WoD: Alpha Build 18379

Die Entwickler von Blizzard haben in der vergangenen Nacht ein neues Update für die aktuell noch immer laufende Alpha zu Warlords of Draenor veröffentlicht. Dieser Build 18379 hat neben den für solch einen Patch üblichen Klassenänderungen auch einige neue Modelle für die Gegner in Draenor, die Waffen für den Herausforderungsmodus und die T-17 Sets der Spieler mit sich bebracht.
Neue Waffen für den Herausforderungsmodus:
Neue Modelle:
Neue T-17 Sets:
Druid Tier 17
Monk Mythic Tier 17
Shaman Mythic Tier 17
Mage Mythic Tier 17
Death Knight
Pestilence: Deals (66.6% of Attack power) Shadow damage to all enemies within 10 yards, and spreads existing Blood Plague and Frost Fever infections from your target to all other enemies hit.
Multistrike Attunement: You gain 5% more of the Multistrike stat from all sources.
Haste Attunement: You gain 5% more of the Haste stat from all sources.
Multistrike Attunement: You gain 5% more of the Multistrike stat from all sources.
Defile: Defiles the ground targeted by the Death Knight. Every 1 sec, if there are any enemies standing in the Defile, it deals (17.316% of Attack power) Shadowfrost damage to them, and grows in area and damage by 2.5%. Enemies standing in your Defile deal 10% less damage to you.Replaces Death and Decay.
Scent of Blood: Your Pestilence now refreshes your diseases on targets it damages.Your Pestilence and Soul Reaper now also increase the healing done by your next Death Strike within 20 sec by 20%. This effect stacks up to 5 times.
Critical Strike Attunement: You gain 5% more of the Critical Strike stat from all sources.
Multistrike Attunement: You gain 5% more of the Multistrike stat from all sources.
Multistrike Attunement: You gain 5% more of the Multistrike stat from all sources.
Aquatic Form: Shapeshift into aquatic form, increasing swim speed by 50% and allowing the Druid to breathe underwater. Also protects the caster from Polymorph effects.The act of shapeshifting frees the caster of movement impairing effects.
Barkskin:Now Guardian only, and 30 sec cooldown down from 1 min. The Druid’s skin becomes as tough as bark, reducing all damage taken by 20% for 12 sec.Usable while stunned, frozen, incapacitated, feared, or asleep, and in all forms.
Bear Form: Shapeshift into Bear Form, increasing armor by 330% and Stamina by 40%.Increases threat generation, protects the caster from Polymorph effects, and allows the use of various bear abilities.The act of shapeshifting frees the caster of movement impairing effects.
Cat Form: Shapeshift into Cat Form, increasing movement speed by 25% and allowing the use of Cat Form abilities. Also protects the caster from Polymorph effects and reduces damage taken from falling.The act of shapeshifting frees the caster of movement impairing effects.
Dash:Activates Cat Form, removes all roots and snares, and increases movement speed by 70% while in Cat Form for 15 sec.
Entangling Roots:Now Balance and Restoration only Roots the target in place for 30 sec. Damage caused may interrupt the effect.
Faerie Fire:Now Feral and Guardian only, also has a 35 yard range. Faeries surround the target, preventing it from stealthing or turning invisible.Deals (32.5008% of Attack power) damage when cast from Bear Form.
Ferocious Bite: Finishing move that causes damage per combo point and consumes up to 25 additional Energy to increase damage by up to 100%.Critical strike chance doubled against bleeding targets. 1 point : [(100% of Spell power) + 0.357 * Attack power] damage 2 points: [(100% of Spell power) + 0.357 * 2 * Attack power] damage 3 points: [(100% of Spell power) + 0.357 * 3 * Attack power] damage 4 points: [(100% of Spell power) + 0.357 * 4 * Attack power] damage 5 points: [(100% of Spell power) + 0.357 * 5 * Attack power] damage
Flight Form: Shapeshift into flight form, increasing movement speed by 150% and allowing you to fly. Cannot use in combat. The act of shapeshifting frees the caster of movement impairing effects.
Hurricane:Now Balance and Restoration Only. Also 25.0% mana, down from 50.3% A Solar spell that creates a violent storm in the target area causing (15.825% of Spell power) Nature damage to enemies every 1 sec. Lasts 10 sec. Druid must channel to maintain the spell.
Lacerate:Now Guardian only Lacerates the enemy target, dealing [(115.15% of Attack power) + (Attack power * 0.616)] bleed damage and an additional [5 * ((9.74% of Attack power) + (Attack power * 0.0512))] over 15 sec. Stacks up to 3 times.Generates 5 Rage and has a 25% chance to reset the cooldown on Mangle.
Maim: Finishing move that causes damage and stuns the target. Damage and duration increased per combo point: 1 point : [mw * (70) / 100] to [MW * (70) / 100] damage, 1 sec 2 points: [mw * (80) / 100] to [MW * (80) / 100] damage, 2 sec 3 points: [mw * (90) / 100] to [MW * (90) / 100] damage, 3 sec 4 points: [mw * (100) / 100] to [MW * (100) / 100] damage, 4 sec 5 points: [mw * (110) / 100] to [MW * (110) / 100] damage, 5 sec
Mangle: Mangle the target for (mw * 230 / 100) to (MW * 230 / 100) damage, generating 15 Rage.
