Patch 9.0.5: Die bisherigen Klassenänderungen vom PTR

Den bisherigen Aussagen der Entwickler zufolge wollen sie den seit gestern Abend auf dem PTR von WoW vorhandenen Patch 9.0.5 unter anderem dafür nutzen, um eine Reihe von Spielbalanceänderungen zu veröffentlichen und problematische Fähigkeiten, Legendaries, Paktfähigkeiten und Medien ein wenig anzupassen. Auch wenn diese Testphase gerade erst gestartet wurde und sich in den nächsten Wochen noch viel ändern kann, so beinhaltet die derzeit auf dem PTR vorhandene Version von Patch 9.0.5 aber zumindest schon einmal die ersten von den Entwicklern geplanten Balanceänderungen für die spielbaren Klassen von WoW. Folgend findet ihr eine übersetzte Übersicht zu den wichtigsten Anpassungen und einige von Data Minern verfasste umfangreichere Übersichten.
Die wichtigsten Balandeänderungen aus Patch 9.0.5:
Fleischformung erschafft in Patch 9.0.5 einen wesentlich größeren Schild und die Schadensreduzierung beim Kanalisieren wird verstärkt.
- Todesritter:
Recht des Todes (Nachtfae) und
Fesseln der Unwürdigen (Kyrianer) werden verstärkt.
- Dämonenjäger:
Teufelsverteidiger und
Wiederholter Erlass werden für Rachsucht-Dämonenjäger geschwächt.
Futter für die Flamme wird überarbeitet:
- Your damaging abilities have a chance to call forth a demon from the Theater of Pain for 25 sec. Throw Glaive deals lethal damage to the demon, which explodes on death, dealing (175% of Attack power) damage to nearby enemies and healing you for 25% of your maximum health. The explosion deals reduced damage beyond 5 targets.
- Druide:
Adaptiver Schwarm (Nekrolord) und
Endloser Durst (Venthyr) werden verstärkt.
- Wiederherstellung:
Verjüngung wird verstärkt.
- Jäger:
Todeschakram (Nekrolord) und
Schinderschuss (Venthyr) werden verstärkt.
- Magier:
Todesgeboren (Nekrolord),
Spiegel der Qual (Venthyr) und
Strahlender Funke (Kyrianer) werden verstärkt.
- Mönch:
Erneuernder Nebel und
Beleben kosten weniger Mana.
- Paladin:
- Die Manakosten von
Heiliger Schock werden erhöht.
Hammer des Bezwingers (Nekrolord) wird verstärkt.
- Die Manakosten von
- Priester:
Geisthülle wird geschwächt.
Kuss des Todes und
Kauterisierende Schatten werden verstärkt.
Faewächter (Nachtfae) wird verstärkt.
- Schamane:
Faetransfusion (Nachtfae),
Vespertotem (Kyrianer) und
Urzeitliche Welle (Nekrolord) werden verstärkt.
Blitzschlagschild wird verstärkt.
- Hexenmeister:
Unheilvolle Euphorie wird geschwächt.
Drohende Katastrophe (Venthyr) wird verstärkt.
- Krieger:
Bevorstehender Sieg wird verstärkt.
Banner des Eroberers (Nekrolord) wird überarbeitet:
- Brandish the Conqueror’s Banner, granting 400 Mastery and 30% increased movement speed to you and your 2 nearest allies, and preventing movement speed from being reduced below 100%. Lasts 15 sec.
Covenant Abilities
- Abomination Limb (Blood) Sprout an additional limb
for 12 sec.dealing [ 307.7% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage over 12 sec to 5 nearby enemies. Every 1 sec,it deals [ 25.76% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage to 5 nearby enemies and pulls an enemyan enemy is pulled to your location if they are further than 8 yds from you.The first time the limb pulls an enemy gain 3 Bone Shield charges.The same enemy can only be pulled once every 4 sec.Abomination Limb can only pull the same enemy once every 4 sec.Gain 3 Bone Shield charges instantly, and again every 6 sec. - Abomination Limb (Frost) Sprout an additional limb
for 12 sec.dealing [ 307.7% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage over 12 sec to 5 nearby enemies. Every 1 sec,it deals [ 25.76% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage to 5 nearby enemies and pulls an enemyan enemy is pulled to your location if they are further than 8 yds from you.The first time the limb pulls an enemy gain Rime.The same enemy can only be pulled once every 4 sec.Abomination Limb can only pull the same enemy once every 4 sec.Gain Rime instantly, and again every 6 sec. - Abomination Limb (Unholy) Sprout an additional limb
for 12 sec.dealing [ 307.7% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage over 12 sec to 5 nearby enemies. Every 1 sec,it deals [ 25.76% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage to 5 nearby enemies and pulls an enemyan enemy is pulled to your location if they are further than 8 yds from you.The first time the limb pulls an enemy gain Runic Corruption.The same enemy can only be pulled once every 4 sec.Abomination Limb can only pull the same enemy once every 4 sec.Gain Runic Corruption instantly, and again every 6 sec. - Abomination Limb (Initial) Sprout an additional limb
for 12 sec.dealing [ 307.7% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage over 12 sec to 5 nearby enemies. Every 1 sec,it deals [ 25.76% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage to 5 nearby enemies and pulls an enemyan enemy is pulled to your location if they are further than 8 yds from you.The first time the limb pulls an enemy gain .The same enemy can only be pulled once every 4 sec.Abomination Limb can only pull the same enemy once every 4 sec.Gain instantly, and again every 6 sec. - Adaptive Swarm Command a swarm that heals
[ 126%[ 157.5% of Spell Power ] or deals[ 120%[ 150% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage over 12 sec to a target, and increases the effectiveness of your periodic effects on them by20%25%. Upon expiration, jumps to a target within 25 yards, alternating between friend and foe up to 3 times. Necrolord. Necrolord. Instant. - Conqueror’s Banner (Arms, Protection, Initial)
Plant the Conqueror’s Banner in the ground, granting 20% maximum health and 10% critical strike chance to you and 2 allies within 15 yds of the banner for 20 sec.Brandish the Conqueror’s Banner, granting 0 Mastery and 30% increased movement speed to you and your 2 nearest allies, and preventing movement speed from being reduced below 100%.While active, spending 20 Rage and killing enemies grants you Glory.Lasts 15 sec.Glory increases your critical strike damage by 1% per stack, up to 30%, for 30 sec.Generates 4 Rage per sec. - Conqueror’s Banner (Fury)
Plant the Conqueror’s Banner in the ground, granting 20% maximum health and 10% critical strike chance to you and 2 allies within 15 yds of the banner for 20 sec.Brandish the Conqueror’s Banner, granting 0 Mastery and 30% increased movement speed to you and your 2 nearest allies, and preventing movement speed from being reduced below 100%.While active, spending 30 Rage and killing enemies grants you Glory.Lasts 15 sec.Glory increases your critical strike damage by 1% per stack, up to 30%, for 30 sec.Generates 6 Rage per sec. - Convoke the Spirits (Balance) Call upon the Night Fae for an eruption of energy, channeling a rapid flurry of
1216 Druid spells and abilities over 4 sec. - Convoke the Spirits (Feral, Guardian, Restoration, Initial) Call upon the Night Fae for an eruption of energy, channeling a rapid flurry of
1216 Druid spells and abilities over 4 sec. - Convoke the Spirits (Cat Form) Call upon the Night Fae for an eruption of energy, channeling a rapid flurry of
1216 Druid spells and abilities over 4 sec. - Convoke the Spirits (Bear Form) Call upon the Night Fae for an eruption of energy, channeling a rapid flurry of
1216 Druid spells and abilities over 4 sec. - Death Chakram Throw a deadly chakram at your current target that will rapidly deal
[ 25%[ 31.6% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage 7 times, bouncing to other targets if they are nearby. Each time the chakram deals damage, its damage is increased by 15% and you generate 3 Focus. Necrolord. Necrolord. Instant. - Deathborne Transform into a powerful skeletal mage for
2025 sec. While in the form of a skeletal mage, your Frostbolt, Fireball, and Arcane Blast hit up to 2 enemies near your target and your spell damage is increased by10%. Necrolord. Necrolord. Instant.15%. Necrolord. Necrolord. Instant. - Death’s Due (Blood) Death’s Due reduces damage enemies deal to you by
1%2%, up to a maximum of 8% and their power is transferred to you as an equal amount of Strength. - Death’s Due (Frost) Death’s Due reduces damage enemies deal to you by
1%2%, up to a maximum of 8% and their power is transferred to you as an equal amount of Strength. - Death’s Due (Unholy) Death’s Due reduces damage enemies deal to you by
1%2%, up to a maximum of 8% and their power is transferred to you as an equal amount of Strength. - Death’s Due (Initial) Death’s Due reduces damage enemies deal to you by
1%2%, up to a maximum of 8% and their power is transferred to you as an equal amount of Strength. - Decimating Bolt (Affliction) Hurl bolts of decimating magic at your target, dealing
[ 120%[ 138% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage and increasing the damage of your next Drain Soul by 100%. - Decimating Bolt (Demonology) Hurl bolts of decimating magic at your target, dealing
[ 120%[ 138% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage and increasing the damage of your next 3 Demonbolts by 100%. Decimating Bolt’s damage, and the bonus toDemonoboltDemonbolt both increase as your target’s health decreases. - Decimating Bolt (Destruction) Hurl bolts of decimating magic at your target, dealing
[ 120%[ 138% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage and increasing the damage of your next 3 Incinerates by 100%. - Decimating Bolt (Initial) Hurl bolts of decimating magic at your target, dealing
[ 120%[ 138% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage and increasing the damage of your next 3 Shadow Bolts by 100%. - Elysian Decree Place a Kyrian Sigil at the target location that activates after 2 sec. Detonates to deal [ 350% of Attack Power ] Arcane damage and shatter up to 3 Lesser Soul Fragments from enemies affected by the sigil.
Kyrian. Kyrian. Instant.Deals reduced damage beyond 5 targets. Kyrian. Kyrian. Instant. - Fae Guardians (Discipline, Shadow, Initial) Wrathful Faerie: Any: Direct attacks against the target restore 0.5% Mana or 3 Insanity. Guardian Faerie: Reduces damage taken by
10%.15%. Benevolent Faerie: Increases the cooldown recovery rate ofa major ability by 100%.your target’s major ability by 150%. - Fae Guardians (Holy) Wrathful Faerie: Any: Direct attacks against the target restore 0.5% Mana or 3 Insanity. Guardian Faerie: Reduces damage taken by
10%.15%. Benevolent Faerie: Increases the cooldown recovery rate ofa major ability by 100%.your target’s major ability by 150%. - Fae Transfusion (Elemental, Restoration, Initial) Transfer the life force of up to 4 enemies in the targeted area, dealing
[ 564%[ 705% of Spell Power ] Nature damage evenly split to each enemy target over 3 sec. Pressing Fae Transfusion again within 20 sec will release40%60% of all damage from Fae Transfusion, healing up to 4 alliesnear yourself.within 20 yds. - Fae Transfusion (Enhancement) Transfer the life force of up to 4 enemies in the targeted area, dealing
[ 564%[ 705% of Spell Power ] Nature damage evenly split to each enemy target over 3 sec. Fully channeling Fae Transfusion generates1 stack of Maelstrom Weapon.3 stacks of Maelstrom Weapon. Pressing Fae Transfusion again within 20 sec will release40%60% of all damage from Fae Transfusion, healing up to 4 alliesnear yourself.within 20 yds. - Flayed Shot Fire a shot at your enemy, causing them to bleed for
[ 87.5%[ 112.5% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage over1418 sec. Each time Flayed Shot deals damage, you have a 10% chance to gain Flayer’s Mark, causing your next Kill Shot to be free and usable on any target, regardless of their current health.Venthyr. Venthyr. Instant.and deal 25% increased damage. Venthyr. Venthyr. Instant. - Fleshcraft (New) Form a shield of flesh and bone over 3 sec that absorbs damage equal to 40% of your maximum health for 2 min. While channeling, your damage taken is reduced by 30%. Passive: Moving near an enemy’s corpse consumes their essence to reduce Fleshcraft’s cooldown by 1 sec. Necrolord. Necrolord.
- Fleshcraft Form a shield of flesh and bone over
43 sec that absorbs damage equal to20%40% of your maximum health for 2 min.Channeling near a corpse claims their essence to grow the shield, up to 50% of your maximum health. This is most effective against powerful enemiesWhile channeling, your damage taken is reduced by 30%. Passive: Moving near an enemy’s corpse consumes their essence to reduce Fleshcraft’s cooldown by 1 sec. Can be cast in Cat Form, Bear Form, Moonkin Form. Necrolord. Necrolord. 10 yd range.43 sec cast (Channeled). 2 min cooldown. - Fleshcraft Form a shield of flesh and bone over
43 sec that absorbs damage equal to20%40% of your maximum health for 2 min.Channeling near a corpse claims their essence to grow the shield, up to 50% of your maximum health. This is most effective against powerful enemies. Necrolord. Necrolord. Instant.While channeling, your damage taken is reduced by 30%. Passive: Moving near an enemy’s corpse consumes their essence to reduce Fleshcraft’s cooldown by 1 sec. Necrolord. Necrolord. Instant. - Fleshcraft Form a shield of flesh and bone over
43 sec that absorbs damage equal to20%40% of your maximum health for 2 min.Channeling near a corpse claims their essence to grow the shield, up to 50% of your maximum health. This is most effective against powerful enemies. Necrolord. Necrolord. Instant.While channeling, your damage taken is reduced by 30%. Passive: Moving near an enemy’s corpse consumes their essence to reduce Fleshcraft’s cooldown by 1 sec. Necrolord. Necrolord. Instant. - Fleshcraft (New) Form a shield of flesh and bone over 3 sec that absorbs damage equal to 40% of your maximum health for 2 min. While channeling, your damage taken is reduced by 30%. Passive: Moving near an enemy’s corpse consumes their essence to reduce Fleshcraft’s cooldown by 1 sec. Necrolord. Necrolord. Instant.
- Fleshcraft Form a shield of flesh and bone over
43 sec that absorbs damage equal to20%40% of your maximum health for 2 min.Channeling near a corpse claims their essence to grow the shield, up to 50% of your maximum health. This is most effective against powerful enemiesWhile channeling, your damage taken is reduced by 30%. Passive: Moving near an enemy’s corpse consumes their essence to reduce Fleshcraft’s cooldown by 1 sec. Necrolord. Necrolord. 100 yd range. Instant. - Fodder to the Flame (New) Necrolord. Necrolord. 40 yd range. Instant.
- Fodder to the Flame
Commission a duel to the death against a Condemned Demon from the Theater of Pain. Vanquishing your foe releases its demon soul and creates a pool of demon blood that lasts for 30 sec. Fighting within the pool increases your Haste by 10% and reduces the damage that enemies deal to you by 10%. Fleshcraft treats the Condemned Demon as a powerful enemy. Necrolord. Necrolord. Instant.Necrolord. Necrolord. Instant. - Fodder to the Flame (New) Your damaging abilities have a chance to call forth a demon from the Theater of Pain for 25 sec. Throw Glaive deals lethal damage to the demon, which explodes on death, dealing [ 175% of Attack Power ] damage to nearby enemies and healing you for 25% of your maximum health. The explosion deals reduced damage beyond 5 targets. Necrolord. Necrolord.
