Overwatch: Die neuen Patchnotes für die Liveserver und das Testlabor

Im Verlauf des gestrigen Abends haben die für Overwatch zuständigen Mitarbeiter von Blizzard Entertainment einen neuen Patch für diesen beliebten Hero Shooter veröffentlicht, der sich auch dieses Mal wieder in richtige Änderungen und Inhalte für das Testlabor aufteilt. Bei den direkt für die normale Live-Version von Overwatch bestimmten Anpassungen aus diesem Update handelt es sich allerdings nur um eine Reihe von Fehlerbehebungen für unterschiedliche Probleme mit dem Spiel. Eine Übersicht dazu, welche Bugs mit diesem Patch aus der Welt geräumt wurden, findet ihr in den folgenden Patchnotes.
Was die Inhalte für das Testlabor von Overwatch betrifft, so dreht sich die gestern Abend gestartete Testphase beinahe komplett um mögliche Veränderungen an dem Unterstützer Moira. Dabei wollen die Entwickler interessanterweise ausprobieren, wie sich dieser Unterstützer spielt, wenn der Angriffswinkel etwas kleiner ausfällt, die Teleporation weniger nützlich ist und die erzeugten Kugeln an Feinden haften bleiben. Die Ziele der Entwickler sind das Potenzial von Moira für spielentscheidende Aktionen zu erhöhen und den Spaßfaktor von allen beteiligten Personen zu erhöhen. Genauere Details zu diesen möglichen Veränderungen findet ihr folgend.
Overwatch Retail Patch Notes – August 18, 2020:
A new patch is now live on Windows PC, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. Read below to learn more about the latest changes.
The next experiment begins! This time we’re revisiting Moira and doing some further experimentation on adjusting her abilities. In making these changes, we’re hoping to permit Moira to make bigger plays, while also ensuring that she is both fun to play and fun to play against (may need edits, but good to make notes on what we’re hoping to test). We’re using the 2-2-2 Role Queue ruleset so that you can get a feel for how these balance changes might affect the live game.
- Biotic Grasp
- Attach angle reduced by 37%
- Biotic Orb
- Now sticks to enemies when impacting them, instead of piercing through them
- Only deals damage if stuck to a target
- Now deals a constant 60 DPS to all enemies
- Will remain on a stuck player for 3 seconds or until 120 damage is dealt to that player, whichever happens first
- Only deals damage if stuck to a target
- Now is destroyed if it hits an enemy barrier
- Reduced max number of bounces to 1
- Increased projectile speed from 20 to 25
- Now sticks to enemies when impacting them, instead of piercing through them
- Fade
- Now phases out all allies within 6 meters (and self) for 1 second after exiting Fade
- No longer frees Moira or allies from Zarya’s Graviton Surge or Sigma’s Gravitic Flux
- Cooldown increased from 6s to 8s
Developer Comments:
This round of changes is an iteration on the first Moira experiment we tested with in July. With these changes, we’ve tried to reduce to overall power level of this new Fade ability, as it was just capable of doing too much in its last form. Now, it cannot cleanse negative effects or easily allow people to escape Sigma or Zarya ultimates, but is still a powerful tool to reduce significant incoming damage if it is timed well. As for the Damage Orb changes, this is a totally new direction to try and accomplish the same goals as before: change the ability from an easy to use but low impact ability, to a more skillful and higher potential impact ability. Landing a Damage Orb is now much more challenging but the reward is also much higher.
This is the kind of iteration we’re constantly doing internally when making changes or designing new heroes. The Experimental card gives us an interesting opportunity to show how things evolve and are tested over time. Keep in mind that these are purely experiment changes and are not likely to go live.
- Wraith Form
- No longer frees Reaper from Zarya’s Graviton Surge or Sigma’s Gravitic Flux
- Fixed a bug that caused player names to not appear properly when viewing a replay
- Fixed a bug allowing turrets to get placed in invalid locations
- Fixed an issue with the Union Jack spray appearing incorrectly
- Genji
- Fixed a bug where Swift Strike would not deal damage if used on a target that is against a wall
- Mei
- Fixed a bug that caused Ice Wall to boost characters upwards inconsistently
- Fixed a bug allowing Ice Wall to be placed on top of Mei’s Cryo-Freeze
- Mercy
- Fixed a bug that caused yellow orbs to not display over deceased allies
- Zenyatta
- Fixed a bug that caused Zenyatta’s melee animation to not appear properly when using melee to cancel out of a secondary fire charge
- Fixed a bug that caused primary and secondary fire to not activate properly after dying, in rare cases