Update: Die Set Boni der T-21 Rüstungssets

In dem wahrscheinlich mit Patch 7.3.5 seine Pforten öffnenden neuen Schlachtzug „Antorus, der Brennende Thron“ können die Spieler von World of Warcraft in der Zukunft dann unter anderem die Einzelteile der neuen T-21 Rüstungssets erbeuten, die ihren Besitzern für das gleichzeitige Tragen von 2 oder 4 Teilen solch einer Rüstung ebenfalls wieder einige sehr interessante Set Boni gewähren werden. Auch wenn sowohl diese Sets als auch ihre Effekte bereits seit dem Erscheinen von Patch 7.3: Schatten von Argus in den Spieldaten des Liveservers vorhanden sind, so haben die Entwickler mit einem in der vergangenen Woche auf den derzeit laufenden Testserver von Patch 7.3.2 aufgespielten Build aber dennoch eine Reihe von weiteren Anpassungen an den verschiedenen Set-Boni dieser bald erhältlichen Rüstungssets durchgeführt. Um euch auf eine simple Weise mit diesen neuen Effekten der T-21 Sets vertraut zu machen, findet ihr weiter unten in diesem Artikel eine informative Übersicht zu den aktuell auf dem PTR vorhandenen Versionen dieser Rüstungen und ihrer erst vor Kurzem überarbeiteten Boni. Wer nun also gerne mehr über den T-21 Set Boni seiner gewählten Spezialisierung erfahren möchte, der muss einfach nur einen Blick auf die folgende Liste werfen.
Update: Die folgende Übersicht zu den Set Boni der T-21 Rüstungssets wurde am 22. Oktober 2017 aktualisiert und basiert nun auf den neuesten Daten des PTR von Patch 7.3.2.
Fundorte der Tier Tokens:
- Aggramar: Kopf
- Essenz von Eonar: Brust
- Coven of Shivarra: Schultern
- Kin’garoth: Handschuhe
- Imonar der Seelenjäger: Beine
- War Council: Rücken
Todesritter: Dreadwake Armor
- 2 pieces (Blood): When a charge of Bone Shield is consumed, the cooldown of Dancing Rune Weapon is reduced by 3.0 sec.
- 2 pieces (Frost): Howling Blast damage increased by 15% and Obliterate damage increased by 15%. Frostscythe and Frostscythe damage increased by 15%
- 2 pieces (Unholy): Death Coil causes the target to take an additional 25% of the direct damage dealt over 4 sec.
- 4 pieces (Blood): When Dancing Rune Weapon fades, your Rune regeneration rate is increased by 40% for 10 sec.
- 4 pieces (Frost): When you deal Frost damage, you have a chance to release a barrage of icy spikes at your target dealing (420% * 3) Frost damage.
- 4 pieces (Unholy): Death Coil has a 20% chance to deal damage a second time.
Dämonenjäger: Felreaper Vestments
- 2 pieces (Havoc): Eye Beam damage increased by 30%.
- 2 pieces (Vengeance): While Demon Spikes is active, your parry chance is increased by an additional 5%.
- 4 pieces (Havoc): When Eye Beam finishes channeling, your Haste is increased by 40% for 8 sec.
- 4 pieces (Vengeance): When you parry an attack, the cooldown of Metamorphosis is reduced by 5.0 sec. This can only occur once every 1.0 sec.
Druide: Bearmantle Battlegear
- 2 pieces (Balance): Increase the damage of Starfall by 10% and Starsurge by 10%.
- 2 pieces (Feral): When Rip deals damage, there is a 10% chance for it to deal damage again.
- 2 pieces (Guardian): When Gore is consumed, the cooldown of Barkskin is reduced by 1.0 sec.
- 2 pieces (Restoration): Ysera’s Gift now applies Dreamer to the target, healing them for (100% of Spell power) over 8 sec.
- 4 pieces (Balance): When you cast Starsurge or Starfall, the damage of your Moonfire and Sunfire spells is increased by 10% for 6 sec.
