Patch 8.1: Der neue Build 28616 wurde auf den PTR aufgespielt

In der Nacht von gestern auf heute haben die für die fortlaufende Entwicklung von neuen Inhalten für World of Warcraft verantwortlichen Mitarbeiter von Blizzard Entertainment überraschenderweise den brandneuen Build 28616 auf den derzeit noch immer laufenden öffentlichen Testserver von Patch 8.1: Tides of Vengeance aufgespielt, der dieses bereits am 12. Dezember erscheinende Update mal wieder um einige Neuerungen erweiterte. Bei den Inhalten dieses neuen Build für den PTR handelte es sich unter anderem um das von vielen Vorbestellern von WC3: Reforged herbeigesehnte Mount Meat Wagon, eine Reihe von Klassenänderungen, ein neues Modell für die Druiden der Hochbergtauren und eine Vielzahl von rein optischen Spielelementen. Genauere Informationen zu den Auswirkungen dieser neuen Spielversion findet ihr weiter unten in diesem Artikel.
Ein Fleischwagen als Mount:
Käufer der Spoils of War Edition von Warcraft 3: Reforged dürfen sich über das folgende Reittier „ Meat Wagon“ freuen.
Ein neues Modell für die Hochbergtauren:
Das folgende Modell wird von Hochbertauren für den Zauber Inkarnation: Erwählter der Elune:
Eine neue Grafik für den Shop:
Dieser Build beinhaltet eine interessante neue Grafik und einen kurzen Text, die zusammen darauf hindeuten, dass die aktuell im Shop erhältlichen kosmetischen Kopfbedeckungen möglicherweise bald aus dem Ingame Shop verschwinden und vorher noch einmal in einem „Last Chance Bundle“ angeboten werden.
Neue Icons:
Neue Grafiken für die Inselexpeditionen:
- Bonded Souls Your spells and abilities have a chance to trigger a Soulbond for 15 sec. During Soulbond, every 5 sec you and your nearest ally are both healed for 3,798 and gain
624 Haste for 5 sec.191 Haste for 5 sec.
Demon Hunter
- Chaotic Transformation
Eye Beam deals an additional 240Demon Blades deals 53 additional damage. When you activate Metamorphosis, the cooldown of Eye Beam and Blade Dance is immediately reset.
- Focused Fire Rapid Fire deals an additional
291323 damage over its duration, and each shot has a 30% chance to generate 2 additional Focus.
- Fury of Xuen Your Combo Strikes grant a stacking
3%2% chance for your next Fists of Fury to grant 0 Haste and invoke Xuen, The White Tiger for 8 sec.
- Sudden Revelation Power Word: Radiance has a 50% chance to cause your next Holy Nova to deal
399273 additional damage and reduce the cooldown of Power Word: Radiance by 3 sec. - Depth of the Shadows (Discipline) Atonement applied by Shadow Mend lasts an additional
3 sec.2 sec. - Depth of the Shadows (Shadow) Atonement applied by Shadow Mend lasts an additional
3 sec.2 sec. - Depth of the Shadows Atonement applied by Shadow Mend lasts an additional
3 sec.2 sec.
- Night’s Vengeance Nightblade increases the damage of your next Eviscerate within 8 sec by 33. per combo point.
- Crushing Assault Your melee abilities have a chance to increase the damage of your next Slam by
563861 and reduce its Rage cost by 20. - Striking the Anvil The Tactician effect improves your next Overpower, causing it to deal
964167 additional damage and reduce the remaining cooldown of Mortal Strike by 1.5 sec. - Gathering Storm (Arms) While Ravager is active, every 1 sec you gain 5% movement speed and
109 Strength, stacking.104 Strength, stacking. - Gathering Storm (Fury) While Bladestorming, every 0.8 sec you gain 5% movement speed and
109 Strength, stacking.104 Strength, stacking. - Gathering Storm Fury: While Bladestorming, every 0.8 sec you gain 5% movement speed and
109 Strength, stacking.104 Strength, stacking. - Bastion of Might Avatar increases your Mastery by
2590 for 20 sec, and instantly grants you Ignore Pain. - Cold Steel, Hot Blood Bloodthirst critical strikes generate 4 additional Rage, and inflict a Gushing Wound that leeches
4,701 health over 6 sec.372 health over 6 sec.
Death Knight
- Frost
- Breath of Sindragosa Continuously deal
[ 38.7% of Attack Power + 38.7%[ 34.7% of Attack Power + 34.7% of Off-hand Attack Power ] Frost damage every 1 sec to enemies in a cone in front of you. Deals reduced damage to secondary targets. You will continue breathing until your Runic Power is exhausted or you cancel the effect. Frost Death Knight – Level 100 Talent. Frost Death Knight – Level 100 Talent. Instant. 2 min cooldown.
