WoD: Ein weiterer Hotfix

Die Entwickler von Blizzard haben vergangene Nacht einen weiteren Hotfix für die Liveserver von World of Warcraft angekündigt, der sich auch in diesem Fall wieder mit den Inhalten aus der kürzlich veröffentlichten Erweiterung „Warlords of Draenor“ beschäftigt. Neben der Behebung von einigen Fehlern passt dieses neue Update dabei auch erneut die Spawnrate von einigen wichtigen Questzielen und Objekten in der Spielwelt an.
Garrisons, Followers, and Outposts
- Lunar Fall Inn/Frostwall Tavern: Improved the rewards for completing Budd’s Gambit, Go Fetch, Ogre Ancestry, and Sky Dancers.
- Stables Level 2: Resolved an issue where characters were not remaining mounted while interacting with herb nodes.
- Trading Post Level 2: Multiple items for Auctioning for Parts should no longer be dropping at the same time.
- A Collection of Coils: Increased the drop rates for Coil of Sturdy Rope.
- A Feast of Shadows: Increased the spawn rate for Face-Stealers.
- Bonus Objective: The Howling Crag: Increased the number and rate of Rylak Egg spawns.
- Core of Iron: Core of Iron should now only be found on Heroic difficulty Grimrail Depot.
- Icespine Stinger: Increased the number of Icespine Stinger spawns.
- In Need Of A Hero: Completion credit for the quest is no longer shared amongst party members. This was causing other party members to be placed into an incorrect phase.
- Legacy of the Apexis: Increased the drop rates for Apexis Core.
- Ogre Diplomacy: Increased the spawn rate for Ango’rosh ogres.
- Strike While the Iron Is Hot: Resolved a situation where the Activate Primal Device button doesn’t go away after completing the quest.
- The Battle of Thunder Pass: Players joining a party that have already completed the quest should now be able to complete the quest and should no longer get stuck in an incorrect phase.
- The Eldest: Players joining a party that have already completed the quest should now be able to complete the quest and should no longer get stuck in an incorrect phase.
- The Master Siegesmith: Master Siegesmith Uratok now scales his health based on the number of players engaging him.
- The Traitor’s True Name: Resolved an issue that could cause players to be unable to complete the quest.
- Wanted: Maa’run’s Hoof should no longer incorrectly reward the exact same rings as Engorged Goren.
Creatures and NPCs
- Increased the spawn rates for creatures in the Shivering Trench area in Frostfire Ridge.
- Felwrought Annihilator is now immune to the Warlock’s Enslave Demon ability.
- Mandragora now spawns more frequently and can be tapped by multiple players.
- Mor the Dominator can now be tapped by multiple players.
- Xanatos the Defiler will never be a slave and is now immune to the Warlock’s Enslave Demon ability.
- Resolved an issue where Thaelin Darkanvil may not be visible as a quest giver to players that have rescued him.
- Resolved an issue where Warriors using Charge against some Grimfrost Lavaslingers could become stuck in the world geometry.
Raids, Dungeons, and Scenarios
- Increased the frequency of loot awards for Normal difficulty Auchindoun, Bloodmaul Slag Mines, Iron Docks, and Skyreach.
- Heroic Dungeons should correctly have a daily lockout once more.
- Auchindoun: Players should now be able to take a Soul Transporter to get back to Teron’gor if the entire party died after defeating him.
- Coliseum Champion’s Spoils and Gleaming Ashmaul Strongboxes should no longer incorrectly have a chance to contain Epic quality PvP weapons.
- Bonus Objective: Kill Warspear Priests no longer awards a Gleaming Ashmaul Strongbox.
- Characters with over 600 skill should no longer continue to find catch-up items for the respective profession.
- Excavated Highmaul Thingamabob, Fungus-Infected Hydra Lung, Pulsating Brain of No’losh, and Thornmother Eye can now trigger its effect from non-healing spells as well.
- Resolved an issue causing the Mists of Pandaria Legendary Cloaks and Metagems to remain effective for level 100 characters.