Patch 7.3: Weitere Raidtests in Antorus, der Brennende Thron

Der direkt an der Entwicklung von World of Warcraft beteiligte Game Designer Skordyn veröffentlichte in der vergangenen Nacht mal wieder einen seiner üblichen Bluepost in den offiziellen Foren dieses MMORPGs, der die gesamte Spielerschaft darüber informieren sollte, dass das Entwicklerteam am morgigen Freitag, den 22. September 2017, weitere Raidtests auf dem öffentlichen Testserver durchführen möchte. Laut dieser Ankündigung dürfen alle daran interessierten Personen im Verlauf dieser mehrere Stunden lang laufenden Testphase dann in die heroische Version des kommenden Schlachtzugs „Antorus, der Brennende Thron“ eindringen und dort dann mit ihren im Vorfeld selbstständig zusammengestellten Gruppen gegen die bereits von anderen Raidtests bekannten Encounter „Garothi Worldbreaker“ und „Felhounds of Sargeras“ antreten. Wer morgen gerne selbst an diesen anstehenden Raidtests teilnehmen möchte, der muss sich zu den weiter unten in diesem Artikel angegebenen Startzeiten einfach nur auf den PTR von Patch 7.3.2 begeben und dort dann im Suchtool oder im Chat nach einem Schlachtzug für diese Bosskämpfe Ausschau halten.
Weitere Informationen zu dem Ablauf dieser Testphase, den Startzeitpunkten der einzelnen Tests und den in diesem Zeitraum ausprobierbaren Encountern findet ihr in der folgenden Übersicht.
On Friday, September 22nd we will be conducting raid tests of Antorus, the Burning Throne.
As always, this testing schedule is very fluid and subject to the realities of a PTR environment. We might have to change the time of a testing session, change the bosses being tested, or cancel a test entirely, due to bugs, server hardware issues, etc. Keep an eye on this forum for the latest information, and thank you in advance for testing and providing feedback.
Friday, September 22nd
- Garothi Worldbreaker – Heroic Antorus, the Burning Throne
- 13:00 PDT (16:00 EDT, 22:00 CEST)
- Felhounds of Sargeras – Heroic Antorus, the Burning Throne
- 14:00 PDT (17:00 EDT, 23:00 CEST)
Hinweis: Die Zeitangaben weiter oben können sich jederzeit ändern. Dies liegt daran, dass dies eine Testphase ist und die Entwickler jeweils die Zeiten bzw. Bosse nutzen, die ihnen am besten passen.
Die testbaren Bosse:
Garothi Worldbreaker:
Constructed deep within the core of Argus and outfitted with an arsenal capable of decimating worlds, this war machine has been designed for a single purpose: to bring the mortals‘ invasion to its knees.
- Overview – The fel reaver’s cannons continously alternate between [Annihilation] and [Decimation]. Upon reaching 65% and 25% health, the fel reaver activates its [Apocalypse Drive] exposing its weapon platforms. Unless one of these weapons is destroyed before the cast can complete, the party will be eradicated.
- On Mythic difficulty, the cannons can no longer be destroyed, but instead go haywire, granting the cannons additional effects.
Damage Dealers – When the Fel Reaver activates [Apocalypse Drive], destroy a Fel Cannon to interrupt its cast. Move to the target areas to absorb [Annihilation]. Move away from your allies when targeted by [Decimation].
Healers – When a weapon platform is destroyed, the fel reaver continuously damages the raid with [Searing Barrage].
Healers – The raid takes constant damage during [Luring Destruction] while being pulled towards the boss. Allies targeted by [Haywire Decimation] become stunned.
Tanks – Run away from the boss when targeted by [Fel Bombardment]. While the boss is not being melee attacked, it channels [Carnage].
Fel Bombardment – The Fel Reaver locks onto its current target. Upon expiration, missiles bombard the target’s destination every 1 sec for 5 sec, inflicting 570000 to 630000 Fire damage to enemies within 7 yards of impact and knocking them back.
