Update: Der PTR für Patch 2.7.0 wurde gestartet

Vor Kurzem veröffentlichten die für Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls zuständigen Mitarbeiter von Blizzard Entertainment einen neuen Blogeintrag auf ihrer offiziellen Communityseite, der die aktiven Spieler dieses Titels darauf aufmerksam machen sollte, dass neue Testphase auf dem öffentlichen Testserver dieses Titels gestartet wurde. Aus diesem Grund dürfen die Spieler von Diablo 3 jetzt auch einen ersten Blick auf den kommenden Patch 2.7.0 werfen und sich anschauen, was für Auswirkungen dieses Update auf Blizzards Action-Rollenspiel haben wird. Wie es mittlerweile für viele dieser Testphasen üblich ist, rechnen die Entwickler aktuell wieder mit einer nur zwei Wochen lang laufenden Testphase.
Was die Inhalte von Patch 2.7.0 betrifft, so möchten die Entwickler dieses Update wohl dafür nutzen, um die Begleiter des Spiels etwas zu überarbeiten. Neben den Änderungen an den Fähigkeiten dieser NPCs gehören dazu dann auch eine Erweiterung der ausrüstbaren Gegenstände und die neue Funktion „Emanate„, die es den Spielern erlaubt solch einem Begleiter einen legendären Gegenstand zu geben und selbst von dem dadurch gewährten Affix zu profitieren. Zusätzlich dazu bringt Patch 2.7.0 auch noch Spielbalanceänderungen für alle Klassen, einige Veränderungen an den Ranglisten und bisher noch nicht in den Patchnotes aufgeführte Fehlerbehebungen mit sich.
Update vom 05. März: Im Verlauf des gestrigen Abends haben die Entwickler von Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls die Patchnotes zu dem kommenden Patch 2.7.0 noch einmal aktualisiert und eine Reihe von Änderungen an dieser nützlichen Übersicht durchgeführt. Alle veränderten oder neu hinzugefügten Einträge in diesen Patchnotes wurden in einer roten Schrift verfasst.
Diablo 3 PTR 2.7.0 Preview
Our two-week PTR testing period for the 2.7.0 update begins February 25 and we’re asking for your help to quell the tides of surging demons. Take a look at the preliminary patch notes below and start theorycrafting how you’ll make the most of the Follower system revamp, leaderboard changes, and Legendary item changes; Patch 2.7.0 will be arriving soon.
Please note that this is a preview for PTR content, which is subject to change.
PTR Focus & Details
We’ll be conducting the Patch 2.7.0 PTR, and phasing in content updates over the course of two weeks, starting Thursday, February 25. During this time there may be periodic maintenances, outages, hotfixes, or minor patches.
- There will be three PTR-unique buffs active to help you on your journey: increased Legendary drop rate, increased experience gains, and double Blood Shard drops. You can also buy new gear for testing from the special PTR vendor, Djank Mi’em, who will exchange Blood Shards for class-specific bags full of Legendary items that we’d love for you to test!
- Class and Balance Changes: To ensure that the most significant class changes receive an ample amount of attention, we’d love for you to focus testing and feedback on the set changes to the Wizard’s Firebird’s Finery set, the Necromancer’s Bones of Rathma set, and the balance updates to the Demon Hunter’s Gears of Dreadlands set and Witch Doctor’s Gazing Demise.
- New Features Testing: We’re looking to gather feedback on the solo player content with the Follower system revamp, and the Greater Rift solo leaderboard updates.
So that we can efficiently review your posts, feedback should be provided in the PTR Feedback forum while bug reports should be provided in the PTR Bug Report forum.
PTR Testing Tips
As with our previous PTRs, this testing period is short, so it’s best to hit the ground running. Whether you’re a PTR veteran or newcomer, we thought we’d pass along a few tips to get you started.
- Because of the limited duration of this PTR, we ask that participants pick a particular portion of this update to focus on testing.
- For example, if you’re primarily a Wizard player, consider what changes impact the Wizard specifically. What you like best, what you think may still need adjustment, and what you’d want to see in the future (even if that may be beyond the scope of this patch) are all good questions to ask yourself.
- Prior to the start of PTR, consider stocking up on items like Puzzle Rings and Bovine Bardiches. Having these available after you import your character can make any necessary PTR farming much faster!
- Try to break things! Just tell us when you do so we can make sure that the patch launch is as smooth as possible.
- When providing feedback, focus less on a solution and more on your experience. How did the changes make you feel? Was there something “off” that you noticed? Did something seem wrong or insufficient? Suggestions are always welcome but identifying the issues themselves is most important.
Patch Notes
Below you will find the patch notes for the upcoming update for Diablo III, Patch 2.7.0.