- 4 pieces (Feral): When Rip deals damage, you have a 4% chance to cause your next Ferocious Bite to consume no Combo Points and count as if you spent the maximum amount of Energy.
- 4 pieces (Guardian): When Barkskin fades, all healing done to you is increased by 10% for 20 sec.
- 4 pieces (Restoration): When you cast Wild Growth, you have a 100% chance to cause Ysera’s Gift to heal a target 400% more frequently for 5 sec.
Jäger: Serpentstalker Guise
- 2 pieces (Beast Mastery): Kill Command damage increased by 10%.
- 2 pieces (Marksmanship): Your Focus generating attacks deal 30% more damage and generate 25% more Focus.
- 2 pieces (Survival): Flanking Strike has a 50% chance to increase the critical strike chance of your next Raptor Strike by 100% and the critical strike damage of Raptor Strike by 50% within the next 20 sec.
- 4 pieces (Beast Mastery): When you use Kill Command, the cooldown of Aspect of the Wild is reduced by 2.0 sec.
- 4 pieces (Marksmanship): Marked Shot has a 30% chance to fire at up to 3 additional targets hit by Marked Shot an additional time.
- 4 pieces (Survival): Each cast of Mongoose Bite increases the damage of your next Raptor Strike by 20%. Stacks up to 6 times.
Magier: Runebound Regalia
- 2 pieces (Arcane): Each Arcane Charge you spend increases your damage dealt by 4% for 8 sec.
- 2 pieces (Fire): Increases the duration of Combustion by 2.0 sec.
- 2 pieces (Frost): Each successive ice bolt of a cast of Flurry deals 25% more damage.
- 4 pieces (Arcane): When you generate an Arcane Charge, you have a 8% chance to increase your haste by 20% for 6 sec.
- 4 pieces (Fire): Combustion also increases your critical strike damage by 12% for 14 sec.
- 4 pieces (Frost): When you consume Brain Freeze, the damage of your next Ice Lance is increased by 25%.
Mönch: Chi’Ji’s Battlegear
- 2 pieces (Brewmaster): Breath of Fire has a 100% chance to generate an additional stack of Elusive Brawler for each target hit.
- 2 pieces (Windwalker): When you gain the Blackout Kick! effect, the damage of your next Blackout Kick is increased by 150%.
- 2 pieces (Mistweaver): When Gust of Mists heals a target, they have a 100% chance to gain Tranquil Mist which heals them for (228% of Spell power) health over 12 sec.
- 4 pieces (Brewmaster): When you dodge an attack, you have a 100% chance to reset the cooldown of Breath of Fire.
- 4 pieces (Windwalker): When you consume Blackout Kick!, you have a 100% chance to generate 1 Chi.
- 4 pieces (Mistweaver): When you cast Renewing Mist, you have a 100% chance to send a bolt of healing Chi at all targets affected by Tranquil Mist, healing them for (300% of Spell power).
Paladin: Light’s Vanguard Battleplate
- 2 pieces (Holy): Flash of Light and Holy Light transfer 40% additional healing to your Beacon of Light target.
- 2 pieces (Protection): You gain Vindicator’s Shield, increasing your block chance by 10%.
- 2 pieces (Retribution): Judgment damage increased by 60%.
- 4 pieces (Holy): Holy Shock has a 30% chance to increase the critical healing of your Flash of Light, Holy Light, and Light of Dawn by 100% for 10 sec.
- 4 pieces (Protection): While not affected by Shield of the Righteous, the effect of Vindicator’s Shield is increased by 100%.
- 4 pieces (Retribution): When you use Judgment, the cost of your next Holy Power spending ability is reduced by 1.
Priester: Gilded Seraph’s Raiment
- 2 pieces (Discipline): Reduces the recharge time of Power Word: Radiance by 3.0 sec.
- 2 pieces (Holy): Prayer of Healing increases the healing done by your next Flash Heal, Binding Heal or Heal by 60%.
- 2 pieces (Shadow): Mind Flay and Mind Blast critical strike bonus damage increased by 50%.
