Diablo 3: Die Beta zum Totenbeschwörer startet bald

Die Entwickler von Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls verkündeten im Verlauf des heutigen Abends durch einen auf ihrer offiziellen Communityseite veröffentlichten Blogeintrag, dass sie bereits sehr bald damit beginnen werden, einige ausgewählte Spieler aus allen Regionen der Welt in eine geschlossene Betaphase für den kommenden Patch 2.6.0 und den mit diesem Update erscheinenden Totenbeschwörer einzuladen. Während dieser anstehenden Testphase erhalten die eingeladenen Personen dann Zugriff auf die bisherige Version des Totenbeschwörers (Fähigkeiten, Runen etc.) und den Rest der mit Patch 2.6.0 erscheinenden Neuerungen für dieses Action-Rollenspiel. Ansonsten unterliegt diese geschlossene Beta praktischerweise keiner NDA oder anderen Einschränkungen, weshalb daran interessierte Tester frei über ihre Erlebnisse in der Beta berichten dürfen.
Wer nun gerne an dieser bald startenden Testphase für den Totenbeschwörer und Patch 2.6.0 teilnehmen möchte, der muss ganz einfach nur in seiner Accountverwaltung unter den Einstellungen für die Beta einen Haken bei Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls setzen und eine aktive Lizenz dieses Action-Rollenspiels (weder gebannt noch suspendiert) besitzen. Irgendwann in den nächsten Wochen bestimmten die Entwickler von allen qualifizierten und an dieser Beta interessierten Personen dann einige wenige Spieler, die an dieser bald startenden Testphase teilnehmen dürfen. Zusätzlich dazu laden die Entwickler dann auch noch mehrere wichtige Mitglieder der Community direkt in diese geschlossene Beta ein, weil diese Personen den Rest der Spielerschaft mit Informationen zu der Beta versorgen werden.
Weitere Informationen zu dieser geschlossenen Beta findet ihr in der folgenden Ankündigung des Entwicklerteams.
Necromancer Beta Test Coming Soon
Prepare yourselves—the Necromancer beta test is right around the corner, nephalem!
Invitations to our closed beta test will soon be going out worldwide. If you are invited, we’d love to hear all about your adventures on the forums, watch your live streams, and see screenshots and videos of your experiences as you wield the dark powers of the Necromancer.
Please keep in mind that the Necromancer and other parts of Patch 2.6.0 are still in development. As such, content in the closed beta may change and does not necessarily represent the final version.
For additional information about the closed beta, including how to participate and answers to frequently asked questions, read on below!
How to Participate:
If you’re interested in participating in the Necromancer beta test, you’ll want to make sure you’ve opted-in for beta testing. To opt in, simply visit your Beta Profile Settings page in Account Management, check the Diablo box under Beta Tests I’m Interested In, and then click Update Preferences. In order to be eligible to participate in the closed beta, you must have an active Diablo III license attached to your Blizzard account in good standing (i.e. not suspended or banned).
Please note that opting in to the Necromancer beta test does not guarantee you access (especially since invites to our closed beta will be extremely limited), but it does at least give you a chance at joining the beta test.
Necromancer Beta Test FAQ:
How are beta test participants selected from the opt-in pool?
Beta testers are chosen according to their system specifications, in-game activity, and other factors, including an element of luck.
How will I know if I’m selected to participate in the beta?
If you are selected to participate in the Necromancer beta test, you will receive an invite via email. This invitation will always be sent to the email address associated with your Blizzard account.
Will there be any other ways to get into the beta besides opting-in?
In addition to opt-ins, we are also inviting key members of the community on a case-by-case basis. Invites to the Necromancer beta test will be extremely limited, however, and opting in is your best way to get in.
How many players do you plan to invite to the beta test?
The number of players we invite will be based on our testing needs. If we ultimately determine we need more players to participate after the initial testing, we’ll invite more.
What game content will be available in the beta?
Players who participate will have access to all of the Necromancer’s skills and abilities, as well as other Patch 2.6.0 content. In addition, new Legendary and Set items unique to the Necromancer will be added in over time. Our upcoming patch notes will have all the details on what’s included.
How long will the beta test last?
We have not determined an exact date for the end of the beta test. We will notify participants when the beta test is nearing completion.
Will there be an open beta?
In order to ensure focused feedback and a smooth testing experience for beta players, the Necromancer beta test will be invite-only for the duration of the test.
Is there an NDA?
There is no non-disclosure agreement (NDA) for the Necromancer beta test. You are welcome to take screenshots, livestream your play sessions, and record feedback videos. Please keep in mind that the game is still a work in progress, though, and we appreciate your understanding when you encounter bugs, graphical errors, or other issues.
Will Mac users be able to participate in the beta test?
Yes, Mac users will be able to participate in the beta at the same time as Windows users.