Shadowlands: Das Adventure System für Missionen und Anhänger

Die aktuell laufende Alpha von Shadowlands beinhaltet einige interessante Hinweise darauf, dass die Entwickler von Blizzard Entertainment das in WoD, Legion und BfA vorhandene System mit den Missionen und den Anhängern in dem kommenden Addon einer Reihe von umfangreichen Anpassungen unterziehen möchten. Das Ganze scheint in Zukunft die Bezeichnung „Adventure System“ zu tragen und eine durch Autobattler inspirierte Mechanik für die von Spielern gesammelten Anhänger darzustellen. Auch wenn diese Neuerung sich aktuell noch mitten in der Entwicklung befindet und auch nur teilweise in den Spieldaten der Alpha vorhanden ist, so lassen die bisher gefundenen Daten aber zumindest schon einmal einige Schlussfolgerungen zu der Funktionsweise dieser Neuerung zu.
Scheinbar werden die Spieler in dem „Adventure System„ eine bestimmte Anzahl von Anhängern auswählen (immer 5?), die dann in einer Mission automatisch gegen feindliche Einheiten kämpfen. Um dem Ganzen etwas mehr taktische Tiefe zu verleihen, gibt es unterschiedliche Plätze für eigene Einheiten und Feinde, die Anhänger besitzen alle unterschiedliche Fähigkeiten und Angriffe verursachen einen von Anfang an festgelegten Wert an Schaden. Der genaue Ablauf dieser Kämpfe wird dabei dann in einem eigenen Combat Log festgehalten, sodass Spieler dem Verlauf der Begegnung ganz genau verfolgen können. Ob jede Mission auf diese Weise abläuft und wie ausschweifend die Mechaniken sein werden, steht im Moment leider noch nicht fest.
Was die bisher in dem System für Missionen vorhandenen Elemente betrifft, so möchten die Entwickler scheinbar viele dieser Aspekte beibehalten. Spieler können die Bedrohungen der Gegner auch weiterhin durch eigene Fähigkeiten kontern, die Missionen haben Zeiten und Kosten, die Umgebung des Kampfes wird angezeigt, Anhänger sammeln Erfahrung und temporäre Einheiten verlieren Gesundheit. Aufgrund des frühen Stadiums der Entwickler könnten sich diese Elemente des „Adventure Systems„ aber noch einmal ändern.
Die Positionen von Anhängern:
- AllyLeftFront
- AllyCenterFront
- AllyRightFront
- AllyLeftBack
- AllyRightBack
Die Positionen von Feinden:
- EnemyLeftBack
- EnemyCenterLeftBack
- EnemyCenterRightBack
- EnemyRightBack
- EnemyLeftFront
- EnemyCenterLeftFront
- EnemyCenterRightFront
- EnemyRightFront
Events und Animationen:
- MeleeDamage – ArgusCollide
- RangeDamage – Starsurge
- SpellDamage – Fireball
- PeriodicDamage – LightningOrb
- ApplyAura – ShockTarget
- Heal – Regrowth
- PeriodicHeal – Regrowth
- Died – ShockTarget
- RemoveAura – ShockTarget
Neue Anhänger:
- Shandris Feathermoon (A) / Lilian Voss (H)
- Auto Attack – Deal attack damage to the closest enemy. Deal Auto Damage 1
- Double Strike – Nadjia strikes the closest enemy twice, dealing a large amount then a small amount of damage. Deal Damage 0.5, Deal Damage 0.25
- Shadow Walk – Nadjia becomes untargetable and heals herself. Taunt/Untargetable 0, Heal 0.2
- General Draven (A) / General Draven (H)
- Auto Attack – Deal attack damage to the closest enemy. Deal Auto Damage 1
- Wing Sweep – Draven sweeps his wings, damaging all enemies. Deal Damage 0.1
- Protective Aura – Draven’s wingspan shields himself and all allies, reducing all damage taken by 20%. Damage Taken Multiplier -0.2
- Theotar (A) / Theotar (H)
- Auto Attack – Deal damage to an enemy at range. Deal Auto Damage 0.5
- Blood Explosion – Theotar pulses with shadow, dealing severe damage to all enemies at range. Deal Damage 0.5
- Exsanguination – Theotar rips the blood from all ranged enemies, significantly increasing the damage they take. Damage Taken Multiplier 0.33
