WoD: Alpha Build 18322

Die Entwickler von Blizzard haben in der vergangenen Nacht ein neues Update für die aktuell noch immer laufende Alpha zu Warlords of Draenor veröffentlicht. Dieser Build 18322 hat neben den für solch einen Patch üblichen Klassenänderungen auch einige neue Modelle für die Gegner und Waffen in Draenor, Karten der neuen Zonen und einige neue Gegenstände mit sich gebracht.
Neue Waffe für den Herausforderungsmodus:
Mythic T-17 Set für den Schurken (mit Schultern):
Neue Modelle:
Neue Karten:
Neue Gegenstände aus den Questgebieten:
- Gorgrond QR PH Str Trinket #2
- Gorgrond QR PH Agi Trinket #1
- Gorgrond QR PH Int Trinket #1
- 6.0 QRP Template PH Int Trinket #1
- Talador QRP PH Int Trinket
- Talador QRP PH Agi Trinket
- Talador QRP PH Str Trinket
- 6.0 QRP Template PH Str Trinket #2
- 6.0 QRP Template PH Agi Trinket #1
- Gorgrond QR PH Neck Str
- Gorgrond QR PH Ring Str
- Talador QR PH Ring Str
- 6.0 QRP Template PH Str Trinket #1
- Gorgrond QR PH Str Trinket #1
- Gorgrond QR PH Neck Agi
- Gorgrond QR PH Ring Agi
- Talador QR PH Ring Agi
- 6.0 QRP Template PH Agi Trinket #2
- Gorgrond QR PH Agi Trinket #2
- Gorgrond QR PH Neck Int
- Gorgrond QR PH Ring Int
- Talador QR PH Ring Int
- 6.0 QRP Template PH Int Trinket #2
- Gorgrond QR PH Int Trinket #2
- Talador QR Cloak Str
- Gorgrond QR PH Cloak Str
- Talador QR PH Cloak Agi
- Gorgrond QR PH Cloak Agi
- Talador QR PH Cloth Gloves
- Gorgrond QR PH Cloak Int
- Talador QR Cloak Int
- Talador QR PH Leather Gloves
- Talador QR PH Mail Gauntlets
- Talador QR PH Plate Gauntlets
Neue Szenarien:
The Might of the Alliance
- Launch the Attack – Speak with Vindicator Yrel to begin the Alliance’s assault upon Grommashar.
- Defeat the Packmaster – The might of the Warsong clan rests in their wolfriders. Slay the packmaster and the core of the clan’s power will crumble.
- Durn the Hungerer – Thunderlord clan members of the Iron Horde have tamed the mighty gronn, Durn the Hungerer. Slay him.
- Warlord Garrosh Hellscream – The time has finally come for you and Vindicator Yrel to confront Warlord Garrosh Hellscream.
The Might of the Horde
- Launch the Attack – Speak with Durotan to begin the Horde’s assault upon Grommashar.
- Defeat the Packmaster – The might of the Warsong clan rests in their wolfriders. Slay the packmaster and the core of the clan’s power will crumble.
- Durn the Hungerer – Thunderlord clan members of the Iron Horde have tamed the mighty gronn, Durn the Hungerer. Slay him.
- Warlord Garrosh Hellscream – The time has finally come for you and Durotan to confront Warlord Garrosh Hellscream.
- Return to the Bonfire – Return to the Bonfire
Death Knight
Mastery: Blood Shield: Name changed to Blood Shield.
Rune Tap: Consumes 1 Blood Rune to grant an absorb shield equal to 30% of your missing health.
Enhanced Will of the Necropolis: Allows Will of the Necropolis to be triggered again 15 sec sooner.
Dark Succor: When you kill an enemy that yields experience or honor, while in Frost or Unholy Presence, your next Death Strike within 15 sec is free and its healing is increased by 100%.
Glyph of Rune Tap: Instead of granting an absorb, Rune Tap heals you for 10% more than it would have absorbed.
Afterlife: When you kill an enemy while gaining experience or honor, you summon a Healing Sphere.Enemies who die from Blackout Kick have a 50% chance to summon a Chi Sphere.Healing SphereForms a healing sphere. If you walk through it, you are healed for 0. Lasts for 30 sec.Chi SphereA sphere of energy forms from the wake of the fallen enemy. Walking through your Chi Sphere will restore 1 Chi. Lasts for 2 min.
Hurricane: A Solar spell that creates a violent storm in the target area causing (15.825% of Spell power) Nature damage to enemies every 1 sec. Lasts 10 sec. Druid must channel to maintain the spell.