- Impending Catastrophe Call forth a cloud of chaotic anima that travels to the target enemy, dealing
[ 20%[ 25.3% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage to enemies in its path. When the anima reaches the target it explodes, inflicting either Curse of Weakness or Curse of Tongues, and dealing[ 105%[ 138% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage over 12 sec to all nearby enemies. Venthyr. Venthyr. Instant. - Mirrors of Torment (Arcane) Whenever a mirror is consumed you gain
4% mana.Clearcasting. - Mirrors of Torment (Fire) Whenever a mirror is consumed your Fire Blast cooldown is reduced by
4 sec.6 sec. - Primordial Wave (Enhancement) Your next Lightning Bolt will also hit all targets affected by your Flame Shock for
100% of normal damage.150% of normal damage. - Primordial Wave (Initial) Your next Healing Wave will also hit all targets affected by your Riptide for
100% of normal damage.150% of normal damage. - Radiant Spark Conjure a radiant spark that causes
[ 76%[ 91.2% of Spell Power ] Arcane damage instantly, and an additional[ 41.2%[ 49.5% of Spell Power ] damage over 10 sec. The target takes 10% increased damage from your direct damage spells, stacking each time they are struck. This effect ends after 4 spells. Kyrian. Kyrian. Instant. - Scouring Tithe
Deal [ 60%Deal [ 54% of Spell Power ] Arcane damage instantly, and [ 90% of Spell Power ] over 18 sec. If the enemy dies while affected by Scouring Tithe, you generate 5 Soul Shards. If they survive, Scouring Tithe’s cooldown is refreshed. Kyrian. Kyrian. Instant. - Shackle the Unworthy Admonish your target for their past transgressions, reducing the damage they deal to you by
5% and dealing [ 178.5%8% and dealing [ 205.27% of Attack Power ] Arcane damage over 14 sec. While Shackle the Unworthy is active on an enemy, your direct-damage attacks that spend runes have a 50% chance to spread Shackle the Unworthy to a nearby enemy. Kyrian. Kyrian. Instant. - Shifting Power Draw power from the ground beneath, dealing
[ 189.4%[ 212.2% of Spell Power ] Nature damage over 4 sec to enemies within 18 yds. While channeling, your Mage ability cooldowns are reduced by1210 sec over 4 sec. Night Fae. Night Fae. Instant. - Soulshape Balance, Feral, Restoration, Initial: Turn into a Vulpin, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Guardian: Turn into a Vulpin, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Increases armor by 220% and Stamina by 45%. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Toad, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Wyvern, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Gryphon, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Hippogryph, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Wolfhawk, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Feathered Drake, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Wolf, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Moose, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Bear, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Raptor, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a
Nightsaber, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into an OwlcatShadowstalker, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Stag, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Dragon Turtle, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Cobra, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Hyena, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Tiger, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Lion, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Crane, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into aTeroclawShrieker, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into aUnicornHorned Horse, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Moth, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Direhorn, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Hippo, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Kodo, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Saurolisk, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Shoveltusk, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Spider, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Yak, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Runestag, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Night Fae. Night Fae. Instant. - Soulshape Balance, Feral, Restoration, Initial: Turn into a Vulpin, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Guardian: Turn into a Vulpin, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Increases armor by 220% and Stamina by 45%. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Toad, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Wyvern, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Gryphon, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Hippogryph, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Wolfhawk, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Feathered Drake, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Wolf, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Moose, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Bear, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Raptor, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a
Nightsaber, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into an OwlcatShadowstalker, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Stag, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Dragon Turtle, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Cobra, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Hyena, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Tiger, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Lion, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Crane, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into aTeroclawShrieker, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into aUnicornHorned Horse, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Moth, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Direhorn, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Hippo, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Kodo, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Saurolisk, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Shoveltusk, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Spider, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Yak, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Runestag, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Night Fae. Night Fae. Instant. 1.5 min cooldown. - Swarming Mist A heavy mist surrounds you for 8 sec, increasing your Dodge by 10%. Deals [ 20% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage every 1 sec to enemies within 10 yds. Every time it deals damage you gain 3 Runic Power, up to a maximum of 15 Runic Power.
Venthyr. Venthyr. Instant.Deals reduced damage beyond 5 targets. Venthyr. Venthyr. Instant. - The Hunt Havoc: Charge to your target, striking them for [ 455% of Attack Power ] Nature damage, rooting them in place for 1.5 sec and inflicting
[ 455.4%[ 227.7% of Attack Power ] Nature damage over 6 sec to up to 5 enemies in your path. The pursuit invigorates your soul, healing you for 25% of the damage you deal to your Hunt target for 30 sec. Vengeance, Initial: Charge to your target, striking them for [ 455% of Attack Power ] Nature damage, rooting them in place for 1.5 sec and inflicting [ 227.7% of Attack Power ] Nature damage over 6 sec to up to 5 enemies in your path. The pursuit invigorates your soul, healing you for 50% of the damage you deal to your Hunt target for 30 sec. Night Fae. Night Fae. Instant. - Unholy Nova (Discipline) An explosion of dark energy infects enemies within 15 yds with Unholy Transfusion, and heals
up to 6 allies for [ 119% of Spell Power ].allies for up to [ 150% of Spell Power ] based on number of targets. [Spell_AnimaMaldraxxus_Debuff] Unholy Tranfusion Deals[ 250%up to [ 280% of Spell Power ] Shadow damageover 15 sec.based on number of targets over 15 sec. - Unholy Nova (Holy) Discipline, Holy, Shadow: An explosion of dark energy infects enemies within 15 yds with Unholy Transfusion, and heals
up to 6 allies for [ 119% of Spell Power ].allies for up to [ 150% of Spell Power ] based on number of targets. [Spell_AnimaMaldraxxus_Debuff] Unholy Tranfusion Deals[ 250%up to [ 280% of Spell Power ] Shadow damageover 15 sec.based on number of targets over 15 sec. - Unholy Nova (Initial) An explosion of dark energy infects enemies within 15 yds with Unholy Transfusion, and heals
up to 6 allies for [ 119% of Spell Power ].allies for up to [ 150% of Spell Power ] based on number of targets. - Vanquisher’s Hammer (Holy)
Throws a hammer at your target dealing [ 170% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage, and empowering your next Word of Glory to automatically trigger Light of Dawn.Throws a hammer at your target dealing [ 136% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage, and empowering your next Word of Glory to automatically trigger Light of Dawn. Generates 1 Holy Power. - Vanquisher’s Hammer (Protection, Initial)
Throws a hammer at your target dealing [ 170% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage, and empowering your next Word of Glory to automatically trigger Shield of the Righteous.Throws a hammer at your target dealing [ 136% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage, and empowering your next Word of Glory to automatically trigger Shield of the Righteous. Generates 1 Holy Power. - Vanquisher’s Hammer (Retribution)
Throws a hammer at your target dealing [ 170% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage, and empowering your next Templar’s Verdict to automatically trigger Divine Storm.Throws a hammer at your target dealing [ 136% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage, and empowering your next Templar’s Verdict to automatically trigger Divine Storm. Generates 1 Holy Power. - Vesper Totem Summon a totem at the target location for 30 sec. Your next 3 damage spells or abilities will cause the totem to radiate
[ 64%[ 80% of Spell Power ] Arcane damage to up to 6 enemies near the totem, and your next 3 healing spells will heal up to 6 allies near the totem for[ 73%[ 91% of Spell Power ] health. Casting this ability again while the totem is active will relocate the totem. Kyrian. Kyrian. Instant. - Wild Spirits Evoke the energy of Wild Spirits at the target location, dealing [ 25% of Attack Power ] Nature damage and apply Hunter’s Mark to all enemy targets within the area for 15 sec. While the Wild Spirits are active, each damaging ability you or your pet use against a target in the area will strike up to 5 nearby targets for
[ 35%[ 38.5% of Attack Power ] Nature damage. Night Fae. Night Fae. Instant.
Death Knight:
- Abomination Limb (Blood) Sprout an additional limb
for 12 sec.dealing [ 307.7% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage over 12 sec to 5 nearby enemies. Every 1 sec,it deals [ 25.76% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage to 5 nearby enemies and pulls an enemyan enemy is pulled to your location if they are further than 8 yds from you.The first time the limb pulls an enemy gain 3 Bone Shield charges.The same enemy can only be pulled once every 4 sec.Abomination Limb can only pull the same enemy once every 4 sec.Gain 3 Bone Shield charges instantly, and again every 6 sec. - Abomination Limb (Frost) Sprout an additional limb
for 12 sec.dealing [ 307.7% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage over 12 sec to 5 nearby enemies. Every 1 sec,it deals [ 25.76% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage to 5 nearby enemies and pulls an enemyan enemy is pulled to your location if they are further than 8 yds from you.The first time the limb pulls an enemy gain Rime.The same enemy can only be pulled once every 4 sec.Abomination Limb can only pull the same enemy once every 4 sec.Gain Rime instantly, and again every 6 sec. - Abomination Limb (Unholy) Sprout an additional limb
for 12 sec.dealing [ 307.7% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage over 12 sec to 5 nearby enemies. Every 1 sec,it deals [ 25.76% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage to 5 nearby enemies and pulls an enemyan enemy is pulled to your location if they are further than 8 yds from you.The first time the limb pulls an enemy gain Runic Corruption.The same enemy can only be pulled once every 4 sec.Abomination Limb can only pull the same enemy once every 4 sec.Gain Runic Corruption instantly, and again every 6 sec. - Abomination Limb (Initial) Sprout an additional limb
for 12 sec.dealing [ 307.7% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage over 12 sec to 5 nearby enemies. Every 1 sec,it deals [ 25.76% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage to 5 nearby enemies and pulls an enemyan enemy is pulled to your location if they are further than 8 yds from you.The first time the limb pulls an enemy gain .The same enemy can only be pulled once every 4 sec.Abomination Limb can only pull the same enemy once every 4 sec.Gain instantly, and again every 6 sec. - Abomination Limb (Blood) Sprout an additional limb
for 12 sec.dealing [ 307.7% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage over 12 sec to 5 nearby enemies. Every 1 sec,it deals [ 25.76% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage to 5 nearby enemies and pulls an enemyan enemy is pulled to your location if they are further than 8 yds from you.The first time the limb pulls an enemy gain 3 Bone Shield charges.The same enemy can only be pulled once every 4 sec.Abomination Limb can only pull the same enemy once every 4 sec.Gain 3 Bone Shield charges instantly, and again every 6 sec. - Abomination Limb (Frost) Sprout an additional limb
for 12 sec.dealing [ 307.7% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage over 12 sec to 5 nearby enemies. Every 1 sec,it deals [ 25.76% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage to 5 nearby enemies and pulls an enemyan enemy is pulled to your location if they are further than 8 yds from you.The first time the limb pulls an enemy gain Rime.The same enemy can only be pulled once every 4 sec.Abomination Limb can only pull the same enemy once every 4 sec.Gain Rime instantly, and again every 6 sec. - Abomination Limb (Unholy) Sprout an additional limb
for 12 sec.dealing [ 307.7% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage over 12 sec to 5 nearby enemies. Every 1 sec,it deals [ 25.76% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage to 5 nearby enemies and pulls an enemyan enemy is pulled to your location if they are further than 8 yds from you.The first time the limb pulls an enemy gain Runic Corruption.The same enemy can only be pulled once every 4 sec.Abomination Limb can only pull the same enemy once every 4 sec.Gain Runic Corruption instantly, and again every 6 sec. - Abomination Limb (Initial) Sprout an additional limb
for 12 sec.dealing [ 307.7% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage over 12 sec to 5 nearby enemies. Every 1 sec,it deals [ 25.76% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage to 5 nearby enemies and pulls an enemyan enemy is pulled to your location if they are further than 8 yds from you.The first time the limb pulls an enemy gain .The same enemy can only be pulled once every 4 sec.Abomination Limb can only pull the same enemy once every 4 sec.Gain instantly, and again every 6 sec. - Abomination Limb (Blood) Sprout an additional limb
for 12 sec.dealing [ 307.7% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage over 12 sec to 5 nearby enemies. Every 1 sec,it deals [ 25.76% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage to 5 nearby enemies and pulls an enemyan enemy is pulled to your location if they are further than 8 yds from you.The first time the limb pulls an enemy gain 3 Bone Shield charges.The same enemy can only be pulled once every 4 sec.Abomination Limb can only pull the same enemy once every 4 sec.Gain 3 Bone Shield charges instantly, and again every 6 sec. - Abomination Limb (Frost) Sprout an additional limb
for 12 sec.dealing [ 307.7% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage over 12 sec to 5 nearby enemies. Every 1 sec,it deals [ 25.76% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage to 5 nearby enemies and pulls an enemyan enemy is pulled to your location if they are further than 8 yds from you.The first time the limb pulls an enemy gain Rime.The same enemy can only be pulled once every 4 sec.Abomination Limb can only pull the same enemy once every 4 sec.Gain Rime instantly, and again every 6 sec. - Abomination Limb (Unholy) Sprout an additional limb
for 12 sec.dealing [ 307.7% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage over 12 sec to 5 nearby enemies. Every 1 sec,it deals [ 25.76% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage to 5 nearby enemies and pulls an enemyan enemy is pulled to your location if they are further than 8 yds from you.The first time the limb pulls an enemy gain Runic Corruption.The same enemy can only be pulled once every 4 sec.Abomination Limb can only pull the same enemy once every 4 sec.Gain Runic Corruption instantly, and again every 6 sec. - Abomination Limb (Initial) Sprout an additional limb
for 12 sec.dealing [ 307.7% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage over 12 sec to 5 nearby enemies. Every 1 sec,it deals [ 25.76% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage to 5 nearby enemies and pulls an enemyan enemy is pulled to your location if they are further than 8 yds from you.The first time the limb pulls an enemy gain .The same enemy can only be pulled once every 4 sec.Abomination Limb can only pull the same enemy once every 4 sec.Gain instantly, and again every 6 sec. - Abomination Limb (Blood) Sprout an additional limb
for 12 sec.dealing [ 307.7% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage over 12 sec to 5 nearby enemies. Every 1 sec,it deals [ 25.76% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage to 5 nearby enemies and pulls an enemyan enemy is pulled to your location if they are further than 8 yds from you.The first time the limb pulls an enemy gain 3 Bone Shield charges.The same enemy can only be pulled once every 4 sec.Abomination Limb can only pull the same enemy once every 4 sec.Gain 3 Bone Shield charges instantly, and again every 6 sec. - Abomination Limb (Frost) Sprout an additional limb
for 12 sec.dealing [ 307.7% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage over 12 sec to 5 nearby enemies. Every 1 sec,it deals [ 25.76% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage to 5 nearby enemies and pulls an enemyan enemy is pulled to your location if they are further than 8 yds from you.The first time the limb pulls an enemy gain Rime.The same enemy can only be pulled once every 4 sec.Abomination Limb can only pull the same enemy once every 4 sec.Gain Rime instantly, and again every 6 sec. - Abomination Limb (Unholy) Sprout an additional limb
for 12 sec.dealing [ 307.7% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage over 12 sec to 5 nearby enemies. Every 1 sec,it deals [ 25.76% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage to 5 nearby enemies and pulls an enemyan enemy is pulled to your location if they are further than 8 yds from you.The first time the limb pulls an enemy gain Runic Corruption.The same enemy can only be pulled once every 4 sec.Abomination Limb can only pull the same enemy once every 4 sec.Gain Runic Corruption instantly, and again every 6 sec. - Abomination Limb (Initial) Sprout an additional limb
for 12 sec.dealing [ 307.7% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage over 12 sec to 5 nearby enemies. Every 1 sec,it deals [ 25.76% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage to 5 nearby enemies and pulls an enemyan enemy is pulled to your location if they are further than 8 yds from you.The first time the limb pulls an enemy gain .The same enemy can only be pulled once every 4 sec.Abomination Limb can only pull the same enemy once every 4 sec.Gain instantly, and again every 6 sec. - Abomination Limb Sprout an additional limb for 12 sec. Every 1 sec, it deals
[ 25.76%[ 23.67% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage to all nearby enemies and pulls an enemy to your location if they are further than 8 yds from you. Necrolord. Necrolord. 40 yd range. Instant. 2 min cooldown. - Death’s Due (Blood) Death’s Due reduces damage enemies deal to you by
1%2%, up to a maximum of 8% and their power is transferred to you as an equal amount of Strength. - Death’s Due (Frost) Death’s Due reduces damage enemies deal to you by
1%2%, up to a maximum of 8% and their power is transferred to you as an equal amount of Strength. - Death’s Due (Unholy) Death’s Due reduces damage enemies deal to you by
1%2%, up to a maximum of 8% and their power is transferred to you as an equal amount of Strength. - Death’s Due (Initial) Death’s Due reduces damage enemies deal to you by
1%2%, up to a maximum of 8% and their power is transferred to you as an equal amount of Strength. - Death’s Due 1 charge.
30 sec cooldown.30 sec recharge. 1 charge. - Shackle the Unworthy Admonish your target for their past transgressions, reducing the damage they deal to you by
5% and dealing [ 178.5%8% and dealing [ 205.27% of Attack Power ] Arcane damage over 14 sec. While Shackle the Unworthy is active on an enemy, your direct-damage attacks that spend runes have a 50% chance to spread Shackle the Unworthy to a nearby enemy. Can be cast in Undead. Kyrian. Kyrian. 30 yd range. Instant. 60 sec cooldown. - Swarming Mist A heavy mist surrounds you for 8 sec, increasing your Dodge by 10%. Deals [ 20% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage every 1 sec to enemies within 10 yds. Every time it deals damage you gain 3 Runic Power, up to a maximum of 15 Runic Power. Deals reduced damage beyond 5 targets. Can be cast in Undead. Venthyr. Venthyr. 1 Runes. Instant. 60 sec cooldown.
Demon Hunter:
- Elysian Decree Place a Kyrian Sigil at the target location that activates after 2 sec. Detonates to deal [ 350% of Attack Power ] Arcane damage and shatter up to 3 Lesser Soul Fragments from enemies affected by the sigil. Deals reduced damage beyond 5 targets. Kyrian. Kyrian. 100 yd range. Instant.
- Elysian Decree Place a Kyrian Sigil at the target location that activates after 2 sec. Detonates to deal [ 350% of Attack Power ] Arcane damage and shatter up to 3 Lesser Soul Fragments from enemies affected by the sigil. Deals reduced damage beyond 5 targets. Kyrian. Kyrian. 30 yd range. Instant. 60 sec cooldown.
- Elysian Decree Place a Kyrian Sigil at the target location that activates after 2 sec. Detonates to deal [ 350% of Attack Power ] Arcane damage and shatter up to 3 Lesser Soul Fragments from enemies affected by the sigil. Deals reduced damage beyond 5 targets. Kyrian. Kyrian. 100 yd range. Instant.
- Elysian Decree Place a Kyrian Sigil at the target location that activates after 2 sec. Detonates to deal [ 350% of Attack Power ] Arcane damage and shatter up to 3 Lesser Soul Fragments from enemies affected by the sigil. Deals reduced damage beyond 5 targets. Kyrian. Kyrian. 100 yd range. Instant.
