WoD: Ein weiterer Hotfix

Aufgrund des noch immer recht problematischen Starts von Warlords of Draenor als neue Erweiterung für World of Warcraft gab es in der vergangenen Nacht gleich mehrere neue Hotfixes für die Liveserver. Dabei beschäftigen sich die meisten Änderungen innerhalb dieser Updates mit den Quests auf Draenor und beheben entweder störende Fehler oder verbessern die Spawnraten von bestimmten Questzielen
- Monk
- Brewmaster
- Resolved an issue where Keg Smash may sometimes not generate Chi when used.
- Brewmaster
- Artificer Romuul: Resolved an issue where players may sometimes not receive this quest after completing the Embaari Defense Crystal event.
- Book Burning: Shadowborne Dementor should now always drop a Shadow Council Spellbook.
- Shivertail’s Den: Made a change to make it easier to receive credit for „Find Shivertail’s Mother“.
- The Great Salvation: Draenei prisoners should spawn more frequently now.
- The Warlord’s Guard: Increased the spawn rates for Thunk, Gullok, and Splorg.
- These Colors Don’t Run: Characters now receive credit towards planting a Frostwolf Banner when they defeat or help in defeating a Bladespire Ogre with the exception of Bladespire Mauler, Chef, Boarbuster, Ogron, and Goresnout.
- Wrath of Gronn: Increased the spawn rate for Captive Gronns.
Creatures and NPCs
- Collision geometry has been added to Drek’Thar, Thrall, and Gazlowe in Frostfire Ridge.
- Gorg the Host should now allow multiple players to receive credit for defeating it.
Battlegrounds and Arenas
- Resolved an issue where item levels for Battlegrounds, Arenas, and Skirmishes brackets below level 100 were not scaling correctly.
- Epic rings that are a part of the Legendary quest line can no longer be disenchanted.
Update 2: 6:00pm PST
- Adherents of the Sun God: Increased spawn rates for Adherent Bladewing.
- Dark Enemies: Increased spawn rates for Shadowmoon Voidmancer.
- Escape from Shaz’gul: Players can now receive completion credit for the quest by defeating Terrorfang at the end.
- [Requires a realm restart.] Gormaul Tower: (Temporary) Completion credit for the quest is automatically awarded once players reach the top of the hill.
- Great Balls of Fire!: To address an issue where some players were unable to destroy the barricade, players now receive quest completition credit once they get to the top of the ramp.
- Quakefist: Quakefist’s health now scales based on the number of players fighting it.
- These Colors Don’t Run: Multiple players can now place a banner on a Bladespire Ogre if they had tap rights.
- Various Kaliri in the Spires of Arak area should no longer be too high off the ground to be attacked.
- Various creatures should now correctly have a chance to drop fur that could be used for tailoring.
- Abberant’s Paw, Gnarled Goren Jaw, and Redclaw’s Gutripper now give a bonus to Spell Power.
- Toy Train Set has been temporarily disabled.
Update 1: 1:30pm PST
- Druid
- Balance
- Resolved an issue where the Eclipse indicator in the UI can sometimes not match the Druid’s current Balance power.
- Balance
- Back to Work / Looking for Lumber: Greatly increased the number of trees available to mark for both Horde and Alliance versions of the quest. Additionally, Lunarfall Ravens respawn much more quickly now.
- Closing the Door: Resolved an issue where Void Portals may sometimes not close correctly.
- Honor Has Its Rewards: The Shamanstone no longer requires characters to interact with it and will grant its blessing to players that are nearby.
- Quakefist: Quakefist now spawns outside of the cave, making it easier to locate.
- Ship Salvage / What We Need: Drudgeboat Salvage should now respawn more quickly.
- The Clarity Elixir: Pristine Star Lily can now be looted by multiple players at the same time.
- These Colors Don’t Run: Greatly increased the spawn rates for Bladespire Ogres and made them share tap credit.
- Vengeance for the Fallen: Bleeding Hollow orcs respawn much more quickly now.
- Durotan at Beastwatch in Gorgrond is now significantly tougher.
- Gorum can now be tapped by multiple characters. All players who contributed to defeating Gorum will now become eligible for loot.
Raids, Dungeons, and Scenarios
- Challenge Mode
- Characters can switch specializations once more after the Challenge Mode has started.