HotS: Team Liquid auf der Blizzcon

Auf der im November stattfindenden Blizzcon 2014 werden die Entwickler von Blizzard neben den Weltmeisterschaften in Hearthstone und WoW auch ein Turnier in Heroes of the Storm veranstalten und dabei insgesamt vier weltbekannte Teams gegeneinander ins Rennen schicken. Passend dazu haben die Mitarbeiter von Blizzard heute nun eine neue Reihe von Artikeln veröffentlicht, die nacheinander die in diesem Wettkampf antretenden Teams vorstellen soll. Den Anfang machten heute die fünf Spieler von Team Liquid.
Heroes of The Storm Exhibition: Team Liquid
To follow-up on our recent announcement for the Heroes Exhibition Tournament at BlizzCon this year, we’d like to introduce you to the teams and the players who will be battling it out for glory. To kick things off, we’ll start with Team Liquid and their all-star Roster:
We took the time to ask the players a couple of questions about everything Heroes and BlizzCon. You can catch the Q&A below.
Blizzard: Hello all, and welcome. Let’s start off with something fun: Which of your teammates is most likely to show up in a cosplay of their favorite hero while on-stage at BlizzCon?
Sheth: Dunktrain is mostly likely to show up in cosplay, because he has an awesome beard and I can see that being included in the cosplay. Ezpz.
DunkTrain: I think if anyone were to show up in cosplay, it would be me. None of the other guys strike me as cosplayers, but if someone were to hand me a Chen or Muradin cosplay outfit, I’d be in that thing before you could blink. I’d need to grow out the beard a bit though…
Pithx: DunkTrain. Dunk has a lot of room to work with as far as a cosplay goes with that magical beard of his. Falstad? Sure! Muradin? Definitely.
Biceps: Sheth
Caffeine: I can see DunkTrain pulling off a pretty awesome Falstad. Braided beard and all.
Blizzard: How has practice been going? Feeling confident?
Sheth: Practice has been short so far. Just started recently as an official team. Practice has been going great though. With time and effort we’ll give it our best. I debated giving myself a wrestler type persona here and being like WE WILL CRUSH THEMMMMM. But anyway, we will crush them all.
DunkTrain: Practice has been going well. We were having difficulties settling on a roster, but once we settled on our full team I feel that everyone’s personality clicks. The team attitude and communication are fantastic, and I look forward to our games together daily. I am confident that if we play our best we have what it takes to win the BlizzCon tournament and any future tournaments we play in.
Pithx: Practice has been going great! With the new phase of alpha just starting, we’ve been putting in some insane hours to unlock heroes and level up. With how our games have been going, I’m excited to see how we perform, and I’m extremely confident that we’ll have a great showing.
Biceps: Practice has been good, everyone on the team has a great mindset and a lot of skill.
Caffeine: We have only been practicing for a few days but this teams commitment is solid. We plan on showing up the best team in the competition.
Blizzard: We have a scenario for you: You’re in the final game of a Bo3. The opposing team has indicated they want to backdoor and go for the win. Your team is on the opposite side of the Battleground and need to decide between going for a backdoor or defending your Core. What does your team do?
Pithx: First we’d look at the situation and compare the pushing power of both teams. If we can base race them and come out victorious, then we’ll definitely zerg the core. However, if we’re behind in talents or can’t compete with their pushing power, we’d have to back and defend their attempt to backdoor. But come on, who doesn’t love a good base race to finish a game?
Besides playing in the matches at BlizzCon, what else is the team looking forward to?
Sheth: Long walks on the beach, and ice cream? Alternatively, winning other tournaments, improving, and learning as a team.
DunkTrain: I think my whole team is looking forward to the growth of Heroes of the Storm as an eSport more than anything else. We all have committed a lot of time to Heroes, because we love the game and think it is going to be huge. I was definitely skeptical at first, but the new systems, like the talents and mercenaries, bring such a fresh take on the genre that I fell in love with the game immediately, and I hope a lot of people will feel the same way when they get to play.
Pithx: The team is actually looking forward to just meeting each other. We’ve spent an immense amount of time playing online, it’ll be great to put a personality to a name.
Biceps: I think we’re all looking forward to having a good time together and hanging out with some of the Blizz people.
Caffeine: We are looking forward to all the new Heroes coming out. We love all the throwbacks.
Blizzard: Let’s end this short Q and A with how we started, a fun question! Every team has a loveable Murky player at heart, who is that player for your team?
Sheth: Keaton. Keaton is our murky. Keaton is Biceps ID-wise, but I always call him Keaton. XD
DunkTrain: I’m definitely the Murky-esque player for our team. I play mostly tanks, but when I get the opportunity, I love playing the „misfit“ heroes that interact with the game in a fundamentally different way than what’s considered „normal.“ Murky, Abathur, and Zagara are some of my favorite specialists to play since they are so different.
Pithx: Our Murky player has to be Biceps. His personality totally fits that of a typical Murky player, he’s a total troll.
Biceps: Definitely Dunktrain.
Caffeine: I love playing Murky, I think he needs to be seen much more in competitive play.
Blizzard: Thanks for spending some time with us. Any shoutouts? Where can we find all of you?
Sheth: Shoutouts? Sure, how about our awesome sponsors:
- HyperX
- Razer
- NeedForSeat
- TwitchTv
- ShinyThings
They are, quite simply the best. Shout outs to Joshy for asking me questions, and for being an awesome guy for as long as I’ve known you.
Also, check out some of our streams here:
Biceps and Pithx currently don’t have streams, but make sure to keep an eye on their Twitters. (Editors Note: All Twitters can be seen at the top of the blog). Thanks for asking some great questions, looking forward to seeing everyone at Blizzcon!!