of opportunity to collect them all.
We’ll also be continuing to include cosmetic rewards, like banners and portrait frames, so don’t worry—there are plenty more of those to come!
Season Rebirth
Sometimes, when you finish a Season, you just can’t wait to jump straight into the next one. We wanted to introduce a way for players to transition from Season to Season quickly and seamlessly, avoiding the tedium of the end-of-Season purge. The Season Rebirth option does just this, taking a non-Seasonal hero, reducing them to level 1, and stripping all their gear. Any gear removed from a hero in this way is automatically mailed to you in the non-Season, giving you thirty days to reclaim the items at a later time.
This change allows you to participate in a Season while keeping you’re hero’s name and hours played. This is a great option for when you’ve grown particularly fond of a hero and want to keep their legacy going or if you just want to jump straight into the newest Season. Bear in mind that your Paragon level, completed achievements, and other accomplishments all remain behind with your non-Seasonal heroes.
New to PC: Action Combat
Players who have challenged Diablo on console may be familiar with this upcoming feature to PC and Mac. While you may already be familiar with Massacre and Destruction bonuses, these kill-and-destroy streaks function quite differently in the Action Combat system.
Massacre bonuses begin once you’ve killed at least fifteen or more enemies, and as you kill more, you’ll see this new bar accompanied with a timer that indicates how long you have to engage another enemy before you trigger your bonus. Completing a Massacre bonus gives you a boost to experience gained—the more monsters you kill, the higher the bonus.
Destruction bonuses occur when you chain demolishing destructible environment objects in the world around you, including barrels, stalactites, flimsy wooden doors, and more. Chaining together this wreckage will grant you a temporary boost to speed that will last longer the higher your chain reaches.
Finally, you can receive the Trap Mastery buff by defeating enemies through the clever use of environmental traps. This handy buff lasts longer based on the number of enemies defeated and grants you double resource generation for its duration.
The Action Combat feature will be available to all Diablo III players, regardless of whether you have upgraded to the Reaper of Souls expansion.
And So Much More…
Patch 2.4.0 is a monstrous patch, packed to the brim with not only features we’ve seen requests for, but our own love letters to a game we have poured our hearts into and love dearly. We’re so eager to share all of this and more with you that we are aiming to launch the Patch 2.4.0 PTR in the weeks following BlizzCon so you can dive in and provide your feedback on all these new features.
We’ll have more information on how to participate on the PTR soon, nephalem, but in the meantime—we’ll see you in Sanctuary!
klingt ja ganz nett, hoffentlich dauert es nicht bis nach weihnachten …
Blizzard soll !!!ENDLICH!!! mehr Platz für das normale Inventar bringen oder wie in WoW eine extra Anzeige für Dinge wie Mats und Sockel. Das nervt so unendlich -.-
Man hat sowas von genug Platz. Sei halt kein Messi Oo
wo genau soll man denn bitte genug platz haben? es kotzt unendlich an dauernd alle sachen in die kiste schmeißen zu müssen