Overwatch: „Update“ Der neue Beta Patch 28538

Update: Community Manager Lylirra hat sich mittlerweile in den Battle.Net Foren zu Wort gemeldet und dort dann in einem Bluepost angekündigt, dass der neueste Beta Patch für Overwatch leider einige schwerwiegende Probleme mit sich brachte. Aus diesem Grund haben Mitarbeiter von Blizzard die Veröffentlichung dieses Updates vorerst zurückgenommen und die Testserver der geschlossenen Beta wieder auf den Stand des vorherigen Builds gesetzt. Die erneute Veröffentlichung dieses Beta Patches sollte nach der Behebung aller Fehler im Verlauf dieser Woche erfolgen.
Hey everyone,
We recently discovered some notable issues with our most recent beta patch. We’re working to address these issues as we speak (or type), and hope to have fixes ready to deploy in the next day or two. In the meantime, we’ve reverted today’s beta patch, which means that all its included changes have been rolled back. We anticipate that we’ll be able to patch these changes back in (as well as our probable fixes) sometime this week.
Apologies for the inconvenience, but thanks so much for helping us create a better game!
In der vergangenen Nacht haben die Entwickler den neuen Beta Patch 28538 auf die Testserver der aktuell laufenden geschlossenen Beta von Overwatch aufgespielt und dieses Mal dann auch wieder offizielle englische Patchnotes in den Battle.Net Foren veröffentlicht. Dabei beinhaltet dieses neue Update neben einigen Anpassungen an den spielbaren Helden und den vorhandenen Spielfeldern hauptsächlich Fehlerbehebungen an den unterschiedlichen Aspekten dieses Titels.
Overwatch Beta Patch Notes – April 12, 2016
Competitive Play
- Players in Heroic can now be matched into a Competitive Play game with non-Heroic players, but only after waiting in queue for a moderate period of time
- Implemented several CPU efficiency improvements for CPUs that do not support hyper-threading
Volskaya Industries
- Increased time required to capture both objectives
King’s Row
- Increased time required to capture the first objective
- Flashbang
- Stun duration increased by 0.2 seconds
- Recovery time (i.e. the time before McCree can shoot again) increased by 0.2 seconds
Developer Comments: This change should help McCree better orient to his targets after stunning them with Flashbang, and give his teammates more opportunities to capitalize on its use.
- Earthshatter
- Reinhardt no longer gains Ultimate charge from using Earthshatter
Developer comments: This is general rule we have in place that prevents heroes from generating Ultimate charge when using their Ultimate, but Reinhardt was previously overlooked.
- Chain Hook
- Now pulls smaller targets closer than larger targets
- Whole Hog
- Decreased the movement speed penalty
Developer comments: The change to Chain Hook should enable Roadhog to more reliably kill smaller heroes after a successful pull. Since Roadhog’s primary fire has such a wide spread, this allowed smaller heroes to avoid the majority of incoming damage from Roadhog after they were hooked. For Whole Hog, we feel the movement change helps the ability be more flexible while also making it less dangerous for Roadhog to use.
- Fixed an issue that caused respawning players to face in the direction of the Kill Cam feed
- Fixed an issue that sometimes caused players to respawn twice
- Fixed an issue with Competitive Play that would cause the game to start before all slots on both teams were filled
- Fixed an issue where the End of Match would only show the Victory Lineup
- Fixed an issue with the sizing of sprays on specific surfaces in Route 66
User Interface
- Fixed an issue where Custom Reticle could not be reset to default
- Fixed an issue where Custom Reticle was not persisting
- Fixed an issue that caused chat to scroll
- Fixed an issue where hero-specific bindings would reset after round transition on a Control map
- Fixed where selecting ALT + Z on the Highlights menu would display a black screen