Maul: Maul the target for (mw * 100 / 100) to (MW * 100 / 100) damage.Deals 20% additional damage against bleeding targets.
Might of Ursoc: Increases current and maximum health by 30% for 20 sec.
Moonfire: A Lunar spell that burns the enemy for (47.25% of Spell power) Arcane damage and then an additional (337.5% of Spell power) Arcane damage over 20 sec.
Prowl:Activates Cat Form and places the Druid into stealth, but reduces movement speed by 30%. Lasts until cancelled.
Rake:Now Feral only Rake the target for (46.62% of Attack power) Bleed damage and an additional (233.1% of Attack power) Bleed damage over 15 sec. Awards 1 combo point.If used while stealthed, the target will be stunned for 4 sec.
Rebirth: Returns the spirit to the body, restoring a dead target to life with 60% health and 20% mana. Castable in combat.
Rejuvenation: Heals the target for (71.179% of Spell power) and an additional (284.716% of Spell power) over 12 sec.
Revive: Returns the spirit to the body, restoring a dead target to life with 35% of maximum health and mana. Not castable in combat.
Shred: Shred the target, causing (mw * 245 / 100) to (MW * 245 / 100) damage to the target. Awards 1 combo point.Being stealthed increases damage by 35% and doubles critical strike chance. Damage increased by 20% against bleeding targets.
Stampeding Roar: The Druid roars, increasing the movement speed of all friendly players within 10 yards by 60% for 8 sec and removing all roots and snares on those targets.Using this ability outside of Bear Form or Cat Form activates Bear Form.
Survival Instincts: Reduces all damage taken by 70% for 12 sec. Max 2 charges.
Swift Flight Form: Shapeshift into swift flight form, increasing movement speed by 280% and allowing you to fly. Cannot use in combat. Replaces Flight Form.The act of shapeshifting frees the caster of movement impairing effects.
Swipe:Now Feral Only Swipe nearby enemies, inflicting (mw * 135 / 100) to (MW * 135 / 100) damage. Awards 1 combo point.Deals 20% additional damage against bleeding targets.
Thrash: Strikes all enemy targets within 8 yards, dealing (100% of Spell power + 88.57% of Attack power) bleed damage and an additional (240.96% of Attack power) damage over 16 sec. Each time Thrash deals damage, you gain 2 Rage.
Thrash: Strikes all enemy targets within 8 yards, dealing (100% of Spell power + 15.9174% of Attack power) bleed damage and an additional (56.943% of Attack power) damage over 15 sec.
Tranquility: Heals all party and raid members within 40 yards for (250.2% of Spell power) every 2 sec for 8 sec.
Travel Form: Shapeshift into a travel form appropriate to your current location, increasing movement speed on land, in water, or in the air.Protects the caster from Polymorph effects. Only useable outdoors.The act of shapeshifting frees the caster of movement impairing effects.
Mana Attunement: Your mana regeneration is increased by 100%.
Mastery Attunement: You gain 5% more of the Mastery stat from all sources.
Critical Strike Attunement: You gain 5% more of the Critical Strike stat from all sources.
Mastery Attunement: You gain 5% more of the Mastery stat from all sources.
Haste Attunement: You gain 5% more of the Haste stat from all sources.
Faerie Swarm: Grants an improved version of Faerie Fire that also reduces the target’s movement speed by 50% for 15 sec.This talent replaces Faerie Fire.
Stellar Flare: A powerful spell which benefits from both Lunar and Solar Eclipses, dealing the most damage when they are balanced. Burns the target for (94.5% of Spell power) Spellstorm damage, and then an additional (337.5% of Spell power) damage over 20 sec.
Astral Showers: You call upon greater Lunar and Solar energy in order to empower your Moonfire and Sunfire spells.Increases the initial damage of Moonfire by 100%, and increases the duration of its periodic damage effect by 100%.Increases the initial damage of Sunfire by 100%, and causes its periodic damage effect to be applied to all enemies within 5 yards of the target.
Moonkin Form: Shapeshift into Moonkin Form, increasing Arcane and Nature damage you deal by 10% and increasing your armor by 100%.Grants 5% haste to all party and raid members within 100 yards.The act of shapeshifting frees the caster of movement impairing effects.
Nature’s Swiftness:Now Restoration Only.Causes your next Entangling Roots, Healing Touch, Rebirth, or Regrowth to be instant, free, and castable in all forms. The healing and duration of the spell is increased by 50%.
Shooting Stars: You have a 5% chance when your most recent Moonfire or Sunfire deals periodic damage to trigger Shooting Stars. Chance doubled on critical strikes.Shooting Stars restores 1 charge of Starsurge and Starfall.
Solar Beam:Summons a beam of solar light over an enemy target’s location, interrupting the target and silencing all enemies within the beam. Lasts for 8 sec.
Starfall: A Lunar spell that strikes all enemies within 40 yards. Deals (24.75% of Spell power) Arcane damage every 1 sec for 10 sec.Max 3 charges. Charges shared with Starsurge.Shapeshifting into an animal form, mounting, or losing of control of your character will cancel the effect.
Starsurge:Instantly causes (280% of Spell power) Spellstorm damage to the target, benefitting from your strongest current Eclipse bonus. Also grants Lunar or Solar Empowerment, based on current Balance Energy side, which increases the damage of your next 2 Starfires or 3 Wraths by 30%.Max 3 charges. Charges shared with Starfall.
