Patch 7.1: Die Einträge aus dem Dungeonkompendium

Auch wenn der neue Dungeon „Return to Karazhan“ und der Mini-Raid „Trial of Valor“ den Spielern auf dem in der vergangenen Nacht gestarteten öffentlichen Testserver aktuell noch nicht zur Verfügung stehen, so listet das Dungeonkompendium auf dem PTR im Moment aber bereits eine Reihe von Einträgen zu den unterschiedlichen Bossen aus diesen beiden kommenden Instanzen auf. In dieser direkt im Spiel vorhanden Übersicht stehen neben einigen Informationen zu der Hintergrundgeschichte der jeweiligen Encounter dann auch noch genaue Beschreibungen der verschiedenen Mechaniken und Fähigkeiten der einzelnen Bosse, sodass sich daran interessierte Spieler bereits jetzt ein Bild davon machen können, wir die Kämpfe gegen diese Feinde eigentlich genau ablaufen werden.
Wer sich also bereits jetzt über die Begegnungen in „Return to Karazhan“ und „Trial of Valor“ informieren möchte, der sollte sich folgende englischen Beiträge aus dem Dungeonkompendium durchlesen.
Trial of Valor:
Since Loken’s betrayal, Odyn has been trapped within the Halls of Valor as Helya plots in the shadows to claim the souls of his valarjar champions. In recent days, however, great heroes have arrived in the lands of Stormheim in the Legion’s wake. Hoping that their might and determination could tip the scales and end Helya’s reign, Odyn summons these champions for a final test.
In ages past, Odyn led the titan-forged armies against the Black Empire of the Old Gods. But for millennia he has been confined to the Halls of Valor by the curse of his bitter nemesis, Helya. Odyn seeks mortal champions to vanquish the ruler of Helheim and secure his freedom.
- Overview – Odyn challenges players to prove their worth before delving into Helheim to face Helya. Players begin the encounter facing Hymdall and Hyrja. After bringing both Hymdall and Hyrja to 25% health before they can cast |Hspell: 228,171|h[Revivify]|h, Odyn leaps into battle.At 55% health remaining, Odyn shows his true power and begins to fill the room with |Hspell: 227,475|h[Cleansing Flame]|h. When Odyn reaches 10% health, he is satisfied with your martial prowess, and allows you to become his champions in the fight against Helya.
Damage Dealers –
- While Hyrja is active, help soak the damage of Shield of Light.
- While Hymdall is active, avoid standing near other players as he casts Horn of Valor.
- When Odyn casts Draw Power, quickly move the Valajrar Runebearers to their matching rune and slay them on it to disable the rune, lowering the damage of Unerring Blast.
- Move away from other players when afflicted by Storm of Justice.
Healers –
- While Hyrja is active, help soak the damage of Shield of Light.
- While Hymdall is active, avoid standing near other players as Horn of Valor hits nearby allies.
- When Odyn casts Draw Power, quickly move the Valajrar Runebearers to their matching rune and slay them on it to disable the rune, lowering the damage of Unerring Blast.
- Move away from other players when afflicted by Storm of Justice.
Tanks –
- While Hymdall and Hyrja are active, position them carefully to avoid Valarjar’s Bond .
- Odyn’s Test will stack until Odyn melee attacks a different target.
- Move as far away from Odyn as possible while afflicted with Stormforged Spear.
- Stage One: Might of the Valarjar –
Hymdall –
- Dancing Blade – Hymdall throws an enchanted blade towards a random player, inflicting 250,000 Physical damage upon landing. The blade then begins to whirl, inflicting 393,000 Physical damage every 2 sec to all nearby enemies.
- Horn of Valor – Inflicts 1,000,000 Physical damage to all enemies within 15 yards and causes all players to resonate inflicting 464,500 Physical damage to allies within 5 yards.
- Valarjar’s Bond – While Hymdall and Hyrja are within 35 yards of each other their damage taken is reduced by 99%.
Revivify – Upon reaching 25% health, the caster becomes immune to all damage and begins casting Revivify, healing 20% of the caster’s maximum life.
The cast is interrupted if both Hyrja and Hymdall are defeated.
Hyrja –
- Expel Light – Hyrja enchants a player to radiate a burst of light after 3 sec, inflicting 893,000 Holy damage to all players within 8 yards.
- Shield of Light – Hyrja charges her shield with light, launching a burst of energy towards a random player, inflicting 3,210,000 Holy damage split between all enemies in a line.
- Valarjar’s Bond – While Hymdall and Hyrja are within 35 yards of each other their damage taken is reduced by 99%.
Revivify – Upon reaching 25% health, the caster becomes immune to all damage and begins casting Revivify, healing 20% of the caster’s maximum life.
The cast is interrupted if both Hyrja and Hymdall are defeated.
- Odyn –
- Draw Power – Odyn activates the runes around his chamber and begins generating energy. After 30 sec, Odyn reaches 100 energy and casts Unerring Blast.
Unerring Blast – Inflicts 1,250,000 Holy damage to all players.
Each active rune increases the damage of Unerring Blast by 100%.Unerring Blast – Inflicts 10,000,000 Holy damage to all players.
- Valarjar Runebearer – As Odyn begins Draw Power, 5 Valarjar Runebearers leap into combat. Slaying a Valarjar Runebearer on its corresponding rune disables that rune, preventing it from empowering Odyn’s Unerring Blast.
Runic Shield – All damage taken is reduced by 99%. Moving a marked Valarjar Runebearer into a matching rune cancels this effect.
Protected – A player standing within an empowered rune with a matching symbol becomes protected, reducing their damage taken from Unerring Blast by 90%.
- Valarjar Runebearer – As Odyn begins Draw Power, 5 Valarjar Runebearers leap into combat. Slaying a Valarjar Runebearer on its corresponding rune empowers the rune, allowing players with a matching symbol to become Protected.
Runic Shield – All damage taken is reduced by 99%. Moving a marked Valarjar Runebearer into a matching rune cancels this effect.
- Draw Power – Odyn activates the runes around his chamber and begins generating energy. After 30 sec, Odyn reaches 100 energy and casts Unerring Blast.
- Stage Two: The Prime Designate –
- Test of the Ages – Periodically, Hymdall and Hyrja leap into the arena, engaging the players in battle.Bringing them to 85% health causes them to exit the arena until called upon again.
- Valarjar’s Bond – While Odyn, Hymdall, or Hyrja are within 35 yards of each other their damage taken is reduced by 90%.
- Odyn –
Odyn’s Test – With each consecutive melee attack against the same target, Odyn’s attack speed increases by 4%. This effect stacks.