Note: All changes apply to all versions of Diablo III, including PS4, Xbox One, Switch, and PC unless otherwise indicated.
Follower System Revamp: The Follower system for Diablo III has been revamped and will be made permanently available for Seasonal and Non-Seasonal play! Players can now equip Followers with a total of 14 different item slots which include the Follower Relic Item, Helm, Shoulders, Chest, Gloves, Bracers, Belt, 2 Rings, Neck, Pants, Boots, main-hand weapon, and off-hand. We’re introducing a new Follower feature into Diablo III called Emanate, which allows the player to gain the intended effect of certain Legendary Powers and Set Bonuses when equipped on the hired Follower. The current list of items with Emanate capabilities are the following:
- Broken Crown
- Homing Pads
- Spaulders of Zakara
- Goldskin
- Custerian Wristguards
- Nemesis Bracers
- Gladiator Gauntlets
- Gloves of Worship
- Dovu Energy Trap
- Rakoff’s Glass of Life
- Avarice Band
- Krede’s Flame
- The Flavor of Time
- Sage’s Journey (3-piece set bonus)
- Cain’s Destiny (3-piece set bonus)
Follower Skills Revamp: Follower skills have been reworked to showcase new and updated skills. Check out the skills change list below:
Follower Updates
- Follower ability tooltips now display the current value of scaled abilities rather than the range.
- Vanish, Fate’s Lapse, and Guardian now have a higher priority than player’s cheat death skills.
- Vanish, Fate’s Lapse, and Guardian now display a debuff icon while on cooldown.
- Fixed a bug to make Follower Relics that reduce the cooldown by 50% now affect Vanish, Fate’s Lapse, and Guardian.
- Updated Vanish description to provide clarity.
Developer’s Note *Update: These updates should provide additional clarity into the benefits followers are providing to players.
- Crippling Shot
- Ranged attack that deals 140% weapon damage and slows enemies hit by 80% for 3 to 6 seconds based on the Scoundrel’s Dexterity.
- Powered Shot
- Ranged attack that explodes on impact, dealing 120% weapon damage as Arcane to enemies within 10 yards and has a 100% chance to Stun enemies for 3 to 6 seconds based on the Scoundrel’s Dexterity.
- Hysteria
- Whenever you or the Scoundrel land a Critical Hit, you both will go into hysterics, increasing all damage done by 3% for 3 to 6 seconds based on the Scoundrel’s Dexterity.
- Anatomy
- Increases Critical Hit Chance by 1.8% to 4% for you and the Scoundrel based on the Scoundrel’s Dexterity.
- Multishot Passive
- Passive: The Scoundrel’s special attacks have a 50% to 70% chance to fire 3 bolts based on the Scoundrel’s Dexterity.
- *Skill Rework – Vanish
- When you take fatal damage, the Scoundrel conceals you from enemies for 3 to 7 seconds based on the Scoundrel’s Dexterity,
and prevents your deathallowing you to escape your death.
- When you take fatal damage, the Scoundrel conceals you from enemies for 3 to 7 seconds based on the Scoundrel’s Dexterity,
- *New Skill – Night’s Veil
- The Scoundrel launches a cloud that covers a 20-yard area and lasts 5 to10 seconds based on the Scoundrel’s Dexterity. All attacks against enemies that are inside the cloud will be critical hits.
- *New Skill – Piercing Shot
- Ranged attack that pierces and increases damage done to enemies by 10% for 3 to 6 seconds based on the Scoundrel’s Dexterity.
- *Removed Skills – Dirty Fighting and Poison Bolts
- Developer’s Note: By reworking and adding Follower skills, expanding the Follower’s equipment set, and introducing Emanate, we believe Followers will be more meaningful and provide greater utility to the single-player experience.
- Heal and Loyalty
- These skills now scale based on the Templar’s Strength.
- Intimidate
- Enemies that hit or are hit by the Templar are slowed by 80% for 3 to 6 seconds based on the Templar’s Strength.
- Charge
- Charges a target, dealing 280% weapon damage and stunning all enemies within 8 yards for 3 to 6 seconds based on the Templar’s Strength.
- Intervene
- Taunt enemies within 10 yards of you for 3 to 6 seconds based on Templar’s strength when you are hit.
*Skill Rework – Onslaught
- Delivers a massive blow to an enemy for 800% weapon damage and causes the target and nearby enemies to take 10% increased damage for 3 to 6 seconds based on the Templar’s Strength.
- *Skill Rework – Guardian
- When you take fatal damage, the Templar will rush to your aid, knocking back enemies within 15 yards, healing you for 15% to 25% life based on the Templar’s Strength, and shielding you from all damage for 5 seconds.