- Fodder to the Flame
Commission a duel to the death against a Condemned Demon from the Theater of Pain. Vanquishing your foe releases its demon soul and creates a pool of demon blood that lasts for 30 sec. Fighting within the pool increases your Haste by 10% and reduces the damage that enemies deal to you by 10%. Fleshcraft treats the Condemned Demon as a powerful enemy. Necrolord. Necrolord. Instant. 2 min cooldown. - The Hunt Havoc: Charge to your target, striking them for [ 455% of Attack Power ] Nature damage, rooting them in place for 1.5 sec and inflicting
[ 455.4%[ 227.7% of Attack Power ] Nature damage over 6 sec to up to 5 enemies in your path. The pursuit invigorates your soul, healing you for 25% of the damage you deal to your Hunt target for 30 sec. Vengeance, Initial: Charge to your target, striking them for [ 455% of Attack Power ] Nature damage, rooting them in place for 1.5 sec and inflicting [ 227.7% of Attack Power ] Nature damage over 6 sec to up to 5 enemies in your path. The pursuit invigorates your soul, healing you for 50% of the damage you deal to your Hunt target for 30 sec. Night Fae. Night Fae. 100 yd range. Instant. - The Hunt Havoc: Charge to your target, striking them for [ 455% of Attack Power ] Nature damage, rooting them in place for 1.5 sec and inflicting
[ 455.4%[ 227.7% of Attack Power ] Nature damage over 6 sec to up to 5 enemies in your path. The pursuit invigorates your soul, healing you for 25% of the damage you deal to your Hunt target for 30 sec. Vengeance, Initial: Charge to your target, striking them for [ 455% of Attack Power ] Nature damage, rooting them in place for 1.5 sec and inflicting [ 227.7% of Attack Power ] Nature damage over 6 sec to up to 5 enemies in your path. The pursuit invigorates your soul, healing you for 50% of the damage you deal to your Hunt target for 30 sec. Night Fae. Night Fae. 100 yd range. Instant. - The Hunt Havoc: Charge to your target, striking them for [ 455% of Attack Power ] Nature damage, rooting them in place for 1.5 sec and inflicting
[ 455.4%[ 227.7% of Attack Power ] Nature damage over 6 sec to up to 5 enemies in your path. The pursuit invigorates your soul, healing you for 25% of the damage you deal to your Hunt target for 30 sec. Vengeance, Initial: Charge to your target, striking them for [ 455% of Attack Power ] Nature damage, rooting them in place for 1.5 sec and inflicting [ 227.7% of Attack Power ] Nature damage over 6 sec to up to 5 enemies in your path. The pursuit invigorates your soul, healing you for 50% of the damage you deal to your Hunt target for 30 sec. Night Fae. Night Fae. 50 yd range. 1 sec cast. 1.5 min cooldown. - The Hunt Havoc: Charge to your target, striking them for [ 455% of Attack Power ] Nature damage, rooting them in place for 1.5 sec and inflicting
[ 455.4%[ 227.7% of Attack Power ] Nature damage over 6 sec to up to 5 enemies in your path. The pursuit invigorates your soul, healing you for 25% of the damage you deal to your Hunt target for 30 sec. Vengeance, Initial: Charge to your target, striking them for [ 455% of Attack Power ] Nature damage, rooting them in place for 1.5 sec and inflicting [ 227.7% of Attack Power ] Nature damage over 6 sec to up to 5 enemies in your path. The pursuit invigorates your soul, healing you for 50% of the damage you deal to your Hunt target for 30 sec. Night Fae. Night Fae. 100 yd range. Instant.
- Adaptive Swarm Command a swarm that heals
[ 126%[ 157.5% of Spell Power ] or deals[ 120%[ 150% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage over 12 sec to a target, and increases the effectiveness of your periodic effects on them by20%25%. Upon expiration, jumps to a target within 25 yards, alternating between friend and foe up to 3 times. Can’t be cast in Travel Form, Flight Form. Necrolord. Necrolord. 5% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. Instant. 25 sec cooldown. - Convoke the Spirits (Balance) Call upon the Night Fae for an eruption of energy, channeling a rapid flurry of
1216 Druid spells and abilities over 4 sec. - Convoke the Spirits (Feral, Guardian, Restoration, Initial) Call upon the Night Fae for an eruption of energy, channeling a rapid flurry of
1216 Druid spells and abilities over 4 sec. - Convoke the Spirits (Cat Form) Call upon the Night Fae for an eruption of energy, channeling a rapid flurry of
1216 Druid spells and abilities over 4 sec. - Convoke the Spirits (Bear Form) Call upon the Night Fae for an eruption of energy, channeling a rapid flurry of
1216 Druid spells and abilities over 4 sec. - Soulshape Balance, Feral, Restoration, Initial: Turn into a Vulpin, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Guardian: Turn into a Vulpin, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Increases armor by 220% and Stamina by 45%. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Toad, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Wyvern, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Gryphon, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Hippogryph, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Wolfhawk, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Feathered Drake, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Wolf, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Moose, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Bear, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Raptor, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a
Nightsaber, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into an OwlcatShadowstalker, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Stag, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Dragon Turtle, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Cobra, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Hyena, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Tiger, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Lion, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Crane, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into aTeroclawShrieker, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into aUnicornHorned Horse, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Moth, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Direhorn, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Hippo, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Kodo, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Saurolisk, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Shoveltusk, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Spider, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Yak, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Runestag, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Night Fae. Night Fae. Instant.
- Death Chakram Throw a deadly chakram at your current target that will rapidly deal
[ 25%[ 31.6% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage 7 times, bouncing to other targets if they are nearby. Each time the chakram deals damage, its damage is increased by 15% and you generate 3 Focus. Necrolord. Necrolord. 40 yd range. Instant. 45 sec cooldown. - Flayed Shot Fire a shot at your enemy, causing them to bleed for
[ 87.5%[ 112.5% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage over1418 sec. Each time Flayed Shot deals damage, you have a 10% chance to gain Flayer’s Mark, causing your next Kill Shot to be free and usable on any target, regardless of their current health.Venthyr. Venthyr. 10 Focusand deal 25% increased damage. Venthyr. Venthyr. 40 yd range. Instant. 30 sec cooldown. - Wild Mark Evoke the energy of Wild Spirits at the target location, dealing [ 25% of Attack Power ] Nature damage and apply Hunter’s Mark to all enemy targets within the area for 15 sec. While the Wild Spirits are active, each damaging ability you or your pet use against a target in the area will strike up to 5 nearby targets for
[ 35%[ 38.5% of Attack Power ] Nature damage. Night Fae. Night Fae. 100 yd range. Instant. - Wild Spirit Evoke the energy of Wild Spirits at the target location, dealing [ 25% of Attack Power ] Nature damage and apply Hunter’s Mark to all enemy targets within the area for 15 sec. While the Wild Spirits are active, each damaging ability you or your pet use against a target in the area will strike up to 5 nearby targets for
[ 35%[ 38.5% of Attack Power ] Nature damage. Night Fae. Night Fae. 100 yd range. Instant. - Wild Spirits Evoke the energy of Wild Spirits at the target location, dealing [ 25% of Attack Power ] Nature damage and apply Hunter’s Mark to all enemy targets within the area for 15 sec. While the Wild Spirits are active, each damaging ability you or your pet use against a target in the area will strike up to 5 nearby targets for
[ 35%[ 38.5% of Attack Power ] Nature damage. Night Fae. Night Fae. 40 yd range. Instant. 2 min cooldown. - Wild Spirits Evoke the energy of Wild Spirits at the target location, dealing [ 25% of Attack Power ] Nature damage and apply Hunter’s Mark to all enemy targets within the area for 15 sec. While the Wild Spirits are active, each damaging ability you or your pet use against a target in the area will strike up to 5 nearby targets for
[ 35%[ 38.5% of Attack Power ] Nature damage. Limited to 5 targets. Night Fae. Night Fae. 100 yd range. Instant. - Wild Spirits Evoke the energy of Wild Spirits at the target location, dealing [ 25% of Attack Power ] Nature damage and apply Hunter’s Mark to all enemy targets within the area for 15 sec. While the Wild Spirits are active, each damaging ability you or your pet use against a target in the area will strike up to 5 nearby targets for
[ 35%[ 38.5% of Attack Power ] Nature damage. Night Fae. Night Fae. 100 yd range. Instant.
- Deathborne Transform into a powerful skeletal mage for
2025 sec. While in the form of a skeletal mage, your Frostbolt, Fireball, and Arcane Blast hit up to 2 enemies near your target and your spell damage is increased by10%15%. Necrolord. Necrolord. 5% of Base Mana. 1.5 sec cast. 3 min cooldown. - Mirrors of Torment (Arcane) Whenever a mirror is consumed you gain
4% mana.Clearcasting. - Mirrors of Torment (Fire) Whenever a mirror is consumed your Fire Blast cooldown is reduced by
4 sec.6 sec. - Radiant Spark Conjure a radiant spark that causes
[ 76%[ 91.2% of Spell Power ] Arcane damage instantly, and an additional[ 41.2%[ 49.5% of Spell Power ] damage over 10 sec. The target takes 10% increased damage from your direct damage spells, stacking each time they are struck. This effect ends after 4 spells. Kyrian. Kyrian. 2% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. 1.5 sec cast. 30 sec cooldown. - Shifting Power Draw power from the ground beneath, dealing
[ 189.4%[ 212.2% of Spell Power ] Nature damage over 4 sec to enemies within 18 yds. While channeling, your Mage ability cooldowns are reduced by1210 sec over 4 sec. Night Fae. Night Fae. 5% of Base Mana. 4 sec cast (Channeled).45 sec cooldown.60 sec cooldown. - Shifting Power Draw power from the ground beneath, dealing
[ 189.4%[ 212.2% of Spell Power ] Nature damage over 4 sec to enemies within 18 yds. While channeling, your Mage ability cooldowns are reduced by1210 sec over 4 sec. Night Fae. Night Fae. 100 yd range. Instant.
- Weapons of Order
Deal [ 154%Deal [ 184% of Attack Power ] Arcane damage to a random enemy within 15. Kyrian. Kyrian. 100 yd range. Instant.
- Vanquisher’s Hammer (Holy)
Throws a hammer at your target dealing [ 170% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage, and empowering your next Word of Glory to automatically trigger Light of Dawn.Throws a hammer at your target dealing [ 136% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage, and empowering your next Word of Glory to automatically trigger Light of Dawn. Generates 1 Holy Power. - Vanquisher’s Hammer (Protection, Initial)
Throws a hammer at your target dealing [ 170% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage, and empowering your next Word of Glory to automatically trigger Shield of the Righteous.Throws a hammer at your target dealing [ 136% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage, and empowering your next Word of Glory to automatically trigger Shield of the Righteous. Generates 1 Holy Power. - Vanquisher’s Hammer (Retribution)
Throws a hammer at your target dealing [ 170% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage, and empowering your next Templar’s Verdict to automatically trigger Divine Storm.Throws a hammer at your target dealing [ 136% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage, and empowering your next Templar’s Verdict to automatically trigger Divine Storm. Generates 1 Holy Power. - Vanquisher’s Hammer
1 Holy Power.
- Benevolent Faerie (Discipline, Shadow, Initial) Wrathful Faerie: Any: Direct attacks against the target restore 0.5% Mana or 3 Insanity. Guardian Faerie: Reduces damage taken by
10%.15%. Benevolent Faerie: Increases the cooldown recovery rate ofa major ability by 100%.your target’s major ability by 150%. - Benevolent Faerie (Holy) Wrathful Faerie: Any: Direct attacks against the target restore 0.5% Mana or 3 Insanity. Guardian Faerie: Reduces damage taken by
10%.15%. Benevolent Faerie: Increases the cooldown recovery rate ofa major ability by 100%.your target’s major ability by 150%. - Benevolent Faerie Fermata Your Fae Guardians leave behind a
60%80% effective copy of their benefit, lasting 3.0 sec when they jump to a new target. Night Fae. Night Fae. 100 yd range. Instant. - Fae Guardians (Discipline, Shadow, Initial) Wrathful Faerie: Any: Direct attacks against the target restore 0.5% Mana or 3 Insanity. Guardian Faerie: Reduces damage taken by
10%.15%. Benevolent Faerie: Increases the cooldown recovery rate ofa major ability by 100%.your target’s major ability by 150%. - Fae Guardians (Holy) Wrathful Faerie: Any: Direct attacks against the target restore 0.5% Mana or 3 Insanity. Guardian Faerie: Reduces damage taken by
10%.15%. Benevolent Faerie: Increases the cooldown recovery rate ofa major ability by 100%.your target’s major ability by 150%. - Guardian Faerie (Discipline, Shadow, Initial) Wrathful Faerie: Any: Direct attacks against the target restore 0.5% Mana or 3 Insanity. Guardian Faerie: Reduces damage taken by
10%.15%. Benevolent Faerie: Increases the cooldown recovery rate ofa major ability by 100%.your target’s major ability by 150%. - Guardian Faerie (Holy) Wrathful Faerie: Any: Direct attacks against the target restore 0.5% Mana or 3 Insanity. Guardian Faerie: Reduces damage taken by
10%.15%. Benevolent Faerie: Increases the cooldown recovery rate ofa major ability by 100%.your target’s major ability by 150%. - Guardian Faerie Fermata Your Fae Guardians leave behind a
60%80% effective copy of their benefit, lasting 3.0 sec when they jump to a new target. Night Fae. Night Fae. 100 yd range. Instant. - Unholy Nova An explosion of dark energy infects enemies within 15 yds with Unholy Transfusion, and heals
up to 6 allies for [ 119% of Spell Power ]. [Spell_AnimaMaldraxxus_Debuff] Unholy Tranfusion Deals [ 250% of Spell Power ] Shadow damageallies for up to [ 150% of Spell Power ] based on number of targets. [Spell_AnimaMaldraxxus_Debuff] Unholy Tranfusion Deals up to [ 280% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage based on number of targets over 15 sec. Allies who damage this target are healed for [ 4% of Spell Power ]. Necrolord. Necrolord. 5% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. Instant. 60 sec cooldown. - Unholy Nova (New) Discipline: An explosion of dark energy infects enemies within 15 yds with Unholy Transfusion, and heals allies for up to [ 150% of Spell Power ] based on number of targets. [Spell_AnimaMaldraxxus_Debuff] Unholy Tranfusion Deals up to [ 280% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage based on number of targets over 15 sec. Allies who damage this target are healed for [ 4% of Spell Power ]. Holy: Discipline, Holy, Shadow: An explosion of dark energy infects enemies within 15 yds with Unholy Transfusion, and heals allies for up to [ 150% of Spell Power ] based on number of targets. [Spell_AnimaMaldraxxus_Debuff] Unholy Tranfusion Deals up to [ 280% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage based on number of targets over 15 sec. Allies who damage this target are healed for [ 4% of Spell Power ]. Initial: An explosion of dark energy infects enemies within 15 yds with Unholy Transfusion, and heals allies for up to [ 150% of Spell Power ] based on number of targets. [Spell_AnimaMaldraxxus_Debuff] Unholy Tranfusion [ERROR: sure looks like an infinite loop] Shadow, Initial: [ERROR: sure looks like an infinite loop] Necrolord. Necrolord. 40 yd range. Instant.
- Unholy Transfusion
Deals [ 250% of Spell Power ] Shadow damageDeals up to [ 280% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage based on number of targets over 15 sec. Allies who damage this target are healed for [ 4% of Spell Power ]. Necrolord. Necrolord.Instant. 60 sec cooldown.100 yd range. Instant. 60 sec cooldown. - Wrathful Faerie (Discipline, Shadow, Initial) Wrathful Faerie: Any: Direct attacks against the target restore 0.5% Mana or 3 Insanity. Guardian Faerie: Reduces damage taken by
10%.15%. Benevolent Faerie: Increases the cooldown recovery rate ofa major ability by 100%.your target’s major ability by 150%. - Wrathful Faerie (Holy) Wrathful Faerie: Any: Direct attacks against the target restore 0.5% Mana or 3 Insanity. Guardian Faerie: Reduces damage taken by
10%.15%. Benevolent Faerie: Increases the cooldown recovery rate ofa major ability by 100%.your target’s major ability by 150%. - Wrathful Faerie (Discipline, Shadow, Initial) Wrathful Faerie: Any: Direct attacks against the target restore 0.5% Mana or 3 Insanity. Guardian Faerie: Reduces damage taken by
10%.15%. Benevolent Faerie: Increases the cooldown recovery rate ofa major ability by 100%.your target’s major ability by 150%. - Wrathful Faerie (Holy) Wrathful Faerie: Any: Direct attacks against the target restore 0.5% Mana or 3 Insanity. Guardian Faerie: Reduces damage taken by
10%.15%. Benevolent Faerie: Increases the cooldown recovery rate ofa major ability by 100%.your target’s major ability by 150%. - Wrathful Faerie Fermata Your Fae Guardians leave behind a
60%80% effective copy of their benefit, lasting 3.0 sec when they jump to a new target. Night Fae. Night Fae. 100 yd range. Instant. - Wrathful Faerie Fermata Your Fae Guardians leave behind a
60%80% effective copy of their benefit, lasting 3.0 sec when they jump to a new target. Night Fae. Night Fae. 100 yd range. Instant.
