Overwatch: Die Patchnotes vom 27. April

Überraschenderweise veröffentlichten die Entwickler von Overwatch in der vergangenen Nacht einen zuvor nicht angekündigten neuen Patch für Windows-PC, PlayStation 4 und Xbox One, dessen genaue Inhalte selbstverständlich auch dieses Mal wieder von den verantwortlichen Personen in einem Bluepost in den Foren dieses Titels festgehalten wurden. Diesen von Community Manager Josh Engen erstellten englischen Patchnotes zufolge handelte es sich bei diesem neuen Update um einen verhältnismäßig kleinen Patch, der zusätzlich zu den üblichen Fehlerbehebungen eigentlich auch nur noch eine weitere Anpassung an den Siegbedingungen von Spielfeldern der Kategorien „Angriff“ und „Angriff/Eskorte“ mit sich brachte. Wer nun gerne erfahren möchte, was für Auswirkungen diese Änderung hatte und welche Fehler mit diesem Update korrigiert wurden, der sollte einmal einen Blick auf die folgenden Patchnotes werfen.
(Hinweis: Auch wenn die Patchnotes diese Inhalte nicht auflisten, so brachte dieser Patch scheinbar auch noch einige der Belohnungen für die Nexus-Herausforderung 2.0 mit sich.)
Community Manager Josh Engen: A new patch is now live on Windows PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. Read below to learn more about the latest changes.
[ALL] Overwatch Patch Notes – April 27, 2017
Competitive Play
- On Assault and Assault/Escort Maps, teams now need to capture at least 33% of the objective before the tie-breaking system is activated
Developer Comments: When the new tie-breaking system was implemented on April 11, 2017, teams only needed to capture 1% to trigger the system. This occasionally resulted in confusing situations when games would end without a lot of information about how the point was captured, due to the brief capture time. To alleviate this problem, we’re requiring that teams progress past 33% before the tie-breaking system begins tracking progress. If neither team manages to cross 33%, the match will end in a draw. If you’d like to know more, click here.
- Fixed a crash that could occur during the end-of-round screen
- Fixed a bug that prevented the payload from showing damage until after the escort phase in the Overwatch Uprising brawl
- Fixed a bug that allowed players to get under the payload using certain heroes’ movement abilities in the Overwatch Uprising brawl
- [PC] Fixed a bug that caused the payload’s health bar to interfere with the scoreboard, forcing players to hold down the spacebar to view the scoreboard in the Overwatch Uprising brawl
- Fixed a bug that caused Genji’s “You’ve rescued me again, Dr. Ziegler” voice line to play after being resurrected in the Overwatch Uprising brawl, regardless of which hero performed the resurrection
- Fixed an issue causing the chat window to block the ‘refresh’ button when the Overwatch Uprising leaderboards were open
- [PS4] The “Handle With Care” Achievement now correctly states the payload must remain above 80% health
- [PS4/XB1] The Overwatch Uprising scorecard now correctly tracks stats from Sombra’s Hack
- [PS4/XB1] The Overwatch Uprising scorecard now correctly tracks Ana’s healing stats
Custom Games and Game Browser
- Fixed a bug that prevented the ‘Start Game Mode’ button from appearing when creating a Capture the Flag or Elimination game
- Fixed a bug that gave Genji’s Dragonblade ability a slightly increased swing speed while at a higher latency. Dragonblade’s default swing speed has been slightly increased to compensate
- Fixed a bug that prevented Genji’s Dragonblade ability from registering hits correctly
- Fixed a bug to prevent hit effects from being inflicted on D.Va’s human form while piloting the mech
- [PS4/XB1] Fixed a bug causing D.Va’s hair to appear inflexible during her Selfie highlight intro when her Palanquin skin was equipped
- [PS4/XB1] Fixed a bug causing the ice on Pharah’s Frostbite skin to stretch when her Flair emote was activated
- [PS4/XB1] Fixed a bug causing textures to flicker during Roadhog’s Feast highlight intro
- [PS4/XB1] Fixed a bug causing Soldier: 76’s cape to clip during the Push-Ups emote when his Strike Commander Morrison, Daredevil:
- 76, or Stunt Rider: 76 skin was equipped
- Fixed a bug causing glass that has been shattered by an explosion to be colored black