Overwatch: Die Patchnotes zu Patch

Gestern Abend spielten die für Overwatch zuständigen Mitarbeiter von Blizzard Entertainment überraschenderweise den neuen Patch auf die Liveserver der einzelnen Spielregionen dieses beliebten Hero Shooter auf, der selbstverständlich auch dieses Mal wieder die eine oder andere Neuerung mit sich brachte. Das Highlight dieses Content Update ist in diesem Fall eine neue Herausforderung für die Spieler, die ihnen am Ende dann den bereits in einem anderen Beitrag vorgestellten Lego-Skin für Bastion einbringt. Den mittlerweile auf der Communityseite dieses Titels vorhandenen Patchnotes zufolge beinhaltete Patch neben dieser Herausforderung auch noch einige notwendige Fehlerbehebungen, die üblichen Updates für den Workshop und mehrere Spielbalanceänderungen für ausgewählte Helden von Overwatch. Zu diesen Heldenänderungen gehören unter anderem Nerfs für Zarya, Symmetra und Sigma. Weitere Informationen zu den Inhalten von Patch findet ihr weiter unten in diesem Artikel.
Overwatch Retail Patch Notes – September 17, 2019:
A new patch is now live on Windows PC. Read below to learn more about the latest changes.
Bastion’s Brick Challenge
Get ready to play with Bastion’s Brick Challenge and some special, unlockable in-game content! Wins in Quick Play, Competitive Play, or Arcade will earn you themed sprays, player icons, and a new legendary skin: Brick Bastion!
Tune in to participating Twitch broadcasters while they’re playing Overwatch any time through 9/30 to earn a total of seven Bastion’s Brick Challenge sprays and icons!
To learn more about Bastion’s Brick Challenge, click here.
- Ground targeted abilities (Reaper’s Shadowstep, Mei’s Icewall, Symmetra’s Teleporter, etc) will now more heavily prefer edges over placing as far away as possible.
- Self-repair no longer consumes resource while Bastion is at full health
- Bastion now correctly initiates 0.25 sec of recovery time when canceling Self-Repair by firing
Primary Fire
- Beam width lowered from 0.3 meters to 0.2
- Beam DPS per level lowered from 65/130/195 to 60/120/180
Primary Fire
- Beam width is now 0.15 meters and no longer scales with energy
- Max Beam DPS lowered from 190 to 170
Hyper Spheres
- Explosion damaged reduced from 35 to 30
Experimental Barrier
- Added a toggle option for deploying Sigma’s Experimental Barrier
- Being hacked by Sombra will now recall his barrier if it is deployed. (EMP will still destroy the barrier first if both are in range)
- Explosion damage increased from 50 to 60
Gravitic Flux
- Intro cast time increased from 0.4 seconds to 0.6
New Workshop actions:
- Create Dummy Bot
- Creates a dummy bot, which is a full player that has no human or AI controlling it. Using other Workshop actions, dummy bots can move, aim, press buttons, and do most things that human players can do.
- Destroy Dummy Bot
- Destroys a dummy bot.
- Start Throttle In Direction
- Either sets or modifies the throttle (directional movement input) for a given player (human, AI bot, or dummy bot).
- Stop Throttle In Direction
- Stops the change to throttle being caused by Start Throttle In Direction.
- Create Beam Effect
- Creates a beam effect between two positions (either or both of which may be a player).
New parameters to existing Workshop actions:
- Create HUD Text
- New SpectatorVisibility option for defining when spectators can see the text.
- New colors have been added to Text Color.
- Create In-World Text
- New SpectatorVisibility option for defining when spectators can see the text.
- New colors have been added to Text Color.
- Create Effect and Play Effect
- New colors have been added.
New Workshop value:
- Is Dummy Bot
- Whether a given player is a dummy bot.
New Workshop Inspector features:
- Copy current variables to CSV [PC-Only] :
- Copies the currently visible variables to the system clipboard in CSV format. These can be pasted into text and spreadsheet applications.
- Copy all variables to CSV [PC-Only] :
- Copies all variables throughout the Inspector history for the currently selected entity to the system clipboard in CSV format. These can be pasted into text and spreadsheet applications.
- Copy current variables as actions:
- Copies the currently visible variables to the clipboard in Workshop text format. These can be pasted back into a Workshop action list.
- Workshop – Fixed a bug that caused the „Enable Workshop Inspector“ option not to reset when using Restore Defaults
- Workshop – The „Is Firing Primary“ Workshop value now correctly reports whether Sigma is using his Hyperspheres
- Fixed an issue where killing D.Va’s mech via Environment kill would not always grant the full amount of ult charge
- Fixed an issue where knockbacks would sometimes be shorter than intended if the target was moving down an incline
- Players should no longer get stuck inviting players when using ‚Stay As Team‘ feature
- Attempting to save a highlight without sufficient disk space now displays an appropriate error message
- Fixed an issue where the first person camera would be incorrectly offset when switching heroes in some workshop scenarios
- Competitive arcade season ratings now display a skill rating in the career profile
- Season 1 competitive end ratings now show correctly in leaderboards
- Fixed a bug that allowed Moira’s Biotic Orb to pass through the attacker’s spawn door
- Improved the ability for B.O.B. to get through doorways and more consistently make it to where he was launched towards
- Fixed a bug where Bastion was not entering a recovery state when immediately firing weapons after Self-Repair is used
- Fixed a bug with Brigitte’s Repair Pack cooldown scalar not working in custom games
- Fixed a bug that allowed D.Va’s mech to block Earthshatter briefly during the destruction animation
- Fixed a bug that caused Hanzo’s bow to flicker when switching to Sonic Arrow, when certain skins were equipped
- Fixed an issue where knockbacks applied to enemies moving down ramps would not knock back as far as intended.
- Fixed a bug where Mercy could sometimes mispredict being able to Guardian Angel to a teammate who had died behind a wall.
- Fixed a bug that caused players to be thrown further than intended when escaping the pulling effect of Orisa’s Halt
- Fixed a bug that caused the first-person animations for Kinetic Grasp, Accretion, Experimental Barrier return/retract, and primary fire not to play correctly when used immediately after being frozen
- Fixed a bug that caused Hyperspheres to appear without any VFX or animation after letting the cast timer on Gravitic Flux expire
- Fixed a bug that incorrectly allowed Sigma to gain shields after absorbing a healing orb from Moira with his Kinetic Grasp
- Corrected various Sigma team color visual effects
- Fixed a bug with Sigma’s Damage Blocked average per 10 min not appearing in career profile
- Fixed a bug with Sombra detection radius being affected by player aim pitch
Wrecking Ball
- Fixed an issue preventing Wrecking Ball specific stats from showing up in the Career Profile
- Fixed a bug with adaptive shields area being affected by aim pitch
- Fixed a bug that prevented Zenyatta from using a Teleporter while Transcendence is active