- Erosion
- Conjures a pool of energy that deals 330% weapon damage as Arcane over 5 to 7 seconds based on the Enchantress’s Intelligence. Affected enemies will also take 10% increased damage.
- Focused Mind
- A 40-yard aura that increases attack speed for you and the Enchantress by 3% to 6% based on the Enchantress’s Intelligence.
- *Skill Rework (Renamed from Powered Armor) – Powered Shield
- Reduces damage by 6% from ranged attacks, increases Armor by 3%, and slows melee attackers by 60% for 3 to 6 seconds for you and the Enchantress based on the Enchantress’s Intelligence.
- *New Skill – Temporal Pulse
- The Enchantress casts a guided orb that deals 150% weapon damage and slows enemies by 80% for 3 to 6 seconds based on the Enchantress’s Intelligence.
- *New Skill – Amplification
- Increases your highest static elemental bonus by 5% to 10% based on the Enchantress’s Intelligence.
- *New Skill – Prophetic Harmony
- Reduce your skills’ Cooldowns by 5% to 10% based on the Enchantress’s Intelligence.
- *New Skill – Fate’s Lapse
- When you take fatal damage, the Enchantress empowers you to speed up your movement through time for 3 to 7 seconds to avoid death based on the Enchantress’s Intelligence.
- *Removed Skills – Forceful Push, Mass Control, Disorient, and Missile Ward
Developer’s Note: By reworking and adding Follower skills, expanding the Follower’s equipment set, and introducing Emanate, we believe Followers will be more meaningful and provide greater utility to the single-player experience.
Solo Leaderboards Update: Greater Rift solo leaderboards now contain additional filters to sort by. This update provides a total of 7 filters available per class.
- Class Sets
- No Class Set
- Overall (default filter)
Developer’s Note: In their current form, the Solo Leaderboards are great at showcasing the strongest builds for each class but tend to only highlight a small percentage of the wide variety of builds that players have available to them. We want to empower the community to play their favorite set and be represented on the leaderboard.
Season Rewards: Two unique new rewards, a portrait frame, and a pet will be granted to players who complete the Season 23 Guardian Journey. Please note that the reward content will not be available during PTR 2.7.0.
Item Changes
- Bones of Rathma 2-Piece Set: Your minions reduce the cooldown of Army of the Dead by
10.25 second each time they deal damage. Your skeletal warriors spawn faster, and your revived minions no longer expire. - Bones of Rathma 4-Piece Set: Your minions no longer take damage. You gain 1% damage reduction for 15 seconds each time one of your minions deal damage. Maximum of 75 stacks.
- Bones of Rathma 6-Piece Set: Each active minion increases the damage of Army of the Dead and Bone Spirit by
1000%500%, up to 8500%. - Defiler Cuisses: Bone Spirit’s damage is increased by 400% to 500% for every second it is active and will also freeze enemies on impact. Maximum of 5 seconds.
- New item* Bonds of C’Lena:
Army of the Dead and Bone Spirit deals 300% to 400% increased damage. Bone Spirit deals an additional 2% increased damage for 5 seconds each time Army of the Dead hits an enemy.Bone Spirit deals 300% to 400% increased damage and deals an additional 2% increased damage for 10 seconds each time Army of the Dead hits an enemy. Maximum of 500 stacks
Developer’s Note: We recognize that the Bones of Rathma set plays similarly to other Necromancer builds. Our goal is to preserve the fantasy of the set while maintaining diversity among the Necromancer sets.
Developer’s Note *Update: Initially multiple legendary powers were left uncapped to see how players would utilize them, however we didn’t anticipate for Army of the Dead to be able to cast as frequently as it was. This totally dominated how the set was played and also resulted in permanent invincibility. We’re attempting to address this and we’d love for players to try out the new changes and provide additional feedback.
- Firebird’s Finery 2-Piece Set:
When you die, a meteor falls from the sky and revives you. Disintegrate Ignites enemies, causing them to take 3000% weapon damage per second until they die.Disintegrate Ignites enemies, causing them to take 7500% weapon damage per second until they die. When you die, a meteor falls from the sky and revives you. This effect has a 60-second cooldown.
- Firebird’s Finery 4-Piece Set:
You gain 80% damage reduction and 4000% increased damage while Ignite is applied to a target. Casting Disintegrate adds Combustion stacks that reduce the cooldown of Teleport by 2% per stack. Stacks up to 50 times.Casting Disintegrate adds Combustion stacks that reduce the cooldown of Teleport by 1% per stack. Stacks up to 100 times. You gain 80% damage reduction while maintaining Combustion stacks. - Firebird’s Finery 6-Piece Set:
Hitting an Ignited enemy with a fire spell other than Disintegrate deals Ignite damage multiplied by Combustion stacks.You gain 4000% increased damage while Ignite is applied to a target. Hitting an Ignited enemy with a non-channeling fire spell deals Ignite damage multiplied by Combustion stacks.
