Shadowlands: Weitere legendäre Affixe für einige Klassen

Der in der vergangenen Nacht auf die Testserver der geschlossenen Beta von Shadowlands aufgespielte Build 35167 beinhaltete zusätzlich zu allen für den Start der Beta bestimmten Inhalten dieser Erweiterung interessanterweise auch noch eine Reihe von weiteren legendären Affixen, die die Vertreter bestimmter Klassen in der Zukunft für die Herstellung ihrer persönlichen legendären Ausrüstungsteile verwenden dürfen. Die in diesem Build enthaltenen legendären Effekte sind dabei dann für die Dämonenjäger, die Mönche, die Paladine und die Priester des Spiels bestimmt und sie können wie üblich nur bei Legendaries für passende Rüstungsslots verwendet werden. Ansonsten handelt es sich bei diesen Affixen erneut um eine bunte Mischung aus brandneuen Effekten, Vorteilen aus Torghast und aus der Vergangenheit bekannten Effekten von älteren Gegenständen. Die folgende Übersicht listet jetzt auf, welche legendären Affixe in Build Build 35167 gefunden wurden.
Apexis Empowerment Metamorphosis increases your size, movement speed, and melee range by 100%.
- Original Source: Torghast Anima Power
Mark of the Ogre
- Slot: Head, Shoulder
- Original Source: Torghast Anima Power
Darkest Hour You automatically trigger Darkness when you fall below 35% health. This effect can only occur once every 2 min.
- Original Source: Torghast Anima Power
Darkest Hour
- Slot: Chest, Legs
- Original Source: Torghast Anima Power
Darkglare Medallion Eye Beam and Fel Devastation has a 20% chance to not incur its cooldown.
- Original Source: Torghast Anima Power
Darkglare Medallion
- Original Source: Torghast Anima Power
Sigil of the Illidari Casting [Eye Beam][Fel Devastation] summons an allied [Vengeance][Havoc] Demon Hunter who casts [Fel Devastation][Eye Beam].
- Original Source: Torghast Anima Power
Fallen Comrade’s Blindfold
- Slot: Wrist, Back
- Original Source: Torghast Anima Power
Chaos Theory Blade Dance has a 10% chance to grant you Chaotic Blades, increasing the damage of Chaos Strike by 25% and its chance to refund Fury by an additional 60% for 8 sec.
- Slot: Waist, Hands
Erratic Fel Core The cooldown of Fel Rush is reduced by 30%.
- Slot: Feet, Finger
Inner Demons Chaos Strike has a chance to unleash your inner demon, causing it to crash into your target and deal (136.5% of Attack power) Chaos damage to all nearby enemies.
- Original Source: Legion Artifact Trait
Inner Demons
- Slot: Shoulder, Feet
- Original Source: Legion Artifact Trait
Throw Glaive Immolation Aura damage has a chance to grant you a stack of Fel Bombardment, increasing the damage of your next Throw Glaive by 20% and launching an additional glaive at a nearby target. This effect stacks up to 5 times.
- Slot: Chest, Back
Fiery Soul Each Soul Fragment consumed by Soul Cleave reduces the cooldown of Fiery Brand by 2 sec.
- Slot: Wrist, Hands
Razelikh’s Defilement Soul Cleave reduces the remaining cooldown on a random Sigil by 8 sec.
- Original Source: Legion Legendary
The Defiler’s Lost Vambraces
- Slot: Legs, Wrist
- Original Source: Legion Legendary
Cloak of Fel Flames You take 15% reduced magic damage while Immolation Aura is active.
- Original Source: Cloak of Fel Flames
- Slot: Waist, Finger
Spirit of the Darkness Flame Your Fiery Brand now heals you for 100% of the damage done and each enemy hit by your Sigil of Flame increases the instant damage of your next Fiery Brand by 15%, stacking up to 15 times.
- Original Source: Legion Legendary
Spirit of the Darkness Flame
- Slot: Head, Neck
- Original Source: Legion Legendary
Uplifting Mists Your Renewing Mist also applies Extend Life to the initial target, instantly healing them for (26.45% of Spell power) and increasing all healing done to them by 15% for 12 sec. When you heal with Enveloping Mist or Vivify, 50% of the heal is also applied to targets with your Extend Life effect.
- Original Source: T18 Mistweaver 2p+4p
Item – Monk T18 Mistweaver 2P Bonus and
Item – Monk T18 Mistweaver 4P Bonus
- Original Source: T18 Mistweaver 2p+4p
Soothing Focus Healing with Enveloping Mists or Vivify while channeling Soothing Mists increases their healing done by 6% and reduces their mana cost by 10%. Stacks up to 3 times. When your Soothing Mists channel ends, this effect is cancelled.
Ancient Teachings of the Monastery Your Tiger Palm, Blackout Kick and Rising Sun Kick heal for 50% of the damage done to an injured ally within 20 yards.
Celestial Breath Activating Thunder Focus Tea causes you to exhale the breath of Yu’lon, healing up to 6 allies within 15 yards for [(40% of Spell power) * 3] over 2 sec.
- Original Source: Legion Artifact Trait
Celestial Breath
- Original Source: Legion Artifact Trait
Xuen’s Battlegear When Fists of Fury ends, the critical strike chance of Rising Sun Kick is increased by 30% for 5 sec. Rising Sun Kick critical strikes reduce the cooldown of Fists of Fury by 1.5 sec.