- Breath of Sindragosa Continuously deal
- Unholy
- Bursting Sores Bursting a Festering Wound deals 25% more damage, and deals [ 20% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage to
up to 8all nearby targets. Unholy Death Knight – Level 57 Talent. Unholy Death Knight – Level 57 Talent.
- Bursting Sores Bursting a Festering Wound deals 25% more damage, and deals [ 20% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage to
- Balance
- Feral Affinity You gain: Feline Swiftness Increases your movement speed by [ 15 + 25% of Spell Power ]%. You also learn: Rake Rip Ferocious Bite Swipe Your energy regeneration is increased by 45%. Balance Druid – Level 45 Talent. Balance Druid – Level 45 Talent.
- Restoration
- Restoration Druid Restoration Druid core passive Increases damage/healing by 44%: Cenarion Ward, Cultivation, Efflorescence, Germination, Incarnation: Tree of Life, Lifebloom, Nourish, Regrowth, Rejuvenation, Revitalize, Spring Blossoms, Swiftmend, Tranquility, Wild Growth Increases periodic damage/healing by 44%: Cenarion Ward, Cultivation, Efflorescence, Germination, Incarnation: Tree of Life, Lifebloom, Nourish, Regrowth, Rejuvenation, Revitalize, Spring Blossoms, Swiftmend, Tranquility, Wild Growth Increases damage/healing by 31%: Mangle, Moonfire, Shred, Solar Wrath, Sunfire, Thrash Increases periodic damage/healing by 31%: Mangle, Moonfire, Shred, Solar Wrath, Sunfire, Thrash Druid – Restoration Spec. Druid – Restoration Spec.
- Beast Mastery
- Kill Command Give the command to kill, causing your pet to savagely deal
[ 50% of Attack Power + 60% of Ranged Attack Power + 1.14% of Spell Power[ 112% of Attack Power + 2.13% of Spell Power * (0.94) ;] Physical damage to the enemy. Hunter – Beast Mastery Spec. Hunter – Beast Mastery Spec. 30 Focus. 50 yd range. Instant. 7.5 sec cooldown.
- Kill Command Give the command to kill, causing your pet to savagely deal
- Beast Mastery & Marksmanship
- Barrage Rapidly fires a spray of shots for 3 sec, dealing an average of
[ 234.2%[ 156.2% of Attack Power ] Physical damage to all enemies in front of you. Usable while moving. Requires Ranged Weapon. Beast Mastery/Marksmanship Hunter – Level 90 Talent. Beast Mastery/Marksmanship Hunter – Level 90 Talent. 60 Focus. 40 yd range. 3 sec cast (Channeled). 20 sec cooldown.
- Barrage Rapidly fires a spray of shots for 3 sec, dealing an average of
- Marksmanship
- Multi-Shot Fires several missiles, hitting your current target and all enemies within
810 yards for [ 37.5% of Attack Power ] Physical damage Requires Ranged Weapon. Hunter – Marksmanship Spec. Hunter – Marksmanship Spec. 15 Focus. 40 yd range. Instant.
- Multi-Shot Fires several missiles, hitting your current target and all enemies within
- Fire
- Meteor Calls down a meteor which lands at the target location after 3 sec, dealing [ 260% of Spell Power ] Fire damage, split evenly between all targets within 8 yards, and burns the ground, dealing [ 66% of Spell Power ] Fire damage over
88.5 sec to all enemies in the area. Fire Mage – Level 100 Talent. Fire Mage – Level 100 Talent. 1% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. Instant. 45 sec cooldown.
- Meteor Calls down a meteor which lands at the target location after 3 sec, dealing [ 260% of Spell Power ] Fire damage, split evenly between all targets within 8 yards, and burns the ground, dealing [ 66% of Spell Power ] Fire damage over
- Frost
- Blizzard Ice shards pelt the target area, dealing
[ 114.4%[ 102.4% of Spell Power ] Frost damage over 8 sec and reducing movement speed by 50% for1.53 sec. Each time Blizzard deals damage, the cooldown of Frozen Orb is reduced by 0.5 sec. Mage – Frost Spec. Mage – Frost Spec. 2.5% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. 8 sec cast (Channeled). 8 sec cooldown.
- Blizzard Ice shards pelt the target area, dealing
- Windwalker
- Wind Waker When you or allies with your Windwalking are snared, the snare is instantly removed and
they become immune to snarestheir movement speed is prevented from being reduced below 100% for 4 sec. This effect cannot occur more than once every 30 sec per target. PvP Talent. PvP Talent. Requires Monk. Requires level 40+.