Developer’s Note: Firebird’s Finery is due for a rebirth. We have overhauled the set to breathe new life into it while still allowing the player to incinerate the forces of Hell.
Developer’s Note *Update: The original intent of this set redesign was not to use channeling abilities as the main source of damage so we adjusted the 2-piece and 6-piece bonuses. We increased the Combustion tick rate to make it easier to maintain stacks and to make the set less cumbersome to play. Additionally, we appreciate the community’s catch of the unintended overlap between Tal Rasha’s Elements and Firebird’s Finery. It was fun while it lasted, but it has to go.
- Gears of Dreadlands 6-Piece Set:
Hungering Arrow pierces a maximum of 2 times while wearing the Gears of Dreadlands.Your primary skills deal 15,000% increased damage.
Developer’s Note: We toned down the number of pierces Hungering Arrow can perform while Gears of Dreadlands is equipped to address concerns when interacting with Missile Dampening.
Developer’s Note *Update: The initial change was targeted towards Gears of Dreadlands using Hungering Arrow, which severely nerfed its performance and also didn’t fix the same issue across other sets. The new fix is now on the core legendary power that Hungering Arrow relies on, and Gears of Dreadlands‘ power has been adjusted to compensate and also encourage other primary abilities.
- Gazing Demise: The damage of Spirit Barrage is increased by 100% to 150%. Spirit Barrage gains the Phantasm rune that lasts twice as long, and the attack rate from Manitou spectres is increased.
Developer’s Note: Mundunugu’s Regalia is overperforming compared to other sets. This change to Gazing Demise should simplify the gameplay mechanic while reducing its damage output.
- Blackthorn’s Jousting Mail: Replaced one
primaryminor property with a random elemental damage affix.
Class Set Dungeon Update
- To account for the Necromancer redesign of the Bones of Rathma set, we have updated the objective to „Revive 100 Corpses“ from the current „Raise 100 Skeletal Mages“.
Bug Fixes
- General: Updated text on Blackthorne’s Jousting Mail item descriptor
- Demon Hunter: Fixed a bug where Hungering Arrow – Shatter Shot pierced more than intended.
- Wizard: Fixed bug where the Firebird’s Finery 6-piece bonus was not interacting with Wave of Force – Heat Wave and the base Hydra’s attacks.
- Wizard: Fixed a bug where the Deathwish damage bonus was not always applying correctly while Channeling.
- Leaderboard: Fixed a bug where players could be placed on the „No Six Piece Set“ Leaderboard when having a Class Set equipped.
- Leaderboard: Fixed a bug that caused the bottom of the Leaderboard UI to be cut off.
How to Participate
To participate in the public test, you must have a Diablo III game license attached to a Battle.net account in good standing (i.e. one that hasn’t been suspended or banned). In addition, you will also need to download and install the Blizzard Battle.net desktop app if you have not already done so.
Step 1: Restart the Battle.net desktop app.
Step 2: Navigate to the Diablo III tab on the left-hand menu.
Step 3: On the Diablo III screen, there is a drop-down menu right above the „Play“ button (note that this may say „Install“ if you do not have Diablo III currently installed). Select „PTR: Diablo III“ from this drop-down menu before proceeding.
Step 4: Click Install to begin the installation process.
Your PTR account will be created automatically if you do not already have one. The PTR is available in all supported languages, and accounts from all regions are eligible to participate. For additional assistance with installing and launching the PTR, click here.
PTR Character Copy
The option to copy your existing Diablo III characters from your live account to the PTR will be available and can be done directly through the PTR client. However, only one region per account can be copied at a time. So, if you choose to copy characters from your account in a different region, any previously copied PTR characters will be lost.
Step 1: Log into the live game and then log out.
Step 2: Log into PTR client and create a level 1 character. After you’re done, return to the main character screen.
Step 3: Click on the „PTR Copy“ button located in the upper right-hand corner. (The PTR Copy button will not appear in-game until you have created a new level 1 character.)
Step 4: Select your region.
Step 5: Click „Copy.“ This will copy all characters on your account from the selected region.
Step 6: You will be disconnected from the PTR client.
Step 7: Log back in. Your copied characters will be available for play.
Please note that you can only copy characters from one gameplay region at a time. If you choose to copy characters from a different region, any previously copied PTR characters will be lost. In addition, you can only copy characters over to your PTR account once every 24 hours. Attempting to copy characters before this cooldown is up will result in an error.