Shadowlands: Der neue Dungeon „De Other Side“

Mit dem neuesten Build für die derzeit laufende geschlossene Alpha von Shadowlands haben die Entwickler von Blizzard Entertainment unter anderem den brandneuen Dungeon „De Other Side“ in dieser Testphase freigeschaltet, der sich ebenfalls im Ardenwald befindet und jetzt von allen eingeladenen Testern besucht werden kann. Während die bisher in der Alpha freigeschalteten Instanzen alle für die Levelphase in diesem Addon bestimmt waren und deshalb bereits ab Stufe 50 zugänglich sind, so gehört der Dungeon „De Other Side“ aber wohl zu den für Spieler auf Level 60 ausgelegten Instanzen der nächsten Erweiterung. Deshalb wäre es auch gut möglich, dass dieser Dungeon in der Zukunft mit einer notwendigen Vorquest oder anderen Anforderungen ausgestattet wird.
Was die in dem Dungeon „De Other Side“ vorhandenen Gegner betrifft, so handelt es sich bei dieser Instanz im Grunde um das persönliche Reich des Loas Bwonsamdi. Aus diesem Grund handelt es sich bei den Trash Mobs in diesem Dungeon auch oft um die sterblichen Überreste von Trollen oder mit diesem Volk zusammenhängenden Wesen. Zusätzlich dazu beinhaltet dieser Dungeon drei Unterbereiche für die ersten drei Bosskämpfe, die optisch jeweils auf einer gnomischen Werkstatt, dem äußeren Bereich des Ardenwalds und Zul’Gurub nachempfunden sind. Wenn diese drei Abschnitte von Spielern bewältigt wurden, dann können sie in der Mitte des Dungeons gegen den Endboss Mueh’zala antreten und den gefangenen Bwonsamdi von seinen Ketten befreien.
Wer jetzt mehr über diese Instanz und die vier vorhandenen Bosse erfahren möchte, der findet folgend sowohl Bildmaterial zu der Optik des Dungeons als auch Übersichten zu den Mechaniken der einzelnen Encounter.
Die Bosse im Dungeon:
- Hakkar the Soulflayer
- Blood Barrier: Violently erupts in shadow magic, inflicting 15 Shadow damage to all enemies, forming a protective barrier and becoming immune to interrupt effects. The value of the absorb is based on the damage inflicted to targets. This effect can also strike Sons of Hakkar.
- Blood Barrage: Spews a barrage of acrid blood at targeted locations over 14 sec, inflicting 13 Shadow damage and reducing damage done by 10% to enemies within 3 yards for 9 sec. This effect stacks.
- Corrupted Blood: Inflicts 3401 Shadow damage every 3 for 12 sec.
This effect attempts to spread to nearby targets within 7 yards. - Piercing Barb: Pierces a target with both barbed arms, inflicting 13603 Physical damage with the first strike and 11903 Shadow damage with the second strike.
- Blood Barrier: Violently erupts in shadow magic, inflicting 15 Shadow damage to all enemies, forming a protective barrier and becoming immune to interrupt effects. The value of the absorb is based on the damage inflicted to targets. This effect can also strike Sons of Hakkar.
- Son of Hakkar: Atal’ai priests sacrifice themselves to their god, transforming into a Son of Hakkar and rushing to their master’s aid.
- Blood Nova: Inflicts 1360 Shadow damage to all enemies and grants the caster 40% increased Shadow damage for 9 sec. This effect stacks.
- Spilled Essence: Hakkar’s minions are eternal, spilling their essence in lieu of death. This creates a pool on the ground for 20 sec, inflicting 1700 Shadow damage every 1 sec while inside it. This pool gradually shrinks over time, healing the minion, resurrecting upon reaching full health. On this difficulty, Spilled Essence no longer shrinks over time while the Son of Hakkar is healing.
- Zealous: Gains Zealous, fixing on a target and refusing to attack any others.
Die Manasturms:
- Stage One: Millhouse’s Magics: „I’m going to light you up, sweet cheeks!“
- Millhouse steps into the arena, while Millificent takes purchase on the outer railing, assisting her arcane beloved.
- Millhouse
- Frostbolt: Inflicts 5101 Frost damage and reduces movement speed by 10% for 3 sec.
- Power Overwhelming: Millhouse summons a power crystal, which channels towards Millhouse, affecting players or Millhouse, whichever it strikes first.
Power Overwhelming affects players by inflicting 340 Arcane damage every 1 sec and increasing damage done by 2% for 3 sec. This effect stacks.
Power Overwhelming affects Millhouse by increasing damage done by 4% for 3 sec, and causing Overwhelming Power!. This effect stacks.
- Millhouse
- Overwhelming Power!: Inflicts 1020 Arcane damage to enemies within 50 yards.
- Diabolical Dooooooom!: Delivers a series of strikes so diabolical, it is unable to be described accurately in text. Affected targets will similarly be unlikely to have understood the full effect of this spell as its blinding brilliance washes over them like tidal wave of devastation.
Inflicts 5101 Shadow damage to all enemies every 1 sec for 15 sec, increasing in damage by 10%. This effect stacks. (Challenge) - Millificent
- Throw Buzz-Saw: Hurls a Buzz-Saw at a target, inflicting 2040 Physical damage and applying Bleeding.
- Bleeding: Bleeds a target, inflicting 680 Physical damage every 1 sec for 5 sec. This effect stacks.
- Echo Finger Laser X-treme: Aims a finger-aimed laser at multiple targets, cutting lines of damage across the room, inflicting 10 Fire damage to enemies within the afflicted area. This effect can also affect Millhouse Manastorm.