Infected Wounds: Your Shred and Mangle cause an Infected Wound in the target. The Infected Wound reduces the movement speed of the target by 50%. Lasts 12 sec.
Leader of the Pack: While in Bear Form or Cat Form, increases critical strike chance of all party and raid members within 100 yards by 5%.Also causes your melee critical strikes to heal you for 3% of your health. This effect cannot occur more than once every 6 sec.
Omen of Clarity: Your autoattacks have a chance to reduce the resource cost of your next spell or ability by 100%.
Predatory Swiftness: Your finishing moves have a 20% chance per combo point to make your next Healing Touch or Rebirth instant, free, and castable in all forms, and to increase the healing done by Healing Touch by 50%.
Rip: Finishing move that causes Bleed damage over 16 sec. Damage increases per combo point: 1 point : [floor((9.99% of Attack power) + 0 * 1 * 1 + 0.15 * Attack power * 1) * 8] damage 2 points: [floor((9.99% of Attack power) + 0 * 2 * 1 + 0.15 * 2 * Attack power * 1) * 8] damage 3 points: [floor((9.99% of Attack power) + 0 * 3 * 1 + 0.15 * 3 * Attack power * 1) * 8] damage 4 points: [floor((9.99% of Attack power) + 0 * 4 * 1 + 0.15 * 4 * Attack power * 1) * 8] damage 5 points: [floor((9.99% of Attack power) + 0 * 5 * 1 + 0.15 * 5 * Attack power * 1) * 8] damageShred extends the duration of your Rip by 2 sec, up to a maximum of 6 sec.
Savage Roar: Finishing move that increases physical damage done by 40% while in Cat Form. Lasts longer per combo point: 1 point : 18 seconds 2 points: 24 seconds 3 points: 30 seconds 4 points: 36 seconds 5 points: 42 seconds
Skull Bash: You charge and skull bash the target, interrupting spellcasting and preventing any spell in that school from being cast for 4 sec.
Tiger’s Fury: Increases physical damage done by 15% for 6 sec and instantly restores 60 Energy. Cannot be activated while Berserk is active. Only useable in Cat Form.
Infected Wounds: Your Shred and Mangle cause an Infected Wound in the target. The Infected Wound reduces the movement speed of the target by 50%. Lasts 12 sec.
Leader of the Pack: While in Bear Form or Cat Form, increases critical strike chance of all party and raid members within 100 yards by 5%.Also causes your melee critical strikes to heal you for 3% of your health. This effect cannot occur more than once every 6 sec.
Rip: Finishing move that causes Bleed damage over 16 sec. Damage increases per combo point: 1 point : [floor((9.99% of Attack power) + 0 * 1 * 1 + 0.15 * Attack power * 1) * 8] damage 2 points: [floor((9.99% of Attack power) + 0 * 2 * 1 + 0.15 * 2 * Attack power * 1) * 8] damage 3 points: [floor((9.99% of Attack power) + 0 * 3 * 1 + 0.15 * 3 * Attack power * 1) * 8] damage 4 points: [floor((9.99% of Attack power) + 0 * 4 * 1 + 0.15 * 4 * Attack power * 1) * 8] damage 5 points: [floor((9.99% of Attack power) + 0 * 5 * 1 + 0.15 * 5 * Attack power * 1) * 8] damageShred extends the duration of your Rip by 2 sec, up to a maximum of 6 sec.
Skull Bash: You charge and skull bash the target, interrupting spellcasting and preventing any spell in that school from being cast for 4 sec.
Thick Hide:Level 10 down from 14.
Ursa Major: Your auto attack multistrikes, Mangle multistrikes, and Lacerate periodic multistrikes grant you Ursa Major.Ursa Major increases your maximum health by 2% for 30 sec. When this effect is refreshed, the remaining portion is added to the new effect.
Genesis: Consumes all of the Rejuvenation effects from party or raid members within 60 yards and applies Genesis to each target.Genesis heals the target for an amount equal to the healing from the consumed Rejuvenation effects over 3 sec.
Lifebloom: Heals the target for [(550.935% of Spell power) * 1] over 15 sec. When Lifebloom expires or is dispelled, the target is instantly healed for [(0 + Spell power * 0.752) * 1].Duration refreshed by casting Regrowth or Healing Touch on the target.Lifebloom can be active only on one target at a time
Nature’s Swiftness:Now Restoration Only.Causes your next Entangling Roots, Healing Touch, Rebirth, or Regrowth to be instant, free, and castable in all forms. The healing and duration of the spell is increased by 50%.
Regrowth: Heals a friendly target for (165.24% of Spell power) and another [(54.6264% of Spell power) * 1] over 12 sec.Regrowth has a 60% increased chance for a critical effect.
Tranquility: Heals all party and raid members within 40 yards for (250.2% of Spell power) every 2 sec for 8 sec.
Wild Growth: Heals up to 5 injured party or raid members within 30 yards of the target for (331.8% of Spell power) over 7 sec.Healing amount starts high and declines over the duration.
Wild Mushroom: Grow a magical mushroom with 5 health at the target ally’s location, restoring [(428.5% of Spell power) * 0.12] health to three injured allies within 10 yards of its location every 2 sec for 5 min.After 6 sec, the mushroom will become invisible. Only 1 mushroom can be placed at a time.