- Flagellation (New) Lash the target for [ 100% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage, increasing the range of your melee attacks by 6 yards for 10 sec. Venthyr. Venthyr. 12 yd range. Instant. 1.5 min cooldown. 1 sec global cooldown.
- Fae Transfusion (Elemental, Restoration, Initial) Transfer the life force of up to 4 enemies in the targeted area, dealing
[ 564%[ 705% of Spell Power ] Nature damage evenly split to each enemy target over 3 sec. Pressing Fae Transfusion again within 20 sec will release40%60% of all damage from Fae Transfusion, healing up to 4 alliesnear yourself.within 20 yds. - Fae Transfusion (Enhancement) Transfer the life force of up to 4 enemies in the targeted area, dealing
[ 564%[ 705% of Spell Power ] Nature damage evenly split to each enemy target over 3 sec. Fully channeling Fae Transfusion generates1 stack of Maelstrom Weapon.3 stacks of Maelstrom Weapon. Pressing Fae Transfusion again within 20 sec will release40%60% of all damage from Fae Transfusion, healing up to 4 alliesnear yourself.within 20 yds. - Fae Transfusion (Elemental, Restoration, Initial) Transfer the life force of up to 4 enemies in the targeted area, dealing
[ 564%[ 705% of Spell Power ] Nature damage evenly split to each enemy target over 3 sec. Pressing Fae Transfusion again within 20 sec will release40%60% of all damage from Fae Transfusion, healing up to 4 alliesnear yourself.within 20 yds. - Fae Transfusion (Enhancement) Transfer the life force of up to 4 enemies in the targeted area, dealing
[ 564%[ 705% of Spell Power ] Nature damage evenly split to each enemy target over 3 sec. Fully channeling Fae Transfusion generates1 stack of Maelstrom Weapon.3 stacks of Maelstrom Weapon. Pressing Fae Transfusion again within 20 sec will release40%60% of all damage from Fae Transfusion, healing up to 4 alliesnear yourself.within 20 yds. - Fae Transfusion (Elemental, Restoration, Initial) Transfer the life force of up to 4 enemies in the targeted area, dealing
[ 564%[ 705% of Spell Power ] Nature damage evenly split to each enemy target over 3 sec. Pressing Fae Transfusion again within 20 sec will release40%60% of all damage from Fae Transfusion, healing up to 4 alliesnear yourself.within 20 yds. - Fae Transfusion (Enhancement) Transfer the life force of up to 4 enemies in the targeted area, dealing
[ 564%[ 705% of Spell Power ] Nature damage evenly split to each enemy target over 3 sec. Fully channeling Fae Transfusion generates1 stack of Maelstrom Weapon.3 stacks of Maelstrom Weapon. Pressing Fae Transfusion again within 20 sec will release40%60% of all damage from Fae Transfusion, healing up to 4 alliesnear yourself.within 20 yds. - Fae Transfusion (Elemental, Restoration, Initial) Transfer the life force of up to 4 enemies in the targeted area, dealing
[ 564%[ 705% of Spell Power ] Nature damage evenly split to each enemy target over 3 sec. Pressing Fae Transfusion again within 20 sec will release40%60% of all damage from Fae Transfusion, healing up to 4 alliesnear yourself.within 20 yds. - Fae Transfusion (Enhancement) Transfer the life force of up to 4 enemies in the targeted area, dealing
[ 564%[ 705% of Spell Power ] Nature damage evenly split to each enemy target over 3 sec. Fully channeling Fae Transfusion generates1 stack of Maelstrom Weapon.3 stacks of Maelstrom Weapon. Pressing Fae Transfusion again within 20 sec will release40%60% of all damage from Fae Transfusion, healing up to 4 alliesnear yourself.within 20 yds. - Primordial Wave (Enhancement) Your next Lightning Bolt will also hit all targets affected by your Flame Shock for
100% of normal damage.150% of normal damage. - Primordial Wave (Initial) Your next Healing Wave will also hit all targets affected by your Riptide for
100% of normal damage.150% of normal damage. - Primordial Wave (Enhancement) Your next Lightning Bolt will also hit all targets affected by your Flame Shock for
100% of normal damage.150% of normal damage. - Primordial Wave (Initial) Your next Healing Wave will also hit all targets affected by your Riptide for
100% of normal damage.150% of normal damage. - Primordial Wave (Enhancement) Your next Lightning Bolt will also hit all targets affected by your Flame Shock for
100% of normal damage.150% of normal damage. - Primordial Wave (Initial) Your next Healing Wave will also hit all targets affected by your Riptide for
100% of normal damage.150% of normal damage. - Primordial Wave (Enhancement) Your next Lightning Bolt will also hit all targets affected by your Flame Shock for
100% of normal damage.150% of normal damage. - Primordial Wave (Initial) Your next Healing Wave will also hit all targets affected by your Riptide for
100% of normal damage.150% of normal damage. - Primordial Wave (Enhancement) Your next Lightning Bolt will also hit all targets affected by your Flame Shock for
100% of normal damage.150% of normal damage. - Primordial Wave (Initial) Your next Healing Wave will also hit all targets affected by your Riptide for
100% of normal damage.150% of normal damage. - Vesper Totem Summon a totem at the target location for 30 sec. Your next 3 damage spells or abilities will cause the totem to radiate
[ 64%[ 80% of Spell Power ] Arcane damage to up to 6 enemies near the totem, and your next 3 healing spells will heal up to 6 allies near the totem for[ 73%[ 91% of Spell Power ] health. Casting this ability again while the totem is active will relocate the totem. Kyrian. Kyrian. 10% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. Instant. 60 sec cooldown. - Vesper Totem Summon a totem at the target location for 30 sec. Your next 3 damage spells or abilities will cause the totem to radiate
[ 64%[ 80% of Spell Power ] Arcane damage to up to 6 enemies near the totem, and your next 3 healing spells will heal up to 6 allies near the totem for[ 73%[ 91% of Spell Power ] health. Casting this ability again while the totem is active will relocate the totem. Kyrian. Kyrian. 100 yd range. Instant. - Vesper Totem Summon a totem at the target location for 30 sec. Your next 3 damage spells or abilities will cause the totem to radiate
[ 64%[ 80% of Spell Power ] Arcane damage to up to 6 enemies near the totem, and your next 3 healing spells will heal up to 6 allies near the totem for[ 73%[ 91% of Spell Power ] health. Casting this ability again while the totem is active will relocate the totem. Limited to 6 targets. Kyrian. Kyrian. 40 yd range. Instant. - Vesper Totem Summon a totem at the target location for 30 sec. Your next 3 damage spells or abilities will cause the totem to radiate
[ 64%[ 80% of Spell Power ] Arcane damage to up to 6 enemies near the totem, and your next 3 healing spells will heal up to 6 allies near the totem for[ 73%[ 91% of Spell Power ] health. Casting this ability again while the totem is active will relocate the totem. Kyrian. Kyrian. 40 yd range. Instant. 3 sec cooldown. - Vesper Totem Summon a totem at the target location for 30 sec. Your next 3 damage spells or abilities will cause the totem to radiate
[ 64%[ 80% of Spell Power ] Arcane damage to up to 6 enemies near the totem, and your next 3 healing spells will heal up to 6 allies near the totem for[ 73%[ 91% of Spell Power ] health. Casting this ability again while the totem is active will relocate the totem. Kyrian. Kyrian. 40 yd range. Instant.
- Decimating Bolt (Affliction) Hurl bolts of decimating magic at your target, dealing
[ 120%[ 138% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage and increasing the damage of your next Drain Soul by 100%. - Decimating Bolt (Demonology) Hurl bolts of decimating magic at your target, dealing
[ 120%[ 138% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage and increasing the damage of your next 3 Demonbolts by 100%. Decimating Bolt’s damage, and the bonus toDemonoboltDemonbolt both increase as your target’s health decreases. - Decimating Bolt (Destruction) Hurl bolts of decimating magic at your target, dealing
[ 120%[ 138% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage and increasing the damage of your next 3 Incinerates by 100%. - Decimating Bolt (Initial) Hurl bolts of decimating magic at your target, dealing
[ 120%[ 138% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage and increasing the damage of your next 3 Shadow Bolts by 100%. - Decimating Bolt (Affliction) Hurl bolts of decimating magic at your target, dealing
[ 120%[ 138% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage and increasing the damage of your next Drain Soul by 100%. - Decimating Bolt (Demonology) Hurl bolts of decimating magic at your target, dealing
[ 120%[ 138% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage and increasing the damage of your next 3 Demonbolts by 100%. Decimating Bolt’s damage, and the bonus toDemonoboltDemonbolt both increase as your target’s health decreases. - Decimating Bolt (Destruction) Hurl bolts of decimating magic at your target, dealing
[ 120%[ 138% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage and increasing the damage of your next 3 Incinerates by 100%. - Decimating Bolt (Initial) Hurl bolts of decimating magic at your target, dealing
[ 120%[ 138% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage and increasing the damage of your next 3 Shadow Bolts by 100%. - Decimating Bolt (Affliction) Hurl bolts of decimating magic at your target, dealing
[ 120%[ 138% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage and increasing the damage of your next Drain Soul by 100%. - Decimating Bolt (Demonology) Hurl bolts of decimating magic at your target, dealing
[ 120%[ 138% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage and increasing the damage of your next 3 Demonbolts by 100%. Decimating Bolt’s damage, and the bonus toDemonoboltDemonbolt both increase as your target’s health decreases. - Decimating Bolt (Destruction) Hurl bolts of decimating magic at your target, dealing
[ 120%[ 138% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage and increasing the damage of your next 3 Incinerates by 100%. - Decimating Bolt (Initial) Hurl bolts of decimating magic at your target, dealing
[ 120%[ 138% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage and increasing the damage of your next 3 Shadow Bolts by 100%. - Decimating Bolt (Affliction) Hurl bolts of decimating magic at your target, dealing
[ 120%[ 138% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage and increasing the damage of your next Drain Soul by 100%. - Decimating Bolt (Demonology) Hurl bolts of decimating magic at your target, dealing
[ 120%[ 138% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage and increasing the damage of your next 3 Demonbolts by 100%. Decimating Bolt’s damage, and the bonus toDemonoboltDemonbolt both increase as your target’s health decreases. - Decimating Bolt (Destruction) Hurl bolts of decimating magic at your target, dealing
[ 120%[ 138% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage and increasing the damage of your next 3 Incinerates by 100%. - Decimating Bolt (Initial) Hurl bolts of decimating magic at your target, dealing
[ 120%[ 138% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage and increasing the damage of your next 3 Shadow Bolts by 100%. - Decimating Bolt (Affliction) Hurl bolts of decimating magic at your target, dealing
[ 120%[ 138% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage and increasing the damage of your next Drain Soul by 100%. - Decimating Bolt (Demonology) Hurl bolts of decimating magic at your target, dealing
[ 120%[ 138% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage and increasing the damage of your next 3 Demonbolts by 100%. Decimating Bolt’s damage, and the bonus toDemonoboltDemonbolt both increase as your target’s health decreases. - Decimating Bolt (Destruction) Hurl bolts of decimating magic at your target, dealing
[ 120%[ 138% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage and increasing the damage of your next 3 Incinerates by 100%. - Decimating Bolt (Initial) Hurl bolts of decimating magic at your target, dealing
[ 120%[ 138% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage and increasing the damage of your next 3 Shadow Bolts by 100%. - Impending Catastrophe Call forth a cloud of chaotic anima that travels to the target enemy, dealing
[ 20%[ 25.3% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage to enemies in its path. When the anima reaches the target it explodes, inflicting either Curse of Weakness or Curse of Tongues, and dealing[ 105%[ 138% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage over 12 sec to all nearby enemies. Venthyr. Venthyr. 4% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. 2 sec cast. 60 sec cooldown. - Scouring Tithe
Deal [ 60%Deal [ 54% of Spell Power ] Arcane damage instantly, and [ 90% of Spell Power ] over 18 sec. If the enemy dies while affected by Scouring Tithe, you generate 5 Soul Shards. If they survive, Scouring Tithe’s cooldown is refreshed. Kyrian. Kyrian. 100 yd range. Instant. - Scouring Tithe
Deal [ 60%Deal [ 54% of Spell Power ] Arcane damage instantly, and [ 90% of Spell Power ] over 18 sec. If the enemy dies while affected by Scouring Tithe, you generate 5 Soul Shards. If they survive, Scouring Tithe’s cooldown is refreshed. Kyrian. Kyrian. Instant. - Scouring Tithe
Deal [ 60%Deal [ 54% of Spell Power ] Arcane damage instantly, and [ 90% of Spell Power ] over 18 sec. If the enemy dies while affected by Scouring Tithe, you generate 5 Soul Shards. If they survive, Scouring Tithe’s cooldown is refreshed. Kyrian. Kyrian. 2% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. 2 sec cast. 40 sec cooldown. - Scouring Tithe
Deal [ 60%Deal [ 54% of Spell Power ] Arcane damage instantly, and [ 90% of Spell Power ] over 18 sec. If the enemy dies while affected by Scouring Tithe, you generate 5 Soul Shards. If they survive, Scouring Tithe’s cooldown is refreshed. Kyrian. Kyrian. Instant.
- Conqueror’s Banner (Arms, Protection, Initial)
Plant the Conqueror’s Banner in the ground, granting 20% maximum health and 10% critical strike chance to you and 2 allies within 15 yds of the banner for 20 sec.Brandish the Conqueror’s Banner, granting 0 Mastery and 30% increased movement speed to you and your 2 nearest allies, and preventing movement speed from being reduced below 100%.While active, spending 20 Rage and killing enemies grants you Glory.Lasts 15 sec.Glory increases your critical strike damage by 1% per stack, up to 30%, for 30 sec.Generates 4 Rage per sec. - Conqueror’s Banner (Fury)
Plant the Conqueror’s Banner in the ground, granting 20% maximum health and 10% critical strike chance to you and 2 allies within 15 yds of the banner for 20 sec.Brandish the Conqueror’s Banner, granting 0 Mastery and 30% increased movement speed to you and your 2 nearest allies, and preventing movement speed from being reduced below 100%.While active, spending 30 Rage and killing enemies grants you Glory.Lasts 15 sec.Glory increases your critical strike damage by 1% per stack, up to 30%, for 30 sec.Generates 6 Rage per sec. - Conqueror’s Banner
10030 yd range. - Conqueror’s Banner (Arms) Arms, Protection, Initial:
Plant the Conqueror’s Banner in the ground, granting 20% maximum health and 10% critical strike chance to you and 2 allies within 15 yds of the banner for 20 sec.Brandish the Conqueror’s Banner, granting 0 Mastery and 30% increased movement speed to you and your 2 nearest allies, and preventing movement speed from being reduced below 100%.While active, spending 20 Rage and killing enemies grants you Glory.Lasts 15 sec.Glory increases your critical strike damage by 1% per stack, up to 30%, for 30 sec.Generates 4 Rage per sec. - Conqueror’s Banner (Fury)
Plant the Conqueror’s Banner in the ground, granting 20% maximum health and 10% critical strike chance to you and 2 allies within 15 yds of the banner for 20 sec.Brandish the Conqueror’s Banner, granting 0 Mastery and 30% increased movement speed to you and your 2 nearest allies, and preventing movement speed from being reduced below 100%.While active, spending 30 Rage and killing enemies grants you Glory.Lasts 15 sec.Glory increases your critical strike damage by 1% per stack, up to 30%, for 30 sec.Generates 6 Rage per sec. - Conqueror’s Banner (Fury) Arms, Fury, Protection: Arms, Protection, Initial:
Plant the Conqueror’s Banner in the ground, granting 20% maximum health and 10% critical strike chance to you and 2 allies within 15 yds of the banner for 20 sec.Brandish the Conqueror’s Banner, granting 0 Mastery and 30% increased movement speed to you and your 2 nearest allies, and preventing movement speed from being reduced below 100%.While active, spending 20 Rage and killing enemies grants you Glory.Lasts 15 sec.Glory increases your critical strike damage by 1% per stack, up to 30%, for 30 sec.Generates 4 Rage per sec. - Conqueror’s Banner (Fury)
Plant the Conqueror’s Banner in the ground, granting 20% maximum health and 10% critical strike chance to you and 2 allies within 15 yds of the banner for 20 sec.Brandish the Conqueror’s Banner, granting 0 Mastery and 30% increased movement speed to you and your 2 nearest allies, and preventing movement speed from being reduced below 100%.While active, spending 30 Rage and killing enemies grants you Glory.Lasts 15 sec.Glory increases your critical strike damage by 1% per stack, up to 30%, for 30 sec.Generates 6 Rage per sec. - Conqueror’s Banner (Arms, Protection, Initial)
Plant the Conqueror’s Banner in the ground, granting 20% maximum health and 10% critical strike chance to you and 2 allies within 15 yds of the banner for 20 sec.Brandish the Conqueror’s Banner, granting 0 Mastery and 30% increased movement speed to you and your 2 nearest allies, and preventing movement speed from being reduced below 100%.While active, spending 20 Rage and killing enemies grants you Glory.Lasts 15 sec.Glory increases your critical strike damage by 1% per stack, up to 30%, for 30 sec.Generates 4 Rage per sec. - Conqueror’s Banner (Fury)
Plant the Conqueror’s Banner in the ground, granting 20% maximum health and 10% critical strike chance to you and 2 allies within 15 yds of the banner for 20 sec.Brandish the Conqueror’s Banner, granting 0 Mastery and 30% increased movement speed to you and your 2 nearest allies, and preventing movement speed from being reduced below 100%.While active, spending 30 Rage and killing enemies grants you Glory.Lasts 15 sec.Glory increases your critical strike damage by 1% per stack, up to 30%, for 30 sec.Generates 6 Rage per sec. - Conqueror’s Banner
32 min cooldown. - Conqueror’s Frenzy (Arms, Protection, Initial)
Plant the Conqueror’s Banner in the ground, granting 20% maximum health and 10% critical strike chance to you and 2 allies within 15 yds of the banner for 20 sec.Brandish the Conqueror’s Banner, granting 0 Mastery and 30% increased movement speed to you and your 2 nearest allies, and preventing movement speed from being reduced below 100%.While active, spending 20 Rage and killing enemies grants you Glory.Lasts 15 sec.Glory increases your critical strike damage by 1% per stack, up to 30%, for 30 sec.Generates 4 Rage per sec. - Conqueror’s Frenzy (Fury)
Plant the Conqueror’s Banner in the ground, granting 20% maximum health and 10% critical strike chance to you and 2 allies within 15 yds of the banner for 20 sec.Brandish the Conqueror’s Banner, granting 0 Mastery and 30% increased movement speed to you and your 2 nearest allies, and preventing movement speed from being reduced below 100%.While active, spending 30 Rage and killing enemies grants you Glory.Lasts 15 sec.Glory increases your critical strike damage by 1% per stack, up to 30%, for 30 sec.Generates 6 Rage per sec. - Glory (Arms, Protection, Initial)
Plant the Conqueror’s Banner in the ground, granting 20% maximum health and 10% critical strike chance to you and 2 allies within 15 yds of the banner for 20 sec.Brandish the Conqueror’s Banner, granting 0 Mastery and 30% increased movement speed to you and your 2 nearest allies, and preventing movement speed from being reduced below 100%.While active, spending 20 Rage and killing enemies grants you Glory.Lasts 15 sec.Glory increases your critical strike damage by 1% per stack, up to 30%, for 30 sec.Generates 4 Rage per sec. - Glory (Fury)
Plant the Conqueror’s Banner in the ground, granting 20% maximum health and 10% critical strike chance to you and 2 allies within 15 yds of the banner for 20 sec.Brandish the Conqueror’s Banner, granting 0 Mastery and 30% increased movement speed to you and your 2 nearest allies, and preventing movement speed from being reduced below 100%.While active, spending 30 Rage and killing enemies grants you Glory.Lasts 15 sec.Glory increases your critical strike damage by 1% per stack, up to 30%, for 30 sec.Generates 6 Rage per sec. - Glory (Arms, Protection, Initial)
Plant the Conqueror’s Banner in the ground, granting 20% maximum health and 10% critical strike chance to you and 2 allies within 15 yds of the banner for 20 sec.Brandish the Conqueror’s Banner, granting 0 Mastery and 30% increased movement speed to you and your 2 nearest allies, and preventing movement speed from being reduced below 100%.While active, spending 20 Rage and killing enemies grants you Glory.Lasts 15 sec.Glory increases your critical strike damage by 1% per stack, up to 30%, for 30 sec.Generates 4 Rage per sec. - Glory (Fury)
Plant the Conqueror’s Banner in the ground, granting 20% maximum health and 10% critical strike chance to you and 2 allies within 15 yds of the banner for 20 sec.Brandish the Conqueror’s Banner, granting 0 Mastery and 30% increased movement speed to you and your 2 nearest allies, and preventing movement speed from being reduced below 100%.While active, spending 30 Rage and killing enemies grants you Glory.Lasts 15 sec.Glory increases your critical strike damage by 1% per stack, up to 30%, for 30 sec.Generates 6 Rage per sec.
