Patch 9.1: Die Scherben der Dominanz aus dem Sanktum der Herrschaft

Um das Sammeln von Ausrüstung in Patch 9.1 etwas interessanter zu gestalten und die Beute aus Raids wieder zu den bestmöglichen Gegenständen für das Raiden zu machen, werden die Entwickler mit diesem Update unter anderem die neuen Scherben der Dominanz einführen. Auch wenn dieses Feature aktuell noch nicht vollständig auf dem PTR von Patch 9.1 vorhanden ist und zukünftige Builds weitere Änderungen daran durchführen werden, so kann man aber schon jetzt einen recht guten Blick darauf werfen, wie das Ganze funktioniert und welche Vorteile die Spieler dadurch erhalten.
Bei den Scherben der Dominanz handelt es sich im Grunde um spezielle Sockelsteine, die die Spieler in dem Sanktum der Herrschaft erbeuten können. Diese besonderen Sockelsteine passen dabei dann nur um die neuen Dominanz-Sockelplätzen auf den ebenfalls im Sanktum erhältlichen normalen Ausrüstungsteilen. Durch das Sockeln von bis zu 5 dieser speziellen Scherben erhalten die Spieler dann praktische Vorteile wie beispielsweise einen Bonus auf ihre Werte, einen Proc mit Schaden, erhöhte Heilung oder unterstützende Effekte. Diese Vorteile können dann sowohl in Instanzen als auch in der offenen Spielwelt aktiviert werden.
Ansonsten teilen sich die Scherben der Dominanz in die drei verschiedenen Kategorien Blut, Frost und Unheilig auf und sie besitzen natürlich verschiedene Ränge mit unterschiedlichen starken Effekten. Wenn mindestens 3 der 5 möglichen Scherben eines Spielers zu der gleichen Kategorie an Steinen gehören, dann wird den Spielern neben den Effekten der eigentlichen Scherben auch noch ein nützlicher Set-Bonus gewährt. Dieser zusätzliche Bonus fällt dabei dann unabhängig von der Art der Scherben sehr mächtig aus und sollte von allen Spielern angestrebt werden. Während die normalen Effekte der Sockelsteine überall aktiv sind, so funktionieren die Set-Boni allerdings nur in Torghast, dem Schlund und dem Sanktum der Herrschaft. Was das Aufwerten der Scherben betrifft, so können Spieler ihre Sockelsteine verstärken, wenn sie die durch alle Bosse im Sanktum erhältlichen Stygian Embers verwenden.
Folgend findet ihr Übersichten zu den bisher auf dem PTR vorhandenen Scherben und den Set-Boni.
Shards of Domination – Select gear that is dropped in Sanctum of Domination can be enhanced by Shards of Domination, which can be found from defeating bosses in Sanctum of Domination. The system is still in development and will be updated ina forthcoming build of the 9.1 PTR.
Die Set-Boni:
Der Blut-Bonus:
Blood Link – While inside the Maw or Torghast, damaging an enemy establishes a Blood Link. Blood Link pulses every 3 sec, dealing 0 Shadow damage and healing you for 100% of damage dealt. If your Blood Link would overheal you, it instead heals a nearby ally. Limit 1.
Der Frost-Bonus:
Winds of Winter – While inside the Maw or Torghast, each time you deal a critical strike, the Winds accumulate 6% of that effect, up to a cap of 0 per critical strike. Every 20 sec, the Winds unleash, dealing Frost damage equal to the total accumulation and and surrounding you in the Winds for 20 sec, absorbing 100% of damage dealt by the Winds.
Der Unheilig-Bonus:
Chaos Bane – While inside the Maw or Torghast, your spells and abilities have a chance to drain a Soul Fragment from your target, granting you 10 Primary stat for 30 sec and stacking up to 15 times. When you reach 15 stacks, unleash Chaos Bane, dealing 0 Shadow damage split between nearby enemies and granting you 300 Primary stat for 15 sec.
8+Haste RPPM
Die Effekte der Scherben:
Blut: Offensiv
Shard of Bek –
Shard of Bek: Your damage is increased by 2% when you have 50% or more health than your target.
Ominous Shard of Bek –
Ominous Shard of Bek: Your damage is increased by 2.25% when you have 50% or more health than your target.
Desolate Shard of Bek –
Desolate Shard of Bek: Your damage is increased by 2.5% when you have 50% or more health than your target.
Foreboding Shard of Bek –
Foreboding Shard of Bek: Your damage is increased by 2.75% when you have 50% or more health than your target.
Portentous Shard of Bek –
Portentous Shard of Bek: Your damage is increased by 3% when you have 50% or more health than your target.
Blut: Heilung
Shard of Jas –
Shard of Jas: Incoming healing you receive is increased by 1.1%. Your maximum health is increased by 2.
Ominous Shard of Jas –
Ominous Shard of Jas: Incoming healing you receive is increased by 1.2%. Your maximum health is increased by 2.
Desolate Shard of Jas –
Desolate Shard of Jas: Incoming healing you receive is increased by 1.3%. Your maximum health is increased by 2.
Foreboding Shard of Jas –
Foreboding Shard of Jas: Incoming healing you receive is increased by 1.4%. Your maximum health is increased by 2.