Empowered Starfall:Increases the duration of your Starfall by 20%.
Improved Nature’s Swiftness:
New name : Improved Nature’s Swiftness
Reduces the cooldown of Nature’s Swiftness by 30000/1000 sec. -
Enhanced Starsurge:Starsurge is now Instant.
Enhanced Storms:Your Hurricane also causes affected targets to take 10% additional damage from your Moonfire, Sunfire, and Starfall.
Beast Mastery
Mastery Attunement: You gain 5% more of the Mastery stat from all sources.
Critical Strike Attunement: You gain 5% more of the Critical Strike stat from all sources.
Multistrike Attunement: You gain 5% more of the Multistrike stat from all sources.
Time Warp: Warp the flow of time, increasing haste by 30% for all party and raid members within 100 yards. Lasts 40 sec.Allies will be unable to benefit from Bloodlust, Heroism, or Time Warp again for 10 min.
Mastery Attunement: You gain 5% more of the Mastery stat from all sources.
Critical Strike Attunement: You gain 5% more of the Critical Strike stat from all sources.
Multistrike Attunement: You gain 5% more of the Multistrike stat from all sources.
Supernova: Cause a pulse of arcane energy around the target enemy or ally, dealing (112.5% of Spell power) Arcane damage to all enemies within 8 yards, and knocking them up. If the primary target is an enemy, they take 100% increased damage.Replaces Frost Nova. Max 2 charges.
Blast Wave: Cause an explosion of fiery force around the target enemy or ally, dealing (112.5% of Spell power) Fire damage to all enemies within 8 yards, and dazing them, reducing their movement speed by 70% for 4 sec. If the primary target is an enemy, they take 100% increased damage.Replaces Frost Nova. Max 2 charges.
Ice Nova: Cause a whirl of icy wind around the target enemy or ally, dealing (97.5% of Spell power) Frost damage to all enemies within 8 yards, and freezing them for 2 sec. If the primary target is an enemy, they take 100% increased damage.Replaces Frost Nova. Max 2 charges.
Seal of Insight: Fills you with Holy Light, increasing healing done by 5% and giving melee attacks a chance to heal you for (0.236 * Attack power + 0.236 * Spell power).
Critical Strike Attunement: You gain 5% more of the Critical Strike stat from all sources.
Haste Attunement: You gain 5% more of the Haste stat from all sources.
Mastery Attunement: You gain 5% more of the Mastery stat from all sources.
Seraphim: The Light temporarily magnifies your power, increasing your Haste, Critical Strike, Mastery, Multistrike, Versatility, and Bonus Armor from gear by 30% for 10 sec.
Seraphim: The Light temporarily magnifies your power, increasing your Haste, Critical Strike, Mastery, Multistrike, Versatility, and Bonus Armor from gear by 30% for 10 sec.
Holy Shock: Blasts the target with Holy energy, causing (102% of Spell power) Holy damage to an enemy, or (122.162% of Spell power) healing to an ally, and granting a charge of Holy Power.Holy Shock has 2.0 times the normal critical strike chance.
Holy Wrath: Sends bolts of power in all directions, causing [(0) / 2 + Spell power * 1.638] Holy damage divided among all enemies within 10 yards, stunning Demons and Undead for 3 sec.
Leap of Faith: You pull the spirit of the friendly party or raid target, instantly moving them directly in front of you.
Mind Sear: Causes an explosion of shadow magic around the target, dealing [(22.5% of Spell power) * 5] Shadow damage over 5 sec to all enemies within 10 yards around the target.
Power Word: Shield:Shield a friendly target, absorbing [(((Spell power * 5.082) + 0) * 1)] damage. Lasts 15 sec. While the shield holds, spellcasting will not be interrupted by damage. Once shielded, the target cannot be shielded again for 15 sec.
Shadow Word: Pain:Now 2.2% of base mana, down from 4.4% A word of darkness that causes (44.025% of Spell power) Shadow damage and an additional [(264.15% of Spell power) – (44.025% of Spell power)] Shadow damage over 18 sec.
Smite:Now 1.5% of base mana, down from 2.1% Smite an enemy for (77.04% of Spell power) Holy damage.
Critical Strike Attunement: You gain 5% more of the Critical Strike stat from all sources.
Multistrike Attunement: You gain 5% more of the Multistrike stat from all sources.
Mana Attunement: Your mana regeneration is increased by 300%.
Haste Attunement: You gain 5% more of the Haste stat from all sources.
Angelic Feather: Place a feather at the target location. If allies walk through it, they gain 60% increased movement speed for 6 sec. Only 3 feathers can be placed at one time. Maximum 3 charges.
Power Infusion: Infuses the Priest with power, increasing haste by 25% and reducing the mana cost of all spells by 20%. Lasts 20 sec.
Power Word: Solace: Strike an enemy with the power of the heavens, dealing (183.48% of Spell power) Holy damage, an additional (15.47% of Spell power) Holy damage over 7 sec, and restoring 1% of maximum mana.Damage dealt by Power Word: Solace will instantly heal a nearby low health friendly target within 40 yards from the enemy target for 100% of the damage dealt (50% when healing the Priest).Replaces Holy Fire.