Moonfire: A Lunar spell that burns the enemy for (47.25% of Spell power) Arcane damage and then an additional (270% of Spell power) Arcane damage over 16 sec.
Shred: Shred the target, causing 245% damage to the target. Awards 1 combo point.Damage increased 35% while stealthed, and increased 20% against bleeding targets.Critical strike chance increased by 50% when used from stealth against targets over 80% health.
Wrath: A Solar spell that causes (115.5% of Spell power) Nature damage to the target.
Balance of Power:Equinox has been replaced with a new talent, Balance of Power. You align the power of your so direct damage spells so that they reenergize your periodic damage spells.Your Starfires extend the duration of Moonfire by 6 sec.Your Wraths extend the duration of Sunfire by 4 sec.Also increases the periodic damage of your Moonfire and Sunfire by 10%.
Stellar Flare: Insect Swarm has been replaced with a new talent, Stellar Flare. A powerful spell which benefits from both Lunar and Solar Eclipses, dealing the most damage when they are balanced. Burns the target for (94.5% of Spell power) Spellstorm damage, and then an additional (270% of Spell power) damage over 16 sec.
Euphoria: Sunfall has been replaced with a new talent, Euphoria. You feel a deeper connection to the stars, reducing your Balance Energy cycle time by $1%. Additionally, your Lunar and Solar Empowerments also reduce the cast time of the affected spells by 20%.
Soul of the Forest: This has been redesigned for Balance. Increases the damage bonus from Lunar and Solar Empowerment by an additional 15%.
Astral Showers: Lunar Shower has been replaced with Astral Showers. You call upon greater Lunar and Solar energy in order to empower your Moonfire and Sunfire spells. Increases the initial damage of Moonfire by 100%, and increases the duration of its periodic damage effect by 100%.Increases the initial damage of Sunfire by 100%, and causes its periodic damage effect to be applied to all enemies within 0 yards of the target.
Astral Communion: Commune with the sun and moon, accelerating your Balance Energy cycle by 300% for 4 sec.
Celestial Alignment: You enter Celestial Alignment, a state where your Balance Energy cycle is paused, and all of your Lunar and Solar spells benefit from your maximum Eclipse bonus.Also increases your damage dealt by 20%, and causes your Moonfire and Sunfire spells to also apply the other’s periodic damage effect.Lasts 15 sec.
Mastery: Total Eclipse: Increases the maximum bonus damage from Eclipse by 15%.
Moonkin Form: Shapeshift into Moonkin Form, increasing Arcane and Nature damage you deal by 10% and increasing your armor by 100%.While in this form, you increase the spell haste of all party and raid members within 100 yards by 5%. Additionally, your Mana regeneration is increased by 150%, and is further increased by Haste. The act of shapeshifting frees the caster of movement impairing effects.
Shooting Stars: You have a 2.5% chance when you deal periodic damage with Moonfire or Sunfire ( This chance is doubled if the damage critically strikes, and reduced against multiple targets), to trigger Shooting Stars. Shooting Stars restores 1 charge of Starsurge and Starfall.
Starfall: 10 sec cooldown, down from 1.5 min A Lunar spell that summons a flurry of stars from the sky which strike all enemies within 40 yards of you that you’re in combat with. Deals (24.75% of Spell power) Arcane damage every 1 sec for 10 sec. Max 3 charges. Charges shared with Starsurge.
Starfire: A Lunar spell that causes (186.75% of Spell power) Arcane damage to the target.
Starsurge: You fuse the power of the moon and sun, launching a devastating blast of energy at the target that benefits from your strongest current Eclipse bonus. Causes 0 (+ 204.75% of Spell power) Spellstorm damage to the target . Also grants Empowerment, based on current Balance Energy side, which increases the damage of your next 2 Starfires or 3 Wraths by 30%.Max 3 charges. Charges shared with Starfall
Sunfire: A Solar spell that burns the enemy for (47.25% of Spell power) Nature damage and then an additional (270% of Spell power) Nature damage over 16 sec.
Wild Mushroom: Grow a magical mushroom with 5 health at the target location that lasts 20 sec. After 6 sec, the mushroom will become invisible. The mushroom emits a fungal cloud that slows all enemies within 5 yards by 50%. Only 3 mushrooms can be placed at one time.
Predatory Swiftness: Your finishing moves have a 20% chance per combo point to make your next Entangling Roots, Healing Touch, Hibernate, or Rebirth become instant, free, and castable in all forms, and to increase the healing done by Healing Touch by 50%.