Portentous Shard of Jas –
Portentous Shard of Jas: Incoming healing you receive is increased by 1.5%. Your maximum health is increased by 2.
Blut: Tertiäre Werte
Shard of Rev –
Shard of Rev: Your Leech is increased by 0.
Ominous Shard of Rev –
Ominous Shard of Rev: Your Leech is increased by 0.
Desolate Shard of Rev –
Desolate Shard of Rev: Your Leech is increased by 0.
Foreboding Shard of Rev –
Foreboding Shard of Rev: Your Leech is increased by 0.
Portentous Shard of Rev –
Portentous Shard of Rev: Your Leech is increased by 0.
Frost: Offensiv
Shard of Cor –
Shard of Cor: Your damage is increased by 3% for 20 sec after attacking an enemy you have not yet damaged.
Ominous Shard of Cor –
Ominous Shard of Cor: Your damage is increased by 3.38% for 20 sec after attacking an enemy you have not yet damaged.
Desolate Shard of Cor –
Desolate Shard of Cor: Your damage is increased by 3.75% for 20 sec after attacking an enemy you have not yet damaged.
Foreboding Shard of Cor –
Foreboding Shard of Cor: Your damage is increased by 4.13% for 20 sec after attacking an enemy you have not yet damaged.
Portentous Shard of Cor –
Portentous Shard of Cor: Your damage is increased by 4.5% for 20 sec after attacking an enemy you have not yet damaged.
Frost: Heilung
Shard of Tel –
Shard of Tel: Your critical heals cause their target to absorb the next 228 damage dealt to them within 6 sec.
Ominous Shard of Tel –
Ominous Shard of Tel: Your critical heals cause their target to absorb the next 257 damage dealt to them within 6 sec.
Desolate Shard of Tel –
Desolate Shard of Tel: Your critical heals cause their target to absorb the next 285 damage dealt to them within 6 sec.
Foreboding Shard of Tel –
Foreboding Shard of Tel: Your critical heals cause their target to absorb the next 314 damage dealt to them within 6 sec.
Portentous Shard of Tel –
Portentous Shard of Tel: Your critical heals cause their target to absorb the next 342 damage dealt to them within 6 sec.
Frost: Defensiv
Shard of Kyr –
Shard of Kyr: While standing still, gain 880 Absorb every 5 sec, up to a cap of 4400.
Ominous Shard of Kyr –
Ominous Shard of Kyr: While standing still, gain 990 Absorb every 5 sec, up to a cap of 4950.
Desolate Shard of Kyr –
Desolate Shard of Kyr: While standing still, gain 1100 Absorb every 5 sec, up to a cap of 5500.
Foreboding Shard of Kyr –
Foreboding Shard of Kyr: While standing still, gain 1210 Absorb every 5 sec, up to a cap of 6050.
Portentous Shard of Kyr –
Portentous Shard of Kyr: While standing still, gain 1320 Absorb every 5 sec, up to a cap of 6600.
Unheilig: Offensiv
Shard of Dyz –
Shard of Dyz: Damaging a target increases your damage done to that target by 0.33% for 4 sec, stacking up to 3 times.
Ominous Shard of Dyz –
Ominous Shard of Dyz: Damaging a target increases your damage done to that target by 0.37% for 4 sec, stacking up to 3 times.
Desolate Shard of Dyz –
Desolate Shard of Dyz: Damaging a target increases your damage done to that target by 0.42% for 4 sec, stacking up to 3 times.
Foreboding Shard of Dyz –
Foreboding Shard of Dyz: Damaging a target increases your damage done to that target by 0.46% for 4 sec, stacking up to 3 times.
Portentous Shard of Dyz –
Portentous Shard of Dyz: Damaging a target increases your damage done to that target by 0.5% for 4 sec, stacking up to 3 times.
Unheilig: Heilung
Shard of Zed –
Shard of Zed: Your helpful spells and abilities have a chance to grant your target an Unholy Aura, draining 221 health from nearby enemies every 2 sec for 10 sec.
Ominous Shard of Zed –
Ominous Shard of Zed: Your helpful spells and abilities have a chance to grant your target an Unholy Aura, draining 249 health from nearby enemies every 2 sec for 10 sec.
Desolate Shard of Zed –
Desolate Shard of Zed: Your helpful spells and abilities have a chance to grant your target an Unholy Aura, draining 277 health from nearby enemies every 2 sec for 10 sec.
Foreboding Shard of Zed –
Foreboding Shard of Zed: Your helpful spells and abilities have a chance to grant your target an Unholy Aura, draining 306 health from nearby enemies every 2 sec for 10 sec.
Portentous Shard of Zed –
Portentous Shard of Zed: Your helpful spells and abilities have a chance to grant your target an Unholy Aura, draining 334 health from nearby enemies every 2 sec for 10 sec.
Unheilig: Tertiäre Werte
Shard of Oth –
Shard of Oth: Your Speed is increased by 0
Ominous Shard of Oth –
Ominous Shard of Oth: Your Speed is increased by 0
Desolate Shard of Oth –
Desolate Shard of Oth: Your Speed is increased by 0
Foreboding Shard of Oth –
Foreboding Shard of Oth: Your Speed is increased by 0
Portentous Shard of Oth –
Portentous Shard of Oth: Your Speed is increased by 0