- Wind Waker When you or allies with your Windwalking are snared, the snare is instantly removed and
- Retribution
- Ultimate Retribution Name changed from „Ultimate Retribution “ to „Ultimate Retribution“. When an ally within 40 yards falls below 25% health, you gain Avenging Wrath for 6 sec. When an ally is slain within 40 yards of you, your Redemption spell can now be cast while in combat within the next 20 sec. with a 6 sec cast time. Using Divine Shield or Blessing of Protection on yourself will cancel this effect. PvP Talent. PvP Talent. 1 sec global cooldown. Requires Paladin. Requires level 40+.
- Discipline
- Trinity
The duration of your AtonementAtonement’s duration is increased by 15 sec andthe healing transferred through Atonement is increased by 12%. However, Atonement can now only affect a maximum of 3 targets andhealing transfer increased by 12, but can only be applied through Power Word: Shield. Smite, Penance, and Shadowfiend critical strike chance increased by 25% when you have Atonement on 3 or more allies. PvP Talent. PvP Talent. Requires Priest. Requires level 40+.
- Trinity
- Shiv Assassination: Deals [ 41.11% of Attack Power ] Physical damage to the target, dispelling all enrage effects, and reduces movement speed by 70% for 4 sec. Applies Deadly, Wound, and Crippling Poison to the target. Cannot be blocked, dodged or parried. Outlaw, Subtlety: Deals [ 41.11% of Attack Power ] Physical damage to the target, dispelling all enrage effects, and reduces movement speed by 70% for 4 sec. Cannot be blocked, dodged or parried. Requires One-Handed Melee Weapon. PvP Talent. PvP Talent. 35 Energy. Melee range. Instant. 12 sec cooldown. 1 sec global cooldown. Requires level 40+.
- Affliction
- Unstable Affliction Afflicts the target with
[ 64%[ 58% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage over 8 sec. You may afflict a target with up to 5 Unstable Afflictions at once. You deal 10% increased damage to targets affected by your Unstable Affliction. If dispelled, deals[ 64%[ 58% of Spell Power ] damage to the dispeller and silences them for 4 sec. Refunds 1 Soul Shards if the target dies while afflicted. Warlock – Affliction Spec. Warlock – Affliction Spec. 1 Soul Shard. 40 yd range. 1.5 sec cast.
- Unstable Affliction Afflicts the target with
- Blood Elf
- Arcane Torrent Remove 1 beneficial effect from all enemies within 8 yards and restore 3% of your mana. Can’t be cast in Spirit of Redemption. Blood Elf Racial. Blood Elf Racial. Instant. 2 min cooldown.
- Goblin
- Pack Hobgoblin Calls in your friend, Gobber, allowing you bank access for 60 sec. Can’t be cast in Spirit of Redemption. Goblin Racial. Goblin Racial. Instant. 30 min cooldown.
- Rocket Barrage Launches your belt rockets at an enemy, dealing [ 42.9% of Spell Power + 50% of Attack Power + 240 ] fire damage. Can’t be cast in Spirit of Redemption. Goblin Racial. Goblin Racial. 30 yd range. Instant. 1.5 min cooldown.
- Rocket Jump Activates your rocket belt to jump forward. Other effects which slow the rate of falling cannot be used within 10 sec after using this ability. Can’t be cast in Spirit of Redemption. Goblin Racial. Goblin Racial. Instant. 1.5 min cooldown.
- Lightforged Draenei
- Forge of Light Summon a Forge of Light, enabling Blacksmithing. Blacksmithing skill increased by 10. Can’t be cast in Spirit of Redemption. Lightforged Draenei Racial. Lightforged Draenei Racial. 2 sec cast. 15 min cooldown.
- Light’s Judgment Call down a strike of Holy energy, dealing [ Greater of {300% of Spell Power} or {300% of Attack Power * pctD * (1 + 0)} ] Holy damage to enemies within 5 yards after 3 sec. Can’t be cast in Spirit of Redemption. Lightforged Draenei Racial. Lightforged Draenei Racial. 40 yd range. Instant. 2.5 min cooldown.
- Nightborne
- Arcane Pulse Deals [ Greater of {25% of Spell Power} or {50% of Attack Power} ] Arcane damage to nearby enemies and reduces their movement speed by 50%. Lasts 12 sec. Can’t be cast in Spirit of Redemption. Nightborne Racial. Nightborne Racial. Instant. 3 min cooldown. 1 sec global cooldown.