- Spear of Light – Odyn creates a Spear of Light at the location of several players, inflicting 750,000 Holy damage to players within 8 yards of the impact.
In addition, when each spear is summoned it expels 3 Glowing Fragments.
Touching a Spear of Light causes it to Shatter.- Shatter – The Spear of Light shatters, inflicting 231,922 Holy damage to all players and emitting 5 Glowing Fragments.
- Glowing Fragment – Touching a fragment causes it to erupt, stunning the target for 3 sec and inflicting 250,000 Holy damage.
- Shatter Spears – Inflicts 450,000 Holy damage to all players. In addition, all remaining Spears of Light are Shattered.
- Draw Power – Odyn activates the runes around his chamber and begins generating energy. After 30 sec, Odyn reaches 100 energy and casts Unerring Blast.
Unerring Blast – Inflicts 1,250,000 Holy damage to all players.
Each active rune increases the damage of Unerring Blast by 100%.Unerring Blast – Inflicts 10,000,000 Holy damage to all players.
- Valarjar Runebearer – As Odyn begins Draw Power, 5 Valarjar Runebearers leap into combat. Slaying a Valarjar Runebearer on its corresponding rune disables that rune, preventing it from empowering Odyn’s Unerring Blast.
Runic Shield – All damage taken is reduced by 99%. Moving a marked Valarjar Runebearer into a matching rune cancels this effect.
Protected – A player standing within an empowered rune with a matching symbol becomes protected, reducing their damage taken from Unerring Blast by 90%.
- Valarjar Runebearer – As Odyn begins Draw Power, 5 Valarjar Runebearers leap into combat. Slaying a Valarjar Runebearer brands up to 4 players with a rune. Players with a matching symbol can touch the rune to become Protected.
Runic Shield – All damage taken is reduced by 99%. Moving a marked Valarjar Runebearer into a matching rune cancels this effect.
- Test of the Ages – Periodically, Hymdall and Hyrja leap into the arena, engaging the players in battle.Bringing them to 85% health causes them to exit the arena until called upon again.
- Stage Three: The Final Test –
- Odyn –
Stormforged Spear – Inflicts 11,600,000 Physical damage to the target. This damage is decreased the further the target is from Odyn.
In addition, the spear discharges an arc of lightning that inflicts an additional 331,000 Nature damage to all players.- Runic Brand – Odyn brands each player with a random rune, and begins generating energy. After 6 sec, Odyn reaches 100 energy and casts Radiant Smite.
- Radiant Smite – Inflicts 750,000 Holy damage to each player. Each player then triggers an Echo of Radiance.
- Echo of Radiance – Inflicts 500,000 Holy damage to all players within 15 yards of the target. Players with matching runes are immune to this damage.
- Radiant Smite – Inflicts 750,000 Holy damage to each player. Each player then triggers an Echo of Radiance.
- Storm of Justice – Odyn marks each player. After 5 sec, lightning strikes each target, inflicting 309,000 Nature damage to all players within 8 yards of an impact.
In addition, a Raging Tempest is summoned.- Raging Tempest – Creates a vortex of electirc current that inflicts 477,750 Nature damage and knocks players into the air.
- Arcing Storm – Odyn periodically unleashes a bolt of lightning at a random target inflicting 142,500 Nature damage. The intensity of the bolts increases over time.
- Cleansing Flame – Holy flame erupts from the ground inflicting 264,000 Holy damage every 1 sec. while within the effect. Remaining within the flames increases this damage.
- Odyn –
Helya’s vicious three-headed hound stands guard at the gates of Helheim. Bred to require neither comfort nor sleep, Guarm remains ever-watchful for any invaders who come to challenge the reign of his cruel mistress.
- Overview – Guarm’s Guardian’s Breath unleashes three elements: Fire, Nature and Shadow. Guarm gains a stack of Frothing Rage for every player not hit by one of his breath attacks.Taking damage from Guardian’s Breath will result in a debuff: Fiery Phlegm, Salty Spittle or Dark Discharge. Gaining any two of these is deadly.Periodically Guarm will become more mobile and aggressive, casting Roaring Leap andHeadlong Charge.
Damage Dealers –
- Avoid standing near allies so the effects of Flame Lick, Frost Lick and Shadow Lick are minimized.
- When Guarm casts Guardian’s Breath, stand grouped with allies within either Fiery Phlegm, Salty Spittle or Dark Discharge. Don’t mix the elements!
- Move out of Guarm’s way when he performs a Headlong Charge.
Healers –
- Avoid standing near allies so the effects of Flame Lick, Frost Lick and Shadow Lick are minimized.
- Dispel allies affected by Frost Lick.
- When Guarm casts Guardian’s Breath, stand grouped with allies within either Fiery Phlegm, Salty Spittle or Dark Discharge. Don’t mix the elements!
- Move out of Guarm’s way when he performs a Headlong Charge.
Tanks –
- Multi-Headed causes Guarm’s basic attacks to hit two players. Stand next to one another!
- Face Guarm away from your allies to avoid hitting them with Flashing Fangs.
- When Guarm casts Guardian’s Breath, stand grouped with allies within either Fiery Phlegm, Salty Spittle or Dark Discharge. Don’t mix the elements!
- Move out of Guarm’s way when he performs a Headlong Charge.
Guardian’s Breath – Guarm’s three heads each breath out a blast of Fire, Shadow or Frost. If too few players are affected Guarm gains a stack of Frothing Rage.
- Frothing Rage – Increases all damage done by 5%.
Fiery Phlegm – Deals 2,140,000 Fire damage split evenly among enemies within a cone, and applies an aura that is deadly when combined with Dark Discharge or Salty Spittle.
Salty Spittle – Deals 2,140,000 Frost damage split evenly among enemies within a cone, and applies an aura that is deadly when combined with Dark Discharge or Fiery Phlegm.
Dark Discharge – Deals 2,140,000 Shadow damage split evenly among enemies within a cone, and applies an aura that is deadly when combined with Salty Spittle or Fiery Phlegm.
Multi-Headed – Guarm’s extra heads make him extra deadly. All attacks made by Guarm also strike the next closest target within 8 yards. If no target is found, the primary target is struck again.
Flashing Fangs – Inflicts 1,070,000 Physical damage to enemies within a 25 yard cone in front of Guarm.
- Guardian’s Licks –
- Flame Lick – Targets a random player, then inflicts 321,000 Fire damage and applies an aura that inflicts 100,000 Fire damage every 0.5 sec for 5 sec to all players within 5 yards of that player.
Frost Lick – Targets a random player, then stuns all players within 5 yards of that player for 6 sec.