Anima Powers
- Alluring Cheese
Your Conjure Refreshment also conjures Alluring Cheese, luring up to 3 neutral Mawrats. 12 yd range. Instant.Knocking, rooting, or incapacitating enemies increases Fire, Frost, and Arcane damage done by 50% for 8 sec. 30 yd range. Instant. - Bloodgorged Leech (New) Your damaging spells and abilities have a very high chance to heal you for 5% of maximum health. Instant. Approximately 10 procs per minute.
- Bloodgorged Leech (New) Your damaging spells and abilities have a very high chance to heal you for 5% of maximum health. 100 yd range. Instant.
- Champion’s Decree (Arms, Fury, Initial) Breaking an Ashen Phylactery increases the damage of your next Slam by
20%.50%. This effect stacks100 times.40 times. - Champion’s Decree (Protection) Breaking an Ashen Phylactery increases the damage of your next Revenge by
20%.50%. This effect stacks100 times.40 times. - Chaotic Effigy Affliction: Breaking an Ashen Phylactery increases the damage of your next Drain Soul by 20%. This effect stacks up to 100 times, Demonology: Breaking an Ashen Phylactery increases the damage of your next Shadow Bolt by 20%. This effect stacks up to 100 times. Destruction: Breaking an Ashen Phylactery increases the damage of your next Incinerate by 20%. This effect stacks up to 100 times. Initial: Breaking an Ashen Phylactery increases the damage of your next by 20%. This effect stacks up to 100 times. Instant.
- Clinging Fog During Soulshape, Flicker reduces the movement speed of enemies near your departure location by
30% for 6 sec. Instant.70% for 6 sec. Instant. - Clinging Fog During Soulshape, Flicker reduces the movement speed of enemies near your departure location by
30% for 6 sec. Instant.70% for 6 sec. Instant. - Collar of Teeth Beasts of Prodigum Your Maw Beast’s damage done is increased by
25%. Instant.40%. Instant. - Collar of Teeth Your Maw Beast’s damage done is increased by
25%. Instant.40%. Instant. - Constellation Shield Interrupting an enemy’s spell cast reduces your damage taken by
15% for 20 sec. Instant.20% for 20 sec. Instant. - Cruelty Censer You deal
25%35% more damage to creatures that are feared, horrified, stunned, or dazed. Instant. - Dark Fortress While in combat, every 10 sec gain 5% reduced damage taken for 12 sec. This effect stacks up to
10 times. Instant.5 times. Instant. - Death Hook Name changed from „Force Pull“ to „Death Hook“.
- Depleted Soul Vessel Decimating Bolt’s bonus to
Shadow BoltDemonbolt now applies to an additional 3 casts. Instant. - Desiccated Grasshopper Name changed from „Dessicated Grasshopper“ to „Desiccated Grasshopper“.
- Desolate Chitin (New) Fleshcraft absorbs 50% more damage. Instant.
- Dimensional Blade Blinking through
a Mawrat will instantly kill it and grant 3 extra charges to your Blink spell. enemy refreshes your Blink cooldown. Blinking through Mawrats will kill them instantly. Instant. - Elethium Alembic Your mastery is increased by 30%, but your Arcane damage and
healing done is reduced by 75%. Instant.Arcane healing done is reduced by 25%. Instant. - Elethium Beacon Your critical strike chance is increased by 25%, but your Fire damage and
healing done is reduced by 75%. Instant.Fire healing done is reduced by 25%. Instant. - Elethium Censer Your healing received is increased by 100%, but your Holy damage and
healing done is reduced by 75%. Instant.Holy healing done is reduced by 25%. Instant. - Elethium Diffuser Inflicts Shadow damage equal to
100%40% of all the damage you receive, split amongst enemies within 5 yds, but you are no longer able to step backwards. Instant. - Elethium Lantern Your leech is increased by 15%, but your Shadow damage and
healing done is reduced by 75%. Instant.Shadow healing done is reduced by 25%. Instant. - Elethium Lifegourd Your haste is increased by 25%, but your Nature damage and
healing done is reduced by 75%. Instant.Nature healing done is reduced by 25%. Instant. - Elethium Muzzle Your abilities cool down 25% faster, but your Physical damage and
healing done is reduced by 75%. Instant.Physical healing done is reduced by 25%. Instant. - Elethium Teardrop Your critical strike damage and healing is increased by 30%, but your Frost damage and
healing done is reduced by 75%. Instant.Frost healing done is reduced by 25%. Instant. - Elongated Skeletal Arms Increases the range of your Auto Attack
by 10 yds. Instant.and Auto Shot by 10 yds. Auto Attack and Auto Shot damage increased by 50%. Instant. - Ethereal Wildseed (New) During Soulshape, Flicker heals you for 20% of your maximum health. Instant.
- Ethereal Wildseed (New) During Soulshape, Flicker heals you for 20% of your maximum health. Instant.
- Everwarm Socks Ice Block heals you for 60% of your maximum health over the duration and no longer covers your feet, allowing you to move… albeit very slowly. Instant.
- Fae Empowered Elixir The cooldown of The Hunt is reset if the marked enemy is killed
withwithin 20 sec of its application. Instant. - Fallen Armaments While in combat, every 10 sec gain 5% Haste for 12 sec. This effect stacks up to
10 times. Instant.5 times. Instant. - Feathered Fetters The damage and healing of Boon of the Ascended’s effects are increased by
300%100%, but you cannot move for its duration. Instant. - Frenzywing (New) Instant.
- Frigid Wildseed (New) During Soulshape, Flicker reduces the movement speed of enemies near your departure location by 70% for 6 sec. Instant.
- Frigid Wildseed (New) Activating Soulshape stuns enemies within 12 yds for 6 sec. Instant.
- Frostbite Wand Damaging an enemy will also apply Frostbite, dealing damage equal to 50% of their
totalcurrent hit points. After 4 sec, the enemy will start regenerating all of the lost health over a period of 10 sec. Creatures can only be Frostbitten once. 40 yd range. Instant. - Frostbite Wand Damaging an enemy will also apply Frostbite, dealing damage equal to 50% of their
totalcurrent hit points. After 4 sec, the enemy will start regenerating all of the lost health over a period of 10 sec. Creatures can only be Frostbitten once. Instant. - Frostbite Wand Damaging an enemy will also apply Frostbite, dealing damage equal to 50% of their
totalcurrent hit points. After 4 sec, the enemy will start regenerating all of the lost health over a period of 10 sec. Creatures can only be Frostbitten once. 40 yd range. Instant. - Frostchipper Dealing Frost damage has a chance to break off a portion of your foe, reducing their health by
20%5%. 40 yd range. Instant. Approximately 0.5 procs per minute. - Frostchipper Dealing Frost damage has a chance to break off a portion of your foe, reducing their health by
20%5%. Instant. Approximately 3 procs per minute. - Gnarled Key Casting Door of Shadows reduces the cast time of Door of Shadows by
10%, and its cooldown by 3 sec. Stacks up to 10 times. Instant.20%, and its cooldown by 6 sec. Stacks up to 5 times. Instant. - Gnarled Key Casting Door of Shadows reduces the cast time of Door of Shadows by
10%, and its cooldown by 3 sec. Stacks up to 10 times. Instant.20%, and its cooldown by 6 sec. Stacks up to 5 times. Instant. - Gravity Dynamo (New) Knocking, rooting, or incapacitating enemies increases Fire, Frost, and Arcane damage done by 50% for 8 sec. Instant.
- Gravity Dynamo Name changed from „Alluring Cheese“ to „Gravity Dynamo“.
Your Conjure Refreshment also conjures Alluring Cheese, luring up to 3 neutral Mawrats. Instant.Knocking, rooting, or incapacitating enemies increases Fire, Frost, and Arcane damage done by 50% for 8 sec. Instant. - Hellfire Pact Your summoned demons‘ damage is increased by
25%. Instant.50%. Instant. - Hungerstone (New) Death Strike heals for an additional 10% maximum health over 5 sec. 100 yd range. Instant.
- Incanter’s Ward (New) When your barrier is consumed, gain up to 20% Intellect, based on the amount absorbed. Instant.
- Lens of Elchaver When you critically strike with a direct attack, an Arcane bolt will also strike your target, dealing
[ 125%[ 92% of Spell Power ] Arcane damage. Instant. - Lens of Elchaver When you critically strike with a direct attack, an Arcane bolt will also strike your target, dealing
[ 125%[ 92% of Spell Power ] Arcane damage. 40 yd range. Instant. - Lens of Elchaver When you critically strike with a direct attack, an Arcane bolt will also strike your target, dealing
[ 125%[ 92% of Spell Power ] Arcane damage. Instant. - Lightning Dust Your attacks have a chance to fire a bolt of lightning, dealing
[ 400%[ 100% of Spell Power ] Nature damage to your target. 40 yd range. Instant. - Lightning Dust Your attacks have a chance to fire a bolt of lightning, dealing
[ 400%[ 100% of Spell Power ] Nature damage to your target. Instant. Approximately 3 procs per minute. - Lightning Dust Your attacks have a chance to fire a bolt of lightning, dealing
[ 400%[ 100% of Spell Power ] Nature damage to your target. Instant. Approximately 3 procs per minute. - Mad Wizard’s Intellect At the beginning of each floor, you will receive an intuition, telling you to cast a series of spells in a certain order. If you successfully cast these spells in the correct order, your Intellect will be increased by
10%. Instant.5%. Instant. - Mad Wizard’s Intuition At the beginning of each floor, you will receive an intuition, telling you to cast a series of spells in a certain order. If you successfully cast these spells in the correct order, your Intellect will be increased by
10%. Instant.5%. Instant. - Mad Wizard’s Scrawlings At the beginning of each floor, you will receive an intuition, telling you to cast a series of spells in a certain order. If you successfully cast these spells in the correct order, your Intellect will be increased by
10%. Instant.5%. Instant. - Malevolent Stitching Fleshcraft increases your pri by
8%20% while the shield holds. Instant. - Malevolent Stitching Fleshcraft increases your pri by
8%20% while the shield holds. Instant. - Mask of Sheer Terror Increases the amount of damage required to break your Psychic Scream by
300%. Instant.400%. Instant. - Maw-Darkened Slippers
Jumping orRolling while under the effects of Weapons of Order will shoot a bolt of Radiant energy at a nearby enemy, dealing Arcane damage. Instant. - Murmuring Shawl Door of Shadows increases your chance to dodge by
20% for 15 sec. Instant.40% for 20 sec. Instant. - Murmuring Shawl Door of Shadows increases your chance to dodge by
20% for 15 sec. Instant.40% for 20 sec. Instant. - Orb of Replenishment (New) When you attack an elite or rare creature for the first time, spawn 1 nearby orbs that will heal you for 25% of your maximum health when collected. Against bosses, this will instead spawn 3 nearby orbs. Instant.
- Orb of Replenishment (New) When you attack an elite or rare creature for the first time, spawn 1 nearby orbs that will heal you for 25% of your maximum health when collected. Against bosses, this will instead spawn 3 nearby orbs. Instant.
- Orb of Replenishment (New) When you attack an elite or rare creature for the first time, spawn 1 nearby orbs that will heal you for 25% of your maximum health when collected. Against bosses, this will instead spawn 3 nearby orbs. 100 yd range. Instant.
- Pact of Thickness Your primary summoned demons have
25%50% more health. 100 yd range. Instant. - Parliament Stone Your Steward cheers you on, increasing movement speed by
30%50% and dodge chance by 25% for you and your allies. Instant. - Parliament Stone Your Steward cheers you on, increasing movement speed by
30%50% and dodge chance by 25% for you and your allies. Instant. - Phantasmal Iris (Havoc) Looting Phantasma increases the damage of your next Eye Beam by
1%.5%. - Phantasmal Iris (Vengeance) Looting Phantasma increases the damage of your next Fel Devastation by
1%.5%. - Phantasmal Iris (Initial) Looting Phantasma increases the damage of your next by
1%.5%. - Ragehoof Killing a Mawrat
during Metamorphosis adds 6 sec to the duration. Instant.reduces the cooldown of Metamorphosis by 6 sec. Instant. - Refilling Elixir of Life (New) When you fall below 20% health, immediately heal to full health. This can only occur once per floor. Instant.
- Refilling Elixir of Life (New) Instant.
- Refilling Elixir of Life (New) When you fall below 20% health, immediately heal to full health. This can only occur once per floor. Instant.
- Resonant Mawfang Interrupting with Disrupt deals
10%5% of the target’s maximum health as damage, up to maximum of[ 300% of Total Health ]. 40 yd range. Instant.Total Health. 40 yd range. Instant. - Runic Etchings The maximum health of your Maw Beast is increased by
50%. Instant.100%. Instant. - Runic Etchings Beasts of Prodigum The maximum health of your Maw Beast is increased by
50%. Instant.100%. Instant. - Sacrificial Soul-Ash The damage of your next Elysian Decree is increased by 10% for every second that you do not cast it while it is
onoff cooldown, up to a maximum of 300% additional damage. Instant. - Sacrificial Soul-Ash The damage of your next Elysian Decree is increased by 10% for every second that you do not cast it while it is
onoff cooldown, up to a maximum of 300% additional damage. Instant. - Satchel of Soul Dust Decimating Bolt’s bonus damage to Shadow Bolt is increased by 50%. Instant.
