Shadowlands: Wurden die ersten legendären Affixe entdeckt?

In der kommenden Erweiterung Shadowlands werden die Spieler von World of Warcraft die in dem Turm Thorgast gefundenen Ressourcen dafür verwenden können, um neue legendäre Ausrüstungsteile mit ihren gewünschten Affixen herzustellen. Auch wenn dieses System zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt noch nicht in der geschlossenen Alpha dieses Addons vorhanden ist, so konnten Data Miner aber möglicherweise bereits einen ersten Teil dieser Neuerung in den Spieldaten finden. Dabei handelte es sich um eine Reihe von neuen Zaubern aus Build 34821, die mit der Bezeichnung „RuneforgeLegendaryAbility“ ausgestattet sind und daher möglicherweise die ersten legendären Affixe für die legendären Gegenstände aus Shadowlands darstellen.
Selbst ohne absolute Sicherheit oder eine Bestätigung der Entwickler sind die von Data Miner gefundenen Zauber sehr interessant. Zu diesen potenziellen legendären Affixen gehören nämlich nicht nur brandneue Effekte aus Shadowlands, sondern auch noch die Effekte von Legendaries aus Legion, die Boni von alten T-Rüstungssets, die Mächte von Artefaktwaffen und Azeritkräfte aus BfA. Wenn diese Fähigkeiten tatsächlich für die herstellbaren legendären Ausrüstungsteile der nächsten Erweiterung bestimmt sind, dann sieht es aktuell ganz danach aus, als könnten Spieler beliebte Effekte der Vergangenheit erneut nutzen und möglicherweise sogar alte Spielweisen für ihre Klasse zurückbringen.
Die folgende Übersicht listet auf, welche möglicherweise als legendäre Affixe dienenden Zauber bisher bereits von Data Minern entdeckt wurden. Leider sind zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt nur die Effekte für Todesritter, Magier und Krieger einsehbar.
Die Zauber für Todesritter:
Superstrain – Your Frost Fever, Blood Plague, and Virulent Plague also apply the other two diseases.
- Original Source: Torghast Anima Power
- Original Source: Torghast Anima Power
Phearomones – You and your minions gain 10% Haste while you are inside your Death and Decay and enemies damaged by your Death and Decay have a chance to cower in place for 3 sec.
- Original Sources: Old Talent
Tremble Before Me and Torghast Anima Power
Death Turf
- Original Sources: Old Talent
Death’s Embrace – Increases the duration of Anti-Magic Shell by 100% and any damage it absorbs heals you.
- Original Source: Legion Legendary
Acherus Drapes
- Original Source: Legion Legendary
Grip of the Everlasting – For 3 sec after casting Death Grip, you may cast the spell a second time without regard for its cooldown.
- Original Source: 4pc MoP DK Arena PvP Set Bonus
Bryndaor’s Might – Death Strike refunds 15% of Runic Power spent if it heals you for more than 10% of your maximum health.
- Original Source: Legion Legendary
Shackles of Bryndaor
- Original Source: Legion Legendary
Crimson Rune Weapon – When a charge of Bone Shield is consumed, the cooldown of Dancing Rune Weapon is reduced by 30 sec. Additionally, when Dancing Rune Weapon fades, your Rune regeneration rate is increased by 40% for 10 sec.
- Original Sources: Blood DK Tier 21 2pc
Item – Death Knight T21 Blood 2P Bonus and 4pc
Item – Death Knight T21 Blood 4P Bonus
- Original Sources: Blood DK Tier 21 2pc
Gorefiend’s Domination – Heart Strike reduces the remaining cooldown on Vampiric Blood by 2 seconds.
- Original Source: Legion Legendary
Service of Gorefiend
- Original Source: Legion Legendary
Vampiric Aura – Your Vampiric Blood ability also affects all party members for 50% of the effect it has on you.
- Original Source: Blood DK Tier 13 4pc
Item – Death Knight T13 Blood 4P Bonus
- Original Source: Blood DK Tier 13 4pc
Koltira’s Favor – Obliterate deals 10% increased damage and has a 15% chance to refund 2 runes.
- Original Source: Legion Legendary
Koltira’s Newfound Will
- Original Source: Legion Legendary
Biting Cold – Remorseless Winter damage is increased byy 15%. The first time Remorseless Winter deals damage to 3 different enemies, you gain Rime.
- Original Source: Azerite Power
Frozen Tempest
- Original Source: Azerite Power
Absolute Zero – Frostwyrm’s Fury has 50% reduced cooldown and Freezes all enemies hit for 3 sec.
- Original Source: Legion Legendary
Consort’s Cold Core
- Original Source: Legion Legendary
- Death Knight – Frost Power 04 (DNT)
Reanimated Shambler – Your attacks have a chance to summon a Super Zombie that shambles forward and explodes, dealing (124% of Attack power) Shadow damage and applying a Festering Wound to 8 nearby enemies. 1.5 RPPM
- Inspired by: Unholy DK Legion Artifact Power
The Shambler
- Inspired by: Unholy DK Legion Artifact Power
Frenzied Monstrosity – Dark Transformation also increases the attack speed and damage of you and your Monstrosity by 20%.
- Original Source: DK Tier 18 Unholy 4pc
Item – Death Knight T18 Unholy 4P Bonus
- Original Source: DK Tier 18 Unholy 4pc
Death’s Certainty – Death Strike and Death Coil deal 10% increased damage and reduce the remaining cooldown of Defile or Death and Decay by 2.0 sec.
- Original Source: Legion Legendary
Death March
- Original Source: Legion Legendary
Deadliest Coil – Reduces the Runic Power cost of Death Coil by 10 and Death Coil increases the duration of Dark Transformation by 2 sec.