- 4 pieces (Discipline): When you cast Power Word: Radiance, the damage of your next Penance is increased by 30%.
- 4 pieces (Holy): Your Flash Heal, Binding Heal or Heal spells increase the healing amount of your next Prayer of Healing spell by 30%.
- 4 pieces (Shadow): Each stack of Void Form increases the critical strike chance of Mind Flay, Void Bolt, and Mind Blast by 1%.
Schurke: Regalia of the Dashing Scoundrel
- 2 pieces (Assassination): When you use Envenom, your Deadly and Wound poisons have 15% increased chance to critically strike for 6 sec.
- 2 pieces (Outlaw): Extra attacks from Saber Slash increase the damage of your next Run Through by 5%, stacking up to 4 times.
- 2 pieces (Subtlety): Each Combo Point spent reduces the cooldown of Symbols of Death by 0.2 sec.
- 4 pieces (Assassination): When your Deadly or Wound poisons critically strike the target, you have a 100% chance to gain 4 Energy.
- 4 pieces (Outlaw): RRun Through has a 12% chance to grant you a random effect from Roll the Bones that you don’t already have active for 10 sec.
- 4 pieces (Subtlety): Gloomblade, Backstab and Shadowstrike have a 5% chance to grant you Shadow Gestures, causing your next finishing move to refund 100% of Combo Points spent when used.
Schamane: Garb of Venerated Spirits
- 2 pieces (Elemental) : Lava Burst increases the damage of your next Earth Shock or Earthquake, Icefury or Frost Shock by 20%.
- 2 pieces (Enhancement): Casting Stormstrike has a 15% chance to increase the damage of your next Rockbiter by 100%.
- 2 pieces (Restoration): When you cast Healing Rain, up to 6 allies within its area are immediately healed for (225% of Spell power).
- 4 pieces (Elemental): Earth Shock and Frost Shock have a 15% chance to cause an Elemental Overload.
- 4 pieces (Enhancement): Rockbiter causes the target to take 10% increased Fire, Frost, and Nature damage from your attacks for 4.5 sec.
- 4 pieces (Restoration): Healing Wave and Healing Surge casts have a 100% chance to heal a player standing in your Healing Rain for 40% of the amount.
Hexenmeister: Grim Inquisitor’s Regalia
- 2 pieces (Affliction): When Agony deals damage, there is a 8% chance to increase the duration of Unstable Affliction on the target by 2.0 sec.
- 2 pieces (Demonology): Each Soul Shard spent on Hand of Gul’dan increases the damage dealt by your next Call Dreadstalkers by 4%.
- 2 pieces (Destruction): Chaos Bolt increases the critical strike chance of Incinerate on the target by 20% for 8 sec.
- 4 pieces (Affliction): When you cast Unstable Affliction or Seed of Corruption, all targets within 60 yards suffering from your Agony take 10% increased damage from your Corruption, Siphon Life and Agony for 6 sec.
- 4 pieces (Demonology): When you cast Demonic Empowerment, your Dreadstalkers will immediately use Dreadbite again at 50% increased damage.
This can only occur once per cast of Call Dreadstalkers. - 4 pieces (Destruction): Chaos Bolt will deal an additional 12% of its direct damage caused to the target over 4 sec.
Krieger: Juggernaut Battlegear
- 2 pieces (Arms): When you use Colossus Smash, your critical damage is increased by 10% for 8 sec.
- 2 pieces (Fury): Rampage causes the target to bleed for an additional 30% of the direct damage dealt to the target over 4 sec
- 2 pieces (Protection): While Battle Cry is active, the cooldown of Shield Slam is reduced by 100%.
- 4 pieces (Arms): Mortal Strike increases the damage and critical strike chance of your next Whirlwind or Slam by 15%, stacking up to 3 times.
- 4 pieces (Fury): When you activate Battle Cry, the damage of Rampage is increased by 75% for 8 sec.
- 4 pieces (Protection): Blocking an attack increases the value of an existing Ignore Pain effect by (Attack power * 4).
This can only occur once every 1 sec.