Power Word: Solace: Strike an enemy with the power of the heavens, dealing (183.48% of Spell power) Holy damage, an additional (15.47% of Spell power) Holy damage over 7 sec, and restoring 1% of maximum mana.Damage dealt by Power Word: Solace will instantly heal a nearby low health friendly target within 40 yards from the enemy target for 100% of the damage dealt (50% when healing the Priest).Replaces Holy Fire.
Clarity of Power: Your Mind Spike, Mind Sear, and Shadow Word: Death deal 40% additional damage to targets not affected by your Shadow Word: Pain or Vampiric Touch. Also reduces the cooldown on Mind Blast by 3 sec and makes it instant cast.
Atonement: When you deal damage with Smite, Holy Fire, Penance, or Power Word: Solace you instantly heal a nearby low health friendly target for 100% of the damage dealt.If the Priest is healed through Atonement, the effect is reduced by 50%.
Binding Heal:Now Holy Only. Heals a friendly target and the caster for (132.996% of Spell power).
Evangelism:Now Discipline Only. When you deal direct damage with Smite, or Holy Fire you gain Evangelism. Stacks up to 5 times. Lasts for 20 sec. Consumed by the Archangel spell to increase healing done.
Focused Will: Whenever you take any damage you gain Focused Will, reducing all damage taken by 15% lasting for 8 sec. Stacks up to 2 times.
Holy Fire:Now 1.0% of base mana, down from 1.4% Consumes the enemy in Holy flames that cause (137.61% of Spell power) Holy damage and an additional (23.205% of Spell power) Holy damage over 7 sec.
Pain Suppression: Reduces all damage taken by a friendly target by 40% for 8 sec. Castable while stunned.
Penance:Now 1.3% of base mana, down from 1.8% Launches a volley of holy light at the target, causing [(100.8% of Spell power) * 3] Holy damage to an enemy or [(128.456% of Spell power) * 3] healing to an ally over 2 sec.
Binding Heal:Now Holy Only. Heals a friendly target and the caster for (132.996% of Spell power).
Chakra: Chastise: Increases the damage done by your Shadow and Holy spells by 50%.Transforms your Holy Word spell back into Holy Word: Chastise.Holy Word: ChastiseChastise the target for (63.6% of Spell power) Holy damage, and disorients them for 3 sec. 30 sec cooldown.
Chakra: Serenity:Causes your single-target healing spells to refresh the duration of your Renew on the target.Transforms your Holy Word: Chastise spell into Holy Word: Serenity.Holy Word: SerenityInstantly heals the target for (415.294% of Spell power), and increases the critical effect chance of your healing spells on the target by 25% for 6 sec. 15 sec cooldown.
Divine Hymn: Heals all party or raid members within 40 yards for [(185.76% of Spell power) * 4] over 8 sec, and increases healing done to them by 10% for 8 sec. The Priest must channel to maintain the spell.
Evangelism:Now Discipline Only. When you deal direct damage with Smite, or Holy Fire you gain Evangelism. Stacks up to 5 times. Lasts for 20 sec. Consumed by the Archangel spell to increase healing done.
Focused Will: Whenever you take any damage you gain Focused Will, reducing all damage taken by 15% lasting for 8 sec. Stacks up to 2 times.
Guardian Spirit: Calls upon a guardian spirit to watch over the friendly target, increasing healing received by 60% and preventing the target from dying by sacrificing itself. This sacrifice terminates the effect and heals the target for 40% of maximum health. Lasts 10 sec. Castable while stunned.
Holy Fire:Now 1.0% of base mana, down from 1.4% Consumes the enemy in Holy flames that cause (137.61% of Spell power) Holy damage and an additional (23.205% of Spell power) Holy damage over 7 sec.
Holy Word: Chastise:Chastises the target for (63.6% of Spell power) Holy damage and disorients them for 3 sec.
Lightwell: Creates a Holy Lightwell. Every 1 sec the Lightwell will attempt to heal party and raid members lower than 50% health for [(109.89% of Spell power) * 3] over 6 sec. Lightwell lasts for 3 min or until 15 heals are expended.
Renew: Heals the target for [(63.3% of Spell power) * 4] over 12 sec.
Spirit of Redemption: Upon death, the Priest becomes the Spirit of Redemption for 15 sec. The Spirit of Redemption cannot move, attack, be attacked, or be targeted by any spells or effects. While in this form the Priest can cast any healing spell free of cost. When the effect ends, the Priest dies.
Devouring Plague: Consumes up to 3 Shadow Orbs to deal up to (337.5% of Spell power) Shadow damage and then up to an additional (337.5% of Spell power) damage over 6 sec. Heals the caster for up to 15% of maximum health over the duration.
Dispersion: You disperse into pure Shadow energy, reducing all damage taken by 90%, but you are unable to attack or cast spells. Lasts 6 sec. Dispersion can be cast while stunned, feared or silenced. Clears all snare and movement impairing effects when cast, and makes you immune to them while dispersed.
Mind Blast:Now 9 sec cooldown, up from 8 sec. Blasts the target for (207.9% of Spell power) Shadow damage and generates 1 Shadow Orb.
Mind Spike: Blasts the target for (97.5% of Spell power) Shadowfrost damage, but extinguishes your periodic damage effects from the target in the process.