- Inspired by: DK Tier 16 4pc
Item – Death Knight T16 DPS 4P Bonus
- Inspired by: DK Tier 16 4pc
Die Zauber für Magier:
Expanded Potential – Your Fireball, Frostbolt and Arcane Blast have a chance to give you Expanded Potential, which causes your next Hot Streak, Brain Freeze or Clearcasting to not be consumed. 3+Haste RPPM
Disciplinary Command – Casting a Frost, Fire and Arcane spell within 10 sec of each other increases your Critical Strike damage of all your spells by 10%. This effect can only occur once every 30 sec.
Grisly Icicle – Your Frost, Fire, and Arcane damage against enemies affected by Frost Nova is increased by 10% and no longer breaks it.
- Inspired by: Torghast Anima Power
Grisly Icicle
- Inspired by: Torghast Anima Power
Temporal Warp – While you have Temporal Displacement or other similar effects, you may use Time Warp at a reduced effectiveness, granting 15% Haste for 20 sec.
- Inspired by: Legion Legendary
Shard of the Exodar
- Inspired by: Legion Legendary
Arcane Harmony – Increases the damage done by Arcane Missiles by 10%. Each time Arcane Missiles hits an enemy, the damage of your next Arcane Barrage is increased by 2%. This effect stacks.
- Inspired by: Legion Legendary
Cord of Infinity
- Inspired by: Legion Legendary
Arcane Bombardment – Arcane Barrage deals an additional 40% damage against targets below 35% health.
- Original Source: Azerite Trait
Arcane Pressure
- Original Source: Azerite Trait
Siphon Storm – Evocation grants 2 Arcane Charges, and while channeling Evocation, your Intellect is increased by 2% every 1 sec. Lasts 30 sec.
- Original Source: Azerite Trait
Brain Storm
- Original Source: Azerite Trait
Triune Ward – Casting any Barrier spell grants the effects of Blazing Barrier, Ice Barrier, and Prismatic Barrier. Each absorb shield has 40% effectiveness.
- Original Source: Torghast Anima Power
Triune Ward
- Original Source: Torghast Anima Power
Fevered Incantation – Each consecutive critical strike you deal increases critical strike damage you deal by 2%.
- Original Source: Legion Artifact Trait
Pyretic Incantation
- Original Source: Legion Artifact Trait
Firestorm – When Hot Streak activates, you have a low chance to cause all Pyroblasts and Flamestrikes to have no cast time and be guaranteed critical strikes for 5 sec. 1+Haste RPPM
- Inspired by: Mage T17 4pc
Item – Mage T17 Fire 4P Bonus
- Inspired by: Mage T17 4pc
Molten Skyfall – Casting 30 Fireballs or Pyroblasts calls down a Meteor on your target. Hitting an enemy player counts as double.
- Original Source: Legion Legendary
Contained Infernal Core
- Original Source: Legion Legendary
Sun King’s Blessing – After consuming 6 Hot Streaks, your next non-instant Pyroblast cast within 15 sec grants you Combustion for 6 sec.
Slick Ice – While Icy Veins is active, each Frostbolt you cast reduces the cast time of Frostbolt by 5%, stacking up to 10 times.
Cold Front – Casting 15 Frostbolts or Flurries calls down a Frozen Orb on your target. Hitting an enemy player counts as double.
- Original Source: Legion Legendary
Shattered Fragments of Sindragosa
- Original Source: Legion Legendary
Freezing Winds – While Frozen Orb is active, you gain Fingers of Frost every 5 sec. While Frozen Orb is not active, each Frostbolt reduces the cooldown of Frozen Orb by 2.5 sec.
- Inspired by: Mage Tier 17 2p
Item – Mage T17 Frost 2P Bonus
- Inspired by: Mage Tier 17 2p
Glacial Fragments – Ice Lance has a 15% chance to explode into shards of ice when it hits a target, dealing (40% of Spell power) Frost damage to up to 5 enemies near your target. This chance is increased to 50% if your target is standing in a Blizzard.
Die Zauber für Krieger:
Leaper – Heroic Leap gains 2 additional charge.
- Original Source: Legion Legendary
Timeless Stratagem
- Original Source: Legion Legendary
- Warrior – All Power 03 (DNT)
Misshapen Mirror – Spell Reflection lasts 200% longer, and applies to your party.
- Original Source: Torghast Anima Power
Misshapen Mirror
- Original Source: Torghast Anima Power
Signet of Tormented Kings – Activating Bladestorm, Recklessness, or Avatar randomly casts one of the other two abilities.
- Original Source: Torghast Anima Power
Signet of Tormented Kings
- Original Source: Torghast Anima Power
- Warrior – Arms Power 01 (DNT)
Battlelord – Your Slam has a 30% chance to reset the cooldown of Mortal Strike.
- Original Source: Warrior T18 Arms 2pc
Item – Warrior T18 Arms 2P Bonus
- Original Source: Warrior T18 Arms 2pc
- Warrior – Arms Power 03 (DNT)
- Warrior – Arms Power 04 (DNT)
- Warrior – Fury Power 04 (DNT)
- Warrior – Fury Power 03 (DNT)
- Warrior – Fury Power 02 (DNT)
- Warrior – Fury Power 01 (DNT)
Thunderlord – Each enemy you hit with Thunder Clap reduces the remaining cooldown on Demoralizing Shout by 3 sec.
- Original Source: Legion Legendary
Thundergod’s Vigor
- Original Source: Legion Legendary
The Wall – Shield Slam generates an additional 2 Rage and reduces the remaining cooldown of Shield Wall by 4 sec.
- Original Source: Legion Legendary
The Walls Fell
- Original Source: Legion Legendary
- Warrior – Protection Power 03 (DNT)
- Warrior – Protection Power 04 (DNT)