Update: Ein Nerf für Brigitte und ein Buff für Ana

Update: Der zum Team rund um Overwatch gehörende Community Manager Tom Powers hat sich in der vergangenen Nacht mal wieder in den nordamerikanischen Battle.Net Foren dieses Hero Shooters zu Wort gemeldet und dort dann überraschenderweise weitere PTR Patchnotes zu dem aktuell auf dem öffentlichen Testserver dieses Titels vorhandenen Update veröffentlicht. Diese neue Version dieser Patchnotes beinhaltet neben einigen bereits bekannten Änderungen an Brigitte und Ana auch noch eine Reihe von weiteren Fehlerbehebungen, Gründe für die geplanten Spielbalanceänderungen und eine neue Option für den Game Browser. Folgend könnt ihr euch diese neuen PTR Patchnotes für den nächsten Patch von Overwatch selbst durchlesen.
OVERWATCH PTR Patch Notes – May 7, 2018
Player Warnings
- Added notes to the player behavior warnings that account closure is now possible if poor behavior persists
- Changed the term “Griefing” to “Gameplay Sabotage” in the player warning popup text
- Biotic Rifle
- No longer impacts allies with full health
- Ammo increased from 10 to 14
Developer Comments: These changes should help Ana when she is trying to land clutch heals in the middle of a big fight. Allies that do not need healing will no longer potentially block shots meant for allies that do, and increasing her magazine size makes it less likely to be forced into a reload in the middle of an important fight.
- Rally
- Maximum armor per player reduced from 150 to 100
- Shield Bash
- Cooldown increased from 5 to 6 seconds
Developer Comments: Brigitte’s ultimate is very powerful, especially when it is stacked up to its maximum on her whole team. This first change reduces the impact of a it being fully stacked without reducing its overall power in the middle of a battle. Her shield bash is a very strong ability on a fairly short cooldown, making it difficult for her opponents to play around. Increasing this cooldown allows for more counter play when playing against her.
- Added Infinite Ultimate Duration and Scalable Ultimate Duration options for Moira’s Coalescence
Free-for-All Deathmatch
- Ana can now Nano Boost herself
- Fixed a bug that prevented the “If found return to Road” text from displaying on Junkrat’s bracelet when his Beachrat skin was equipped
- Fixed a bug that caused Sombra to be revealed to all enemies if targeted by Hanzo’s Sonic Arrow or Widowmaker’s Infra-sight while stealthed
- Fixed a bug that caused Brigitte’s armor pack to heal the wrong target if it was used right when the cooldown ended
- Fixed a bug that caused the reticle bloom to be full while Hanzo was using Storm Arrows
Vor Kurzem haben die für die fortlaufende Entwicklung von neuen Inhalten für Overwatch zuständigen Mitarbeiter von Blizzard Entertainment einen neuen Patch auf den allen daran interessierten Personen offenstehenden Testserver dieses beliebten Hero Shooters aufgespielt, der praktischerweise auch dieses Mal wieder von einem informativen Bluepost mit den offiziellen PTR Patchnotes zu diesem Update begleitet wurde. Dieser von Community Manager Tom Powers verfassten Übersicht zufolge handelt es sich bei dieser kommenden Spielversion im Grunde nur um einen sehr kleinen Patch, der gerade einmal aus einer Reihe von Fehlerbehebungen, kleineren Verbesserungen am Meldesystem und einigen Spielbalanceänderungen an den spielbaren Charakteren besteht. Trotz dieses geringen Umfangs sollten viele Spieler dieses Update begrüßen, weil die Anpassungen an den Helden interessanterweise aus einem notwendigen Nerf an Brigitte und einem schon seit einiger Zeit geforderten Buff für Ana bestehen. Weitere Informationen zu den genauen Auswirkungen dieses Updates findet ihr in den folgenden PTR Patchnotes.
(Hinweis: Wer sich zum Testen der neuen Inhalte gerne auf diesen öffentlichen Testserver begeben möchte, der muss in seinem Battle.Net Launcher unter Overwatch dann ganz einfach nur „PTR: Overwatch“ als Region auswählen und die Daten für dieses Update herunterladen.)
Overwatch PTR Patch Notes – May 3, 2018:
Player Warnings
- Added notes to the player behavior warnings that account closure is now possible if poor behavior persists
- Changed the term “Griefing” to “Gameplay Sabotage” in the player warning popup text
Biotic Rifle
- No longer impacts allies with full health
- Increased clip size from 10 to 14
- Maximum armor per player reduced from 150 to 100
Shield Bash
- Increased cooldown from 5 to 6 seconds
- Mercy’s Regeneration (passive ability) can now be turned off in Custom Game settings
- Settings for Hanzo’s Lunge and Storm Arrow abilities can now be found in the Custom Game settings
Free-for-All Deathmatch
- Ana can now Nano Boost herself
- Fixed a bug that prevented the “If found return to Road” text from displaying on Junkrat’s bracelet when his Beachrat skin was equipped
- Fixed a bug that prevented training bots from returning to their original position and behavior after being hit with an ability (e.g. Lúcio’s Soundwave)
- Fixed a bug that caused bots to use the wrong route when tracking down the player if their target jumped off a ledge
- Fixed a bug that caused bots to get stuck on the siege tank in the StarCraft area of Blizzard World
Game Browser and Custom Game
- Fixed a bug that caused custom game invites to persist on the invitee’s screen
- Fixed a bug that prevented Bastion’s Zwing Zwing Zwing voice line from playing if the Null Sector skin was equipped
- Fixed a bug that prevented Brigitte from using abilities or Rocket Flail while her Repair Pack was in flight
- Fixed a bug that prevented Genji’s melee attack from making sound effects
- Fixed a bug that prevented Genji’s golden weapon variant from displaying its golden sheen when some skins were equipped
- Fixed a bug that allowed Junkrat’s RIP-TIRE to be immune to the freeze effects of Mei’s Endothermic Blaster
- Fixed a bug that allowed Lúcio to move around while caught in Junkrat’s Steel Trap
- Fixed a bug that allowed Lúcio to travel straight up using Wall Ride
- Fixed a bug that prevented crowd control abilities from affecting Resurrect (e.g. McCree’s Flashbang)
- Fixed a bug that prevented Moira’s flask from displaying in her Erlenmeyer victory pose when an Overwatch League skin was equipped
- Fixed a bug that caused Reaper’s Hellfire Shotguns to float when previewing his Dance emote in Hero Gallery
- Fixed a bug that caused the camera to not focus correctly when viewing Roadhog’s Mug Shot victory pose
- Fixed a bug that caused Roadhog’s Chain Hook to float during his Footsteps highlight intro
- Fixed a bug that prevented the laser sight from Sombra’s Machine Pistol golden variant from tapering at its end if her Talon skin equipped
- Fixed a bug that caused Widowaker’s HUD to disappear if she used Widow’s Kiss while looking through the scope
- Fixed a bug that caused the logos on Symmetra’s Overwatch League skins to appear faded when viewed in the Hero Gallery
- Fixed a bug that caused the logos on Torbjörn’s Overwatch League skins to appear faded when viewed in the Hero Gallery
- Fixed a bug that caused bots to get stuck walking into the side of the Rikimaru Ramen Shop on Hanamura
- Fixed a bug that allowed players to place turrets in unintended locations on Horizon Lunar Colony
- Fixed a bug that allowed players to reach unintended locations in Horizon Lunar Colony
- Fixed a bug that caused the pig head on the bike to float after the bike had been destroyed in Junkertown
- Fixed a bug that allowed players to place turrets and Symmetra’s Teleporter in unintended locations in Junkertown