- Original Source: T20 Windwalker 2p + 4pc Xuen’s Battlegear
Rushing Tiger Palm Tiger Palm now has a 4 yard range, and increases your critical strike chance for 25% for until cancelled on the target. When used, you instantly dash to the target. The increased critical strike effect cannot occur more than once every 30 per target.
Pressure Release Whenever you deal damage to a target with Fists of Fury, you gain a stack of Chi Energy up to a maximum of 20 stacks. Using Expel Harm will cause the energy to detonate in a Chi Explosion, dealing (40% of Attack power) damage to all enemies within 8 yards. The damage is increased by 5% for each stack of Chi Energy.
The Emperor’s Capacitor Chi spenders increase the damage of your next Crackling Jade Lightning by 100% and reduce its cost by 5%, stacking up to 20 times.
- Original Source: Legion Legendary
The Emperor’s Capacitor
- Original Source: Legion Legendary
Uther’s Guard Your Blessing of Freedom, Blessing of Sacrifice, Blessing of Spellwarding, Blessing of Protection cooldowns are reduced by 1 sec when you spend Holy Power.
- Original Source: Legion Legendary
Uther’s Guard
- Original Source: Legion Legendary
Liadrin’s Fury Reborn Casting Avenging Wrath or any Forbearance ability grants 5 Holy Power
- Original Source: Legion Legendary
Liadrin’s Fury Unleashed
- Original Source: Legion Legendary
From Dusk till Dawn When you reach 5 Holy Power, you gain Blessing of Dawn. When you reach 0 Holy Power, you gain Blessing of Dusk.
- Blessing of Dawn: Damage and healing increased by 6% for 10 sec.
- Blessing of Dusk: Damage taken reduced by 6% for 10 sec.
- Original Source: Torghast Anima Power
Of Dusk and Dawn
Uther’s Guard Judgment has a 50% chance to reduce the cost of your next Holy Power spender by 1.
- Original Source: T21 Retribution 4p
Item – Paladin T21 Retribution 4P Bonus
- Original Source: T21 Retribution 4p
Shock Barrier Holy Shock protects the target with a shield of Holy Light for 18 sec, absorbing up to (0.8 * Spell power) damage every 6 sec.
Shadowbreaker, Dawn of the Sun Light of Dawn’s range is increased to 40 yards, and all allies inside your Light of Dawn receive 10% increased healing from your spells for 6 sec.
Inflorescence of the Sunwell Infusion of Light has 1 additional charge and its effects are increased by 20%.
- Original Source: T19 Holy 4pc
Item – Paladin T19 Holy 4P Bonus
- Original Source: T19 Holy 4pc
Holy Avenger’s Engraved Sigil Your Avenger’s Shield has a 50% chance to have its cooldown instantly reset when used.
- Original Source: T18 Prot 4p
Item – Paladin T18 Protection 4P Bonus
- Original Source: T18 Prot 4p
The Ardent Protector’s Sanctum Reduces damage taken while Ardent Defender is active by an additional 10%, and when you activate Ardent Defender, it will also apply to the nearest ally within 15 yards.
- Original Source: WoD Prot PvP 4p
Item – Paladin WoD PvP Protection 4P Bonus
- Original Source: WoD Prot PvP 4p
Bulwark of Righteous Fury When Avenger’s Shield returns to you, each target hit by Avenger’s Shield increases the damage of your next Shield of the Righteous by 40%.
Reign of Endless Kings When you drop below 20% health, you become infused with the Guardian of the Ancient Kings for 4 sec. This cannot occur again for 45 sec.
Tempest of the Lightbringer Projects Divine Storm forward 20 yds, damaging all enemies in its path. Also increases damage dealt by Divine Storm by 20%.
- Original Source: Legion Artifact Trait
Divine Tempest
- Original Source: Legion Artifact Trait
Relentless Inquisitor Spending Holy Power grants you 0 haste for 12 sec per Holy Power spent, stacking up to 20 times.
- Original Source: BFA Azerite Power
Relentless Inquisitor
- Original Source: BFA Azerite Power
Badge of the Mad Paragon Hammer of Wrath extends Avenging Wrath by 3 sec and deals 20% additional damage.
Final Verdict Replaces Templar’s Verdict with Final Verdict, a devastating strike that deals (194% of Attack power) Holy damage. Has a 50% chance to activate Hammer of Wrath and reset its cooldown.
Cauterizing Shadows When Shadow Word: Pain expires on a target, 5 allies within
20 yards30 yds of the target are healed for6%3% of their maximum health.- Slot: Waist, Feet
X’anshi, Return of Archbishop Benedictus After Spirit of Redemption expires, you will revive at up to 100% health, based on your effectiveness during Spirit of Redemption. After reviving, you cannot benefit from Spirit of Redemption for 10 min.
- Original Source: Legion Legendary
X’anshi, Shroud of Archbishop Benedictus
- Original Source: Legion Legendary
The Alabaster Lady –
Prayer of Mending healing has a 5% chance to grant you
Apotheosis for 8 sec.
Flash Concentration Each time you cast Flash Heal, your next Heal cast within
15s15 sec has its casting time reduced by10.5 sec and healing increased by10%15%, stacking up to 3 times.
Eternal Call to the Void Mind Flay has a chance to spawn a Void Tendril that channels Mind Flay at your target for
10 seconds15 sec, generating 3 insanity when it deals damage.- Slot:
Legs, BackWrist, Hands - Name changed from Call to the Void to Eternal Call to the Void
- Procs per minute changed from 1 to 2
- Slot: