Diablo 3: Die finalen englischen Patchnotes zu Patch 2.6.0

Wie bereits vor einigen Wochen auf den einzelnen Communityseiten von Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls angekündigt wurde, haben die für dieses Action-Rollenspiel verantwortlichen Mitarbeiter von Blizzard Entertainment im Verlauf des heutigen Abends nun endlich den neuen Patch 2.6.0 auf die nordamerikanischen Liveserver aufgespielt, der leider erst irgendwann in der Nacht von Dienstag auf Mittwoch in Europa erscheinen soll. Gleichzeitig damit veröffentlichten die Entwickler dann auch noch die finalen englischen Patchnotes zu diesem neuen Update, die selbstverständlich auch dieses Mal wieder ganz genau auflisten, was für Änderungen und Neuerungen dieser Content Patch eigentlich mit sich brachte. Wer nun also mehr über die Inhalte von Patch 2.6.0 erfahren möchte, der sollte sich jetzt sowohl die folgenden Patchnotes durchlesen als auch einen kurzen Blick auf das in dieser Übersicht vorhandene Vorschauvideo des Entwicklerteams werfen.
Patch 2.6.0 Now Live
Last updated June 27 @ 11:00 a.m. PDT.
Diablo III patch 2.6.0 is now live in the Americas for PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One! Check out the full PC patch notes below to learn all about the latest changes. To view the console notes, please click here.
New Class: Necromancer
- As a master of the dark arts, you wield the powers of life and death necessary to restore the Balance! Necromancers are powerful spell casters who lay waste to their enemies using curses and reanimation—along with an obedient cadre of pets. This new class employs a controlled gameplay style using the raw materials of life: blood and bone.
Note: This class is available through the Rise of the Necromancer pack. For more details, please click here.
New Items for the Necromancer
- Over 30 new Legendary items have been added for the Necromancer class, along with four class-exclusive Sets featuring unique themes. Set Dungeons have also been added for each of the new Sets, providing you new opportunities to test your mettle.
New Feature: Challenge Rifts
- Explore new builds created by your fellow players in a weekly static dungeon! You can access these through the main screen, similar to Adventure Mode and Campaign Mode.
New Zones: The Moors & The Temple of the Firstborn
- The fog-enshrouded Moors and the darkened Temple of the Firstborn can be explored in Adventure Mode through a new waypoint on the Act 2 map.
New Bounties: Realms of Fate
- Four new Waypoints have appeared in Adventure Mode. Each one has bounties to complete. These Realms of Fate are the unintended consequences of the battle between the nephalem and Diablo in the High Heavens.
Important: Please note that you will not be prompted to download Patch 2.6.0 until the patch is live in your home region. If you are logging in from a European or Asian client, you will need to wait for this patch to release in that region before it can be installed. Additionally, if your home region is in the Americas, you will be unable to log into Europe or Asia using Global Play after Patch 2.6.0 is live until those regions have also patched.
Diablo III Patch 2.6.0 – v2.6.0.46006
Visit our Bug Report forum for a list of known issues.
If you are experiencing technical issues with the patching process, connecting to Blizzard Services after installing the patch, or errors while playing a newly-patched game, please visit our support site or post in the Technical Support forum for assistance.
- Necromancer Skills
- Primary
- Bone Spikes
- Base Skill (Physical)
- Generate: 24 Essence.
- Summon bone spikes from the ground dealing 150% weapon damage per second.
- Sudden Impact (Physical)
- Bone spikes stun enemies for 1 second.
- Path of Bones (Physical)
- Now unleashes a line of spikes that deals 100% weapon damage. Damage is increased by up to 100% for those further away.
- Bone Pillars (Poison)
- Instead strikes the target and up to two nearby enemies with large bone pillars for 150% weapon damage.
- Frost Spikes (Cold)
- Leaves a frost patch that reduces the movement speed by 60% for 2 seconds.
- Blood Spikes (Physical)
- Enemies bleed for 50% weapon damage over 2 seconds and heal you for 0.5% of your total life over the duration.
- Base Skill (Physical)
- Siphon Blood
- Base Skill (Physical)
- Generate: 15 Essence each time damage is dealt.
- Siphon the blood from the targeted enemy dealing 300% weapon damage.
- Siphon Blood heals you for 2% of your total health every second while channeled.