- Scratched Knife Your first Shattering Throw on a floor deals
10,000%4,000% increased damage, and shatters an Anima Cell from the target.Instant.Does not work against bosses. Instant. - Seeker’s Rage (Havoc) Destroying an Ashen Phylactery increases the damage of your
next Demon Blades by 20%.Demon Blades by 2%. - Seeker’s Rage (Vengeance) Destroying an Ashen Phylactery increases the damage of your
next Fracture by 20%.Fracture by 2%. - Seeker’s Rage (Initial) Destroying an Ashen Phylactery increases the damage of your
next Shear by 20%.Shear by 2%. - Seeker’s Scroll Breaking an Ashen Phylactery increases the damage of your
nextFireball, Frostbolt, or Arcane Blast by10%2%. This effect stacks up to 100 times. Instant. - Stygian Victuals Your Maw Beast regenerates
2% of its health every 25% of its health every 5 sec while not in combat. Instant. - Stygian Victuals Your Maw Beast regenerates
2% of its health every 25% of its health every 5 sec while not in combat. Instant. - Stygian Victuals Beasts of Prodigum Your Maw Beast regenerates
2%5% of its health every 1 sec while not in combat. Instant. - The Spectral Hands of Arcadne Chorus of Dead Souls While part of a Deadsoul Chorus, your Auto Attack and Auto Shot damage is increased by 100% and your Auto Attack and Auto Shot range is increased by 20 yds. Instant.
- Vandal’s Zeal Destroying a breakable object within Torghast empowers your
next Power Word: Shield by 10%, stacking up to 10 times. Instant.Mind Blast by 1%, stacking up to 40 times. Instant. - Volatile Augury Beasts of Prodigum When your Maw Beast reaches critical health, it detonates and inflicts
20%50% of its maximum health as Shadow damage to all enemies within 20 yds, stunning them for 3 sec. Instant. - Volatile Augury Beasts of Prodigum When your Maw Beast reaches critical health, it detonates and inflicts
20%50% of its maximum health as Shadow damage to all enemies within 20 yds, stunning them for 3 sec. Instant. - Volatile Augury Beasts of Prodigum When your Maw Beast reaches critical health, it detonates and inflicts
20%50% of its maximum health as Shadow damage to all enemies within 20 yds, stunning them for 3 sec. Instant. - Warlock’s Bargain
Instantly earn 10-10 Soul Remnants. There is a small chance that this will kill you. Instant.Increase your Haste by 20%, but reduce your Stamina by 10%. Instant.
Death Knight
- Ancient Drake Breath Icebound Fortitude unleashes an Ancient Drake, freezing all nearby enemies for
127 sec and dealing [ 300% of Attack Power ] Frost damage. Instant. - Blightstone
The radius of Outbreak, Blood Boil, and Howling Blast is increased by 5 yards. Instant.The damage of your Blood Plague, Frost Fever, and Virulent Plague are increased by 15%. Instant. - Blood-tinged Poker
Sacrificial PactSacrificial Pact’s damage is increased by 400% has no cooldown, and Raise Dead’s cooldown is reduced to25 seconds. Instant.20 seconds. Instant. - Bone Borrower (New) Death Grip reduces the target’s damage dealt to you by 20% for 10 sec, and animates a Risen Skulker or Magus of the Dead for 60 sec. 100 yd range. Instant.
- Bone Borrower (New) Death Coil afflicts enemies with Bone Harvest, dealing 60% of Death Coil’s damage over 5 sec. Targets killed during Bone Harvest are reanimated as a Risen Skulker or a Magus of the Dead for 60 sec. 40 yd range. Instant.
- Bone Borrower (New) Death Grip reduces the target’s damage dealt to you by 20% for 10 sec, and animates a Risen Skulker or Magus of the Dead for 60 sec. 40 yd range. Instant.
- Bone Borrower (New) Death Grip reduces the target’s damage dealt to you by 20% for 10 sec, and animates a Risen Skulker or Magus of the Dead for 60 sec. Instant.
- Creeping Decay Death and
Decay’sDecay gains an additional charge and its radius is increased by 3yards. Instant.yds. Instant. - Darkreaver’s Lens
Anti-Magic Zone reflectsAnti-Magic Shell and Anti-Magic Zone reflect harmful magical effects back at the caster. Instant. - Darkreaver’s Ward
Anti-Magic Zone lasts 3 seconds longer and reduces spell damage taken by an additional 10%. Instant.Anti-Magic Shell and Anti-Magic Zone duration increased by 3 sec. Instant. - Death Hook (New) Death Grip instead pulls you to your target and causes them to slam to the ground, knocking down nearby enemies for 3 sec. 100 yd range. Instant.
- Death Hook Name changed from „Force Pull“ to „Death Hook“. Death Grip
causes the targetinstead pulls you to your target and causes them to slam to the ground, knocking down nearby enemies for 3seconds. |cFF0070ddRare|r. |cFF0070ddRare|r. Instant.sec. Instant. - Death Turf Within your Death and Decay, You and your minions gain 10% Haste
while you are inside your Death and Decay. 100 yd range. Instant.and enemies deal 10% reduced damage to you. 100 yd range. Instant. - Death Turf (New) Death and Decay gains an additional charge and its radius is increased by 3 yds. 100 yd range. Instant.
- Death Turf Within your Death and Decay, You and your minions gain 10% Haste
while you are inside your Death and Decay. Instant.and enemies deal 10% reduced damage to you. Instant. - Entropic Pool (New) Dealing damage with Death and Decay increases damage you deal to the target by 2%, stacking. 100 yd range. Instant.
- Entropic Pool
Death and Decay gains an additional charge. Instant.Dealing damage with Death and Decay increases damage you deal to the target by 2%, stacking. Instant. - Exterminator
Death Gripping a Maw Rat causes it to explode and resets the cooldown of Death Grip. Instant.Death Grip has 2 additional charges, and killing a Mawrat refunds all charges. Instant. - Hungerstone Name changed from „Slick Ice“ to „Hungerstone“.
Path of Frost increases movement speed by 30%. Instant.Death Strike heals for an additional 10% maximum health over 5 sec. Instant. - Lich Robes
Lichborne’s cooldown is reduced by 10 seconds when you Death Strike. Instant.Reduces the cooldown of Lichborne by 4 per 10 Runic Power spent. Instant. - Monstrous Concoction
Death Coil’s healing infuses you orDeath Coil infuses you and your minions with monstrous power, increasingattack speed and damage by 15% for 60 sec. Stacks twice. Instant.damage and attack speed by 10% for 8 sec. Instant. - Necromantic Bile
Sacrifical Pact deals 200% more damage and the blast radius is increased by 2 yards. Instant.Your Heart Strike, Obliterate, and Scourge Strike deal 15% more damage. Instant. - Occult Emitter
Anti-Magic Shell removes all harmful magical effects. Instant.Runic Power generation increased by 100% while affected by your Anti-Magic Shell and Anti-Magic Zone. Instant. - Skull Bloomer
Grows your Death Coil, causing it to deal 50% additional damage and healing. Instant.Death Strike, Frost Strike, and Death Coil deal 75% additional damage. Death Coil’s healing is also increased by 75%. Instant. - Tome of Swordplay Mind Freeze’s cooldown is reduced by
43 seconds when you successfully interrupt a cast. Instant. - Toxic Accumulator Enemies damaged by Death’s Due take 10% increased damage from Death’s Due, stacking up to
8 times. Instant.4 times. Instant. - Unbreakable Cuffs Chains of Ice strikes 1 additional targets and
lasts an additional 3 seconds. Instant.increases your Physical and Frost damage dealt to affected enemies by 15%. Instant.
Demon Hunter
- Demonglass Curio (Vengeance) The cooldown of your Sigils
is reduced by 15%.are reduced by 15%. - Demonglass Curio (Initial) The cooldown of
is reduced by 15%.reduced by 15%. - Furywing (Havoc) Fel Rush damage is increased by 400%,
but it damages you for 15% of your total health if it doesn’t hit an enemy. - Furywing (Vengeance) Infernal Strike damage is increased by 400%,
but it damages you for 15% of your total health if it doesn’t hit an enemy. - Furywing (Initial) damage is increased by 400%,
but it damages you for 15% of your total health if it doesn’t hit an enemy. - Furywing (Havoc) Fel Rush damage is increased by 400%,
but it damages you for 15% of your total health if it doesn’t hit an enemy. - Furywing (Vengeance) Infernal Strike damage is increased by 400%,
but it damages you for 15% of your total health if it doesn’t hit an enemy. - Furywing (Initial) damage is increased by 400%,
but it damages you for 15% of your total health if it doesn’t hit an enemy. - Heart-Piercing Spine Your next 3 uses of Throw Glaive will always reduce enemy health to at least
50%. Instant.70%. Instant. - Phantasmal Iris (Havoc) Looting Phantasma increases the damage of your next Eye Beam by
1%.5%. - Phantasmal Iris (Vengeance) Looting Phantasma increases the damage of your next Fel Devastation by
1%.5%. - Phantasmal Iris (Initial) Looting Phantasma increases the damage of your next by
1%.5%. - Resonant Mawfang Interrupting with Disrupt deals
10%5% of the target’s maximum health as damage, up to maximum of[ 300% of Total Health ]. Instant.Total Health. Instant. - Seeker’s Rage (Havoc) Destroying an Ashen Phylactery increases the damage of your
next Demon Blades by 20%.Demon Blades by 2%. - Seeker’s Rage (Vengeance) Destroying an Ashen Phylactery increases the damage of your
next Fracture by 20%.Fracture by 2%. - Seeker’s Rage (Initial) Destroying an Ashen Phylactery increases the damage of your
next Shear by 20%.Shear by 2%. - Shifting Signet Metamorphosis cooldown reduced by
15%. Instant.30%. Instant. - Soarstone You restore
3%6% health per second while Gliding. Instant.
- Bottle of Moonshine Enemies affected by Moonfire deal
20% less damage. Instant.10% less damage. Instant. - Curious Bramblepatch Entangling Roots deals
[ 100%[ 150% of Spell Power ] Nature damage every 2 sec. Instant. - Energy Focusing Crystal While channeling Convoke the Spirits, your damage and healing are increased by
100%. Instant.50%. Instant. - Grasping Tendrils The first
melee attack into Barkskin or Ironbark causes3 melee attacks into Barkskin or Ironbark cause Entangling Roots to appear on the attacker. Instant. - Silent Spirit You deal
50%25% increased damage for 5 sec after exiting Prowl. Instant. - Silent Spirit You deal
50%25% increased damage for 5 sec after exiting Prowl. Instant.
- Acrobat’s Rations Disengage cooldown reduced by
4.0 sec. Instant.8.0 sec. Instant. - Amplifying Mirror The target of your Misdirection has all of their damage increased by
20%50% while your Misdirection is active. 100 yd range. Instant. - Amplifying Mirror The target of your Misdirection has all of their damage increased by
20%50% while your Misdirection is active. Instant. - Bone Barbs Kill Shot damage increased by
20%. Instant.100%. Instant. - Cadaverous Cleats (New) Disengage reduces all damage you take by 50% for 10 sec. 100 yd range. Instant.
- Deadeye Satchel Kill Shot has a 25% chance to instantly kill
the target. Instant.a target below 20% health. Instant. - Deadeye Satchel (New) Every 30 sec, your next Kill Shot will instantly kill a target below 20% health. Instant.
- Deadeye Satchel Kill Shot has a 25% chance to instantly kill
the target. 100 yd range. Instant.a target below 20% health. 100 yd range. Instant. - Euphoria Emblem Exhiliration cooldown reduced by
20.0 sec. Instant.30.0 sec. Instant. - Feline Femur Aspect of the Cheetah cooldown reduced by
30.0 sec. Instant.45.0 sec. Instant. - Hateful Shard-Ring (Beast Mastery, Marksmanship, Initial) Your first Concussive Shot against a target now roots them in place for
5.0 sec.10.0 sec. - Hateful Shard-Ring (Survival) Your first Wing Clip against a target now roots them in place for
5.0 sec.10.0 sec. - Hateful Shard-Ring (Beast Mastery, Marksmanship, Initial) Your first Concussive Shot against a target now roots them in place for
5.0 sec.10.0 sec. - Hateful Shard-Ring (Survival) Your first Wing Clip against a target now roots them in place for
5.0 sec.10.0 sec. - Necrotic Venom (Beast Mastery, Survival, Initial) Kill Command damage increased by
30%.50%. - Necrotic Venom (Marksmanship) Aimed Shot damage increased by
30%.50%. - Neural Pet Enhancer While your pet is under the effects of Eyes of the Beast, its damage dealt is increased by
200%. Instant.500%. Instant. - Neural Pet Enhancer While your pet is under the effects of Eyes of the Beast, its damage dealt is increased by
200%. 100 yd range. Instant.500%. 100 yd range. Instant. - Petrified Pet Food Ashen Phylacteries have a 10% chance to contain some Petrified Pet Food when destroyed. Consuming Petrified Pet Food will increase your pet’s size by 100% and damage by 20% for
15 sec. Instant.30 sec. Instant. - Petrified Pet Food Ashen Phylacteries have a 10% chance to contain some Petrified Pet Food when destroyed. Consuming Petrified Pet Food will increase your pet’s size by 100% and damage by 20% for
1530 sec. 100 yd range. Instant. - Piercing Scope Hunter’s Mark now increases damage the target takes from all sources by
10%. Instant.15%. Instant. - Piercing Scope Hunter’s Mark now increases damage the target takes from all sources by
10%. 100 yd range. Instant.15%. 100 yd range. Instant.
- Ancient Drake Breath Stuns the target for
127 sec. 35 yd range. Instant. - Chronomancer’s Hourglass Name changed from „Tome of Zoomancy“ to „Chronomancer’s Hourglass“.
Polymorphed creatures regenerate health 75% more slowly, and the first 3 damaging attacks or spells that they receive do not break the effect. Instant.During Alter Time, you and your Mirror Images gain Time Warp. Instant. - Constellation Shield Interrupting an enemy’s spell cast reduces your damage taken by
15% for 20 sec. Instant.20% for 20 sec. Instant. - Creeping Freeze
Moving duringIce Block spreads a freezing pulse, causing nearby enemies to take Frost damage and become trapped in ice for 8 sec. Instant. - Dimensional Blade Blinking through
a Mawrat will instantly kill it and grant 3 extra charges to your Blink spell. enemy refreshes your Blink cooldown. Blinking through Mawrats will kill them instantly. Instant. - Dimensional Blade Blinking through
a Mawrat will instantly kill it and grant 3 extra charges to your Blink spell. enemy refreshes your Blink cooldown. Blinking through Mawrats will kill them instantly. Instant. - Eldritch Teachings (Arcane)
Polymorphing an enemy grants you Prismatic Barrier. This has a 45 sec cooldown, reduced per stack of this power.Increases the damage of Arcane Barrage by 25%. - Eldritch Teachings (Fire)
Polymorphing an enemy grants you Blazing Barrier. This has a 45 sec cooldown, reduced per stack of this power.Increases the damage of Pyroblast by 25%. - Eldritch Teachings (Frost, Initial)
Polymorphing an enemy grants you Ice Barrier. This has a 45 sec cooldown, reduced per stack of this power.Increases the damage of Flurry by 40%. - Fire Juggler Your Fire Blast launches your enemy into the air. 40 yd range. Instant.2 sec cooldown.
- Pandemonium Lens
The radiusThe damage of Arcane Explosion, Flamestrike, and Blizzard is increased by4 yards. Instant.15%. Instant. - Resolute Medallion The absorb of your Barrier spells is increased by
40%. Instant.70%. Instant. - Runecloth Wrappings The damage of Arcane Blast, Fireball, and Frostbolt is increased by
2,000%500% when you cast it while Invisible. Instant. - Sapphire Prism Mirror Image summons
12 additional |4copy:copies; of yourself. Instant. - Seeker’s Scroll Breaking an Ashen Phylactery increases the damage of your
nextFireball, Frostbolt, or Arcane Blast by10%2%. This effect stacks up to 100 times. Instant. - Sorceror’s Frozen Soul Name changed from „Polymorbid Rat Liver“ to „Sorceror’s Frozen Soul“.
Teaches you Polymorph: Mawrat, which works on Undead creatures. Instant.Ice Block has no cooldown. Instant. - Timeweaver’s Needle Spells cast during Alter Time
reducesreduce your remaining cooldowns of all spells by 1 second. Instant. - Timeweaver’s Needle Spells cast during Alter Time
reducesreduce your remaining cooldowns of all spells by 1 second. Instant. - Tormenting Backlash (Arcane) Whenever a mirror is consumed you gain
4% mana.Clearcasting. - Tormenting Backlash (Fire) Whenever a mirror is consumed your Fire Blast cooldown is reduced by
4 sec.6 sec.
- Amplified Samples Tiger Palm damage applies
an additional stack1 additional Lstack:stacks of Mystic Touch for 3 sec. Instant. - Bulging Brew Bonedust Brew’s radius increased by
400%. Instant.150%. Instant. - Dowsing Rod (New) Standing in your Faeline reduces damage you and your allies take by 10%, but Faeline length is reduced. 40 yd range. Instant.
- Dowsing Rod
Faeline Stomp’s range is increased to 80 yards, but no longer branches. Instant.Standing in your Faeline reduces damage you and your allies take by 10%, but Faeline length is reduced. Instant. - Ever-Tumbling Stone (New) For 30 sec after you activate this power, and whenever you change floors in Torghast, Chi Torpedo grants immunity to all damage for 1 sec per yd traveled. Instant.
