PTR von Patch 9.1: Ein Hotfix mit einigen weiteren Balanceänderungen

Im Verlauf der vergangenen Tage haben die Entwickler von World of Warcraft per Hotfix eine Reihe von weiteren Spielbalanceänderungen auf den derzeit noch immer laufenden öffentlichen Testserver für den am 30. Juni erscheinenden Patch 9.1: Ketten der Herrschaft aufgespielt. Bei den Anpassungen aus diesem Update handelt es sich um praktische Buffs für ein Schmuckstück aus dem Sanktum der Herrschaft, viele Änderungen an den Fähigkeiten von neuen NPCs und enorme Nerfs für die Halsketten des Hard Modes für Tazavesh, der Verhüllte Markt. Genauere Details zu diesen Balanceänderungen findet ihr in der folgenden Übersicht.
Halsketten aus Tazavesh:
Die zum Freischaltend es Hard Modes von Tazavesh erforderlichen Halsketten Fraudulent Credentials und
Passably-Forged Credentials verfügten bisher über mächtige Proc-Effekte, die diese beiden Objekte deutlich stärker als beabsichtigt machten. Mit dem neuen Hotfix wurden diese Effekte nun aber generft, sodass die Procs um die 85% schwächer ausfallen.
Fraudulent Credentials: Your attacks and abilities have a chance to grant you
17326 primary stat for 15 sec.Passable Credentials: Your attacks and abilities have a chance to grant you
17426 primary stat for 15 sec.
Schmuckstück aus dem Sanktum der Herrschaft:
Das von Dormazain im Sanktum der Herrschaft erhältliche Schmuckstück Decanter of Endless Howling wurde mit diesem Update etwas überarbeitet und verstärkt. Die Effekte jeder Variante dieses Schmuckstücks gewähren dem Träger durch diesen Buff jetzt einen etwas höheren Bonus auf ihr primäres Attribut.
Decanted Warsong: Your critical hits have a chance to increase your [Strength][Agility][Strength or Agility] by
180236 for 15 sec. If you are below 50% health when this occurs, you also heal for (965 * 4) over 6 sec.Decanter of Endless Howling: Your critical hits have a chance to increase your [Strength][Agility][Strength or Agility] by
180236 for 15 sec. If you are below 50% health when this occurs, you also heal for (965 * 4) over 6 sec.Third Wind: Your critical hits have a chance to increase your [Strength][Agility][Strength or Agility] by
180236 for 15 sec. If you are below 50% health when this occurs, you also heal for (965 * 4) over 6 sec.
Fähigkeiten von NPCs:
Mit diesem Hotfix wurden eine Reihe von weiteren Fähigkeiten der mit Patch 9.1 kommenden NPC etwas gebalanced und überarbeitet.
Black Heat: The forge’s flames smolder, inflicting
55220 Fire damage every 1 sec. This effect stacks.Blackened Armor: Inflicts 8262 Fire damage every 1 sec and increases Physical damage taken by 200% for
3022 sec. This effect stacks.
Duration changed from 30 sec to 22 secCruciform Axe: The Painsmith hurls his axe at his current target, inflicting 99149 Physical damage and applying Blackened Armor. Flames erupt from the impact and inflict
3305066099 Fire damage to all other players. Players farther from the target take less damage.
Spikes erupt in four directions from the target’s location.-
Cruciform Axe: The Painsmith hurls his axe at his current target, inflicting 99149 Physical damage and applying Blackened Armor. Flames erupt from the impact and inflict
3305066099 Fire damage to all other players. Players farther from the target take less damage.
Spikes erupt in four directions from the target’s location. -
Cruciform Axe: The Painsmith hurls his axe at his current target, inflicting 99149 Physical damage and applying Blackened Armor. Flames erupt from the impact and inflict
3305066099 Fire damage to all other players. Players farther from the target take less damage.
Spikes erupt in four directions from the target’s location. Cruciform Axe: The Painsmith hurls his axe at his current target, inflicting 99149 Physical damage and applying Blackened Armor. Flames erupt from the impact and inflict
3305066099 Fire damage to all other players. Players farther from the target take less damage.
Spikes erupt in four directions from the target’s location.-
Cruciform Axe: The Painsmith hurls his axe at his current target, inflicting 99149 Physical damage and applying Blackened Armor. Flames erupt from the impact and inflict
3305066099 Fire damage to all other players. Players farther from the target take less damage.
Spikes erupt in four directions from the target’s location. -
Dualblade Scythe: The Painsmith hurls his scythe at his current target, inflicting 99149 Physical damage and applying Blackened Armor. Flames erupt from the target and inflict
4406699149 Fire damage to all other players. Players farther from the target take less damage.
Spikes erupt in four directions and then ripple outwards from the target’s location. Dualblade Scythe: The Painsmith hurls his scythe at his current target, inflicting 99149 Physical damage and applying Blackened Armor. Flames erupt from the target and inflict
4406699149 Fire damage to all other players. Players farther from the target take less damage.
Spikes erupt in four directions and then ripple outwards from the target’s location.-
Dualblade Scythe: The Painsmith hurls his scythe at his current target, inflicting 99149 Physical damage and applying Blackened Armor. Flames erupt from the target and inflict
4406699149 Fire damage to all other players. Players farther from the target take less damage.
Spikes erupt in four directions and then ripple outwards from the target’s location. Dualblade Scythe: The Painsmith hurls his scythe at his current target, inflicting 99149 Physical damage and applying Blackened Armor. Flames erupt from the target and inflict
4406699149 Fire damage to all other players. Players farther from the target take less damage.
Spikes erupt in four directions and then ripple outwards from the target’s location.-
Dualblade Scythe: The Painsmith hurls his scythe at his current target, inflicting 99149 Physical damage and applying Blackened Armor. Flames erupt from the target and inflict
4406699149 Fire damage to all other players. Players farther from the target take less damage.
Spikes erupt in four directions and then ripple outwards from the target’s location. -
Lingering Flames: The forge’s flames smolder, inflicting
55220 Fire damage every 1 sec. This effect stacks. Reverberating Hammer: The Painsmith hurls his hammer at his current target, inflicting 99149 Physical damage applying Blackened Armor. Flames erupt from the impact and inflict
4406682624 Fire damage to all other players. Players farther from the target take less damage.
Spikes ripple outwards from the target’s location.-
Reverberating Hammer: The Painsmith hurls his hammer at his current target, inflicting 99149 Physical damage applying Blackened Armor. Flames erupt from the impact and inflict
4406682624 Fire damage to all other players. Players farther from the target take less damage.
Spikes ripple outwards from the target’s location. Reverberating Hammer: The Painsmith hurls his hammer at his current target, inflicting 99149 Physical damage applying Blackened Armor. Flames erupt from the impact and inflict
4406682624 Fire damage to all other players. Players farther from the target take less damage.
Spikes ripple outwards from the target’s location.-
Reverberating Hammer: The Painsmith hurls his hammer at his current target, inflicting 99149 Physical damage applying Blackened Armor. Flames erupt from the impact and inflict
4406682624 Fire damage to all other players. Players farther from the target take less damage.
Spikes ripple outwards from the target’s location. Reverberating Hammer: The Painsmith hurls his hammer at his current target, inflicting 99149 Physical damage applying Blackened Armor. Flames erupt from the impact and inflict
4406682624 Fire damage to all other players. Players farther from the target take less damage.
Spikes ripple outwards from the target’s location.