- Shadow Lick – Targets a random player, then inflicts all players within 5 yards with a heal absorption effect that prevents up to 1,000,000 healing received. Lasts until cancelled.
- Volatile Foam –
Flaming Volatile Foam – Deals 225,000 Fire damage every 1 sec to a random enemy.
When dispelled, bounces to the nearest ally of the afflicted player.
Applies Fiery Phlegm when this effect expires.Briney Volatile Foam – Deals 225,000 Frost damage every 1 sec to a random enemy.
When dispelled, bounces to the nearest ally of the afflicted player.
Applies Salty Spittle when this effect expires.Shadowy Volatile Foam – Deals 225,000 Shadow damage every 1 sec.
When dispelled, bounces to the nearest ally of the afflicted player.
Applies Dark Discharge when this effect expires.
- Roaring Leap – Knocks back all players within 25 yards of Guarm, then leaps toward the largest clump of players and deals 357,000 Physical damage and stuns all players within 12 yards.
Headlong Charge – Guarm leaps to the end of the arena, then charges back and forth, knocking back and dealing 1,500,000 Physical damage to all players in his path.
Though she once served as Odyn’s right hand, the vengeful Helya will stop at nothing to ensure her ancient curse binds the titan keeper to the Halls of Valor. No longer satisfied with ruling her shadowy realm, Helya now commands her vast kvaldir army to plague the lands of the living.
- Overview – Helya uses her supernatural powers to conjure orbs, taint foes, breathe sludge, and crush her enemies.Upon reaching 65% health, Helya departs beneath the sea, assaulting the raid from afar with her denizens of Helheim or ocean waves from the Maw of Souls. Defeating Helya’s tentacles wounds her, causing her to return to the shore.Helya then orders the last stand of Helheim, invoking both the minions of Helheim and her supernatural powers until her defeat.
Damage Dealers –
- Maneuver Orb of Corruption and Orb of Corrosion away from raid members if targeted.
- Avoid Bilewater Breath and Corrupted Breath, then defeat Bilewater Slimes or absorb Corrupted Axions.
- Help mitigate Tentacle Strikes, as the damage divides amongst all target struck.
- Defeat Night Watch Mariners before they reach full energy and cast Lantern of Darkness.
Healers –
- Players targeted by Orb of Corruption and Orb of Corrosion may move out of range, so plan accordingly.
- Dispel Taint of the Sea.
- Fetid Rot reduces the healing a target receives, declining in potency over time.
- Tanks afflicted with Bilewater Redox or Dark Hatred may require coordinated use of damage-reduction abilities.
Tanks –
- Bilewater Breath and Corrupted Breath follows Helya’s current tank target and will apply Bilewater Redox or Dark Hatred, respectively, to all targets within the breath.
- A Grimelord’s Anchor Slam reduces your defenses for a short duration.
- Fury of the Maw waves can bring Grimelords and Night Watch Mariners into the battle.
- Decaying Minions leave behind Decay when they die, which can be washed away by Fury of the Maw.
- Stage One: Low Tide – Helya uses her supernatural powers to conjure orbs, taint foes, breathe sludge, and crush her enemies.
- Helya –
- Orb of Corruption – Conjure an Orb of Corruption which passes over the encounter area, pulsing 214,500 Shadow damage every second at several locations, tracking nearby players.
Taking damage from an Orb of Corruption increases damage taken by Orb of Corruption by 100%. This effect stacks.Corrupted Slicer – A beam of corrupted energy surges between the Orbs, inflicting 5,000,000 Shadow damage to enemies struck by the beam.
- Bilewater Breath – Breathes out foul corruption, inflicting 214,500 Frost damage to enemies in a frontal cone and applying Bilewater Redox.
Creates several Bilewater Slimes which each impacts the ground, inflicting 535,500 Frost damage to enemies within 5.Bilewater Slime –
- Bilewater Liquefaction – The slime’s skin bursts, inflicting 85,700 Frost damage to all enemies, reducing in damage by up to 90% based on the slime’s remaining health. This explosion creates pool of Bilewater Corrosion on the ground, inflicting 107,000 Frost damage every second for 45 sec. The size of the corrosive pool is also based on the slime’s remaining health.
- Bilewater Corrosion – The slime’s skin bursts, inflicting 85,700 Frost damage to all enemies, reducing in damage by up to 90% based on the slime’s remaining health. This explosion creates pool of Bilewater Corrosion on the ground, inflicting 107,000 Frost damage every second for 45 sec. The size of the corrosive pool is also based on the slime’s remaining health.
- Bilewater Liquefaction – The slime’s skin bursts, inflicting 85,700 Frost damage to all enemies, reducing in damage by up to 90% based on the slime’s remaining health. This explosion creates pool of Bilewater Corrosion on the ground, inflicting 107,000 Frost damage every second for 45 sec. The size of the corrosive pool is also based on the slime’s remaining health.
Bilewater Redox – Helya’s Bilewater Breath flash oxidizes armor, decreasing armor by 100% for 30 sec.
Tentacle Strike – Helya’s tentacle emerges at the front or back of the platform.
The tentacle strikes the ground after several seconds, inflicting 1,430,000 Nature damage, divided amongst all enemies struck.
If the tentacle impacts the ground without resistance, it sends shockwaves across the platform, inflicting 1,430,000 Nature damage to all players.Tentacle Slam – If no targets are struck by Tentacle Strike, the impact sends a shockwave across the platform inflicting 1,430,000 Nature damage to all enemies.
Taint of the Sea – Taints a target, inflicting 179,000 Frost damage every second. When this aura is removed, the taint explodes, inflicting 46,450 Frost damage to all players.
- Tainted Essence – The expelled Taint of the Sea leaves behind a Tainted Essence, which explodes after a short time, inflicting 643,000 Frost damage to enemies within 8 yards.
- Corrosive Nova – Blasts all enemies with corrosive magic, inflicting 286,000 Frost damage while no players are in melee range.
Corrosive Nova empowers Helya, increasing all damage done by 3%. This effect stacks.
- Orb of Corruption – Conjure an Orb of Corruption which passes over the encounter area, pulsing 214,500 Shadow damage every second at several locations, tracking nearby players.
- Helya –
- Stage Two: From the Mists – Upon reaching 65% health, Helya departs beneath the sea, assaulting the raid from afar with her denizens of Helheim or ocean waves from the Maw of Souls. Defeating Helya’s tentacles wounds her, causing her to return to the shore.
- Helya –
- Fury of the Maw – Calls upon the fury of the maw, invoking a wave to push away players, inflicting 71,400 Frost damage every half-second.