Deterrence: When activated, causes you to deflect melee attacks, ranged attacks, and spells, and reduces all damage taken by 30%. While Deterrence is active, you cannot attack. Lasts 5 sec.
- Survivalist: After killing a target, you gain 15% health over 10 sec.
Kill Shot: You attempt to finish the wounded target off, firing a long range attack dealing 550% weapon damage. Only useable on enemies that have less than 20% health. If the target dies, the Hunter will regain 15% of maximum health.If Kill Shot fails to kill the target, the cooldown is instantly reset, but cannot be reset more often than once every 6 sec.
Kill Shot: You attempt to finish the wounded target off, firing a long range attack dealing 550% weapon damage. Only useable on enemies that have less than 20% health. If the target dies, the Hunter will regain 15% of maximum health.If Kill Shot fails to kill the target, the cooldown is instantly reset, but cannot be reset more often than once every 6 sec.
Nether Tempest: Places a Nether Tempest on the target which deals (37.2% of Spell power) Arcane damage over 12 sec. Limit 1.Each time Nether Tempest deals damage, it also triggers a wave of arcane energy that deals an additional (3.1% of Spell power) Arcane damage to all enemies within 10 yards.Nether Tempest’s damage is increased by 50% per Arcane Charge when cast.
Flash of Light: A quick, expensive heal that heals a friendly target for (185.304% of Spell power).
Harsh Word: Consumes up to 3 Holy Power to heal a friendly target for (88.1969% of Spell power) per charge of Holy Power.
Supplication: For 8 sec after you kill an enemy that yields experience or honor, your next Flash of Light will be increased by 100% and has 50% increased critical strike chance.
Word of Glory: Consumes up to 3 Holy Power to heal a friendly target for (88.1969% of Spell power) per charge of Holy Power.
Word of Glory: Consumes up to 3 Holy Power to heal a friendly target for (88.1969% of Spell power) per charge of Holy Power.
Eternal Flame: Consumes up to 3 Holy Power to place a protective Holy flame on a friendly target, which heals them for (88.1969% of Spell power) and an additional (16.0285% of Spell power) every 2 sec for 10 sec. Initial healing amount and heal over time duration increased per charge of Holy Power. The heal over time is increased by 50% if used on the Paladin.Replaces Word of Glory.
Holy Prism: Sends a beam of light toward a target, turning them into a prism for Holy energy.If an enemy is the prism, they take (165% of Spell power) Holy damage and radiate (120.585% of Spell power) healing to 5 nearby allies within 15 yards.If an ally is the prism, they are healed for (178.928% of Spell power) and radiate (235% of Spell power) Holy damage to 5 nearby enemies within 15 yards.
Light’s Hammer: Hurl a Light-infused hammer into the ground, where it will blast a 10 yard area with Arcing Light for (15.50 sec – 1.5) sec.Arcing LightDeals (51.678% of Spell power) Holy damage to enemies and reduces their movement speed by 50% for 2 sec. Heals allies for (40.2432% of Spell power) every 2 sec.
Holy Shield: Increases your block chance by 10%, and allows you to block spells. Additionally, when you block, you deal (50% of Attack power) Holy damage to your attacker.
Holy Light: A large heal that heals a friendly target for (185.304% of Spell power). Good for periods of heavy damage.
Holy Radiance: Imbues a friendly target with radiant energy, healing that target for (151.319% of Spell power) and all allies within 10 yards for 50% of that amount. Grants a charge of Holy Power.Healing effectiveness diminishes for each player target beyond 6.
Holy Shock: Now 7.1% of base mana, down from 9.5% Blasts the target with Holy energy, causing (102% of Spell power) Holy damage to an enemy, or (122.162% of Spell power) healing to an ally, and granting a charge of Holy Power.Holy Shock has an additional 25% chance to be a critical strike.
Light of Dawn: Consumes up to 3 Holy Power to emanate a wave of healing energy, healing up to 6 of the most injured targets in your party or raid within 30 yards for (24.4992% of Spell power) per charge of Holy Power.
Flash Heal: Heals a friendly target for (277.214% of Spell power).
Smite: Now 2.1% of base mana, down from 2.7%.
Surge of Darkness: Periodic damage from your Vampiric Touch and Devouring Plague has a 20% chance to grant you Surge of Darkness, causing your next Mind Spike to not consume your damage-over-time effects, become instant cast, cost no mana, and deal 50% additional damage. Limit 3 charges.
Binding Heal: Heals a friendly target and the caster for (132.996% of Spell power).
