WoW: Der neue Build 20076 für Patch 6.2

In der vergangenen Nacht haben die Entwickler von Blizzard den neuen Build 20076 auf die Testserver von Patch 6.2 aufgespielt und einige Anpassungen an den bisherigen Inhalten durchgeführt. Dazu gehört unter anderem ein neues Modell für ein bei den Fraktionen im Tanaandschungel erhältliches Reittier, einige Wappenröcke und weitere Änderungen bei den Set Boni für das T-18 Set.
Ein neues Modell für ein Reittier:
Dieser neue Build beinhaltete folgendes Modell für ein Reittier, welches Spieler mit einem respektvollen Ruf bei den neuen Fraktionen im Tanaandschungel kaufen können.
Neue Wappenröcke:
Dieser Build bringt auch noch zwei neue Wappenröcke für die neutralen Fraktionen aus dem Tanaandschungel mit sich.
Anpassungen an Set Boni:
Raid Finder
- Item – LFR T18 Mail Agility 4P Bonus Your special attacks have a 10% chance to cause a Fel Explosion, dealing
5,000[ 15,000 + AP Damage to all nearby enemies within 0 yards. - Item – LFR T18 Mail Caster 4P Bonus Your damaging spells have an 10% chance to fire a chaotic flame towards your target, dealing
$187,7735,333 Chaos damage to all enemies it passes through. - Item – LFR T18 Plate Melee 4P Bonus Your attacks have a chance to increase your attack speed by 50% for 5 sec. However, every
51 sec the effect is diminished.
Death Knight
- Item – Death Knight T18 Frost 4P Bonus Frost Strike and Obliterate have a
25%65% chance not to consume Killing Machine.
- Item – Druid T18 Balance 4P Bonus When a Faerie Dragon is summoned, your Arcane and Nature damage is increased by
6% for 30 sec.8% for 30 sec. - Item – Druid T18 Feral 4P Bonus During Omen of Clarity, your next Cat Form ability generates
50%100% of its Energy cost when used. - Item – Druid T18 Restoration 2P Bonus Your Lifebloom has a
60%30% chance to bloom when it periodically heals. - Item – Druid WoD PvP Restoration 2P Bonus Your Barkskin and Ironbark now also grant the target Nature’s Grasp, which roots the first 2 attackers for
30 sec.8 sec.
- Item – Hunter T18 Beast Mastery 2P Bonus Arcane Shot and Multi-Shot increase the duration of your Focus Fire by
3 sec.1 sec. - Item – Hunter T18 Survival 2P Bonus Your Black Arrow increases all elemental damage done to the target by
10% for 15 sec.15% for 15 sec.
- Item – Mage T18 Arcane 2P Bonus Arcane Missiles has a
5%35% chance to create a Time Anomaly, summoning a random hero through time to assist you in battle for 10 sec. - Item – Mage T18 Arcane 4P Bonus Each of the heroes summoned by Time Anomaly increases the damage you deal by
10% until it departs.12% until it departs. - Item – Mage T18 Fire 4P Bonus When the phoenix is summoned, you gain
5% spell damage and 5%6% spell damage and 6% spell haste for 15 sec. - Item – Mage T18 Frost 2P Bonus Water Jet generates Brain Freeze when used, and the Brain Freeze effect increases Frostfire Bolt damage by an additional
- Item – Monk T18 Mistweaver 4P Bonus When you heal with Enveloping Mist or Uplift, 50% of the heal is also applied to targets with your Extend Life effect. When you Rising Sun Kick, you have a
45%50% chance to apply Renewing Mist on a nearby injured ally. - Item – Monk T18 Mistweaver 4P Bonus Fistweaving When you heal with Enveloping Mist or Uplift, 50% of the heal is also applied to targets with your Extend Life effect. When you Rising Sun Kick, you have a
45%50% chance to apply Renewing Mist on a nearby injured ally. Limited to 1 target. Instant. - Item – Monk T18 Windwalker 4P Bonus Increases the chance for you to gain Combo Breaker by
10%15%, and increases your maximum Energy by 20.
- Item – Paladin T18 Retribution 2P Bonus Avenging Wrath now has
2 charges.3 charges. - Item – Paladin T18 Retribution 4P Bonus After using Avenging Wrath, your damage is increased by
5%6% every 1 sec for 10 sec.