- Searing Barrage – Repeatedly fires a searing barrage, inflicting 567150 to 626850 Fire damage to random targets every 2 sec.
- Luring Destruction – The fel reaver inflicts 765225 to 845775 Fire damage to all enemies every 1 sec while drawing them closer for 3 sec.
Apocalypse Drive – The fel reaver powers up its Apocalypse Drive, that inflicts 397005 to 438795 Fire damage every 2.5 sec.
Unless one of the reaver’s weapons are destroyed before the cast is finished, Apocalypse Drive inflicts an additional 9500000 to 10500000 Fire damage to everyone.Surging Fel – As the Apocalypse Drive powers up, energy erupts across the landscape inflicting 1140000 to 1260000 Fire damage to all enemies caught in the blast.
Eradication – Smashes the ground, inflicting 9260000 Physical damage and knocking back targets within 60 yards. Damage decreases the further targets are from the point of impact.
- Empowered – After Apocalypse Drive, the fel reaver empowers all weapon systems, increasing damage inflicted by 20% per stack.
Carnage – Continuously smashes the ground when not engaged in melee combat, inflicting 855000 to 945000 Fire damage to everyone every 1 sec for 10 sec.
- Decimator – Destroy this weapon to remove its abilities from the encounter.
- Decimation – Hurls fel energy at random enemies. Upon expiring, the enemy destination is bombarded with missiles, inflicting 3800000 to 4200000 Fire damage to enemies within 12 yards and 95000 to 105000 Fire damage to everyone.
- Haywire – Hurls fel energy at random enemies and stuns them. Upon expiring, the enemy destination is bombarded with missiles, inflicting 3800000 to 4200000 Fire damage to enemies within 12 yards and 95000 to 105000 Fire damage to everyone.
- Annihilator – Destroy this weapon to remove its abilities from the encounter.
- Annihilation – The Fel Reaver calls annihilation missiles down, inflicting 2850000 to 3150000 Fire damage split between players within 4 yards. Enemies hit also receive 0 Fire damage every 5 sec for 10 sec. Impacts that are not absorbed inflict 1900000 to 2100000 Fire damage to everyone.
- Haywire – While haywire, the Fel Reaver’s annihilation impacts the target area twice. The primary blast inflicts 2850000 to 3150000 Fire damage split between players within 4 yards and inflicts 0 Fire damage every 1 sec for 10 sec to all enemies hit. The secondary blast hurls shrapnel that inflicts 2850000 to 3150000 Fire damage split between players within 4 yards and inflicts 150 Fire damage every 5 sec for 10 sec. Impacts from either explosion that are not absorbed inflict 1900000 to 2100000 Fire damage to everyone.
Felhounds of Sargeras:
Infused with fire and shadow, F’harg and Shatug are the prized pets of Sargeras. Bred for carnage, these hounds delight in eviscerating their master’s enemies. With the Army of the Light and their allies advancing upon Antorus, the Legion prepares to unleash these vicious creatures onto the battlefield and put an end to the mortals‘ invasion.
Overview – The Felhounds of Sargeras combat players while performing attacks at specific power thresholds, but each has their own power generation rate. [Focusing Power] temporarily suspends this power generation. While within 40 yards of each other, [Sargeras‘ Blessing] imbues them with 100% increased damage.
Damage Dealers – Be aware of targets afflicted with [Desolate Path], as it inflicts damage from F’harg to the targets‘ direction.
Assist players afflicted with [Siphoned] during [Siphon Corruption], and avoid players afflicted with [Enflamed] during [Enflame Corruption].Damage Dealers – Be aware of targets afflicted with [Desolate Path], as it inflicts damage from F’harg to the targets‘ direction. Avoid standing in front of F’harg and Shatug because of [Burning Maw] and [Corrupting Maw].
Damage Dealers – Be aware of targets afflicted with [Desolate Path], as it inflicts damage from F’harg to the targets‘ direction. Help players afflicted with [Weight of Darkness] as the duration divides amongst nearby targets. Assist players afflicted with [Siphoned] during [Siphon Corruption], and avoid players afflicted with [Enflamed] during [Enflame Corruption].