Fury of the Maw washes away Bilewater Liquefaction, Decay, and Desiccated Decaying Minions.- Raging Tempest – Increases Fury of the Maw damage by 10%. This effect stacks.
- Torrent – Blasts several enemies with brackish water, inflicting 100,000 Frost damage.
- Building Storm – Increases Torrent damage by 10%. This effect stacks.
- Gripping Tentacle – Helya grips the landmass, allowing her to command the waves of the sea and attack players from relative safety. Defeating these wound her, eventually forcing her back ashore.
- Fury of the Maw – Calls upon the fury of the maw, invoking a wave to push away players, inflicting 71,400 Frost damage every half-second.
- Grimelord –
- Sludge Nova – Stomps the ground, inflicting 1,750,000 Plague damage to enemies within 15 yards and knocking them back.
Fetid Rot – Afflicts several targets within 70 yards with Fetid Rot, inflicting 65,000 Nature damage per stack every 3 sec and decreasing healing received by 10% per stack, periodically reducing in effectiveness.
When removed, inflicts 397,000 Nature damage to allies within 5 yards, applying Fetid Rot to any target struck.Fetid Fission – Increases the stack count on Fetid Rot by 1.
Anchor Slam – Slams the ground with his anchor, inflicting 2,145,000 Physical damage and knocks them up, and increases all damage taken by targets struck by 400% for 6 seconds.
- Night Watch Mariner –
Lantern of Darkness – Exposes shadowy energy within his lantern, inflicting 81,000 Shadow damage every half-second to all enemies for 6 sec. This damage increases by 75% each pulse. This effect stacks.
Ghostly Rage – Enters a ghostly rage, increasing attack speed by 30% for 6 sec.
- Give No Quarter – Pierces the veil, moving seamlessly through the world. Upon reaching the destination, inflicts 200,000 Arcane damage to any targets within 8 yards.
- Helarjer Mistcaller –
Mist Infusion – Infuses Helya with the mists of Helheim, allowing her to cast Fury of the Maw more frequently.
- Bleak Eruption – Successful or interrupted casts of Mist Infusion invoke a Bleak Eruption, inflicting 200,000 Frost damage to all enemies.
- Decaying Minion –
- Decay – An aura of decay lingers, inflicting 107,000 Nature damage to nearmy enemies.
- Helya –
- Stage Three: Helheim’s Last Stand – Helya orders the last stand of Helheim, invoking both the minions of Helheim and her supernatural powers until her defeat.
- Helya –
- Orb of Corrosion – Conjure an Orb of Corrosion which passes over the encounter area, pulsing 250,000 Frost damage every second at several locations, tracking nearby players and creating patches of Decay.
Taking damage from an Orb of Corrosion increases damage taken by Orb of Corrosion by 100%. This effect stacks.
Orb of Corrosion triggers Tainted Reanimation every pulse.- Decay – An aura of decay lingers, inflicting 107,000 Nature damage to nearmy enemies.
Corrosive Slicer – A beam of corrosive energy surges between the Orbs, inflicting 5,000,000 Frost damage to enemies struck by the beam.
Taint of the Sea – Taints a target, inflicting 179,000 Frost damage every second. When this aura is removed, the taint explodes, inflicting 46,450 Frost damage to all players.
- Tainted Essence – The expelled Taint of the Sea leaves behind a Tainted Essence, which explodes after a short time, inflicting 643,000 Frost damage to enemies within 8 yards.
- Corrupted Breath – Breathes out corrupt magic, inflicting 285,500 Shadow damage to enemies in a frontal cone and applying Dark Hatred.
This creates several Corrupted Axions.Corrupted Axion – Fires a gout of shadowy magic at a targeted location, inflicting 300,000 Shadow damage and absorbing 300,000 healing for 30 sec to targets within 5 yards of the impact location. In the axion strikes no targets, it explodes, applying Corrupted Axion to all players. This effect stacks.
- Corrupted – The Corrupted Axion instills insidious thoughts if not removed, granting Helya power over their actions, charming them. This effect breaks if their health goes below 10%.
Dark Hatred – Breathes out corrupt magic, inflicting 285,500 Shadow damage to enemies in a frontal cone and applying Dark Hatred.
This creates several Corrupted Axions.
- Fury of the Maw – Calls upon the fury of the maw, invoking a wave to push away players, inflicting 71,400 Frost damage every half-second.
Fury of the Maw washes away Bilewater Liquefaction, Decay, and Desiccated Decaying Minions.- Raging Tempest – Increases Fury of the Maw damage by 10%. This effect stacks.
- Corrosive Nova – Blasts all enemies with corrosive magic, inflicting 286,000 Frost damage while no players are in melee range.
Corrosive Nova empowers Helya, increasing all damage done by 3%. This effect stacks.
- Orb of Corrosion – Conjure an Orb of Corrosion which passes over the encounter area, pulsing 250,000 Frost damage every second at several locations, tracking nearby players and creating patches of Decay.
- Night Watch Mariner –
Lantern of Darkness – Exposes shadowy energy within his lantern, inflicting 81,000 Shadow damage every half-second to all enemies for 6 sec. This damage increases by 75% each pulse. This effect stacks.
Ghostly Rage – Enters a ghostly rage, increasing attack speed by 30% for 6 sec.
- Give No Quarter – Pierces the veil, moving seamlessly through the world. Upon reaching the destination, inflicts 200,000 Arcane damage to any targets within 8 yards.
- Rally of the Kvaldir – Increases maximum health by 100%.
- Helarjar Mistwatcher –
Mist Infusion – Infuses Helya with the mists of Helheim, allowing her to cast Fury of the Maw more frequently.
- Bleak Eruption – Successful or interrupted casts of Mist Infusion invoke a Bleak Eruption, inflicting 200,000 Frost damage to all enemies.
- Decaying Minion –
- Decay – An aura of decay lingers, inflicting 107,000 Nature damage to nearmy enemies.
- Helya –
Return to Karazhan:
From the moment of its mysterious creation, the purpose of this dark tower has been intertwined with the history of the Guardians of Tirisfal, once Azeroth’s greatest bulwark against the Legion. It is now best known as the home of Medivh, who tragically betrayed Azeroth and brought the unbroken chain of Guardians to an end. This legacy makes Karazhan a place of particular interest for the Legion, who have descended in full force in an effort to open a new front in their war on the denizens of Azeroth.
Maiden of Virtue
Arriving in Karazhan to cleanse the tower of vice and corruption, the titan watcher was infuriated by Medivh’s infamous parties and debaucheries. As her crusade for virtue seeks converts to her cause, the Maiden remains committed to purging immorality using all the powers at her disposal.