Heal: A slow casting spell that heals a single target for (277.2% of Spell power).
Holy Fire: Now 1.4% of base mana, down from 1.8%
Holy Nova: Causes an explosion of holy light around the caster, causing (14.3% of Spell power) Holy damage to all nearby enemy targets within 12 yards and healing up to 5 nearby targets within 12 yards for (46.1988% of Spell power).
Prayer of Healing: A powerful prayer heals the friendly target’s party members within 30 yards for (110.832% of Spell power).
Binding Heal: Heals a friendly target and the caster for (132.996% of Spell power).
Chakra: Sanctuary: Each heal cast while this Chakra is active reduces the remaining cooldown of your Circle of Healing spell by 1 sec.Transforms your Holy Word: Chastise spell into Holy Word: Sanctuary.Holy Word: SanctuaryBlesses the ground with Divine light, healing all within it for (8.45775% of Spell power) every 2 sec for 30 sec. Only one Sanctuary can be active at any one time. 40 sec cooldown.
Chakra: Serenity: Caues your single-target healing spells to refresh the duration of your Renew on the target.Transforms your Holy Word: Chastise spell into Holy Word: Serenity.Holy Word: SerenityInstantly heals the target for (415.294% of Spell power), and increases the critical effect chance of your healing spells on the target by 25% for 6 sec. 15 sec cooldown.
Circle of Healing: Heals up to 5 friendly party or raid members within 30 yards of the target for (110.833% of Spell power). Prioritizes healing the most injured party members.
Divine Hymn: Heals 5 (12 in 25 player instances) nearby lowest health friendly party or raid targets within 40 yards for (371.52% of Spell power) every 2 sec for 8 sec, and increases healing done to them by 10% for 8 sec. The Priest must channel to maintain the spell.
Heal: A slow casting spell that heals a single target for (277.2% of Spell power).
Holy Fire: Now 1.4% of base mana, down from 1.8%
Lightwell: Creates a Holy Lightwell. Every 1 sec the Lightwell will attempt to heal party and raid members lower than 50% health for (109.89% of Spell power) every 2 for 6 sec. Attacks done to the target equal to 30% of your total health will cancel the effect. Lightwell lasts for 3 min or until 15 heals are expended.
Prayer of Healing: A powerful prayer heals the friendly target’s party members within 30 yards for (110.832% of Spell power).
Renew: Heals the target for (63.3% of Spell power) every 3 sec for 12 sec.
Glyph of Holy Nova: Teaches you the ability Holy Nova.Causes an explosion of holy light around the caster, causing (14.3% of Spell power) Holy damage to all enemy targets within 12 yards and healing up to 5 targets within 12 yards for (46.1988% of Spell power). Healing is divided among the number of targets healed. These effects cause no threat.
Recuperate: Finishing move that consumes combo points on any nearby target to restore 5% of maximum health every 3 sec. Lasts longer per combo point: 1 point : 6 seconds 2 points: 12 seconds 3 points: 18 seconds 4 points: 24 seconds 5 points: 30 seconds
Death from Above: Finishing move that consumes combo points on the target to empower your weapons with shadow energy and perform a devastating two-part attack. You whirl around, dealing up to (66% of Attack power) damage to all enemies within 8 yds, then leap into the air and Eviscerate your target on the way back down, with such force that they deal an additional 50% damage.
Heroic Throw: Throw your weapon at the enemy, causing 50% weapon damage. Generates high threat.
Victory Rush: Instantly attack the target, causing (74% of Attack power) damage and healing you for 25% of your maximum health.Can only be used within 20 sec after you kill an enemy that yields experience or honor.
Bladestorm: You become a whirling storm of destructive force, striking all targets within 8 yards for 60% weapon damage every 1 sec for 6 sec.During a Bladestorm, you can continue to dodge, block, and parry, and are immune to movement impairing and loss of control effects. However, you can only use your Taunt, Demoralizing Shout, Enraged Regeneration, Shield Wall, and Last Stand abilities.
Impending Victory: Instantly attack the target causing (74% of Attack power) damage and healing you for 25% of your maximum health.Killing an enemy that yields experience or honor resets the cooldown of Impending Victory.Replaces Victory Rush.
Mass Spell Reflection: 30 sec cooldown, down from 1 min.
Ravager: Throw a whirling axe at the target location that inflicts (150% of Attack power) damage to enemies within 8 yards every 1 sec. Lasts 10 sec.Also increases your chance to parry by 30% for 10 sec.
(Weitere Informationen zu diesem Build könnt ihr hier finden)