Shadowform: Assume a Shadowform, increasing your Shadow damage by 25% and increasing your armor by 100%. However, you may not cast any healing spells while in this form.
Vampiric Embrace: Fills you with the embrace of Shadow energy, causing you and your allies to be healed for 10% of any single-target Shadow spell damage you deal. Lasts 15 sec.
Vampiric Touch:Now 1.5% of base mana, down from 3.0%. Causes (271.875% of Spell power) Shadow damage over 15 sec.If Vampiric Touch is dispelled, the dispeller flees in Horror for 3 sec.
Crimson Tempest: Finishing move that consumes combo points on any nearby target to slash at the flesh of all enemies within 8 yards, dealing Physical damage and causing victims to bleed and suffer an additional 240% of the initial damage over 12 sec: 1 point : [(((100% of Spell power) + (100% of Spell power)) / 2) + ((Attack power * 0.0602) * 1 * 1)]) damage 2 points: [(((100% of Spell power) + (100% of Spell power)) / 2) + ((Attack power * 0.0602) * 2 * 1)]) damage 3 points: [(((100% of Spell power) + (100% of Spell power)) / 2) + ((Attack power * 0.0602) * 3 * 1)]) damage 4 points: [(((100% of Spell power) + (100% of Spell power)) / 2) + ((Attack power * 0.0602) * 4 * 1)]) damage 5 points: [(((100% of Spell power) + (100% of Spell power)) / 2) + ((Attack power * 0.0602) * 5 * 1)]) damage
Eviscerate: Finishing move that causes damage per combo point: 1 point : [(100% of Spell power) + (Attack power * 0.3203) *] damage 2 points: [(100% of Spell power) + (Attack power * 0.3203) ** 2] damage 3 points: [(100% of Spell power) + (Attack power * 0.3203) ** 3] damage 4 points: [(100% of Spell power) + (Attack power * 0.3203) ** 4] damage 5 points: [(100% of Spell power) + (Attack power * 0.3203) ** 5] damage
Fleet Footed: Your movement speed is increased by 15%.
Mastery Attunement: You gain 5% more of the Mastery stat from all sources.
Haste Attunement: You gain 5% more of the Haste stat from all sources.
Multistrike Attunement: You gain 5% more of the Multistrike stat from all sources.
Death from Above: Finishing move that consumes combo points on the target to empower your weapons with shadow energy and perform a devastating two-part attack. You whirl around, dealing up to (66% of Attack power) damage to all enemies within 8 yds, then leap into the air and Eviscerate your target on the way back down, with such force that it deals an additional 50% damage.
Ascendance: The Shaman transforms into a being of raw elemental energy for 15 sec.Elemental: While in the form of a Flame Ascendant, Lava Burst has no cooldown and Chain Lightning is empowered to become Lava Beam.Enhancement: While in the form of an Air Ascendant, auto-attacks and Stormstrike become Wind attacks, bypassing armor, and having a 30 yard range.Restoration: While in the form of a Water Ascendant, all healing done is duplicated and distributed evenly among nearby allies.
Chain Heal:Now Restoration only. Heals the friendly target for (81.2966% of Spell power), then jumps to heal the most injured nearby targets. Healing is reduced by 15% after each jump. Heals 4 total targets.
Chain Lightning:Now Elemental only. Hurls a lightning bolt at the enemy, dealing (30.6555% of Spell power) Nature damage and then jumping to additional nearby enemies. Affects 3 total targets.
Earth Shock:Now Elemental Only. Instantly shocks the target with concussive force, causing (35.952% of Spell power) Nature damage.
Flame Shock: Sears the target with fire, causing (26.8035% of Spell power) Fire damage and then an additional (160.821% of Spell power) Fire damage over 30 sec.
Frost Shock: Instantly shocks an enemy with frost, dealing (30.495% of Spell power) Frost damage and reducing the target’s movement speed by 50%. Lasts 8 sec.
Grace of Air: Empowering winds swirl around the Shaman, granting all nearby party and raid members 118 Mastery and 5% haste.
Healing Rain:Healing rains blanket the area targeted by the Shaman, restoring [((16.3882% of Spell power) + (16.3882% of Spell power)) * 2.5] health to allies in the area over 10 sec. Healing effectiveness diminishes for each player beyond 6 within the area.
Healing Stream Totem: Summons a Water Totem with 5 health at the feet of the caster that heals the most injured party or raid member within 40 yards for [((Spell power * 0.444) * 1)] every 2 sec. Lasts 15 sec.
Healing Surge: Heals a friendly target for (287.004% of Spell power).
Lightning Bolt: Fires a bolt of lightning at the target, dealing (76.2696% of Spell power) Nature damage.
Lightning Shield: The caster is surrounded by a reactive lightning barrier. When an attack hits the caster, the attacker will be struck for (22.6305% of Spell power) Nature damage. This effect may only occur once every few seconds. Lasts 1 hour.
- Searing Totem: Summons a Fire Totem with 5 health at the feet of the caster for 1 min that repeatedly attacks an enemy within 0 to 25 yards for (10.3282% of Spell power) Fire damage.
- Spiritwalker’s Grace:Now Elemental and Restoration only. Calls upon spiritual guidance, permitting movement while casting Shaman spells. This spell may be cast while casting other spells. Lasts 15 sec.