- Eli the Brazen (A) / Eli the Brazen (H)
- Auto Attack – Deal attack damage to the closest enemy. Deal Auto Damage 1
- Hawk Punch – Eli strikes as swiftly as a hawk, dealing damage to the closest enemy. Deal Auto Damage 10
- Anjali (A) / Anjali (H)
- Auto Attack – Deal attack damage to the closest enemy. Deal Auto Damage 1
- Uplift – Anjali heals allies for a small amount. Heal 0.1
- Thela Soulsipper (A) / Thela Soulsipper (H)
- Auto Attack – Deal damage to an enemy at range. Deal Auto Damage 0.5
- Soulshatter – Thela rips a memory from the farthest enemy, dealing significant damage. Deal Damage 0.75
- Dug Gravewell (A) / Dug Gravewell (H)
- Auto Attack – Deal attack damage to the closest enemy. Deal Auto Damage 1
- Gravedirt Special – Dug tosses a shovelful of Grave Dirt at all enemies, damaging them and healing himself slightly. Deal Damage 0.05, Heal 100, Unknown effect (0) 0
- Nerith Darkwing (A) / Nerith Darkwing (H)
- Auto Attack – Deal attack damage to the closest enemy. Deal Auto Damage 1
- Shadowfists of Fury – Nerith strikes all enemies in melee range multiple times, dealing substantial damage. Deal Damage 0.2, Deal Damage 0.2, Deal Damage 0.2
- Stonehuck (A) / Stonehuck (H)
- Auto Attack – Deal damage to an enemy at range. Deal Auto Damage 0.5
- Sinstone Smash – Stonehuck hurls a Sinstone which shatters and deals damage to all enemies at range. Deal Damage 0.7
- Kaletar (A) / Kaletar (H)
- Auto Attack – Deal damage to an enemy at range. Deal Auto Damage 0.5
- Mending Rain – Kaletar heals all allies for a small amount. HoT 0.15
- Ayeleth (A) / Ayeleth (H)
- Auto Attack – Deal attack damage to the closest enemy. Deal Auto Damage 1
- Feeding Frenzy – Ayeleth drains the anime from all adjacent enemies, dealing damage and inflicting a small wound. Deal Damage 0.5, DoT 0.1
- Teliah (A) / Teliah (H)
- Auto Attack – Deal damage to an enemy at range. Deal Auto Damage 0.5
- Shining Spear – Teliah empowers her spear, dealing large damage to the farthest enemy and healing the closest ally for a small amount. Deal Damage 1.5, Heal 0.2
- Kythekios (A) / Kythekios (H)
- Auto Attack – Deal attack damage to the closest enemy. Deal Auto Damage 1
- Whirling Fists – Kythekios punches all enemies in melee in rapid succession, damaging them and empowering himself. Deal Damage 0.25, Damage Dealt Multiplier 0.2
- Telethakas (A) / Telethakas (H)
- Auto Attack – Deal damage to an enemy at range. Deal Auto Damage 0.5
- Physiker’s Potion – Telethakas vigorously pours a potion down the throat of the closest ally, healing them and increasing their maximum health. Heal 0.25, Increase max HP 0.2
- M’Phy (A) / M’Phy (H)
- Venthyr Nightblade (A) / Venthyr Nightblade (H)
- Auto Attack – Deal attack damage to the closest enemy. Deal Auto Damage 1
- Double Stab – The Nightblade stabs the closest enemy twice, dealing significant damage. Deal Damage 0.5, Deal Damage 0.25
- Venthyr Soulcaster (A) / Venthyr Soulcaster (H)
- Auto Attack – Deal attack damage to the closest enemy. Deal Auto Damage 1
- Siphon Soul – The Soulcaster deals damage to the farthest enemy and heals themself slightly. Deal Damage 0.75, Heal 0.25
- Kyrian Phalanx (A) / Kyrian Phalanx (H)
- Auto Attack – Deal attack damage to the closest enemy. Deal Auto Damage 1
- Shield of Tomorrow – The Phalanx takes reduced damage and protects all ranged allies in the same way. Damage Taken Multiplier -0.2, Damage Taken Multiplier -0.2
- Kyrian Halberdier (A) / Kyrian Halberdier (H)
- Auto Attack – Deal attack damage to the closest enemy. Deal Auto Damage 1
- Halberd Strike – The Halberdier slices their weapon at the farthest enemy, dealing large physical damage. Deal Damage 1.2