Healers – Be aware of targets afflicted with [Desolate Path], as it inflicts damage from F’harg to the targets‘ direction. Pay attention when a Felhound reaches 100 power, as [Erupting Flames] and [Erupting Shadows] inflict sustained raid-wide damage.
Healers – Be aware of targets afflicted with [Desolate Path], as it inflicts damage from F’harg to the targets‘ direction. Assist players afflicted with [Siphoned] during [Siphon Corruption], and avoid players afflicted with [Enflamed] during [Enflame Corruption].
Healers – Be aware of targets afflicted with [Desolate Path], as it inflicts damage from F’harg to the targets‘ direction. [Molten Touch] targets take high amounts of Fire damage through [Singed] in a short period of time. Assist players afflicted with [Siphoned] during [Siphon Corruption], and avoid players afflicted with [Enflamed] during [Enflame Corruption].
Tanks – Be aware of targets afflicted with [Desolate Path], as it inflicts damage from F’harg to the targets‘ direction. Watch for the [Burning Maw] or [Corrupting Maw] auras, as they indicate that the targeted boss can cast the aforementioned ability.
Burning Maw – Viciously bites at a target, inflicting 5780000 to 6070000 Fire damage and applies Smouldering.
- Smouldering – Inflicts 111000 Fire damage every 1.5 sec for 12 sec to enemies in a 25 yard frontal cone. This effect stacks.
Molten Touch – Pulls targets through the Twisting Nether, stunning them for 1.8 sec while rapidly swiping. Each swing applies Singed and triggers a Molten Flare.
- Singed – Inflicts 66700 Fire damage every second for 9 sec, but grants immunity to Molten Flare. This effect stacks.
- Molten Flare – Ejects a pulse of flame, sending it flying towards a ground location inflicting 774000 to 856000 Fire damage to enemies within 5 yards.
- Molten Touch – Pulls targets through the Twisting Nether, stunning them for 1.8 sec while rapidly swiping. Each swing applies Singed and triggers a Molten Flare.
- Singed – Inflicts 66700 Fire damage every second for 9 sec, but grants immunity to Molten Flare. This effect stacks.
- Molten Flare – Ejects a pulse of flame, sending it flying towards a ground location inflicting 774000 to 856000 Fire damage to enemies within 5 yards.
- Desolate Gaze – Gazes at a target, casting Desolate Path in their direction upon expiration.
- Desolate Path – A manifestation of flame charges forward, knocking back and inflicting 2440000 to 2560000 Fire damage to enemies in a frontal line.
- Erupting Flames – Flames erupt from the caster, inflicting 450000 Fire damage to all enemies every 1 sec. for 9 sec.
- Enflame Corruption – Incinerates the corruption within enemies over 9 sec, periodically afflicting them with Enflamed.
- Enflamed – Pulses for 2220000 Fire damage after 4 sec to the target and nearby allies within 8 yards.
- Erupting Flames – Fire magic erupts from the caster, inflicting 275000 Fire damage to all enemies every 1.5 sec. during Enflame Corruption.
- Lingering Flames – Manifests a crystal of flame for 20 sec which blasts the nearest player every 1 sec, inflicting 50000 Fire damage and increasing damage taken Lingering Flames by 15% for 5 sec. This effect stacks.F’harg
- Enflame Corruption – Incinerates the corruption within enemies over 9 sec, periodically afflicting them with Enflamed.
- In this difficulty, Enflame Corruption triggers Lingering Flames upon completion.
- Enflamed – Pulses for 2220000 Fire damage after 4 sec to the target and nearby allies within 8 yards.
- Lingering Flames – Manifests a crystal of flame for 20 sec which blasts the nearest player every 1 sec, inflicting 50000 Fire damage and increasing damage taken Lingering Flames by 15% for 5 sec. This effect stacks.