- Unleash Elements:Unleashes elemental forces of Flame and Wind, increasing the damage done by the Shaman’s next Fire spell by 40%, and increasing the Shaman’s attack speed by 60% for the next 6 swings or until 12 sec have elapsed.
Talents and Specialization
- Unleashed Fury: Increases the enemy target’s damage taken from your Lightning Bolt and Lava Burst by 30% for 10 sec.
- Unleashed Fury: Empowers your Unleash Life, increasing the effectiveness of your next single-target heal on the targeted ally by an additional 50%.
Ascendance: The Shaman transforms into a Flame Ascendant for 15 sec. While in this form, Lava Burst has no cooldown and Chain Lightning is empowered to become Lava Beam.
- Multistrike Attunement: You gain 5% more of the Multistrike stat from all sources.
- Ascendance: The Shaman transforms into an Air Ascendant for 15 sec. While in this form, auto-attacks and Stormstrike become Wind attacks, bypassing armor, and having a 30 yard range.
- Haste Attunement: You gain 5% more of the Haste stat from all sources.
- Enhanced Weapons: You imbue your weapons with the power of wind and fire.Each of your main-hand weapon attacks has a 20% chance of triggering three extra attacks dealing 70% weapon damage.Each of your off-hand weapon attacks causes up to (0.149 * Attack power) additional Fire damage, based on weapon speed.
Ascendance: The Shaman transforms into a Water Ascendant for 15 sec. While in this form, all healing done is duplicated and distributed evenly among nearby allies.
- Mastery Attunement: You gain 5% more of the Mastery stat from all sources.
- Conductivity: When you cast Lightning Bolt, Chain Lightning, or Earth Shock, or use Stormstrike, your Healing Rain’s duration is increased by 4.00 sec.This cannot cause Healing Rain to last longer than 40 sec.
- Elemental Blast: Harness and direct the raw power of the elements towards an enemy target, dealing (164.513% of Spell power) Elemental damage and increasing the caster’s Specialization 2Agility, Critical Strike, Haste, Multistrike, or Mastery by 137 for 8 sec.
- Unleashed Fury:Empowers your Unleash Elements, increasing the enemy target’s damage taken from your Lightning Bolt by 30% for 10 sec, and increasing your multistrike chance by 5% for 8 sec.
- Elemental Fusion:
New name : Elemental Fusion
Your Lava Burst and Lava Lash increase the damage of your next Shock by 50%, stacking up to 2 times. -
Liquid Magma:
New name : Liquid Magma
Empowers your current Fire totem with the power of lava, causing liquid magma to erupt from it toward random enemies within 40 yards every 0.5 sec for 10 sec. Each glob of liquid magma deals (40.125% of Spell power) Fire damage to all enemies within 4 yards.
- Elemental Fusion:
New name : Elemental Fusion
Your Lava Burst and Lava Lash increase the damage of your next Shock by 50%, stacking up to 2 times. - Liquid Magma:
New name : Liquid Magma
Empowers your current Fire totem with the power of lava, causing liquid magma to erupt from it toward random enemies within 40 yards every 0.5 sec for 10 sec. Each glob of liquid magma deals (40.125% of Spell power) Fire damage to all enemies within 4 yards.
Elemental Fury:Your damaging critical strikes deal 250% damage instead of the usual 200%.
Fulmination:While Lightning Shield is active, damage and multistrike damage from your Lightning Bolt and Chain Lightning spells generate an additional Lightning Shield charge, up to a maximum of 15 charges.Your Earth Shock spell will consume any charges beyond 1, dealing their total damage to the enemy target.
Lava Burst: You hurl molten lava at the target, dealing (77.04% of Spell power) Fire damage. Lava Burst will always deal a critical strike. If your Flame Shock is on the target, Lava Burst will deal 50% additional damage.
Lava Surge: Your Flame Shock periodic damage has a chance to reset the cooldown of your Lava Burst spell and cause your next Lava Burst spell to be instant.
Shamanistic Rage: Reduces all damage taken by 30% for 15 sec. This spell is usable while stunned.
Thunderstorm:Calls down a bolt of lightning, dealing (34.8285% of Spell power) Nature damage to all enemies within 10 yards, reducing their movement speed by 40% for 5 sec, and knocking them back from the Shaman. This spell is usable while stunned.
Feral Spirit: Summons two Spirit Wolves that aid the Shaman in battle, lasting 30 sec. Spirit Wolves are immune to movement-impairing effects, and their attacks heal them and their master.
Fire Nova: Ignites your Flame Shock spell on any nearby enemies, causing each of them to emit a wave of flames that deals (48.0697% of Spell power) Fire damage to every other enemy within 10 yards.
Flurry: After dealing a melee critical strike, your attack speed increases by 15%, and you gain 50% additional benefit from Haste granted by items. Lasts until 5 melee attacks have occurred.
Lava Lash: You charge your off-hand weapon with lava, instantly dealing 260% of that weapon’s damage to an enemy target and spreading your Flame Shock from the target to up to 4 enemies within 12 yards.
Maelstrom Weapon: When you deal damage with a melee weapon, you have a chance to gain an application of Maelstrom Weapon. Each application of Maelstrom Weapon reduces the cast time and mana cost of your next Nature spell by 20%. Does not apply to Ancestral Spirit or Hex. Stacks up to 5 times.