- Ever-Tumbling Stone Name changed from „Ever-tumbling Stone“ to „Ever-Tumbling Stone“.
WhenFor 30 sec after you activate this power, and whenever you change floors in Torghast, Chi Torpedohas no cooldown for 30 sec. Instant.grants immunity to all damage for 1 sec per yd traveled. Instant. - Ever-Tumbling Stone Name changed from „Ever-tumbling Stone“ to „Ever-Tumbling Stone“.
WhenFor 30 sec after you activate this power, and whenever you change floors in Torghast, Chi Torpedohas no cooldown for 30 sec. Instant.grants immunity to all damage for 1 sec per yd traveled. Instant. - Fae Aftershock Faeline Stomp deals its damage along your Faelines every 2 sec for
110 sec after opening. 100 yd range. Instant. - Fae Aftershock (New) Faeline Stomp deals its damage along your Faelines every 2 sec for 10 sec after opening. Instant.
- Fae Aftershock Faeline Stomp deals its damage along your Faelines every 2 sec for
1 sec after opening. Instant.10 sec after opening. Instant. - Flowing Chi Rolls (New) Brewmaster: The duration of Invoke Niuzao, the Black Ox is increased by 50%, and is summoned the first time you enter combat on a floor. Windwalker: The duration of Invoke Xuen, the White Tiger is increased by 50%, and is summoned the first time you enter combat on a floor. Mistweaver: The duration of Invoke Chi-Ji, the Red Crane is increased by 50%, and is summoned the first time you enter combat on a floor. Initial: The duration of Invoke Yu’lon, the Jade Serpent is increased by 50%, and is summoned the first time you enter combat on a floor. 40 yd range. Instant.
- Badge of the Mad Paragon Hammer of Wrath extends Avenging Wrath by
4 sec. Instant.3 sec. Instant. - Blessing of Dawn Damage increased by
25% for 10 sec. Instant.15% for 10 sec. Instant. - Blessing of Dusk Damage taken reduced by
25% for 10 sec. Instant.15% for 10 sec. Instant. - Golden Plume (Holy, Protection, Initial) The effects of Avenging Wrath are increased by
100%.60%. - Golden Plume (Retribution) The effects of Crusade are increased by
10% per stack.6% per stack. - Hallowed Candle Ashen Hallow deals
50%30% increased damage or healing when there are 3 or fewer targets. Instant. - Mark of Conk-quest Hammer of Wrath makes your next Holy Power spending ability
100% more effective. Instant.50% more effective. Instant. - Mark of Conk-quest Hammer of Wrath makes your next Holy Power spending ability
100% more effective. Instant.50% more effective. Instant. - Negative Energy Token Hammer of Wrath makes your next Holy Power spending ability
100% more effective. Instant.50% more effective. Instant. - Of Dusk and Dawn When you reach 5 Holy Power, you gain Blessing of Dawn. When you reach 0 Holy Power, you gain Blessing of Dusk. Blessing of Dawn Damage increased by
25%15% for 10 sec. Blessing of Dusk Damage taken reduced by25% for 10 sec. Instant.15% for 10 sec. Instant. - Radiant Essence Forbearance increases damage dealt by
25%. Instant.15%. Instant. - Shattered Gauntlet Hammer of Wrath deals
60% increased damage. Instant.30% increased damage. Instant. - Theory of Justice Hammer of Wrath has a
30%15% chance to cast Hammer of Justice on the target. Instant.
- Cowl of Influence (New) Discipline: Gain the Dominant Mind talent. In addition, its cooldown is reduced by 90 sec. Holy, Shadow, Initial: You may control your own character while Mind Control is active, but it has a 30 sec cooldown. Instant.
- Dark Technique (New) Discipline, Holy, Initial: Enemies affected by Psychic Scream suffer 5% of your health in damage every 1 sec. This damage cannot break Psychic Scream. Shadow: Enemies affected by Mind Bomb suffer 5% of your health in damage every 1 sec. This damage cannot break Mind Bomb. Instant.
- Enduring Spirit Your Vampiric Embrace, Pain Suppression, and Guardian Spirit last
50% longer. Instant.80% longer. Instant. - Fallen Priest’s Blessing Name changed from „Art of Phantasmal Healing“ to „Fallen Priest’s Blessing“. Discipline,
Shadow, Initial: Your Shadow Mends are now instant and cost no mana, but consume 5 Phantasma. Holy: Your Flash Heals are now instant and cost no mana, but consume 5 Phantasma. Instant.Initial: Casting Mind Blast increases damage or healing of your next Penance by 30%. This effect stacks, but duration is not refreshed. Holy: Casting Holy Fire increases damage or healing of your next Holy Word: Chastise by 60%. This effect stacks, but duration is not refreshed. Shadow: Casting Mind Blast increases damage or healing of your next Devouring Plague by 30%. This effect stacks, but duration is not refreshed. Instant. - Fragments of Obscurity Fade’s cooldown is reduced by 10 seconds and prevents your movement speed from being reduced below
80%. Instant.140%. Instant. - Light-Infused Egg Name changed from „Soul Sapper“ to „Light-Infused Egg“.
While an enemy is shackled by your Shackle Undead, your Power Infusion’s cooldown recovers 100% faster. Instant.Discipline, Holy, Initial: Smite damage has a 5% chance to grant Power Infusion. Shadow: Mind Flay damage has a 5% chance to grant Power Infusion. Instant. - Mindmancer Handgloves
Mindgames reverses 20% more damage and healing and casts 20% faster. Instant.Mindgames deals 25% increased damage and reverses 25% more damage and healing. Instant. - Painwheel (Discipline) Extend the duration of Purge the Wicked by
4 seconds.3 seconds, and its damage is increased by 25%. - Painwheel (Holy, Shadow, Initial) Extend the duration of Shadow Word: Pain by
4 seconds.3 seconds, and its damage is increased by 25%. - Phantasmic Detonation Your Phantasm explodes, dealing
8 Shadow damage. Instant.[ 200% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage. Instant. - Soul of an Archon (New) Power Infusion increases periodic damage and healing by 100%. Instant.
- Vandal’s Zeal
Power Word: Shield absorption increased by 10%. Instant.Discipline, Shadow, Initial: Mind Blast damage increased by 1%. Holy: Holy Fire damage increased by 1%. Instant. - Voidwraith Signet (New) Killing an enemy with Shadow Word: Death summons a Voidwraith guardian for 60 sec that casts Void Flay, dealing 100% additional damage against enemies that are above 50% health. Instant.
- Leather Apron Targets deal
10%15% reduced damage for 5 seconds after recovering from your crowd control abilities. Instant. - Organized Vial Satchel Crimson Vial’s cooldown reduced by
5 sec. Instant.10 sec. Instant. - Pouch of Soul-Ash Killing an enemy reduces the remaining cooldown of Vanish by
5 sec. Instant.10 sec. Instant. - Quicksilver Mixture Crimson Vial grants Evasion, Cloak of Shadows, or Feint for
4 sec. Instant.6 sec. Instant. - Restless Onyx Geodes (Assassination, Subtlety, Initial) Shadowstep causes you to gain
315 sec of Cloak of Shadows, Evasion, Feint, or Crimson Vial. - Restless Onyx Geodes (Outlaw) Grappling Hook causes you to gain
315 sec of Cloak of Shadows, Evasion, Feint, or Crimson Vial. - Rupturing Spike (Assassination, Outlaw, Initial) Ambush applies a
1 combo point Rupture.5 combo point Rupture. - Rupturing Spike (Subtlety) Shadowstrike applies a
1 combo point Rupture.5 combo point Rupture. - Scroll of Forewarning Duration of Evasion, Feint, Cloak of Shadows, and Vanish increased by
1 sec. Instant.3 sec. Instant. - Silent Footpads Entering Stealth heals you for
5%15% of your maximum health. Leaving Stealth increases your damage by5% for 3 sec. Instant.10% for 5 sec. Instant. - Slippery Wraithcoil (Assassination, Subtlety, Initial) The cooldown of Shadowstep is reduced by
56 sec and it generates 1 combo points. - Slippery Wraithcoil (Outlaw) The cooldown of Grappling Hook is reduced by
56 sec and it generates 1 combo points. - Unceasing Chain Link Finishing Moves increase the damage of your next combo point generator by
100%. Instant.150%. Instant.
- Blood of Heroes (Normal) Your first Bloodlust on a floor does not cause the Sated effect, will not incur its cooldown, and will apply even if Sated.
- Blood of Heroes (Heroism) Your first Heroism on a floor does not cause the Exhausted effect, will not incur its cooldown, and will apply even if Exhausted.
- Blood of Heroes (Normal) Your first Bloodlust on a floor does not cause the Sated effect, will not incur its cooldown, and will apply even if Sated.
- Blood of Heroes (Heroism) Your first Heroism on a floor does not cause the Exhausted effect, will not incur its cooldown, and will apply even if Exhausted.
- Bottle of Swirling Maelstrom (New) Elemental, Initial: Increase the damage of Earthquake by 150% and the damage of Earth Shock by 100%. Enhancement: The effects of Maelstrom Weapon are increased by 25%. Restoration: Deal [ 125% of Spell Power ] Nature damage every 1 sec to all enemies inside of your Healing Rain. 100 yd range. Instant.
- Bottle of Swirling Maelstrom Name changed from „Ghost Bone“ to „Bottle of Swirling Maelstrom“.
Ghost Wolf increases your speed by an additional 20%. Instant.Elemental, Initial: Increase the damage of Earthquake by 150% and the damage of Earth Shock by 100%. Enhancement: The effects of Maelstrom Weapon are increased by 25%. Restoration: Deal [ 125% of Spell Power ] Nature damage every 1 sec to all enemies inside of your Healing Rain. Instant. - Bottle of Swirling Maelstrom (New) Elemental, Initial: Increase the damage of Earthquake by 150% and the damage of Earth Shock by 100%. Enhancement: The effects of Maelstrom Weapon are increased by 25%. Restoration: Deal [ 125% of Spell Power ] Nature damage every 1 sec to all enemies inside of your Healing Rain. Instant.
- Deadened Earth Cooldown of Earth Elemental reduced by
20%. Instant.40%. Instant. - Deathseer’s Whip (Normal)
Dropping a totem grants your party 5.0 sec of BloodlustDropping a totem grants your party 15.0 sec of Bloodlust. This can only occur once every 30 sec. - Deathseer’s Whip (Heroism)
Dropping a totem grants your party 5.0 sec of HeroismDropping a totem grants your party 15.0 sec of Heroism. This can only occur once every 30 sec. - Deathseer’s Whip (New) Normal: Dropping a totem grants your party 5.0 sec of Bloodlust Heroism: Dropping a totem grants your party 5.0 sec of Heroism Instant.
- Depleted Tesla Coil (New) Elemental, Enhancement, Initial: Gain the effects of Stormkeeper every 15 sec. Restoration: Gain the effects of Stormkeeper every 15 sec. Stormkeeper Charge yourself with lightning, causing your next 2 Lightning Bolts or Chain Lightnings to deal 150% more damage and be instant cast. Instant.
- Elemental Core (Elemental, Restoration) Each Lava Surge buff you consume increases the damage of Lava Burst by
5%.3%. After generating5020 stacks, the cooldown of Lava Burst is reduced by 50%. - Elemental Core (Enhancement, Initial) Each Stormbringer buff you consume increases the damage of Stormstrike by
5%.3%. After generating5020 stacks, the cooldown of Stormstrike is reduced by 50%. - Elemental Core (Elemental, Restoration) Each Lava Surge buff you consume increases the damage of Lava Burst by
5%.3%. After generating5020 stacks, the cooldown of Lava Burst is reduced by 50%. - Elemental Core (Enhancement, Initial) Each Stormbringer buff you consume increases the damage of Stormstrike by
5%.3%. After generating5020 stacks, the cooldown of Stormstrike is reduced by 50%. - Elemental Core (Elemental, Restoration) Each Lava Surge buff you consume increases the damage of Lava Burst by
5%.3%. After generating5020 stacks, the cooldown of Lava Burst is reduced by 50%. - Elemental Core (Enhancement, Initial) Each Stormbringer buff you consume increases the damage of Stormstrike by
5%.3%. After generating5020 stacks, the cooldown of Stormstrike is reduced by 50%. - Essence of the Ancestors (Normal) Bloodlust grants an additional
10% Haste.15% Haste. - Essence of the Ancestors (Heroism) Heroism grants an additional
10% Haste.15% Haste. - Flames of the Cauldron Flame Shock’s damage over time effect now happens
20% more frequently. Instant.40% more frequently. Instant. - Flowing Streams When Healing Stream Totem heals a target, you have a 25% chance to also cast a free, instant Chain Heal at the same target. Instant.
- Heart of the Deathseer
Standing within 10 yds of a totem heals you for [ 3% of Total Health ] every 2 sec. Instant.Elemental, Restoration, Initial: Chain Lightning now jumps to 3 additional targets, and deals 20% additional damage per jump. Enhancement: Lava Lash damage is increased by 500%, and Lava Lash now spreads your Flame Shock to up to 3 nearby targets. Instant. - Heart of the Deathseer
Standing within 10 yds of a totem heals you for [ 3% of Total Health ] every 2 sec. Instant.Elemental, Restoration, Initial: Chain Lightning now jumps to 3 additional targets, and deals 20% additional damage per jump. Enhancement: Lava Lash damage is increased by 500%, and Lava Lash now spreads your Flame Shock to up to 3 nearby targets. Instant. - Leeching Lilypad Hex now damages the target for
[ 100% of Attack[ 66% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage every 2 sec, healing you for the amount drained. This damage will not break Hex. 100 yd range. Instant. - Leeching Lilypad Hex now damages the target for
[ 100% of Attack[ 66% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage every 2 sec, healing you for the amount drained. This damage will not break Hex. Instant. - Leeching Lilypad Hex now damages the target for
[ 100% of Attack[ 66% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage every 2 sec, healing you for the amount drained. This damage will not break Hex. 100 yd range. Instant. - Pure Elemental Core (New) Elemental: Storm Elemental duration increased by 50%. Enhancement: Feral Spirit duration increased by 50%. Restoration, Initial: When you drop Spirit Link Totem, immediately heal all allies in the area for 15% of their maximum health, and damage all enemies in the area for 15% of their maximum health. 100 yd range. Instant.
- Pure Elemental Core (New) Elemental: Storm Elemental duration increased by 50%. Enhancement: Feral Spirit duration increased by 50%. Restoration, Initial: When you drop Spirit Link Totem, immediately heal all allies in the area for 15% of their maximum health, and damage all enemies in the area for 15% of their maximum health. Instant.
- Pure Elemental Core (New) Elemental: Storm Elemental duration increased by 50%. Enhancement: Feral Spirit duration increased by 50%. Restoration, Initial: When you drop Spirit Link Totem, immediately heal all allies in the area for 15% of their maximum health, and damage all enemies in the area for 15% of their maximum health. 100 yd range. Instant.
- Storm Conduit
Lightning Bolt and Chain Lightning damage increased by 30%. Instant.All Nature and Frost damage dealt is increased by 50%. Instant. - Tsunami Relic While below 50% health, your healing spells
cast 20% faster. Instant.are 50% more effective. Instant. - Tsunami Relic While below 50% health, your healing spells
cast 20% faster. Instant.are 50% more effective. Instant. - Tsunami Relic While below 50% health, your healing spells
cast 20% faster. Instant.are 50% more effective. Instant. - Wailing Winds Wind Shear cooldown reduced by
3.0 sec. Instant.4.0 sec. Instant.
- Blood-Stained Dagger Health Funnel also reduces your pet’s damage taken by
10% for 10 sec. Instant.35% for 10 sec. Instant. - Blood-Stained Dagger Health Funnel also reduces your pet’s damage taken by
10%35% for 10 sec. 100 yd range. Instant. - Chaotic Effigy Affliction: Breaking an Ashen Phylactery increases the damage of your next Drain Soul by 20%. This effect stacks up to 100 times, Demonology: Breaking an Ashen Phylactery increases the damage of your next Shadow Bolt by 20%. This effect stacks up to 100 times. Destruction: Breaking an Ashen Phylactery increases the damage of your next Incinerate by 20%. This effect stacks up to 100 times. Initial: Breaking an Ashen Phylactery increases the damage of your next by 20%. This effect stacks up to 100 times. Instant.
- Claw of Endereth Drain Life drains the same amount of health
10% faster. Instant.25% faster. Instant. - Dissolving Vial
Corruption alsoAffliction, Initial: Corruption reduces enemy movement speed by 60%.99 yd range. Instant.and deals 100% increased damage. Demonology, Destruction: Corruption is now instant cast, reduces enemy movement speed by 60% and deals 100% increased damage. 99 yd range. Instant. - Dissolving Vial
Corruption alsoAffliction, Initial: Corruption reduces enemy movement speed by 60%.Instant.and deals 100% increased damage. Demonology, Destruction: Corruption is now instant cast, reduces enemy movement speed by 60% and deals 100% increased damage. Instant. - Pact of Thickness Your primary summoned demons have
25%50% more health. 99 yd range. Instant. - Realmlord’s Insignia Affliction: Reduce the cooldown of Summon Darkglare by 10%. Demonology: Reduce the cooldown of Summon Demonic Tyrant by 10%. Destruction: Initial: Reduce the cooldown of Summon Infernal by 10%.