An Eruption occurs moments after the initial impact. (Challenge)- Eruption: Inflicts 10202 Fire damage and stuns enemies within the affected area. This effect can also affect Millhouse Manastorm.
- Throw Buzz-Saw: Hurls a Buzz-Saw at a target, inflicting 2040 Physical damage and applying Bleeding.
- Stage Two: Millificent’s Gadgets: „Here comes the heat!“
- Millificent jets into the arena, while Millhouse takes vantage on the outer railing, assisting his innovative spouse.
- Millificent
- Buzz-Saw: Spears a target on her Buzz-Saw, rooting them for 1 sec and inflicting 2040 Physical damage every 0.5 sec for 3 sec and applies Bleeding.
- Experimental Squirrel Bomb: The Squirrel Bomb charges up and then explodes, inflicting 25 Fire damage to all players. The bomb can be disarmed or destroyed beforehand to prevent the explosion.
- Bleeding: Bleeds a target, inflicting 680 Physical damage every 1 sec for 5 sec. This effect stacks.
- Mechanical Bomb Squirrel: Several Mechanical Bomb Squirrels are released from the bomb, each charging to a player and exploding, inflicting 2551 Fire damage, destroying the squirrel.
- Experimental Squirrel Bomb: The Squirrel Bomb charges up and then explodes, inflicting 25 Fire damage to all players. The bomb can be disarmed or destroyed beforehand to prevent the explosion.
- Millhouse
- Aerial Rocket Chicken Barrage: Deploys the A.R.C.B., rocketing boostered roosters from above, inflicting 1020 Fire damage upon touchdown to all players. (Challenge)
- Frostbolt: Inflicts 5101 Frost damage and reduces movement speed by 10% for 3 sec.
- Shadowfury: Shadowfury is unleashed, inflicting 10202 Shadow damage and stunning all players within 8 yds for 2 sec. This effect can also affect Millificent Manastorm. (Challenge)
- Buzz-Saw: Spears a target on her Buzz-Saw, rooting them for 1 sec and inflicting 2040 Physical damage every 0.5 sec for 3 sec and applies Bleeding.
- Millificent
Dealer Xy’exa:
- Dealer Xy’exa
- Explosive Contrivance: Dealer G’exa inflicts 22445 Arcane damage to all players immediately and then 680 every 2 seconds for 1 min.This attack has a height of 5 yards.
- Displaced Blastwave: Dealer G’exa unleashes a beam of energy into a nearby portal, inflicting 30 Arcane damage.
- Displacement Trap: Dealer Xy’exa creates a displacement trap that deals 15 Arcane damage to players in a 10 yard radius and teleports the triggering player 25 yards into the air.
- Stage 1: The Master of Death:
- Mueh’zala is the god of death, blasting players with blood, shadow, and necromatic magic, twisting reality to his whim.
- Master of Death: Expels shadow, blood, and necromantic magic in a direction, inflicting 36 Shadow damage and an additional 6 Shadow damage every 3 sec for 15 sec to targets hit by Master of Death. This effect stacks.
- Cosmic Artifice: Distorts the objective reality of afflicted players, inflicting 680 Shadow damage every 1 sec for 6 sec.
Upon expiration, this explodes inflicting 3401 Shadow damage to all players.
Upon being removed, this distortion transfers to the ground.- Unbound Cosmos: Inflicts 3401 Shadow damage to all players.
- Cosmic Collapse: The distortion detonates after 9 sec, inflicting 13603 Shadow damage to players within 10 yards.
- Soulcrusher: Slams his primary target, inflicting 34008 Physical damage. This applies Crushed Soul, inflicting the damage taken from Soulcrusher over 9 sec.
- Shatter Reality: Manifests a massive orb of chaotic magic, then crushes it, instantly killing anyone within 80 yards.
- Deathgate: Tapping into the mojo players have acquired, Bwonsamdi manifests Deathgates for 10 sec, allowing quick access to escape Mueh’zala’s Shatter Reality.
- Crush: Smashes the platform, inflicting 100% of melee damage as Shadow to all enemies within 300 yards while no players are in melee range.
- Stage 2: Shattered Reality:
- Upon casting [Shatter Reality], Mueh’zala splits his reality into multiple Shattered Visages, protecting his Primeval Grasp totems from players‘ prying fingers.
- Stellar Cloud: Coalesces a cloud of shadow at locations of players outside 70 yards, inflicting 3401 Shadow damage every second to targets within 0 yards.
- Shattered Visage: These radient begins protect Mueh’zala’s Primeval Grasp totems which shackle Bwonsamdi.
- Shattered Dominion: Bashes the ground every 1 sec, inflicting 680 Shadow damage to targets within 50 yards of the center of the platform.
- Cosmic Collapse: The distortion detonates after 9 sec, inflicting 13603 Shadow damage to players within 10 yards.
- Cosmic Artifice: Distorts the objective reality of afflicted players, inflicting 680 Shadow damage every 1 sec for 6 sec.
Upon expiration, this explodes inflicting 3401 Shadow damage to all players.
Upon being removed, this distortion transfers to the ground. - Unbound Cosmos: Inflicts 3401 Shadow damage to all players.
- Primeval Grasp: These totems shacke Bwonsamdi.
- Mojo Infusion: Infuses a Primeval Grasp totem with Bwonsamdi’s Mojo, releasing a fragment of Bwonsamdi’s power to seek revenge on Mueh’zala.
- Bwonsamdi’s Fury: Blasts Mueh’zala with necromantic power, inflicting 20% of the target’s health in damage over 2.5 sec, granting players Bwonsamdi’s Fervor.
- Bwonsamdi’s Fervor: Bwonsamdi increases the player’s haste by 30% and movement speed by 30% for 10 sec. This effect stacks.