- Overview – The Maiden of Virtue will place patches of Sacred Ground underneath players which will slowly expand and inflict damage to players who enter.She will later cast Mass Repentance, which places a stun on the entire group that breaks on damage taken. She then protects herself with Holy Bulwark, which players must damage her to remove, and casts Holy Wrath, which players should interrupt after removing Holy Bulwark.
Tank –
- Holy Shock will deal increasing damage if not interrupted.
- Stand near a growing patch of Sacred Ground when Maiden of Virtue casts Mass Repentance.
- When Maiden of Virtue is protected by Holy Bulwark, damage her to remove it and then interrupt Holy Wrath.
Healer –
- Holy Shock will deal increasing damage to the tank if not interrupted.
- Avoid standing near other players to minimize Holy Bolt chaining.
- Stand near a growing patch of Sacred Ground when Maiden of Virtue casts Mass Repentance.
Damage Dealers –
- Avoid standing near other players to minimize Holy Bolt chaining.
- Stand near a growing patch of Sacred Ground when Maiden of Virtue casts Mass Repentance.
- When Maiden of Virtue is protected by Holy Bulwark, damage her to remove it and then interrupt Holy Wrath.
- Holy Bolt – Inflicts 250,000 Holy damage to a player. Jumps to players within 6 yards, increasing in damage with each jump.
Holy Shock – Inflicts 450,000 Holy damage, and increases Holy damage taken by 50%.
This effect stacks.- Sacred Ground – Creates a growing patch of holy ground, inflicting 100,000 Holy damage every 2 sec. for 16 sec to players who enter.
This effect stacks. Mass Repentance – Incapacitates all players for 30 sec, or until they take damage. After casting Mass Repentance, the Maiden of Virtue will cast Holy Bulwark, and then repeatedly cast Holy Wrath until Holy Bulwark is removed.
Holy Bulwark – Absorbs up to 3,900,000 damage and makes the Maiden of Virtue immune to interrupts.
Holy Wrath – Inflicts 2,000,000 Holy damage to players and increases all damage taken by 100% for the remainder of the encounter.
This effect stacks.
Opera Hall: Wikket
Are villains born evil, or do they fall into wickedness due to the influence of others? Perhaps considering this quandary from the hozen point of view will offer enlightenment…
- Overview – Avoid Galindre’s Magic Magnificent by using the vortices left over from Elfyra’s Defy Gravity.
Tanks –
- Move out of Wondrous Radiance when it appears below you.
Damage Dealers –
- Kill off Winged Assistants summoned by Summon Assistants to avoid being overrun.
Healers –
- Expect an spike in healing needed if the tank does not avoid Wondrous Radiance.
- While there are Winged Assistants alive, the entire party will be taking damage and need healing.
- Wikket Bond – Damage dealt is shared between Elfyra and Galindre.
- Elfyra –
- Dreary Bolt – Fires a bolt of moody energy, inflicting 250,000 Shadow damage to the target.
- Summon Assistants – Summons a group of winged assistants to assist the caster.
- Winged Assistant –
- Throw „Stuff“ – Throws random stuff at an enemy, inflicting 75,000 Nature damage.
- Winged Assistant –
Defy Gravity – Creates a bolt of dark energy. Upon impact, the bolt forms into a vortex, knocking enemies away from the impact.
Defy Gravity – Inflicts 250,000 Shadow damage, and knocks the target upwards.
- Galindre –
- Flashy Bolt – Launches a bolt of stupendous energy, inflicting 250,000 Arcane damage to the enemy.
Wondrous Radiance – Creates an explosion of wondrous energy, inflicting 1,000,000 Arcane damage to all enemies within 4 yds.
Magic Magnificent – Fills the area with magnificent energy, inflicting 1,500,000 Arcane damage every 5 sec for until cancelled.
Opera Hall: Westfall Story
Amidst the carnage of rival gangs battling for the turf of Westfall, two lovers from very different worlds fight for happiness. It is said that love is blind… but does it also need a translator?
- Overview – The Defias Brotherhood and The Fins attack separately, culminating in a finale with Toe Knee and Mrrgria.
Damage Dealers –
- Defeat the Gang Ruffians and Shoreline Tidespeakers first to reduce the danger to your party.
- Move away from other party members when Thunder Ritual is about to expire.
Healers –
- Players struck by Poisonous Shank will require extra attention.
- Move away from other party members when Thunder Ritual is about to expire.
Tanks –
- Back up when Toe Knee casts Burning Leg Sweep to avoid being stunned.
- Move away from other party members when Thunder Ritual is about to expire.
- Stage One: Defias Brotherhood –
Toe Knee –
- Dashing Flame Gale – Dashes to multiple targets, striking them for 225,000 Fire damage and creating a Flame Gale at that location.
- Flame Gale – A blazing tornado forms, inflicting 375,000 Fire damage to players inside it every 1.5 sec.
Burning Leg Sweep – Sweeps out with a burning kick, knocking down players within 10 yds for 4 sec. This lights targets aflame, inflicting 495,000 Fire damage immediately with an additional 165,000 Fire damage every 2 sec for 12 sec.
- Dashing Flame Gale – Dashes to multiple targets, striking them for 225,000 Fire damage and creating a Flame Gale at that location.
- Gang Ruffian –
Poisonous Shank – Step into the shadows and emerge behind a target, inflicting 350,000 Nature damage immediately with an additional 105,000 Nature damage every 1 sec for 6 sec.
- Stage Two: The Fins –
Mrrgria –
Thunder Ritual – Marks all players with a Thunder Ritual. Upon expiration, inflicts 770,500 Nature damage to all players within 5 yds.
- Wash Away – Waves of water sweep in from the edges of the room, inflicting 875,000 Frost damage to players they collide with.
- Shoreline Tidespeaker –
Bubble Blast – Sends forth a watery bubble. Players coming into contact with the bubble cause it to explode, inflicting 650,000 Frost damage and knocking players back.
- Stage Three: Somewhere –
Toe Knee –
- Dashing Flame Gale – Dashes to multiple targets, striking them for 225,000 Fire damage and creating a Flame Gale at that location.
- Flame Gale – A blazing tornado forms, inflicting 375,000 Fire damage to players inside it every 1.5 sec.
Burning Leg Sweep – Sweeps out with a burning kick, knocking down players within 10 yds for 4 sec. This lights targets aflame, inflicting 495,000 Fire damage immediately with an additional 165,000 Fire damage every 2 sec for 12 sec.
- Dashing Flame Gale – Dashes to multiple targets, striking them for 225,000 Fire damage and creating a Flame Gale at that location.
Mrrgria –
Thunder Ritual – Marks all players with a Thunder Ritual. Upon expiration, inflicts 770,500 Nature damage to all players within 5 yds.
- Wash Away – Waves of water sweep in from the edges of the room, inflicting 875,000 Frost damage to players they collide with.
Opera Hall: Beautiful Beast
Cursed to take the form of a beastly monster, Brute must find true love before he loses his life to the dark magic that transformed him. Will he learn proper table manners in time to win the heart of the fair Bella?
- Overview – Coggleston, along with the other castle servants, protects Bella and prevents any would-be interlopers from obstructing true love.
Damage Dealers –
- Interrupt Luminore’s Heat Wave to help the party’s survivability.
- Try not to lead Babblet through Burning Blaze to prevent her from gaining Sultry Heat.
- Use Drenched to clear up Burning Blaze if it gets out of hand.
Healers –
- Try not to lead Babblet through Burning Blaze to prevent her from gaining Sultry Heat.
- Use Drenched to clear up Burning Blaze if it gets out of hand.
Tanks –
- Be careful when Coggleston uses Dent Armor, as it can be very dangerous.
- Interrupt Coggleston’s Dinner Bell! whenever possible.
Eminence – Upon defeating one of the castle servants, the surviving members are fully healed and gain 25% damage done for the rest of the fight. This effect stacks.
Luminore – Luminore, the noble candle keeper and light bearer, has been forced into the form of a lowly kobold by a mysterious curse.
- Burning Blaze – Hurls a candle-lit flame at a target, creating a burning patch. Coming into contact with the fire inflicts 355,000 Fire damage every 2 sec.
Heat Wave – Channels the power of ancient candles, inflicting 165,000 Fire damage to all players every 2 sec for 6 sec.
- Mrs. Cauldrons – A chef of singular talent, Mrs. Cauldrons has been terribly transformed into a simple pot by evil magics.
- Soup Spray – Sprays soup at a target, inflicting 375,000 Frost damage and applying Drenched.
- Drenched – Reduces the movement speed of targets struck by Soup Spray by 50% for 8 sec. A Drenched target can move through a Burning Blaze to extinguish the flames.
Leftovers – Expunges old food, inflicting 415,000 Nature damage to players within 10 yds and knocking them back.
- Soup Spray – Sprays soup at a target, inflicting 375,000 Frost damage and applying Drenched.
- Babblet – Once a head maid of striking grace, Babblet is now magically trapped in the form of a broom.
- Severe Dusting – Babblet focuses a player and sweeps towards them, inflicting 325,000 Nature damage and blinding them for 4 sec if she catches up to them.
Sultry Heat – Colliding with a Burning Blaze heats up Babblet, increasing her movement speed by 250% for 6 sec.
Coggleston – The most loyal of castle denizens, Coggleston has been cursed into the form of a stove by an evil witch.
Spectral Service – Coggleston’s service allies make him immune to damage until they all have been defeated.
Dent Armor – Strikes a target, inflicting 825,000 Physical damage and increasing all damage taken for that target by 50% for 12 sec.
Dinner Bell! – Ring out a dinner bell, increasing the haste of all allies by 100% for 12 sec.
- Kara Kazham! – Calls forth some Silver Forks to assist Coggleston in repelling intruders for 2 min.
- Silver Forks – Bloody forks… who would have imagined?
- Bloody Jab – Jabs a target, inflicting 115,000 Physical damage immediately and an additional 85,000 Physical damage every 2 sec for 8 sec.
- Flashing Forks – Forks fly at a target, spinning in place and inflicting 265,000 Physical damage to all players within 5 yds every 1 sec for 4 sec.
- Silver Forks – Bloody forks… who would have imagined?
Attumen the Huntsman
Once charged with hunting game for his master’s feasts, Attumen now sets his sights on a very different kind of quarry. Ever wary of those seeking to steal his famed steed, Midnight, Attumen unleashes his well-honed fighting skills against all intruders.
- Overview – Attumen fights from the saddle until Midnight has her health reduced to 50%. At this point Midnight and Attumen will fight separately for a short while. Midnight will regain her health, then Attumen will remount and fight from the saddle once again.
Tanks –
- While on foot, Attumen will constantly hit you with Mortal Strike.
- Reposition Attumen so you and your Melee Damage Dealers can easily avoid Midnight’s Mezair.
- You will need the aid of your allies to survive Shared Suffering.
Damage Dealers –
- Attumen is untargetable while riding Midnight.
- Mighty Stomp will interrupt all spellcasting.
- You will need to stand by your tank to help them survive Shared Suffering.
Healers –
- Pay close attention to which player truly has the Intangible Presence haunting them and dispel that player.
- Mighty Stomp will interrupt all spellcasting.
- You will need to stand by your tank to help them survive Shared Suffering.
- Horse and Rider as One – Attumen begins the fight astride his faithful steed, Midnight.
Intangible Presence – The caster summons a specter to haunt their enemies. This specter will inflict 200,000 Shadow damage to all players every 2 sec. until it is dispelled. Dispelling the wrong player will result in all players taking 600,000 Shadow damage instead.
Mighty Stomp – Midnight rears up, then stomps down with her front hooves. All players within 30 yards suffer 300,000 Fire damage and have any spells interrupted for 4 sec.
Spectral Charge – The caster summons forth a line of spectral horses to charge across the battlefield. Any players caught in their path suffer 500,000 Shadow damage.
- Fighting on Foot – When Midnight has her health reduced, Attumen dismounts and fights on foot until Midnight’s health regenerates.
Mezair – Midnight raises her front hooves and charges forward, inflicting 600,000 Fire damage to all enemies in a cone in front of her.
Mortal Strike – Attumen swings his sword in an overhead chop. All enemies within 12 yards in front of Attumen take Physical damage and have their maximum health reduced to 50% of normal.
Shared Suffering – The caster swings their sword in a great arc, inflicting 7,000,000 Shadow damage evenly divided amongst all targets in the sword’s path.
Moroes, the steward of Karazhan, dotes upon his master’s dinner guests within the grand Banquet Hall. Eternally devoted to the care of the tower, he dispatches impolite party crashers with cruel efficiency.
- Overview – As the fight progresses, Moroes uses Garrote to continously spread damage across the party.Moroes casts Ghastly Purge at 60% health, making all his dinner guests immune to crowd control abilities.
Damage Dealers –
- Kill the additional dinner guests before Moroes uses Ghastly Purge to make them immune to stuns and bonds.
- Use Ghost Traps on Moroes‘ dinner guests.
Healers –
- Tanks take increased damage when effected by Coat Check.
- Moroes uses Garrote to spread damage throughout the party.
- Use Ghost Traps on Moroes‘ dinner guests.
Tanks –
- Use cooldowns when effected by Coat Check.
Ghost Trap – Hurl a trap at the feet of a ghostly dinner guest in order to trap them within it, incapacitating them for 1.7 min.
- Moroes –
- Vanish – Vanishes and appears behind a random enemy to garrote them.
- Garrote – Appears behind the target and garrotes them, inflicting 450,000 Physical damage on impact and 75,000 Physical damage every 1 sec.
This effect stacks. Coat Check – Strips the current target of their armor reducing their protection by 75%. Moroes then provides his target with a complimentary robe, because its not „that“ sort of dinner party.
Ghastly Purge – At 60% health, Moroes purges his dinner guests of all stuns and bonds and makes them immune to these effects for the remainder of the encounter.
Moroes‘ Dinner Guests –
- Baroness Dorothea Millstipe –
- Arcane Blast – Blasts a random enemy, inflicting 85,000 Arcane damage.
Mana Drain – Drains 250,000% mana and inflicts 100,000 Arcane damage every 1 sec to the current target in addition to stunning them for 6 sec.
- Lady Catriona Von’Indi –
- Smite – Smites an enemy, inflicting 85,000 Holy damage.
Healing Stream – Heals Moroes for 5% every 1 sec for 6 sec.
- Baron Rafe Dreuger –
- Iron Whirlwind – Spins violently, inflicting 150,000 Physical damage every 1 sec to nearby enemies for 8 sec.
Lady Keira Berrybuck –
Empowered Arms – Increases Moroes‘ attack speed by 75% and damage done by 50% for 30 sec.
Lord Robin Daris –
- Whirling Edge – Throws an enchanted blade towards a random player. Upon landing the blade begins to whirl inflicting 175,000 Physical damage every 2 sec to all enemies within the zone.
Lord Crispin Ference –
Will Breaker – The swings his weapon, inflicting 450,000 Holy damage to targets in a line in front of the caster.
- Baroness Dorothea Millstipe –
The Curator
The Curator safeguards the Menagerie from unwelcome guests, terminating trespassers who seek to plunder the secrets of Karazhan. Though assembled by Medivh himself, the guardian construct has deteriorated over time, becoming prone to energy overloads and erratic behavior.
- Overview – The Curator loses mana as it casts spells to strike its foes. When it reaches 10% mana, it will cease attacking and rapidly regenerate its mana. While it does so, it is very vulnerable to player attacks.
Tanks –
- The Curator targets you with Power Discharge. Place damaging area effects strategically.
Damage Dealers –
- Focus fire Volatile Energy before its Arc Lightning becomes unmanageable for healers.
- The Curator is at its most vulnerable when it casts Evocation.
Healers –
- Actively Attacking –
- Summon Volatile Energy – The Curator summons a ball of Volatile Energy that attacks its foes.
- Volatile Energy –
- Arc Lightning – Volatile Energy shoots lightning at a random enemy, inflicting 52,500 Arcane damage. This damage is increased for every time the Volatile Energy has cast Arc Lightning.
- Static Charge – Volatile Energy surges toward an enemy, inflicting 450,000 Arcane damage to all enemies within 8 yds on arrival.
- Volatile Energy –
- Power Discharge – The Curator fires a ball of lightning which inflicts Arcane damage on impact, and creates an area of Power Discharge that periodically inflicts 138,750 Arcane damage to players who remain inside.
- Summon Volatile Energy – The Curator summons a ball of Volatile Energy that attacks its foes.
- Regenerating Mana –
Shade of Medivh
So great was the power of the Last Guardian, Medivh, that his magic still echoes through the halls of Karazhan. Some of these echoes take the shape of visions, revealing past events to the tower’s guests. Others assume more malevolent forms, recalling a time when the Guardian’s will was not his own.
- Overview – Medivh assaults players with Piercing Missiles, Inferno Bolt and Frostbite until he reaches full mana. Once he has reached full mana he uses one of his Focused Power abilities.Players must stop all movement when Flamewreath is cast.
Damage Dealers –
- Guardian’s Image must be killed quickly.
- Interrupt Frostbite whenever possible.
Healers –
- Guardian’s Image inflicts heavy groupwide damage until all 3 images are killed.
Tanks –
- Piercing Missiles inflicts significant damage to the tank.
Piercing Missiles – The Shade of Medivh pierces a player with Arcane magic for 5 sec, inflicting 450,000 Arcane damage every 0.5 sec. This effect increases the Arcane damage taken of the target by 25% for 20 sec if Piercing Missiles is channeled for its full duration.
Inferno Bolt – The Shade of Medivh ignites a player and all players within 8 yards of them. This effect inflicts 500,000 Fire damage and an additional 150,000 Fire damage every second for 5 sec.
Inferno Bolt cancels the effect of Frostbite on any player that it hits.Frostbite – The Shade of Medivh freezes a player, inflicting 700,000 Frost damage and stunning them indefinitely.
This effect is canceled when the target is hit by Inferno Bolt- Focused Power – When the Shade of Medivh reaches full mana he unleashes one of his powerful abilities.
- Ceaseless Winter – The Shade of Medivh summons a blizzard that fills the entire room for 20 sec. All players suffer 105,000 every second for 15 sec and have their movement speed reduced by 5%. This effect stacks.
Moving will cancel one application of Ceaseless Winter. Flame Wreath – The Shade of Medivh wreaths several players in flames, trapping them for 20 sec. If the player leaves the ring or if another player enters the ring it explodes, inflicting 2,500,000 Fire damage to all players.
- Guardian’s Image – The Shade of Medivh splits into 3 Guardian’s Images.
- Guardian’s Image –
Arcane Bolt – Blasts a random player with magic, inflicting 105,000 Arcane damage.
- Shimmer – Guardian’s Image radiates with Arcane energy, inflicting 75,000 Arcane damage every 3 sec. In addition, this effect increase damage taken from Shimmer by 5% for 15 sec. This effect stacks.
- Guardian’s Image –
- Ceaseless Winter – The Shade of Medivh summons a blizzard that fills the entire room for 20 sec. All players suffer 105,000 every second for 15 sec and have their movement speed reduced by 5%. This effect stacks.
Mana Devourer
Rarely does the sight of a mana wyrm cause a seasoned adventurer concern. These small, simple creatures float about, consuming stray pockets of arcane energy. But in Karazhan, tables are often turned, and what at first glance appears harmless may be revealed as an enormous threat.
- Overview – When threatened the Mana Devourer attack its enemies with a variety of area effect attacks. Periodically during combat the Mana Devourer will Coalesce Power expelling all of its mana as creating Loose Unstable Mana. Players will need to collect the Loose Mana before it reaches the Mana Devourer. After collecting the Unstable Mana, the players need to clear its stacks by standing in Energy Void before the Mana Devourer casts Discharge Essence. If the Mana Devourer should ever reach full mana it will cast Decimating Essence, most likely killing the entire party.
Damage Dealers –
- Absorb Loose Mana before it gets to the Mana Devourer to keep the Mana Devourer from reaching full mana and casting Discharge Essence.
- Use Energy Void to remove stacks of Unstable Mana.
Healer –
- Absorb Loose Mana before it gets to the Mana Devourer to keep the Mana Devourer from reaching full mana and casting Discharge Essence.
- Use Energy Void to remove stacks of Unstable Mana.
Tanks –
- Absorb Loose Mana before it gets to the Mana Devourer to keep the Mana Devourer from reaching full mana and casting Discharge Essence.
- Use Energy Void to remove stacks of Unstable Mana.
Decimating Essence – Upon reaching full mana, the Mana Devourer discharges a massive explosion, inflicting 10,000,000 Arcane damage.
- Energy Discharge – Arcane lightning erupts from the Mana Devourer, inflicting 520,000 Arcane damage to all enemies.
- Coalesce Power – The Mana Devourer shields itself from damage, decreasing all damage taken by 75% and expelling all of its mana as Loose Mana.
- Loose Mana – Contact with Loose Mana restores 10% of total mana and applies a stack of Unstable Mana to the target. If the Mana Devourer makes contact with Loose Mana, it will fully consume it, gaining 5% of its total mana.
- Unstable Mana – Power surges through the targets body, inflicting 100,000 Arcane damage every 5 sec and increasing all damage done by 10%
Energy Void – Energy fluctuations around the Mana Devourer create mana deficient zones, inflicting 180,000 Shadow damage and consuming a stack of Unstable Mana every 1 sec. If the target has no stacks of Unstable Mana, the Energy Void will drain 20% of their total mana every 1 sec.
- Arcane Bomb – A nearby area becomes unstable and explodes with Arcane energy, inflicting 1,014,000 Arcane damage to all enemies within 10 yds.
Viz’aduum the Watcher
The all-seeing Viz’aduum was commanded by Kil’jaeden to capture Karazhan and tap into the tendrils of ley energy woven through the tower. Should he succeed in anchoring the structure to the myriad of worlds held by the Legion, the Dark Titan’s army will overrun Azeroth and leave little more than a smoldering husk.
- Overview – Upon reaching 66% and 33% health, Viz’aduum the Watcher will open aDemonic Portal to retreat to a nearby Legion Command Ship.
Damage Dealers –
- During the initial phase, lead the Fel Beam away from your allies.
- Avoid taking damage from the Legion Command Ship’s Bombardment.
- While on a Legion Command Ship, avoid being knocked off by Disintegrate.
- In the final phase prevent Stabalize Rift from completing.
Healers –
- During the initial phase, lead the Fel Beam away from your allies.
- Avoid taking damage from the Legion Command Ship’s Bombardment.
- While on a Legion Command Ship, avoid being knocked off by Disintegrate.
Tanks –
- Avoid taking damage from the Legion Command Ship’s Bombardment.
- While on a Legion Command Ship, avoid being knocked off by Disintegrate.
- In the final phase prevent Stabalize Rift from completing.
- Stage One: Netherspace – Viz’aduum the Watcher periodically commands the nearby legion ships to assault his enemies.
Command: Fel Beam – Viz’aduum the Watcher commands the Legion Command Ship to target an enemy with Fel Beam. Fel Beam inflicts 250,000 Fire damage every 0.5 sec and creates Fel Flames in it’s wake.
- Command: Bombardment – Advisor Shonaar commands the Legion Command Ship to target an enemy with Fel Beam. Fel Beam inflicts 250,000 Fire damage every 0.5 sec and creates Fel Flames in it’s wake.
Chaotic Shadows – Inflicts 300,000 Shadow damage every 2 sec for 10 sec and causes orbs of Explosive Shadows to form near the target that move away from the target.
- Disintegrate – Inflicts 1,000,000 Fire damage to all enemies in front of the caster, knocking the target back.
Burning Blast – Inflicts 455,000 Fire damage and an additional 130,000 Fire damage every 1 sec for 8 sec. This effect stacks.
- Stage Two: Command Ship – Viz’aduum the Watcher retreats to the nearby Fel Beam Command Ship.
- Command: Bombardment – Advisor Shonaar commands the Legion Command Ship to target an enemy with Fel Beam. Fel Beam inflicts 250,000 Fire damage every 0.5 sec and creates Fel Flames in it’s wake.
Burning Blast – Inflicts 455,000 Fire damage and an additional 130,000 Fire damage every 1 sec for 8 sec. This effect stacks.
Chaotic Shadows – Inflicts 300,000 Shadow damage every 2 sec for 10 sec and causes orbs of Explosive Shadows to form near the target that move away from the target.
- Disintegrate – Inflicts 1,000,000 Fire damage to all enemies in front of the caster, knocking the target back.
- Soul Harvest – The Legion Soul Harvester inflicts 500,000 Fire damage every 1 sec to enemies within 15 yards of it.
- Stage Three: The Rift! – Viz’aduum the Watcher retreats to the nearby Bombardment Command Ship and calls in allies from the Rift above.
Stabilize Rift – Upon reaching the Command Ship Viz’aduum the Watcher will attempt to stabalize the Rift that is connected to distant Legion worlds. If he successfully stablizes the rift reinforcements will stream through at a significantly increased rate.
Burning Blast – Inflicts 455,000 Fire damage and an additional 130,000 Fire damage every 1 sec for 8 sec. This effect stacks.
Chaotic Shadows – Inflicts 300,000 Shadow damage every 2 sec for 10 sec and causes orbs of Explosive Shadows to form near the target that move away from the target.
- Disintegrate – Inflicts 1,000,000 Fire damage to all enemies in front of the caster, knocking the target back.
- Felguard Sentry –
Blazing Hamstring – Inflicts Fire damage to the target and an additional 50,000 Fire damage every 2 sec for 8 sec, reducing the targets movement speed by 10%. This effect stacks.
- Fel Flame Spitter –
- Shadow Phlegm – Fires Shadowy Phlegm at the target which inflicts 250,000 Shadow damage to enemies within 6 yards of the target.