- Suppress (Cold)
- Enemies are also slowed by 75%.
- Purity of Essence (Physical)
- Essence gained is increased to 20 while you are at full health.
- Drain Life (Physical)
- Increases the amount of health restored to 6% but no longer restores Essence.
- Power Shift (Poison)
- Damage is increased by 10% each time damage is dealt. Max 10 stacks.
- Blood Sucker (Physical)
- You pull in all health globes within 40 yards while siphoning.
- Base Skill (Physical)
- Grim Scythe
- Base Skill (Physical)
- Generate: 12 Essence per enemy hit
- Slash with a summoned Scythe in front of you dealing 150% weapon damage as Physical.
- Blood Scythe (Physical)
- Heal for 1% of your health per enemy hit.
- Execution (Physical)
- Enemies below 20% health have a 5% chance to be decapitated and instantly killed.
- Frost Scythe (Cold)
- Each enemy hit increases your attack speed by 1% for 5 seconds. Max 15 stacks.
- Dual Scythes (Physical)
- Slash with two summoned Scythes in front of you dealing 150% weapon damage as Physical and push enemies together.
- Cursed Scythe (Poison)
- Enemies hit by the scythe have a 15% chance to be inflicted with a random curse.
- Base Skill (Physical)
- Bone Spikes
- Secondary
- Death Nova
- Base Skill (Poison)
- Cost: 20 Essence
- Unleash a Nova that deals 350% weapon damage to all enemies within 25 yards.
- Tendril Nova (Physical)
- Now heals you for 1% of your health per target hit and reduces damage dealt to 225%.
- Bone Nova (Physical)
- Spines radiate outward and deal 475% weapon damage within 12 yards.
- Blood Nova (Physical)
- Spend 10% health to unleash a Blood Nova that deals 450% weapon damage to all nearby enemies within 25 yards.
- Blight (Poison)
- Leave a lingering patch of blight on the ground slowing enemies by 60% and causing them to deal 15% less damage for 1 second.
- Unstable Compound (Poison)
- Each cast increases the radius of your next Nova by 5 yards up to 2 times.
- Base Skill (Poison)
- Bone Spear
- Base Skill (Physical)
- Cost: 20 Essence
- Summon a piercing bone projectile that causes 500% weapon damage to all enemies it passes through.
- Crystallization (Cold)
- Each enemy hit has their attack speed reduced by 20% and your attack speed is increased by 3% for 3 seconds stacking up to 10 times.
- Shatter (Physical)
- Instead of piercing now detonates on the first enemy hit dealing 450% to all enemies within 15 yards.
- Blighted Marrow (Poison)
- Damage is increased by 15% for each enemy Bone Spear passes through.
- Blood Spear (Physical)
- Bone Spear turns into Blood Spear. Damage is increased to 650% weapon damage at the cost of 10% health.
- Teeth (Physical)
- Launches 5 razor sharp teeth that deal 300% weapon damage.
- Base Skill (Physical)
- Skeletal Mage
- Base Skill (Physical)
- Cost: 40 Essence
- Raise a skeleton from the ground to attack your foes dealing 400% weapon damage per attack. Lasts 6 seconds.
- Gift of Death (Physical)
- Risen Skeletons leave a corpse behind when they die or expire.
- Singularity (Physical)
- Consumes all Essence to summon a powerful minion. The minion’s damage is increased by 3% for every point of Essence consumed.
- Life Support (Physical)
- Risen Mages cost 10% health to cast but lasts an additional 2 seconds.
- Contamination (Poison)
- Raise a contaminated mage that channels an aura of decay for 100% weapon damage for its duration.
- Skeleton Archer (Cold)
- Raise a Skeleton Archer that deals 400% weapon damage.
- Skeleton Archers increase your attack speed by 3% for 5 seconds each time they deal damage. Max 10 stacks.
- Base Skill (Physical)
- Death Nova
- Blood & Bone
- Bone Armor
- Base Skill (Physical)
- Cost: 10 Essence
- Cooldown: 10 seconds
- Rip bones from nearby enemies, dealing 150% weapon damage, and create armor that reduces damage taken by 3% per enemy hit up to a maximum of 10 enemies. Bone Armor lasts 60 seconds.
- Harvest of Anguish (Cold)
- Damage dealt to enemies is increased by 200%.
- Limited Immunity (Physical)
- Your armor absorbs all incoming damage for 5 seconds and grants immunity to all control impairing effects.
- Dislocation (Poison)
- Enemies hit are also stunned for 2 seconds.
- Thy Flesh Sustained (Physical)
- Cost: 20% Health
- Increases your Life per Second by 10% per target hit.
- Reap of Anguish (Physical)
- Bone Armor also increases your movement speed by 1% for each enemy hit.
- Base Skill (Physical)
- Bone Spirit
- Base Skill (Physical)
- Launch a Bone Spirit that will seek enemies. Deals 4000% damage on impact.
- You gain a charge every 15 seconds and can store up to 3 charges. Recharge time is reduced by 1 second for each corpse you consume.
- Possession (Physical)
- Bone Spirit will now charm the target for 10 seconds at the cost of 5% health.
- Panic Attack (Poison)
- Enemies within 10 yards are feared for 2 seconds when Bone Spirit detonates.
- Poltergeist (Cold)
- Increases the maximum number of charges to 4.
- Unfinished Business (Cold)
- Bone Spirit explodes dealing 1250% weapon damage to all enemies within 10 yards on detonation.
- Astral Projection (Cold)
- Damage is increased by 15% for each enemy that Bone Spirit passes through while seeking its target.
- Base Skill (Physical)
- Blood Rush
- Base Skill (Physical)
- Cooldown: 5 seconds
- Cost: 5% Health
- Shed your mortal flesh and reappear up to 50 yards away.
- Transfusion (Physical)
- Heals for 2% of your maximum health for every enemy passed through.
- Hemostasis (Physical)
- Removes the health cost.
- Metabolism (Physical)
- Blood Rush now has 2 charges, but its health cost is doubled.
- Potency (Physical)
- Increases your armor by 100% for 2 seconds after casting.
- Molting (Physical)
- Leaves a corpse at your original location when used.
- Base Skill (Physical)
- Simulacrum
- Base Skill (Physical)
- Cost: 25% Health
- Cooldown: 120 seconds
- Create a Simulacrum made of blood that will duplicate your Essence Spenders for 15 seconds.
- Reservoir (Physical)
- Your maximum Essence is increased by 100% while your Simulacrum is active.
- Cursed Form (Physical)
- While active, your curse skills now apply all three curses.
- Blood Debt (Physical)
- Life costs for skills are reduced by 75% while Simulacrum is active.
- Blood and Bone (Physical)
- Now also creates a Simulacrum of Bone, but the duration is reduced to 10 seconds.
- Self Sacrifice (Physical)
- If you would die with a Simulacrum active, instead the Simulacrum is destroyed and you are fully healed.
- Base Skill (Physical)
- Bone Armor
- Reanimation
- Land of the Dead
- Base Skill (Physical)
- Cooldown: 120 seconds
- All corpse skills can be used at will for 10 seconds.
- Invigoration (Physical)
- Your skills do not cost Essence while Land of the Dead is active.
- Frozen Lands (Cold)
- Enemies in the Land of the Dead are periodically frozen.
- Plaguelands (Poison)
- Land of the Dead deals up to 5,000% weapon damage to enemies over its duration.
- Land of Plenty (Physical)
- You are healed for 2% of your maximum life whenever you kill an enemy while Land of the Dead is active.
- Shallow Graves (Physical)
- Every 10 enemies killed extends the duration by 1 second up to a maximum of 2 seconds.
- Base Skill (Physical)
- Command Skeletons
- Base Skill (Physical)
- Cost: 50 Essence
- Active: Command your skeletal minions to attack the target and increase their damage by 50% for 5 seconds.
- Passive: Raise skeletons from the ground every 2 seconds to a max of 7 skeletons. Skeletal minions deal 50% weapon damage per attack.
- Enforcer (Physical)
- Reduces the active Essence cost to 25.
- Dark Mending (Physical)
- Skeletal minions will heal you for 0.5% of your total health per hit while being commanded.
- Freezing Grasp (Cold)
- The target of your command is frozen for 3 seconds.
- Kill Command (Poison)
- Now commands your skeletons to explode, dealing 215% weapon damage to enemies within 15 yards.
- Frenzy (Physical)
- Commanded skeletons go into a frenzy, gaining 25% increased attack speed for the duration.
- Base Skill (Physical)
- Command Golem
- Base Skill (Poison)
- Cooldown: 45 seconds
- Active: Command the Golem to the targeted location where it collapses into a pile of 5 corpses.
- Passive: Raise a Flesh Golem to fight for you. Flesh Golem deals 450% weapon damage per attack.
- Bone Golem (Physical)
- Active: The Golem becomes a tornado of bone carrying all nearby enemies to the targeted location and rooting them in place for 2 seconds.
- Blood Golem (Physical)
- Active: The Golem sacrifices itself healing you for 25% of your health and reconstructs at the targeted location. As the Golem reconstructs, veiny tendrils damage nearby enemies for 450% weapon damage.
- Flesh Consuming Golem (Poison)
- Active: The Golem consumes corpses at the targeted location increasing its damage by 30% per corpse.
- Decay Golem (Poison)
- Active: Command the Golem to the targeted location where it collapses into a pile of 8 corpses.
- Ice Golem (Cold)
- Active: Command the Golem to launch an icy blast at the target location, freezing enemies for 3 seconds and increasing their chance to be critically struck by 10% for 10 seconds
- Base Skill (Poison)
- Army of the Dead
- Base Skill (Physical)
- Cooldown: 120 seconds
- Raise a massive skeletal army to pummel the targeted location dealing 12000% weapon damage in a 15 yard radius.
- Blighted Grasp (Poison)
- Skeletal hands raise from the ground damaging enemies within 15 yards for 14000% total weapon damage as Poison over 5 seconds.
- Frozen Army (Cold)
- Weapon damage increased to 12000% and they attack all enemies in a line.
- Unconventional Warfare (Physical)
- Skeletons will rise from the ground and attack random targets for 50000% total weapon damage over 4 seconds.
- Dead Storm (Physical)
- Raise a storm of the dead that surround you damaging enemies for 15500% weapon damage over 5 seconds.
- Blighted Grasp (Poison)
- Skeletal hands rise from the ground damaging enemies within 15 yards for 14000% total weapon damage over 5 seconds
- Base Skill (Physical)
- Land of the Dead
- Curses
- Decrepify
- Base Skill (Physical)
- Cost: 10 Essence
- A crippling curse that reduces the enemy units’ movement speed by 75% and reduces damage done by 30% for 30 seconds.
- Opportunist (Physical)
- Gain a 3% movement speed increase for every enemy cursed.
- Borrowed Time (Physical)
- Gain 1% cooldown reduction for every enemy cursed.
- Wither (Physical)
- Damage reduction increased to 40%, but no longer reduces movement speed.
- Dizzying Curse (Physical)
- Cursed enemies have a 10% chance to be stunned for 2 seconds when hit.
- Enfeeblement (Physical)
- Increase the potency of the movement speed reduction for the first 5 seconds.
- Base Skill (Physical)
- Frailty
- Base Skill (Physical)
- Cost: 10 Essence
- A crippling curse that kills enemies with less than 15% health. Lasts 30 seconds.
- [Placeholder] Essence Return (Physical)
- Gain 2 essence when a cursed enemy dies.
- Volatile Death (Physical)
- Cursed enemies explode for 100% weapon damage on death.
- Scent of Blood (Physical)
- Cursed enemies take 15% increased damage from your minions.
- Aura of Frailty (Physical)
- Becomes an aura that curses all enemies within 15 yards.
- The range of this effect is increased by 50% of your gold pickup radius.
- Early Grave (Physical)
- Triggers at 18% life but costs 10% of your life.
- Base Skill (Physical)
- Leech
- Base Skill (Physical)
- Cost: 10 Essence
- Curse the target area. Cursed enemies have a chance to heal the attacker when they are struck for 2% of their total health. Lasts 30 seconds.
- Transmittable (Physical)
- Enemies that die while cursed will spread the curse to a nearby unaffected target.
- Sanguine End (Physical)
- Whenever a cursed enemy dies, you are healed for 200% of your Life per Kill.
- Cursed Ground (Physical)
- Now curses the ground, healing you for 1% of your maximum life every second for each enemy in the cursed area.
- Blood Flask (Physical)
- Whenever a cursed enemy dies your potion cooldown is reduced by 1 second.
- Osmosis (Physical)
- Each cursed enemy increases your life regeneration by 751 per second.
- Base Skill (Physical)
- Decrepify
- Corpses
- Corpse Explosion
- Base Skill (Physical)
- Target an area exploding all corpses within 11 yards dealing 350% weapon damage to enemies within 20 yards.
- Final Embrace (Physical)
- Corpses pull themselves towards the nearest enemy before exploding, but Corpse Explosion now costs 2% life per corpse.
- Close Quarters (Poison)
- Now explodes corpses close to you, dealing 325% weapon damage to enemies within 20 yards.
- Bloody Mess (Physical)
- Explosion radius is increased to 25 yards.
- Dead Cold (Cold)
- Freeze all enemies caught in the explosion for 2 seconds.
- Shrapnel (Poison)
- Corpses now explode away from you, hitting all targets in a cone.
- Base Skill (Physical)
- Corpse Lance
- Base Skill (Physical)
- Target an enemy to summon projectiles from nearby corpses that cause 1750% weapon damage to the target.
- Brittle Touch (Cold)
- Enemies become brittle increasing their chance to be crit by 5% for 5 seconds each time they are hit with Corpse Lance.
- Blood Lance (Physical)
- Spend 2% of your total health to launch an additional lance from yourself towards the target that deals 250% weapon damage.
- Visceral Impact (Physical)
- Stuns the target for 3 seconds.
- Shredding Splinters (Poison)
- Each lance slows the target by 10% and reduces its damage by 6% for 10 seconds. Stacks up to 5 times.
- Ricochet (Physical)
- Corpse Lance has a 20% chance to ricochet to one additional target.
- Base Skill (Physical)
- Devour
- Base Skill (Physical)
- Consume corpses within 60 yards to restore 10 Essence per corpse.
- Ruthless (Physical)
- Additionally consumes your minions for 10 Essence per minion killed.
- Voracious (Physical)
- Reduces all Essence costs by 2% for each corpse consumed for 5 seconds.
- Devouring Aura (Physical)
- Becomes an aura that consumes all corpses within 15 yards to restore 11 Essence per corpse.
- The range of this effect is increased by 50% of your gold pickup radius.
- Satiated (Physical)
- Increases maximum life by 2% for 2 seconds for each corpse devoured.
- Cannibalize (Physical)
- Each corpse consumed also restores 3% health.
- Base Skill (Physical)
- Revive
- Base Skill (Physical)
- Target an area reviving up to 10 corpses within 20 yards for 15 seconds.
- Oblation (Physical)
- Increases the damage of revived creatures by 20% but each Revive now costs 3% health.
- Personal Army (Physical)
- Damage taken is reduced by 1% for each revived minion active.
- Recklessness (Cold)
- Revived minions deal an additional 150% damage but last 6 seconds. Damage dealt is turned into Cold.
- [Placeholder] Horrific Return (Poison)
- When you revive a corpse, enemies within 20 yards run in fear for 3 seconds.
- Purgatory (Physical)
- Revived minions degenerate back into a usable corpse at the end of their duration.
- Base Skill (Physical)
- Corpse Explosion
- Primary
- Necromancer Passives
- Fueled by Death
- Consuming a corpse increases your run speed by 3% for 5 seconds.
- Life from Death
- Consuming a corpse has a 20% chance to spawn a Health Globe.
- Stand Alone
- Increase Armor by 100%, reduced by 10% for each active minion.
- Bone Prison
- Bone Spear, Bone Spikes and Bone Spirit have a 30% chance to trap enemies in a Bone Prison for 3 seconds.
- Commander of the Dead
- The Essence cost of Command Skeletons and the cooldown of Command Golem are reduced by 30%.
- Swift Harvesting
- Increase the attack speed of Bone Spikes, Siphon Blood and Grim Scythe by 15%.
- Aberrant Animator
- Your minions gain 200% of your Thorns.
- Eternal Torment
- Your curses cost 50% less Essence and last forever.
- Blood for Blood
- Picking up a health globe removes the health cost of the next Blood spell. This effect can stack up to 10 times.
- Blood is Power
- After cumulatively losing 100% of your maximum Life, all ability cooldowns are reduced by 20%. This effect cannot reduce an ability’s cooldown more than once for each time that ability is used.