- Item – Priest T18 Discipline 2P Bonus Your Penance damage and healing is increased by
8%12% for 15 sec each time it deals damage or heals. This effect stacks up to 6 times. - Item – Priest T18 Discipline 4P Bonus Each time Penance heals, it has a
33%50% chance to heal another injured ally near your target. - Item – Priest T18 Holy 2P Bonus You gain 2%
spellhaste for 15 sec when Prayer of Mending bounces. This effect can stack up to 3 times. - Item – Priest T18 Shadow 2P Bonus Reduces the cooldown on Shadowfiend by
130160 sec and the cooldown on Mindbender by20 sec.30 sec. - Item – Priest T18 Shadow 4P Bonus When your Shadowfiend or Mindbender expires, you gain Premonition, increasing your Multistrike chance by
25% for 15 sec.16% for 15 sec.
- Item – Rogue T18 Assassination 2P Bonus Your Dispatch deals
45%25% additional damage as Nature damage. - Item – Rogue T18 Combat 4P Bonus Increases your damage while Adrenaline Rush is active by
25%.15%. - Item – Rogue T18 Subtlety 4P Bonus Your Eviscerate and Rupture reduce the cooldown of your Vanish by
21 sec per Combo Point used.
- Item – Shaman T18 Elemental 2P Bonus Your Earth Shock has a
33%66% chance not to consume any Lightning Shield charges and to have its cooldown instantly reset. - Item – Shaman T18 Elemental 4P Bonus For every
2030 Lightning Shield charges consumed, your total total spell haste is increased by 20% for 15 sec. Every 3 sec the effect diminishes. - Item – Shaman T18 Enhancement 2P Bonus Whenever you gain a Maelstrom Weapon charge, you Electrocute all nearby enemies within 10 yards for
[ 15%[ 15.75% of Spell Power ] Nature damage. - Item – Shaman T18 Enhancement 4P Bonus Maelstrom charges increase the damage done by your Nature spells by an additional
10%8%, and you may now have a maximum of 10 Maelstrom charges. - Item – Shaman T18 Restoration 2P Bonus Increases Riptide’s critical strike chance by
50%.25%. - Item – Shaman T18 Restoration 4P Bonus When you Chain Heal, you have a 65% chance to also apply Riptide to the primary target.
- Item – Warlock T18 Affliction 2P Bonus Each time Drain Soul deals damage, it has a
20%30% chance to extend the duration of your Dark Soul: Misery by 2 sec. - Item – Warlock T18 Demonology 2P Bonus Your Soul Fire increases the damage done by your Demons by
5%3% for 15 sec. This effect can stack up to 5 times. - Item – Warlock T18 Destruction 2P Bonus Reduces the cast time of your Chaos Bolt by
1.00.5 sec and increases its damage by5%.2%. - Item – Warlock T18 Destruction 4P Bonus Your Chaos Bolt has a
9%12% chance to not consume a Ember.
- Item – Warrior T18 Arms 2P Bonus Your Rend periodic damage ticks have a
30%60% chance to reset the cooldown of Mortal Strike. - Item – Warrior T18 Arms 4P Bonus Your Rend deals damage
30% more often.50% more often. - Item – Warrior T18 Fury 2P Bonus While Bloodsurge is active, your Wild Strike critical strike chance is increased by
12%50% and Wild Strike critical strike damage is increased by 12%.
Anpassungen an Tooltips:
Death Knight
- Retribution, Fury, Arms, Unholy, Frost
- Stat Negation Aura – Strength DPS Death Knight – Retribution,
Arms, Fury, Frost, Unholy Spec.Fury, Arms, Unholy, Frost Spec.
- Stat Negation Aura – Strength DPS Death Knight – Retribution,
- Unholy & Frost
- Unholy Aura Increases the haste of all party and raid members within 100 yards by 5%, and their Versatility by 3%. Death Knight –
Frost & Unholy Spec.Unholy & Frost Spec.
- Unholy Aura Increases the haste of all party and raid members within 100 yards by 5%, and their Versatility by 3%. Death Knight –
- Guardian & Feral
- Berserk When used in Bear Form, removes the cooldown from Mangle and causes it to hit up to 3 targets and lasts 10 sec. When used in Cat Form, reduces the cost of all Cat Form abilities by 50% and lasts 15 sec. Requires Cat Form, Bear Form. Druid –
Feral & GuardianGuardian & Feral Spec. Instant. 3 min cooldown.
- Berserk When used in Bear Form, removes the cooldown from Mangle and causes it to hit up to 3 targets and lasts 10 sec. When used in Cat Form, reduces the cost of all Cat Form abilities by 50% and lasts 15 sec. Requires Cat Form, Bear Form. Druid –
- Guardian, Balance, Restoration
- Barkskin The Druid’s skin becomes as tough as bark, reducing all damage taken by 20% for 12 sec. While protected, damaging attacks will not cause spellcasting delays. Usable while stunned, frozen, incapacitated, feared, or asleep, and in all forms. Can’t be cast in Flight Form. Druid –
Balance, GuardianGuardian, Balance, Restoration Spec. Instant. 60 sec cooldown.