- Maldraxxus Shock Trooper (A) / Maldraxxus Shock Trooper (H)
- Auto Attack – Deal attack damage to the closest enemy. Deal Auto Damage 1
- Bonestorm – Whirls in place, dealing heavy damage to all enemies in melee. Deal Damage 0.75
- Maldraxxus Plaguesinger (A) / Maldraxxus Plaguesinger (H)
- Auto Attack – Deal attack damage to the closest enemy. Deal Auto Damage 1
- Plague Song – Scream at enemies at range, inflicting damage over time Deal Damage 0.3
- Maldraxxus Shock Trooper (A) / Ardenweald Grovetender (H)
- Auto Attack – Deal attack damage to the closest enemy. Deal Auto Damage 1
- Bramble Trap – Winding tendrils ensare all enemies, damaging them and reducing their damage every other round. DoT 0.1, Damage Dealt Multiplier -0.2
- Maldraxxus Shock Trooper (A) / Ardenweald Trapper (H)
- Auto Attack – Deal attack damage to the closest enemy. Deal Auto Damage 1
- Bramble Trap – Winding tendrils ensare all enemies, damaging them and reducing their damage every other round. DoT 0.1, Damage Dealt Multiplier -0.2
- Venthyr Nightblade (A) / Venthyr Nightblade (H)
- Auto Attack – Deal attack damage to the closest enemy. Deal Auto Damage 1
- Double Stab – The Nightblade stabs the closest enemy twice, dealing significant damage. Deal Damage 0.5, Deal Damage 0.25
- Venthyr Nightblade (A) / Venthyr Nightblade (H)
- Auto Attack – Deal attack damage to the closest enemy. Deal Auto Damage 1
- Double Stab – The Nightblade stabs the closest enemy twice, dealing significant damage. Deal Damage 0.5, Deal Damage 0.25
- Venthyr Soulcaster (A) / Venthyr Soulcaster (H)
- Auto Attack – Deal attack damage to the closest enemy. Deal Auto Damage 1
- Siphon Soul – The Soulcaster deals damage to the farthest enemy and heals themself slightly. Deal Damage 0.75, Heal 0.25
- Venthyr Soulcaster (A) / Venthyr Soulcaster (H)
- Auto Attack – Deal attack damage to the closest enemy. Deal Auto Damage 1
- Siphon Soul – The Soulcaster deals damage to the farthest enemy and heals themself slightly. Deal Damage 0.75, Heal 0.25
Die Gegner:
- Bony Skeleton
- Auto Attack – Deal attack damage to the closest enemy. Deal Auto Damage 1
- Skeleton Smash – Deals damage to the closest enemy. Deal Auto Damage 0.1
- Verdant Prowler
- Auto Attack – Deal attack damage to the closest enemy. Deal Auto Damage 1
- Healing Howl – Heal all allies for 20% of their maximum health. Heal 0.2
- Rot-Heart
- Auto Attack – Deal attack damage to the closest enemy. Deal Auto Damage 1
- Starbranch Crush – Smashes the closest enemy for a large amount of damage, leaving a frostbite that deals damage to all enemies and regenerating its bark slightly. Deal Damage 0.2, DoT 0.03, HoT 0.01
- Nort the Noxious
- Auto Attack – Deal damage to an enemy at range. Deal Auto Damage 0.5
- Bone Reconstruction – Heals all allies. Heal 0.2
- Wolfram the Alpha
- Auto Attack – Deal attack damage to the closest enemy. Deal Auto Damage 1
- Searing Bite – Bite the closest enemy with jaws of flame, dealing significant damage. Deal Damage 1.5
- Swarming Skeleton
- Auto Attack – Deal attack damage to the closest enemy. Deal Auto Damage 1
- Skeleton Smash – Deals damage to the closest enemy. Deal Auto Damage 0.1
- Alpha Wolf Erezuel
- Auto Attack – Deal attack damage to the closest enemy. Deal Auto Damage 1
- Searing Bite – Bite the closest enemy with jaws of flame, dealing significant damage. Deal Damage 1.5
- Anima Smuggler
- Auto Attack – Deal attack damage to the closest enemy. Deal Auto Damage 1
- Anima Smuggler
- Auto Attack – Deal damage to an enemy at range. Deal Auto Damage 0.5
- Leech Anima – Siphons anima from the farthest enemy into yourself, damaging them and healing you. Deal Damage 0.25, Heal 0.2