- Draw Life
- Increases your Health Regen by 10% for each enemy within 20 yards.
- Extended Servitude
- Increase the duration of your Skeletal Mage and Revive minions by 25%.
- Final Service
- When you take lethal damage, you are sustained preventing all incoming damage for 4 seconds. In addition, you consume minions to heal for 10% of your life per minion. This effect cannot occur more than once every 60 seconds.
- Grisly Tribute
- You are healed for 10% of your Life on Hit when one of your minions hits an enemy.
- Overwhelming Essence
- Increase your maximum Essence by 40.
- Rathma’s Shield
- You cannot lose life for 4 seconds after using Land of the Dead, Army of the Dead and Simulacrum.
- Dark Reaping
- While using a scythe gain 2% Essence and Life per kill.
- Rigor Mortis
- Blight abilities also slow enemies by 30% and reduce their attack speed by 30% for 5 seconds.
- Serration
- Bone Spikes, Bone Spear and Bone Spirit deal 1% increased damage for every 2 yards between you, up to a maximum of 20%.
- Fueled by Death
- Wizard Skills
- Mirror Image
- Simulacrum
- This rune has been renamed to “Hard Light”
- Simulacrum
- Mirror Image
- Legendary Items
- Funerary Pick
- Siphon Blood drains blood from 2 additional targets
- Trag’oul’s Corroded Fang
- The Cursed Scythe rune for Grim Scythe now has a 100% chance to apply a curse and you deal 175-200% increased damage to cursed enemies
- Scythe of the Cycle
- Your Secondary skills deal 250-300% additional damage while Bone Armor is active but reduce the remaining duration of Bone Armor by 4 seconds
- Maltorius’ Petrified Spike
- Bone Spear now costs 40 Essence and deals 375-450% increased damage
- Bloodtide Blade
- Death Nova deals 20-30% increased damage for every enemy within 15 yards
- Reilena’s Shadowhook
- Every point of Maximum Essence increases your damage by 0.5% and Bone Spikes generates 2-5 additional Essence for every enemy hit
- Nayr’s Black Death
- Each different Poison skill you use increases the damage of your Poison skills by 50-65% for 15 seconds
- Spear of Jairo
- Your Thorns is increased by 10-15% for every enemy afflicted by one of your curses
- Lost Time
- Your Cold skills reduce the movement speed of enemies by 30%. In addition, your movement speed is increased by 4-5% for 5 seconds.
- Maximum 5 stacks.
- Bone Ringer
- The damage bonus of Command Skeletons increases by 25-30% per second they spend attacking the same target
- Leger’s Disdain
- Grim Scythe deals an additional 7-10% damage for each point of Essence it restores
- Iron Rose
- Attacking with Siphon Blood has a 40-50% chance to cast a free Blood Nova
- The Johnstone
- Each corpse consumed in the Land of the Dead grants a stack of Macabre Knowledge. Macabre Knowledge increases the damage of Corpse Lance and Corpse Explosion by 150-200% while outside Land of the Dead.
- Haunted Visions
- Simulacrum now drains 5% of your maximum life every second and lasts twice as long
- Wisdom of Kalan
- Increases the maximum stacks of Bone Armor by 5
- Bloodsong Mail
- While in Land of the Dead, Command Skeletons gains the effect of all runes and deals 100-125% increased damage
- Requiem Cereplate
- Devour restores an additional 75-100% Essence and Life. In addition, when Devour restores Essence or Life above your maximum, the excess is granted over 3 seconds.
