Shadowlands: Der neue Build 34137 wurde veröffentlicht

Im Verlauf des heutigen Abends haben die Entwickler von Blizzard Entertainment den brandneuen Build 34137 für die mittlerweile bereits seit einigen Wochen aktiv laufende Alpha von Shadowlands veröffentlicht, der diese geschlossene Testphase erneut um einige Neuerungen und Änderungen bereicherte. Den bisher gefunden Informationen zufolge beinhaltete dieser Build mehrere Änderungen an Torghast, neue kosmetische Optionen für Menschen, neue Modelle, eine Weltkarte und die üblichen Klassenänderungen. Genauere Details zu den Auswirkungen dieses Updates findet ihr wie üblich in der folgenden Übersicht.
Änderungen an Torghast:
- Das Aufsteigen auf ein Mount wurde überall im Turm deaktiviert.
- Viele Anima-Fähigkeiten des Priesters, die zuvor nur Blitzheilung veränderten, wirken sich jetzt auch auf Schattenheilung aus.
- Die Verteidigungsmöglichkeiten des Tarragrues wurden verstärkt.
- Die für Begleit-Aufgaben bestimmten NPCs von Torghast können nun betäubt werden.
- Die Urnen wurden in „Ashen Phylacteries“ umbenannt.
- Viele Fehler wurden behoben.
- Mounting has been disabled everywhere in Torghast.
- Developers’ notes: This was a bug. We apologize for any misunderstanding it introduced. Our goal is for Maw Powers that grant movement abilities to be powerful, valuable choices. We feel that this is the way to continue building interest in moving around the space efficiently.
- Priest Anima Powers which previously only affected Flash Heal now also affect Shadowmend. Several other existing Priest Anima Powers have also been adjusted.
- The Tarragrue is tired of being bullied and has bolstered his defenses.
- Developers’ note: Please continue trying to bully the Tarragrue.
- Torghast escort NPC’s can now be stunned temporarily if they take too much damage.
- Urns are now named Ashen Phylacteries.
- Many bug fixes.
- Many more bug fixes.
Die Plattenrüstung aus Castle Nathria:
Neue Modelle:
Maw Hand
Maldraxxus Staff
Ardenweald Wand
Vampire Hanging Bat
Neue Karten:
Neue Icons:
Demon Hunter
- Fodder to the Flame (New) Commission a duel to the death against a Condemned Demon from the Theater of Pain. Defeating the demon and consuming its Empowered Soul Fragment reduces the cooldown of Metamorphosis by 60 sec. Fleshcraft treats the Condemned Demon as a powerful enemy. Necrolord. Necrolord. Instant. 3 min cooldown.
- Feral
- Fresh Wound Rake has a
60%100% increased critical strike chance if used on a target that doesn’t already have Rake active. PvP Talent. PvP Talent. Requires Druid. Requires level 20+.
- Fresh Wound Rake has a
- Guardian
- Roar of the Protector (New) 20% of all damage done to nearby allies if redirected to you. This effect is disabled when you fall below 35% health. PvP Talent. PvP Talent. 1 Rage. Instant. Requires Druid. Requires level 20+.
- Arcane
- Invisibility Turns you invisible over 3 sec, reducing threat each second. While invisible, you are untargetable by enemies. Lasts 20 sec. Taking any action cancels the effect. Mage – Arcane,
Fire, Frost Spec. Mage – Arcane, Fire, FrostSpec. Mage – Arcane Spec. 3% of Base Mana. Instant. 5 min cooldown.
- Invisibility Turns you invisible over 3 sec, reducing threat each second. While invisible, you are untargetable by enemies. Lasts 20 sec. Taking any action cancels the effect. Mage – Arcane,
- Fire
- Greater Pyroblast Hurls an immense fiery boulder that deals up to 35% of the target’s total health in Fire damage. PvP Talent. PvP Talent. 5% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. 4.5 sec cast. 15 sec cooldown. Requires Mage. Requires level 20+.
- Mistweaver
- Rising Mist Rising Sun Kick heals all allies with your Renewing Mist, Enveloping Mist, or Essence Font for
[ 20%[ 30% of Spell Power ], and extends those effects by42 sec. Mistweaver Monk – Level 100 Talent. Mistweaver Monk – Level 100 Talent.
- Rising Mist Rising Sun Kick heals all allies with your Renewing Mist, Enveloping Mist, or Essence Font for
- Discipline
- Discipline Priest Discipline Priest core passive Increases damage/healing by 40%: Contrition, Divine Star, Flash Heal, Halo, Holy Nova, Penance, Power Word: Radiance, Prayer of Mending
, Premonition, Shadow Covenant, Shadow Mend Increases periodic damage/healing by 40%: Contrition, Divine Star, Flash Heal, Halo, Holy Nova, Penance, Power Word: Radiance, Prayer of Mending, Premonition, Shadow Covenant, Shadow Mend Decreases damage/healing by 19%: Smite Decreases damage/healing by 34%: Mind Blast and Shadow Word: Pain Priest – Discipline Spec. Priest – Discipline Spec.
- Discipline Priest Discipline Priest core passive Increases damage/healing by 40%: Contrition, Divine Star, Flash Heal, Halo, Holy Nova, Penance, Power Word: Radiance, Prayer of Mending
- Holy
- Cardinal Mending Name changed from „Cardinal Mending “ to „Cardinal Mending“. Prayer of Mending now heals the target for 10% of their maximum health, ignoring any healing reduction effects. PvP Talent. PvP Talent.Requires Priest. Requires level 20+.
- Divine Ascension Name changed from „Divine Ascension “ to „Divine Ascension“. You ascend into the air out of harm’s way. While floating, you are only able to cast helpful Holy spells. PvP Talent. PvP Talent.
60 sec cooldown.Instant. 60 sec cooldown. Requires Priest. Requires level 20+.
- Shadow
- Shadow Mending (New) When you cast Shadowmend twice within 1 sec on the same target, you automatically cast Prayer of Mending free of cost onto them. PvP Talent. PvP Talent. Requires Priest. Requires level 20+.
- Arms
- Guillotine (New) You wind up your weapon. After 1.5 sec, you Execute all nearby enemies. If any enemy is at or below 10 health, they instantly die. PvP Talent. PvP Talent. Instant. 30 sec cooldown. Requires Warrior. Requires level 20+.
- Arms, Fury, Protection
- Demolition (New) Reduces the cooldown of your Shattering Throw by 2 min. PvP Talent. PvP Talent. Requires Warrior. Requires level 20+.
- Overwatch (New) When you intervene an ally, they gain Spell Reflection for 5 sec or until a spell is reflected. PvP Talent. PvP Talent. Requires Warrior. Requires level 20+.
- Fury
- Bloodrage (New) You gain 0 Rage over 4 sec, and all snares and roots are cleared from you, but at a cost of 0% of your health. PvP Talent. PvP Talent. 5% of Total Health. Instant. 20 sec cooldown. Requires Warrior. Requires level 20+.
Zwei dunkle Hautfarben für Menschen:
Neue Halsketten und Ohrringe für Menschen:
Neue Haare und Bärte für Menschen: