Hearthstone: Ein Blogeintrag zu den Spring Championships

An den nächsten drei aufeinanderfolgenden Wochenenden des Junis 2016 werden die Mitarbeiter von Blizzard die Spring Championships von Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft für die Spielregionen Amerika, Europa und Asien/Pazifik veranstalten und dabei dann jeweils die besten acht Spieler aus den entsprechenden Vorrunden um einen Anteil des Preispools in Höhe von 100.000 USD und einen Platz für die Hearthstone World Championships auf der Blizzcon 2016 kämpfen lassen. Passend zu diesen drei anstehenden Turnieren wurde gestern nun ein neuer Blogeintrag auf der Internetseite dieses Kartenspiels veröffentlicht, der einmal genau auflistet, wann diese Championships stattfinden sollen, welche Spieler daran teilnehmen dürfen und wo Zuschauer sich die Events im Livestream anschauen können.
Watch the Hearthstone Spring Championships!
The Hearthstone Championship Tour’s Spring Season will come to an epic conclusion with the crowning of the Spring Champions! Across three consecutive weekends in June, we will host the Europe, Asia-Pacific, and Americas Spring Championships taking place at the Hollywood Riviera Studios in Torrance, California. Each weekend, the eight qualifying players from their respective region’s Preliminary event will be flown in to battle it out and stake their claim as that region’s Spring Champion. The winners will also earn a spot at this year’s Hearthstone World Championship at BlizzCon, and earn a share of each Championship’s $100,000 USD prize pool!
Where to Watch
You can catch all of the exciting action on the official Hearthstone Twitch channel!
Europe Spring Championship: June 11-12 – 9:00 AM PDT (16:00 UTC, 18:00 CEST)
Casters: Robert ‘Whirthun’ Wing, Dan ‘Frodan’ Chou, Brian Kibler, TJ ‘Azumo’ Sanders, Janne ‘Savjz’ Mikkonen, Simon ‘Sottle’ Welch
Asia-Pacific Spring Championship: June 17-18 – 9:00 PM PDT (June 18-19 – 12:00 CST, 13:00 KST)
Casters: Dan ‘Frodan’ Chou, TJ ‘Azumo’ Sanders, Janne ‘Savjz’ Mikkonen, Cora ‘Songbird’ Georgiou, Nathan ‚ThatsAdmirable‘ Zamora
Americas Spring Championship: June 25-26 – 9:00 AM PDT
Casters: Robert ‘Whirthun’ Wing, Dan ‘Frodan’ Chou, Brian Kibler, TJ ‘Azumo’ Sanders, Cora ‘Songbird’ Georgiou, Alexander ‘Raven’ Baguley
Calling all Innkeepers!
The Spring Championships are an ideal time to host an exciting Fireside Gathering viewing party. Not an Innkeeper? No worries, just head on over to the official Fireside Gatherings site to find an event near you, or better yet, learn how to host your own Spring Championship viewing party! Join some fellow gamers to watch the heated competition and perhaps partake in some friendly brawls yourself!
The Participants
Here are the participants for each region’s Championship:
Europe: AKAWonder, Casie, Crane333, Georgec, Iner, Loyan, ThijsNL, Turna
Asia-Pacific: TBD
Americas: Bradfordlee, Cydonia, Deerjason, Duane, Joster, Napoleon, PNC, Rosty
The Format
For each Championship, the players will face off in a best-of-seven single-elimination bracket using the Conquest match format with a Ban. The winner will claim the Spring Championship title, the $25,000 first place prize, and their spot at the 2016 Hearthstone World Championship.
Don’t miss any of the action! Join in on the conversation by tweeting @PlayHearthstone with the #HCT hashtag.