Magma Totem: Summons a Fire Totem with 5 health at the feet of the caster for 1 min that causes (4.25325% of Spell power) Fire damage to creatures within 8 yards every 2 seconds.
Mental Quickness: Your melee attacks have a 101% chance to immediately restore % of your mana.
Primal Wisdom:
Shamanistic Rage: Reduces all damage taken by 30% for 15 sec. This spell is usable while stunned.
Stormstrike: Instantly strike an enemy with both weapons, dealing 160% weapon damage and granting you an additional 25% chance to critically strike that enemy with your Nature damage spells for 15 sec.
Earth Shield: Protects the target with an earthen shield, increasing the effectiveness of Shaman healing spells on that target by 20%, and causing attacks to heal the shielded target for (42% of Spell power). 9 charges. Lasts 10 min. This effect can only occur once every few seconds. Earth Shield can only be placed on one target at a time, and only one of your Elemental Shields can be active on you at once.
Healing Tide Totem: Summons a Water Totem with 10% of the caster’s health at the feet of the caster for (11 sec – 1) sec. The Healing Tide Totem pulses every 2 sec, healing all party or raid members within 40 yards for (91.954% of Spell power).
Healing Wave: Heals a friendly target for (287.004% of Spell power).
Lava Burst: You hurl molten lava at the target, dealing (77.04% of Spell power) Fire damage. Lava Burst will always deal a critical strike. If your Flame Shock is on the target, Lava Burst will deal 50% additional damage.
Purification:Your heals increase allies‘ maximum health by 10% of the amount healed, up to a maximum of 10% of their health.
Resurgence:Your direct heal criticals refund you mana: (812 * 100 / 100) mana from Healing Wave, (812 * 0.6 * 100 / 100) mana from Healing Surge, Riptide, or Unleash Life, and (812 * 0.333 * 100 / 100) mana from Chain Heal.
Riptide: Heals a friendly target for (81.2763% of Spell power) and an additional (229.285% of Spell power) over 18 sec. Your Chain Heal spell is 25% more effective when the primary target is affected by your Riptide.
Spirit Link Totem: Summons an Air Totem with 5 health at the feet of the caster. The totem reduces damage taken by all party and raid members within 10 yards by 10%. Every 1 sec, the health of all affected players is redistributed, such that all players are at the same percentage of maximum health. Lasts 6 sec.
Tidal Waves: When you cast Chain Heal or Riptide, you gain the Tidal Waves effect, which reduces the cast time of your next Healing Wave by 20% or increases the critical effect chance of your next Healing Surge spell by 30%. 2 charges.
Improved Critical Strikes:
New name : Improved Critical Strikes
Your critical strikes now deal 270% damage instead of 250% damage. -
Improved Lightning Shield: Lightning Shield gains 5 additional maximum charges, and Lava Burst can now trigger Rolling Thunder’s effects.
Improved Feral Spirit:
New name : Improved Feral Spirit
Increases the damage of your Feral Spirits by 100%.
Drain Life: Drains the life from the target, causing [(25.05% of Spell power) + 0.334 * Spell power] Shadow damage and restoring 1.5% of the caster’s total health every 1 sec. Lasts 6 sec.
Talents and Specialization
Haste Attunement: You gain 5% more of the Haste stat from all sources.
Mastery Attunement: You gain 5% more of the Mastery stat from all sources.
Critical Strike Attunement: You gain 5% more of the Critical Strike stat from all sources.
Harvest Life: Increases the damage of your Drain Life spell by 50% and the healing of your Drain Life spell by 100%.
Metamorphosis: Chaos Wave: While using Metamorphosis, your Hand of Gul’dan spell transforms into Chaos Wave.Chaos WaveMetamorphosis80 Demonic Fury40 yd rangeRequires Warlock Requires level 62 InstantHurls a wave of chaos to strike the target and all enemies within 6 yards, dealing (131.28% of Spell power) Chaos damage and reducing movement speed by 30% for 6 sec.
Enhanced Nightfall: Increases your chance to trigger Nightfall by 25/10%.
Victory Rush: Instantly attack the target, causing (100% of Spell power + 74% of Attack power) damage and healing you for 25% of your maximum health.Can only be used within 20 sec after you kill an enemy that yields experience or honor.
Talents and Specialization
Mastery Attunement: You gain 5% more of the Mastery stat from all sources.
Critical Strike Attunement: You gain 5% more of the Critical Strike stat from all sources.
Mastery Attunement: You gain 5% more of the Mastery stat from all sources.
Colossus Smash: Smashes a target for 140% weapon damage and weakens their defenses, allowing your attacks to bypass all of their armor for 6 sec. Bypasses less armor on players.Causes the Physical Vulnerability effect on the target. Physical VulnerabilityWeakens the constitution of an enemy target, increasing their physical damage taken by 5% for 30 sec.
Colossus Smash: Smashes a target for 140% weapon damage and weakens their defenses, allowing your attacks to bypass all of their armor for 6 sec. Bypasses less armor on players.Causes the Physical Vulnerability effect on the target. Physical VulnerabilityWeakens the constitution of an enemy target, increasing their physical damage taken by 5% for 30 sec.
Shield Slam: Slam the target with your shield, causing [(Attack power * 3.83 + 1)] to [(Attack power * 3.83 + 1)] damage.Generates 20 Rage in Defensive Stance.