WoW: Informationen von der Comic-Con

An diesem Wochenende findet die Comic-Con 2015 in San Diego statt und erlaubt es somit einer Vielzahl von Firmen, Produzenten und Entwicklern Werbung für kommende Comics, Serien, Bücher, Spiele oder andere Projekte zu machen. Dazu gehören unter anderen auch die Mitarbeiter von Blizzard Entertainment, die auf dieser Messe einige neue Produkte für ihren Blizzard Gear Store vorgestellt haben. Um auch alle nicht auf der Comic-Con anwesenden Spieler über diese kommenden Artikel zu informieren, haben die Entwickler mittlerweile einen neuen Blogeintrag veröffentlicht, der die auf der Comic-Con vorgestellten Produkte kurz vorstellt.
- Der Warcraft-Film
- Auch wenn es bisher noch keine Informationen zu diesem Film gibt, so erwähnt der Artikel von Blizzard doch das Panel von Legendary, welches Samstag um 2:30 p.m durchgeführt werden soll. Dabei raten die Entwickler allen Gästen der Comic-Con sich dieses Panel unbedingt anzuschauen.
- Warcraft: Bonds of Brotherhood
- Bei „Warcraft: Bonds of Brotherhood“ handelt es sich um ein neues Comic, welches die Vorgeschichte zum Warcraft-Film erzählen soll. Das Promo-Bild zeigt dabei die jungen Versionen von Llane, Lothar und Medivh, wie sie im Schlingendorntal nach Trollen jagen. Als Release wird der Mai 2016 kurz vor der Veröffentlichung des Films angestrebt.
- Neue Fanartikel
- Es gibt eine Reihe von neuen Fanartikeln, die Spieler nur auf der Comic-Con erwerben können. Zusätzlich dazu wurde auch der Gear Store an diesem Wochenende um neue Artikel erweitert.
- Ein legendäres Schlüsselband
- Ein Einkauf von mehr als 70 Dollar im Gear Store von Blizzard belohnt Spieler mit diesem legendären Schlüsselband.
- Statue von Grommash
- Es scheint eine neue Statue von Grommash zu geben, die es bald in den Store von Blizzard schaffen soll.
- Warcraft Chronicle: Volume 1
- Die kommende Buchreihe „Warcraft Chronicle“ soll die gesamte Lore von Warcraft umfassen und schriftlich für interessierte Spieler festhalten. Der erste Abschnitt dieser Bücher reicht dabei von der Einstehung des Universums bis zu den Ereignissen aus dem Buch „Der letzte Wächter. Neben der Aufzeichnung der Geschichte dieser Welt beinhalten diese Bücher dann auch noch Artworks von Peter Lee, die speziell für diese Reihe gezeichnet wurden.
Blizzard at Comic-Con
Whether you’re stopping by our booth, or just jealously reading about all the announcements, toys, and comics from afar (like most of us are), we have all the latest Blizzard-related info direct from San Diego Comic-Con
Warcraft Movie
The Legendary panel at Comic-Con is Saturday at 2:30 p.m. in Hall H, and the Warcraft movie will be part of the lineup. While we can’t really talk about the panel, if you’re at Comic-Con, trust us—you’ll want to be there. Additional information on lining up for Hall H can be found in this lovely guide that our friends at Geek & Sundry have put together.
You’ll also want to stop by the Legendary and Weta booths for a glimpse at the larger-than-life King Llane and Orgrim statues, movie props, and for signings with the cast and crew of the film. Find out more at the Legendary site.
Warcraft: Skies of Azeroth
Legendary has released a new VR mobile app: Warcraft: The Skies of Azeroth, an immersive experience created in partnership with Industrial Light & Magic. They’ve also partnered with Google to distribute Google Cardboard headsets for Comic-Con attendees to use with the app.
Warcraft Graphic Novel
Setting the stage for the Warcraft movie, Legendary Comics revealed the official graphic novel prequel Warcraft: Bonds of Brotherhood.
This thrilling adventure of bravery, bloodshed and brotherhood is an original story conceived by Chris Metzen, written by the award-winning Paul Cornell (Doctor Who) and featuring art from Mat Broome (Batman: No Man’s Land, WildC.A.T.S, Witchblade).
Warcraft: Bonds of Brotherhood will be released in May 2016 in the weeks before the movie hits theaters on June 10th.
Gear Store-Con Sale
Even if you’re not in San Diego, you can still reap the rewards! During the convention the Blizzard Gear Store is offering free shipping on orders over $70 USD. And if you were lucky enough to get one of the Epic Purple lanyards last year, disenchant that thing immediately . . . you just got an upgrade! Along with free shipping we’ll send you a Legendary lanyard gift with your purchase.
Head over to the Gear Store to save, and become LEGENDARY.
Visiting Us at Comic-Con? We’ve Got the Gear!
If you’re coming to see us at Comic-Con we’re selling a few exclusives that will be limited per-day, and tickets will be distributed on a first-come first-served basis. If you receive a ticket for the item you want you can come back any time to pick your item up. Come back when there’s no line, and we’ll have your items waiting for you. If you’re hoping to get one of these we recommend arriving early—they go fast.
Our convention exclusives will also be showing up at some future conventions like BlizzCon, but if you’re at Comic-Con, these are something you’ll want to look out for, as their availability is limited.
Bonus loot: If you spend over $70 with us at our Comic-Con booth we’ll give you this giant Hearthstone bag* to help you carry it!
We also have a few new items on the Gear Store that you can buy right now**!
**Stitches plush available at our Comic-Con booth. Coming to the Blizzard Gear Store Soon™.
Become Legendary
You can receive a FREE Legendary lanyard* if you’re at Comic-Con!
Head to the Blizzard booth (Hall A #115) during the last 2 hours of each day to get a Legendary lanyard! All you have to do is take a photo of you and two friends with anything Blizzard at the convention and post it to Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram using the hashtag #BlizzardGear. Show up at our booth during the last two hours of the Exhibit Hall hours each day (full schedule), show us your post, and receive a Legendary lanyard*!
*One per guest. While supplies last.
Grommash Statue Will Conquer Your Home
The Grommash Hellscream statue is on display at our Comic-Con booth in its fully painted glory! If you can’t stop by to see it for yourself, owning it is certainly the next best thing.
Pre-orders are open, and as the seconds tick by you have an ever-decreasing chance to be able to display one of these limited-production statues as the centerpiece of your geek kingdom.
Just Announced!
Coming to the Gear Store
We just wrapped up our Blizzard Entertainment Showcase panel, during which we revealed this little video of some of our newly released products, as well as a few things we’re still working on.
Warcraft Chronicle: Volume 1
Also revealed was an upcoming book exporing the lore, stories, and settings of Azeroth: Warcraft Chronicle. This first volume will go all the way back to the creation of the Warcraft universe through Warcraft: Orcs and Humans. Featuring never-before-seen artwork by Peter Lee, this holistic look back at the history of Warcraft will bring Azeroth’s stories to new visual life.