SC2: Die Änderungen für das nächste Balance-Update

In den vergangenen Wochen konnten daran interessierte Spieler von Starcraft 2: Legacy of the Void insgesamt zwei verschiedene Pakete mit möglichen Spielbalanceänderungen testen und dadurch dann dazu beitragen zu entscheiden, welche dieser Anpassungen mit dem nächsten größeren Balance Update auf die Liveserver dieses Titels aufgespielt werden sollen. Nachdem diese Tests mittlerweile vollständig abgeschlossen sind und die Entwickler das Feedback der Tester auswerten konnten, hat das Balance-Team dieses Titels vor einigen Tagen nun endlich in den Foren verkündet, welche Spielbalanceänderungen in dem am 20. August 2019 mit dem Start der dritten Saison für Starcraft 2 erscheinenden Patch enthalten sein werden. Wer sich für dieses Thema interessiert, der findet folgend praktischerweise eine übersetzte Liste mit allen aktuell bekannten Veränderungen dieser Art.
Die finalen Änderungen:
- Stimpack: Die Dauer zum Erforschen wird von 121 Sekunden auf 100 Sekunden reduziert.
- Ein neues Upgrade: Enhanced Shockwaves. Forschungsdauer 79 Sekunden, Kosten: 150/150. Der Radius des EMPS von Ghosts wird von 1.5 auf 2 erhöht.
- Overlord: Die Kosten von Pneumatischer Panzer werden von 100/100 auf 75/75 reduziert.
- Die Abklingzeit der Raketen von infizierten Terranern wird von 0.95 auf 1.14.erhöht.
- Fehlerbehebung: Die Rakten der infizierten Terraner werden keine Rüstung mehr ignorieren.
- Die Kosten von Warpprisma werden von 200 auf 250 Mineralien erhöht.
- Die Reichweite zum Einladen von Einheiten in das Warpprisma wird von 6 auf 5 reduziert.
- Träger: Die Bauzeit der Interceptoren wird von 11 auf 9 Sekunden reduziert.
- Nexus: Die Abklingzeit des Rückrufs wird von 85 Sekunden auf 130 Sekunden erhöht.
Community Update – August 6, 2019
Hey everyone,
Over the past month, we featured two sets of possible changes on the testing tab. After digesting all the discussion and feedback, we’re ready to announce the final set of changes in the upcoming balance update. These changes will be updated to the balance test mod later today, and the final set of changes will go live on the ladder on August 20th, the start date of season 3.
Before we reveal the final list of changes, we’d like to go over some of the changes we decided not to move forward with:
- Warp Prisms no longer start with the Warp Conduit passive ability and warp-ins will take 11 seconds when not near a Warp Gate or Nexus, up from 4. The Gravitic Drive upgrade now has the added functionality of granting Warp Prisms the Warp Conduit passive ability, reducing warp-in time from 11 to 4.
We saw a lot constructive discussion surrounding this proposal, and we believe a change along these lines could have a lot of interesting consequences. However, we felt the impact of the change using the numbers proposed would be too great, especially for a mid-year patch.
- Zealot Charge additional impact damage decreased from 8 to 0. After researching Charge, Zealots will still retain the ability to always hit a fleeting target at least once.
This change was originally proposed to address multiple concerns, such as the potency of all-ins in PvZ, the frontal pushing power of the Protoss army, especially in PvT, and the overall potential for harassment when used with Warp Prisms. However, after further consideration, we now believe the totality of the remaining changes proposed are sufficient to address these concerns for now.
New Change
- Infested Terran Infested Rockets weapon cooldown increased from 0.95 to 1.14.
In the last community update, we proposed fixing a bug, which allowed Infested Rockets to ignore armor. This was in lieu of a different proposal from a previous update to decrease Infested Rockets attack damage from 14 to 12. Though these two changes are comparable, the bugfix is a much greater hit to the Infested Rocket’s effectiveness against naturally high-armored air units.
Following this last update, we received additional feedback that even with the bugfix, Infested Terrans would be still too powerful against Protoss late-game armies. While we considered going forward with both the bugfix and the damage decrease, we thought the combination would synergize too much at weakening their damage output against high-armored air units. And while this is desirable to some extent, our primary intention was to temper the Infested Terran’s strength against Interceptors. Thus, we’d instead like to go with an approximate 20% weapon cooldown increase, which would more evenly reduce the Infested Terran’s effectiveness against all air units. This brings us to our final list of changes:
Final Changes
- Stimpack upgrade research duration decreased from 121 seconds to 100 seconds.
- New upgrade: Enhanced Shockwaves: Increases the radius of the Ghost’s EMP Round from 1.5 to 2. Cost: 150/150. Research time: 79 seconds.
- Overlord/Overseer Pneumatized Carapace upgrade research cost decreased from 100/100 to 75/75.
- Infested Terran Infested Rockets weapon cooldown increased from 0.95 to 1.14.
- Bugfix: Infested Terran Infested Rockets weapon will no longer ignore armor.
- Warp Prism cost increased from 200 minerals to 250 minerals.
- Warp Prism pick up range decreased from 6 to 5.
- Carrier Interceptor build time decreased from 11 seconds to 9 seconds.
- Nexus Strategic Recall cooldown increased from 85 to 130 seconds.
The remaining changes proposed over the last month have generally been well received, and we’re confident in moving forward with this finalized list. As always, we thank you for your valuable continued feedback. We’ll see you on the ladder!
–StarCraft II Team