Initial: Reduce the cooldown of by 10%. Instant.Instant. - Smoking Shard of Teleportation (New) Using Demonic Circle: Teleport or your Demonic Gateway reduces all damage you take by 50% for 10 sec. 100 yd range. Instant.
- Smoking Shard of Teleportation Using Demonic Circle: Teleport or your Demonic Gateway reduces all damage you take by 50% for 10 sec.
Instant.100 yd range. Instant. - Soul Platter (Initial) The duration of your Summon Infernal is increased by 100%, but it has a 50% chance to consume one of your Soul Remnants when summoned.
- Soul Platter (Initial) The duration of your Summon Infernal is increased by 100%, but it has a 50% chance to consume one of your Soul Remnants when summoned.
- Soul Platter (Initial) The duration of your Summon Infernal is increased by 100%, but it has a 50% chance to consume one of your Soul Remnants when summoned.
- Tainted Blood Vial (Affliction, Initial) Your Malefic Rapture no longer consumes any Soul Shards, but instead will cost you
25%10% of your current remaining health. - Tainted Blood Vial (Demonology) Your Hand of Gul’dan no longer consumes any Soul Shards, but instead will cost you
30%10% of your current remaining health. - Tainted Blood Vial (Destruction) Your Chaos Bolt no longer consumes any Soul Shards, but instead will cost you
50%10% of your current remaining health. - Tainted Blood Vial (Affliction, Initial) Your Malefic Rapture no longer consumes any Soul Shards, but instead will cost you
25%10% of your current remaining health. - Tainted Blood Vial (Demonology) Your Hand of Gul’dan no longer consumes any Soul Shards, but instead will cost you
30%10% of your current remaining health. - Tainted Blood Vial (Destruction) Your Chaos Bolt no longer consumes any Soul Shards, but instead will cost you
50%10% of your current remaining health. - Thirsting Chain Drain Life healing increased by
20%. Instant.40%. Instant.
- Ancient Rubble (New) Heroic Leap shatters the ground where you land, dealing [ 300% of Attack Power ] Physical damage over 10 sec to enemies within 16 yds. 100 yd range. Instant.
- Ancient Rubble (New) Heroic Leap shatters the ground where you land, dealing [ 300% of Attack Power ] Physical damage over 10 sec to enemies within 16 yds. Instant.
- Ancient Rubble (New) Heroic Leap shatters the ground where you land, dealing [ 300% of Attack Power ] Physical damage over 10 sec to enemies within 16 yds. 100 yd range. Instant.
- Blade of the Tideskorn (New) Arms, Fury, Initial: You yell a Piercing Howl when you Heroic Leap. Protection: You yell a Demoralizing Shout when you Heroic Leap. Instant.
- Bladed Bulwark (Arms) Ignore Pain has a
20%50% chance to cast Die by the Sword. - Bladed Bulwark (Fury) Ignore Pain has a
20%50% chance to cast Enraged Regeneration. - Bladed Bulwark (Protection, Initial) Ignore Pain has a
20%50% chance to cast Shield Wall. - Bloodstained Whetstone (Arms, Fury, Initial) The damage of Whirlwind is increased by
30%.50%. - Bloodstained Whetstone (Protection) The damage of Whirlwind and Thunder Clap are increased by
30%.50%. - Brawler’s Brass Knuckles Rage generation increased by
20%. Instant.25%. Instant. - Champion’s Decree (Arms, Fury, Initial) Breaking an Ashen Phylactery increases the damage of your next Slam by
20%.50%. This effect stacks100 times.40 times. - Champion’s Decree (Protection) Breaking an Ashen Phylactery increases the damage of your next Revenge by
20%.50%. This effect stacks100 times.40 times. - Edge of Hatred (Arms) The damage of Mortal Strike is increased by
20%.25%. - Edge of Hatred (Fury) The damage of Rampage is increased by
20%.25%. - Edge of Hatred (Protection, Initial) The damage of Shield Slam is increased by
20%.25%. - Fan of Longswords (Arms) Mortal Strike
has a 33% chance to cast Whirlwind.also casts Whirlwind. - Fan of Longswords (Fury)
Rampage has a 33% chance to cast Whirlwind.Rampage also casts Whirlwind. - Fan of Longswords (Protection, Initial) Shield Slam
has a 33% chance to cast Whirlwind.also casts Whirlwind. - Gargolmar’s Shattered Hand (New) Arms, Fury, Protection: Impending Victory reduces the remaining cooldown of Heroic Leap by 10 sec. Initial: Victory Rush reduces the remaining cooldown of Heroic Leap by 10 sec. Instant.
- Glory of Skyhold (New) Heroic Leap gains 2 additional charges. Instant.
- Hateful Fetish
Planting yourConqueror’s Banner makes you immune to crowd control effects, and grants you 50% Leech. Instant. - Hateful Fetish
Planting yourConqueror’s Banner makes you immune to crowd control effects, and grants you 50% Leech. 100 yd range. Instant. - Hurricane Heart (Arms, Fury, Initial) You heal for
50%80% of the damage dealt by Whirlwind. - Hurricane Heart (Protection) You heal for
50%80% of the damage dealt by Whirlwind and Thunder Clap. - Hurricane Heart (Arms, Fury, Initial) You heal for
50%80% of the damage dealt by Whirlwind. - Hurricane Heart (Protection) You heal for
50%80% of the damage dealt by Whirlwind and Thunder Clap. - Notched Axe Head (New) Arms, Fury, Protection: Gain the Victorious effect every 20 sec, allowing the use of Impending Victory. Initial: Gain the Victorious effect every 20 sec, allowing the use of Victory Rush. Instant.
- Periapt of Furor Berserker Rage lasts
100%300% longer and also causes your party members to go berserk. Instant. - Repulsive Pennant
Gaining Glory while Conqueror’s Banner is active deals [ 30%While Conqueror’s Banner is active, deal [ 70% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage to all enemies within 15 yds of you.Instant.every 3 sec. Instant. - Repulsive Pennant
Gaining Glory while Conqueror’s Banner is active deals [ 30%While Conqueror’s Banner is active, deal [ 70% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage to all enemies within 15 yds of you.100 yd range. Instant.every 3 sec. 100 yd range. Instant. - Repulsive Pennant (New) While Conqueror’s Banner is active, deal [ 70% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage to all enemies within 15 yds of you every 3 sec. 100 yd range. Instant.
- Resonant Throatbands Enemies affected by any of your Shouts take
20%30% increased damage from all sources. Instant. - Resonant Throatbands Enemies affected by any of your Shouts take
20%30% increased damage from all sources. 100 yd range. Instant. - Scratched Knife Your first Shattering Throw on a floor deals
10,000%4,000% increased damage, and shatters an Anima Cell from the target.Instant.Does not work against bosses. Instant. - Sinew-Sewn Tassels
Planting your Conqueror’s Banner grants 10% additionalConqueror’s Banner grants 10% critical strike chance to you and your allies. Instant. - Succulent Carpaccio Arms, Fury, Initial: Ignore Pain absorbs additional damage equal to 10% of your maximum health, and its cooldown is reduced by 3 sec. Protection: Ignore Pain absorbs additional damage equal to 10% of your maximum health. Instant.
- Tarnished Medallion (New) Berserker Rage restores 5% health instantly, and every 3 sec. Instant.
- Tarnished Medallion (New) Berserker Rage restores 5% health instantly, and every 3 sec. Instant.
- Tarnished Medallion (New) Berserker Rage restores 5% health instantly, and every 3 sec. Instant.
- Thorium Hairpin (New) Arms, Protection, Initial: Whirlwind generates 10 Rage. Fury: Whirlwind generates 4 additional Rage. Instant.
- Thorium Hairpin (New) Arms, Protection, Initial: Whirlwind generates 10 Rage. Fury: Whirlwind generates 4 additional Rage. Instant.
- Unbound Fortitude (Arms) Soul Remnant’s Blessing increases the duration of Die by the Sword by
10% per application.20% per application. - Unbound Fortitude (Fury) Soul Remnant’s Blessing increases the duration of Enraged Regeneration by
10% per application.20% per application. - Unbound Fortitude (Protection, Initial) Soul Remnant’s Blessing increases the duration of Shield Wall by
10% per application.20% per application. - Weathered Runestone (New) Arms, Protection, Initial: Berserker Rage increases the damage of Revenge by 40%. Fury: Berserker Rage increases the damage of Raging Blow by 40%. Instant.
- Weathered Runestone (New) Arms, Protection, Initial: Berserker Rage increases the damage of Revenge by 40%. Fury: Berserker Rage increases the damage of Raging Blow by 40%. Instant.
- Zovaal’s Warbanner (Arms) The durations of Bladestorm and Avatar are increased by
40%.60%. - Zovaal’s Warbanner (Fury) The durations of Recklessness and Bladestorm are increased by
40%.60%. - Zovaal’s Warbanner (Protection) The duration of Avatar is increased by
40%.60%. - Zovaal’s Warbanner (Initial) The duration increased by
Soulbind Abilities
- Field of Blossoms Activating your Night Fae class ability puts flowers at your feet for
15.010.0 sec that increase your Haste by 12% while you stand with them. - Forgeborne Reveries
Upon death, your armor continues to fightYour pri and Armor are increased by 1% for each enchantment on your armor, up to 3%. Upon death your armor anchors your soul, allowing you to fight for an additional 10 sec. During this time, your damage and healing done is reduced by 50% and you cannot receive healing. - Grove Invigoration Healing or dealing damage has a chance to grant you a stack of Redirected Anima,
stacking up to 10 timesRedirected Anima increases your maximum health by 1% and your Mastery by 3 for 30 sec, and stacks overlap. Activating your Night Fae class abilityconsumes all Redirected Anima to grant you 1% maximum health and 3 Mastery, per stack, for 30 secgrants you 8 stacks of Redirected Anima. Approximately 2 procs per minute. - Hammer of Genesis Damaging a new enemy grants you 3% Haste for 10 sec, up to 5 stacks.40 yd range.
- Hearth Kidneystone You may attune your Hearth Kidneystone to any resting location and return to it.
2412 hour cooldown, reduced by 5 min every killing blow. - Heirmir’s Arsenal: Marrowed Gemstone After landing 10 critical strikes, you gain 18% increased chance to critical strike for 10 sec. May only occur once per 60 sec.100 yd range.
- Heirmir’s Arsenal: Ravenous Pendant Defeating an enemy restores 3% of your maximum health
after 6 sec. Stacks to 5.every 6 sec for 6 sec, stacking up to 5 times. Adding stacks refreshes duration. - Kevin’s Keyring Allows opening of locks that require up to 60 skill, once every
2412 hours. Each 1 sec spent channeling Fleshcraft reduces Kevin’s Keyring’s cooldown by 60 min. - Lead by Example Activating your Necrolord class ability increases your pri by 5% and up to 4 nearby allies‘ primary stat by 2% for 10.0 sec. You gain
5%2% additional pri for each ally affected,up to 15%. - Let Go of the Past Using a spell or ability
increases your Versatility by 1% for 10reduces your magic damage taken by 1% for 6 sec. Using another spell or ability increases this amount by 1% when it is not a repeat of the previous spell or ability, stacking to5%.3%. - Niya’s Tools: Poison Your interrupts apply Niya’s Paralytic Poison to your target, dealing [ Greater of
{24% of Spell Power} or {24%{5% of Spell Power} or {5% of Attack Power * (1 + 0)} * 30 ] Nature damage over 30 sec. Targets with Niya’s Paralytic Poison take an additional [ Greater of {24% of Spell Power} or {24% of Attack Power * (1 + 0)} ] Nature damage if interrupted once more. - Pointed Courage Chance to critical strike is increased by 1% for every nearby enemy or ally, up to
8%.5%. - Resourceful Fleshcrafting
Defeating an enemy reduces Fleshcraft’s cooldown by 1 sec.Fleshcraft’s passive effect reduces the cooldown by an additional 1 sec when it consumes a corpse. - Runeforged Spurs Mounted movement speed is increased by 5%. If attacked while mounted, mounted movement speed is increased by an additional 10% for
5 sec.30 sec. - Serrated Spaulders Inflict [ Greater of
{7.2% of Spell Power} or {7.2%{3% of Spell Power} or {3% of Attack Power * (1 + 0)} * 5 ] Shadow damage to your attacker over 5 sec when hit at melee range. - Service In Stone Damage taken below 40% health is reduced by 10%. Upon death you leave a stone husk behind which shatters after 3 sec, inflicting 100% of your maximum health in Physical damage split among nearby enemies, and healing for 100% of your maximum health split among
nearby allies.allies within 20 yds. - Ultimate Form While channeling Fleshcraft, you are immune to crowd control and you regenerate 2% health every 1 sec. If you finish the full channel, you gain
43 sec of crowd control immunity, during which you regenerate 2% health every 1 sec. - Valiant Strikes
You and your nearby alliesYour‚ critical strikes grant you stacks of Valiant Strikes, up to40. At 40 stacks, you heal yourself for 10% of your maximum health and up to 4 nearby allies for 5% of their maximum health over 10 sec.20. If a nearby party member drops below 50% health, you consume these stacks to heal them for 1% of their maximum health per stack. After healing this way, you may not benefit from Valiant Strikes for 60 sec. - Volatile Solvent
Using Fleshcraft with nearby corpses consumes theirFleshcraft’s passive effect consumes a corpse’s essence completely, granting a benefit based on the creature’s type.
Soulbind Conduits
Death Knight
- Hardened Bones While Lichborne is active the damage you take is reduced by
Demon Hunter
- Brooding Pool Increases the duration of Empowered Demon Soul obtained from Fodder to the Flame by
5.0 sec.1.5 sec. - Fel Defender (Vengeance, Initial) The cooldown of
Fiery BrandFel Devastation is reduced by 10 sec. - Fel Defender Vengeance, Initial: The cooldown of
Fiery BrandFel Devastation is reduced by 10 sec.
- Endless Thirst Ravenous Frenzy increases your critical chance by
0.50% per stack.0.80% per stack.
- Brutal Projectiles Your auto attacks have a 10% chance to cause your next Rapid Fire to deal
3.0%0.0% increased damage for each shot. - Enfeebled Mark Your attacks and abilities deal
5.0%0.0% increased damage to enemies inside Resonating Arrow. - Markman’s Advantage Hunter’s Mark decreases the damage the target deals to you by
- Arcane Prodigy Each wave of a Clearcast Arcane Missiles reduces the cooldown of Arcane Power by
0.10 sec each time it deals damage.0.00 sec. - Flame Accretion Fireball grants
5.0%0.0% Mastery when it fails to critically strike. - Icy Propulsion While Icy Veins is active, your critical hits reduce its cooldown by
0.20 sec.0.00 sec. - Nether Precision Consuming Clearcasting increases the damage of your next 2 Arcane Blasts by
- Strike with Clarity (Brewmaster) Weapons of Order’s duration is increased by 5.0 sec, and, it increases your Mastery by an additional [ $117,906bc1 * 25.1 ]%.
- Strike with Clarity (Windwalker, Initial) Weapons of Order’s duration is increased by 5.0 sec, and, it increases your Mastery by an additional [ $115,636bc1 * 25.1 ]%.
- Strike with Clarity (Mistweaver) Weapons of Order’s duration is increased by 5.0 sec, and, it increases your Mastery by an additional [ $117,907bc1 * 25.1 ]%.
- Strike with Clarity Mistweaver: Weapons of Order’s duration is increased by 5.0 sec, and it increases your Mastery by an additional [ $117,907bc1 * 25.1 ]%.
- Resplendent Light Holy Light heals up to 5 targets within 8 yds for
5.0% of its healing.4.0% of its healing. - Templar’s Vindication Templar’s Verdict has a 30.0% chance to strike again for
60% of its damage.30% of its damage. - Virtuous Command Judgment grants you Virtuous Command for
65 sec, which causes your Templar’s Verdict, Crusader Strike, Blade of Justice, and auto attacks to deal 10.0% additional Holy damage.
- Exaltation (Discipline, Initial) Spirit Shell’s duration is increased by
2.01.0 sec, and its absorption is increased by10.0%.5.0%. - Exaltation (Holy, Shadow) Rapture’s duration is increased by
2.01.0 sec, and its Power Word: Shield enhancement is increased by10.0%.7.5%. - Exaltation Holy, Shadow: Rapture’s duration is increased by
2.01.0 sec, and its Power Word: Shield enhancement is increased by10.0%.7.5%. - Fae Fermata Your Fae Guardians leave behind a
60%80% effective copy of their benefit, lasting 3.0 sec when they jump to a new target.
- Fade to Nothing Gaining Stealth, Vanish, or Shroud of Concealment increases movement speed by 10% for
3 sec.10 sec.
- Essential Extraction Fae Transfusion
deals 30% increased damage, and channels 30% faster.cooldown is reduced by 25.0 sec.
- Veteran’s Repute Conqueror’s Banner
immediately grants you 5 Glory, and while the banner is planted your Strength is increased by 10%.increases your Strength by 10%.