- Barkskin The Druid’s skin becomes as tough as bark, reducing all damage taken by 20% for 12 sec. While protected, damaging attacks will not cause spellcasting delays. Usable while stunned, frozen, incapacitated, feared, or asleep, and in all forms. Can’t be cast in Flight Form. Druid –
- Blood, Guardian, Protection, Protection, Brewmaster
- Resolve Increases your healing and absorption done to yourself, based on damage taken (before avoidance and mitigation) in the last 10 sec. Monk –
Protection, Protection, Guardian, Blood, Brewmaster Spec.Blood, Guardian, Protection, Protection, Brewmaster Spec.
- Resolve Increases your healing and absorption done to yourself, based on damage taken (before avoidance and mitigation) in the last 10 sec. Monk –
- Restoration, Holy, Discipline, Holy, Restoration, Mistweaver
- Stat Negation Aura – Intellect Healer Monk –
Holy, RestorationRestoration, Holy, Discipline, Holy, Restoration, Mistweaver Spec.
- Stat Negation Aura – Intellect Healer Monk –
- Restoration, Restoration, Holy, Holy, Discipline, Mistweaver
- Healer Level 90 Mana Fix Your mana regeneration is increased by 0%. Monk –
Holy, Restoration, Discipline, Holy, Restoration, Mistweaver Spec.Restoration, Restoration, Holy, Holy, Discipline, Mistweaver Spec.
- Healer Level 90 Mana Fix Your mana regeneration is increased by 0%. Monk –
- Windwalker & Brewmaster
- Dual Wield You may equip one-handed weapons in your off-hand. Monk –
Brewmaster & Windwalker Spec.Windwalker & Brewmaster Spec. - Legacy of the White Tiger You honor the White Tiger, increasing Strength, Agility, and Intellect by 5% and critical strike chance by 5%. If target is in your party or raid, all party and raid members will be affected. Requires Serpent Stance, Ox Stance, Tiger Stance. Monk –
Brewmaster & WindwalkerWindwalker & Brewmaster Spec. 1% of Base Mana / 20 Energy / 20 Energy. 40 yd range. Instant.
- Dual Wield You may equip one-handed weapons in your off-hand. Monk –
- Cunning, Cunning Adaptation, Ferocious Adaptation, Tenacious Adaptation
- Boar’s Speed Increases your pet’s movement speed by 30%. None – Cunning,
Ferocious Adaptation, Cunning Adaptation, Tenacious Adaptation Spec.Cunning Adaptation, Ferocious Adaptation, Tenacious Adaptation Spec. - Cornered When at less than 35% health, your pet does 20% more damage and has a 60% reduced chance to be critically hit. None – Cunning,
Ferocious Adaptation, Cunning Adaptation, Tenacious Adaptation Spec.Cunning Adaptation, Ferocious Adaptation, Tenacious Adaptation Spec. - Roar of Sacrifice Protects a friendly target from critical strikes, making attacks against that target unable to be critical strikes, but 20% of all damage taken by that target is also taken by the pet. Lasts 12 sec. None – Cunning,
Ferocious Adaptation, CunningCunning Adaptation, Ferocious Adaptation, Tenacious Adaptation Spec. 40 yd range. Instant. 60 sec cooldown.
- Boar’s Speed Increases your pet’s movement speed by 30%. None – Cunning,
- Tenacity, Tenacious Adaptation, Ferocious Adaptation, Cunning Adaptation
- Blood of the Rhino Increases all healing effects on your pet by 40%, reduces your pet’s physical damage taken by 15%, and reduces your pet’s chance to be critically hit by melee attacks by 6%. None – Tenacity,
Ferocious Adaptation, Cunning Adaptation, Tenacious Adaptation Spec.Tenacious Adaptation, Ferocious Adaptation, Cunning Adaptation Spec. - Great Stamina Increases your pet’s total health by 60%. None – Tenacity,
Ferocious Adaptation, Cunning Adaptation, Tenacious Adaptation Spec.Tenacious Adaptation, Ferocious Adaptation, Cunning Adaptation Spec. - Last Stand Your pet temporarily gains 30% of its maximum health for 20 sec. After the effect expires, the health is lost. None – Tenacity,
Ferocious Adaptation, Cunning Adaptation, TenaciousTenacious Adaptation, Ferocious Adaptation, Cunning Adaptation Spec. Instant. 6 min cooldown.