- Shatug
Corrupting Maw – Viciously bites at a target, inflicting 0 Shadow damage and applies Decay.
- Decay – Inflicts 222000 Shadow damage every 3 sec for 12 sec to enemies in a 25 yard frontal cone. This effect stacks
- Consuming Sphere – Ejects a sphere of shadow magic towards a targeted location, inflicting 350000 Shadow damage every second upon contact.
- Consumed – Increases damage taken by Consuming Sphere by 75%. This effect stacks.
- Consuming Obliteration – The sphere detonates, obliterating targets within 15 yards, inflicting 4000000 Shadow damage.
- Consuming Detonation – The sphere’s detonation sends out a shockwave, inflicting 1000000 Shadow damage to all enemies plus up to 1000000 additional Shadow damage to all enemies based on distance from the detonation.
Weight of Darkness – Crushes a target under the weight of darkness, progressively slowing targets over 5 sec, then fearing targets within 8 yards for 20 sec, dividing the duration amongst targets. If this is divided amongst at least 3 targets, the effect is neutralized.
- Weight of Darkness – Crushes a target under the weight of darkness, progressively slowing targets over 5 sec, then fearing targets within 8 yards for 20 sec, dividing the duration amongst targets. If this is divided amongst at least 3 targets, the effect is neutralized.
- Erupting Shadows – Shadow magic erupts from the caster, inflicting 650000 Shadow damage to all enemies every 1.5 sec. for 9 sec.
- Siphon Corruption – Detonates the corruption within enemies over 9 sec, periodically afflicting them with Siphoned.
- Siphoned – Pulses for 5190000 Shadow damage after 4 sec divided evenly amongst the target and nearby allies within 8 yards.
- Erupting Shadows – Shadow magic erupts from the caster, inflicting 380000 Shadow damage to all enemies every 1.5 sec. during Siphon Corruption.
- Siphon Corruption – Detonates the corruption within enemies over 9 sec, periodically afflicting them with Siphoned.
- In this difficulty, Siphon Corruption triggers Siphoned Soul upon completion.
- Siphoned – Pulses for 5190000 Shadow damage after 4 sec divided evenly amongst the target and nearby allies within 8 yards.
- Siphoned Soul – Siphons soul fragments from targets which move towards Shatug.
If they reach the caster, they trigger a Soul Determination and enhance the target with Soul Empowerment.- Soul Empowerment – Empowers the target, increasing all damage done by 25% for 15 sec. This effect stacks.
- Soul Determination – Erupts corrupt magic, inflicting 950000 to 1050000 Shadow damage to all enemies.
- Destroyer’s Boon – Sargeras‘ blessing imbues the Felhounds with Sargeras‘ Blessing while within 40 yards of each other.
- Sargeras‘ Blessing – Increases all damage done by 100%.
- Focusing Power – Focuses on the dark power within, temporarily suspending power generation for 15 sec.
- In this difficulty, this afflicts enemies with Flametouched or Shadowtouched.
Shadowtouched – Reduces Shadow damage taken by 30%. Receiving Fire damage triggers a Shadowscar.
- Shadowscar – Blasts the nearest ally for 950000 to 1050000 Shadow damage, drawing the ally to the Shadowtouched player’s location.
Flametouched – Reduces Fire damage taken by 30% Receiving Shadow damage triggers Burning Flash and Burning Remnant.
- Burning Flash – After a short delay, a targeted location explodes for 1425000 to 1575000 Fire damage to players within 5 yards.
- Burning Remnant – Sets the ground ablaze for 2 min. Contact with the singed ground inflicts 650000 Fire damage every second.
- Soul Link – 100% of all damage taken is shared between linked targets.
- Dark Reconstitution – Upon reaching 1 health, attempts to create a link with the Twisting Nether, restoring 15% of the caster’s health while both F’harg and Shatug live.
wieso nicht ANTORUS DEM, BRENNENDEN TRON? grammatik ist hard
Es ist ein Name. Keine Beschreibung.