- Mask of Scarlet Death
- Revive now consumes all corpses to raise a minion that deals 125 – 150% more damage per corpse
- Fate’s Vow
- Army of the Dead gains the effect of the Unconventional Warfare rune
- Moribund Gauntlets
- Your Golem sheds a corpse every second
- Grasps of Essence
- When an exploded corpse damages at least one enemy, your Corpse Explosion deals 75-100% increased damage for 6 seconds, stacking up to 5 times
- Golemskin Breeches
- Your Golem’s damage is increased by 100-125% and you take 30% less damage while it is alive
- Defiler Cuisses
- Your Bone Spirit’s damage is increased by 75-100% for every second it is active
- Steuart’s Greaves
- You gain 40-50% increased movement speed for 2 seconds after using Blood Rush
- Bryner’s Journey
- Attacking with Bone Spikes has a 20-30% chance to cast a Bone Nova at the target location
- Dayntee’s Binding
- You gain an additional 40-50% damage reduction when there is an enemy afflicted by your Decrepify
- Razeth’s Volition
- Skeletal Mage gains the effect of the Gift of Death rune
- Circle of Nailuj’s Evol
- You now raise an additional Skeletal Mage with each cast and they last an additional 2-4 seconds
- Prayer of Briggs
- Uncursed enemies are pulled to the target location when a curse is applied to them
- Krysbin’s Sentence
- You deal 75-100% increased damage against slowed enemies or triple this bonus against enemies afflicted by any other type of control-impairing effect
- Lornelle’s Sunstone
- Your damage reduction is increased by 0.75-0.95% for every 1% Life you are missing
- Corpsewhisper Pauldrons
- Corpse Lance damage is increased by 25-30% for 3 seconds when you consume a corpse. Max 20 stacks.
- Hellfire Amulet
- Necromancer passives have been added for this item
- Halcyon’s Ascent
- This item now includes a skill for the Necromancer
- Funerary Pick
- Class Sets
- Bones of Rathma
- (2) Set Bonus
- Your minions have a chance to reduce the cooldown of Army of the Dead by 1 second each time they deal damage
- (4) Set Bonus
- You gain 1% damage reduction for 15 seconds each time one of your minions deals damage. Max 50 stacks.
- (6) Set Bonus
- Each active Skeletal Mage increases the damage of your minions and Army of the Dead by 250%
- (2) Set Bonus
- Trag’Oul’s Avatar
- (2) Set Bonus
- Blood Rush gains the effect of every rune
- (4) Set Bonus
- While at full life, your healing from skills is added to your maximum life for 45 seconds, up to 100% more.
- (6) Set Bonus
- Your Life-spending abilities deal 3300% increased damage but cost twice as much Life. Your healing from skills is increased by 100%.
- (2) Set Bonus
- Grace of Inarius
- (2) Set Bonus
- Bone Armor damage is increased by 1000%
- (4) Set Bonus
- Bone Armor grants an additional 2% damage reduction per enemy hit.
- (6) Set Bonus
- Bone Armor also activates a swirling tornado of bone, damaging nearby enemies for 750% weapon damage and increasing the damage they take from the Necromancer by 2750%.
- (2) Set Bonus
- Pestilence Master’s Shroud
- (2) Set Bonus
- Each corpse you consume fires a Corpse Lance at a nearby enemy
- (4) Set Bonus
- Each enemy you hit with Bone Spear reduces your damage taken by 2% up to a maximum of 50%. Lasts 15 seconds.
- (6) Set Bonus
- Each corpse you consume grants you an Empowered Bone Spear charge that increases the damage of your next Bone Spear by 3000%
- (2) Set Bonus
- Jesseth Arms
- (2) Set Bonus
- When the target of your Command Skeletons dies, your skeletons are automatically commanded to attack a nearby target
- While your skeletons are commanded to attack a target, all of your minions deal 400% increased damage
- (2) Set Bonus
- Bones of Rathma
- Legendary Gems
- Zei’s Stone of Vengeance
- When a pet deals damage with this gem equipped, bonuses are now always granted from the player to the enemy hit instead of from the pet to the enemy.
- Zei’s Stone of Vengeance
- Set Dungeons
- The user interface has been updated to better explain tier completion requirements
- With this, the basic completion tier must be finished within the given time limit
- The time limit to complete a Set Dungeon has been increased to 5 minutes
- Set dungeon monsters are now tracked on the mini-map when the dungeon begins
- All Basic Tier monster kill requirements have been lowered
- Greater Rifts
- Players who die in solo Greater Rifts can now choose to immediately resurrect. When choosing this option, the time remaining on your death timer will be removed from the remaining Greater Rift time and your cooldowns will be advanced by the same amount.
- Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue which sometimes prevented players from completing the “Clear the Forgotten Well” bounty
- Terror In The Blood
- Now requires the player’s health to be at 10% or below instead of 9% or below
- Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug preventing the Terror in the Blood achievement from triggering once the criteria were met and Diablo was defeated
- Skeleton Mage
- Has had its fire damage reduced slightly
- Witch Doctor Gargantuans will now destroy breakables they step on