- Blood of the Rhino Increases all healing effects on your pet by 40%, reduces your pet’s physical damage taken by 15%, and reduces your pet’s chance to be critically hit by melee attacks by 6%. None – Tenacity,
- Holy, Retribution, Protection
- Flash of Light Heals a friendly target for [ 1 + 240% of Spell Power ]. Paladin – Holy,
Protection, RetributionRetribution, Protection Spec. 20% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. 1.5 sec cast.
- Flash of Light Heals a friendly target for [ 1 + 240% of Spell Power ]. Paladin – Holy,
- Retribution & Protection
- Hammer of the Righteous Hammer the current target for (42% of weapon damage) Physical damage, causing a wave of light that hits all other targets within 8 yards for (24% of weapon damage) Holy damage. Grants 1 Holy Power. Requires Melee Weapon. Paladin –
Protection & RetributionRetribution & Protection Spec. 3% of Base Mana. Melee range. Instant. 4.5 sec cooldown.
- Hammer of the Righteous Hammer the current target for (42% of weapon damage) Physical damage, causing a wave of light that hits all other targets within 8 yards for (24% of weapon damage) Holy damage. Grants 1 Holy Power. Requires Melee Weapon. Paladin –
- Holy & Discipline
- Heal A slow casting spell that heals a single target for [ 1 + 332.64% of Spell Power ]. Can be cast in Spirit of Redemption. Can’t be cast in Shadowform. Priest –
Discipline & HolyHoly & Discipline Spec. 2% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. 2.5 sec cast. - Holy Fire Consumes the enemy in Holy flames that cause [ 1 + 137.61% of Spell Power ] Holy damage and an additional [ 9 + 3.32% of Spell Power ] Holy damage over 9 sec. Can’t be cast in Shadowform. Priest –
Discipline & HolyHoly & Discipline Spec. 1% of Base Mana. 30 yd range. Instant. 10 sec cooldown. - Prayer of Healing A powerful prayer heals the friendly target’s party members within 30 yards for [ 1 + 221.66% of Spell Power ]. Can be cast in Spirit of Redemption. Can’t be cast in Shadowform. Priest –
Discipline & HolyHoly & Discipline Spec. 7.128% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. 2.5 sec cast. - Spiritual Healing Increases the healing done by Flash Heal, Binding Heal, Renew, Heal and Prayer of Mending by 25%. Priest –
Discipline & Holy Spec.Holy & Discipline Spec.
- Heal A slow casting spell that heals a single target for [ 1 + 332.64% of Spell Power ]. Can be cast in Spirit of Redemption. Can’t be cast in Shadowform. Priest –
- Shadow & Discipline
- Silence Silences the target, preventing them from casting spells for 5 sec. Non-player victim spellcasting is also interrupted for 3 sec. Can be cast in Shadowform. Priest –
Discipline & ShadowShadow & Discipline Spec. 0.9% of Base Mana. 30 yd range. Instant. 45 sec cooldown.
- Silence Silences the target, preventing them from casting spells for 5 sec. Non-player victim spellcasting is also interrupted for 3 sec. Can be cast in Shadowform. Priest –
- Enhancement & Elemental
- Shamanistic Rage Reduces all damage taken by 30% for 15 sec. This spell is usable while stunned. Shaman –
Elemental & EnhancementEnhancement & Elemental Spec. Instant. 60 sec cooldown.
- Shamanistic Rage Reduces all damage taken by 30% for 15 sec. This spell is usable while stunned. Shaman –
- Blood, Guardian, Brewmaster, Protection, Protection
- Bladed Armor Increases your Attack Power by 100% of your Bonus Armor.
Monk – Protection, Protection, Guardian, Blood, Brewmaster Spec.Warrior – Blood, Guardian, Brewmaster, Protection, Protection Spec.
- Bladed Armor Increases your Attack Power by 100% of your Bonus Armor.
- Blood, Protection, Protection
- Stat Negation Aura – Strength Tank
Death Knight – Protection, Protection, Blood Spec.Warrior – Blood, Protection, Protection Spec.
- Stat Negation Aura – Strength Tank
- Fury & Arms
- Inspiring Presence You inspire all nearby party and raid members, granting 3% Versatility. Warrior –
Arms & Fury Spec.Fury & Arms Spec. - Whirlwind
Warrior – Arms & Fury Spec.Warrior – Fury & Arms Spec.
- Inspiring Presence You inspire all nearby party and raid members, granting 3% Versatility. Warrior –
- Fury, Arms, Protection
- Gladiator Stance Warrior –
Arms, Fury, Protection Spec.Fury, Arms, Protection Spec.
- Gladiator Stance Warrior –
- Protection & Arms
- Thunder Clap
Warrior – Arms & Protection Spec.Warrior – Protection & Arms Spec.
- Thunder Clap