Heroes: Ein neues Balance Update wurde veröffentlicht

In der Nacht von gestern auf heute haben die an Heroes of the Storm mitarbeitenden Entwickler von Blizzard Entertainment zur Überraschung vieler Spieler ein zuvor nicht angekündigtes neuen Balance Update auf die Liveserver der einzelnen Spielregionen dieses Titels aufgespielt, welches selbstverständlich auch dieses Mal wieder von offiziellen englischen Patchnotes auf der Communityseite des Spiels begleitet wurde.
Dieser von den Entwicklern zusammengestellten Übersicht zufolge bestand dieser neue Patch abgesehen von der einen oder anderen kleineren Fehlerbehebung hauptsächlich aus Spielbalanceänderungen an den spielbaren Helden von Heroes of the Storm, die jeweils bestimmte Aspekte dieser Charaktere verstärkten oder schwächten. Zu diesen Anpassungen gehören unter anderem sinnvolle Veränderungen an Kel’thuzad, ein Nerf an Azmodan, ein kleiner Buff für die Überlebenschance von Stukov und unterschiedliche Änderungen an Weißsträhne. Wer jetzt gerne mehr über die genauen Auswirkungen dieses Balance Updates erfahren möchte, der sollte unbedingt einmal einen Blick auf die folgenden Patchnotes des Entwicklerteams werfen.
(Hinweis: Eine deutsche Version der Patchnotes sollte im Laufe des Vormittags folgen.)
Heroes of the Storm Patch Notes – August 22, 2018:
- Sand Blast (Q)
- Damage increased from 300 to 315
- Dragon’s Breath (W)
- Damage increased from 360 to 390
- Bronze Talons (Passive)
- Bonus Basic Attack damage increased from 100 to 125%
- Death and Decay (Q)
- Cooldown reduced from 6 to 5 seconds
- Periodic damage increased from 70 to 82
- Frost Nova (W)
- Cooldown reduced from 10 to 8 seconds
- Damage reduced from 212 to 180
- Chains of Kel’thuzad (E)
- Cooldown reduced from 12 to 10 seconds
- Can no longer be used on Structures
- Duration reduced from 4 to 3 seconds
- Master of the Cold Dark (Trait)
- First reward no longer grants cooldown reduction
- First reward now grants the Glacial Spike ability
- Frost Blast (R)
- Damage increased from 100 to 115
- Minimum speed increased from 1 to 5
- This matches the starting speed of Pyroblast
- Shadow Fissure (R)
- Damage reduced from 400 to 360
- Cooldown reduced from 20 to 16 seconds
- Mana cost reduced from 60 to 45
- Level 1
- Blighted Frost (W)
- Bonus damage increased from 50 to 75%
- Blighted Frost (W)
- Level 4
- Strip Shields (E)
- Shield amount increased from 120 to 128
- Strip Shields (E)
- Level 7
- Glacial Spike (Active)
- Removed
- New Talent: Ice Cold (1)
- Reduce the cooldown of Glacial Spike by 5 seconds and increase its damage by 250%
- Accelerated Decay (Q)
- Bonus damage decreased from 25 to 20%
- Glacial Spike (Active)
- Level 13
- Chain Link (E)
- Now only requires 1 Hero to be pulled by Chains of Kel’thuzad
- Cooldown reduction increased from 4 to 5 seconds
- Icy Grasp (W)
- New functionality:
- Increase the slow of Frost Nova by 10%. Each time Kel’thuzad deals damage to enemy Heroes that are slowed by Frost Nova, its duration is increased by .5 seconds
- New functionality:
- Chain Link (E)
- Level 16
- Arcane Echoes (Q)
- Cooldown reduction increased from 1.25 to 1.5 seconds
- Hungering Cold (W)
- Adjusted functionality:
- Enemies that are rooted take an additional 55 damage each time they are damaged by Kel’thuzad
- Adjusted functionality:
- Arcane Echoes (Q)
Developer Comment: These changes to Kel’thuzad are being made with two goals in mind. Our first goal, which is in line with many changes we make, is to improve talent diversity. We’ve moved Glacial Spike into his baseline first quest reward, which should both help his Level 7 talent choices as well as open up new build possibilities with the increased flexibility on that tier. Second, we want to slightly reduce his variance and increase his reliability. We’ve moved most of his cooldown reduction reward baseline, and with Glacial Spike being his first quest reward, he can now combo enemy Heroes anywhere in the field, without needing to rely purely on having other enemy Heroes or structures nearby. In exchange for this, we’ve removed some of his burst damage and the ability to use Chains of Kel’thuzad on structures. While chaining enemy Heroes to structures made for some cool moments, it could be oppressive to play against, particularly on maps with large pushing objectives like the Punisher on Infernal Shrines.
- Basic Attack Damage increased from 92 to 103
- Basic Attack Damage scaling reduced from 5 to 4%
- Level 1
- Ace in The Hole (Passive)
- Damage bonus reduced from 20 to 15%
- Ace in The Hole (Passive)
- Level 13
- Giddy Up (W)
- Bonus baseline Movement Speed reduced from 10 to 8%
- Giddy Up (W)
- Level 16
- Paint Them Red (Q)
- Healing done from Penetrating Round decreased from 100 to 90%
- Paint Them Red (Q)
- Basic Attack damage increased from 48 to 50
- Level 16
- Lead Rain (Q)
- Slow increased from 20 to 30%
- Lead Rain (Q)
- Level 1
- Greed (Q)
- Quest completion 20% damage bonus now applies to all non-heroic targets, not just Minions and Mercs.
- Wrath (Q)
- Quest completion bonus damage reduced from 100 to 75% of Annihilation value.
- Greed (Q)
- Level 4
- Hellforged Armor (W/D)
- Armor bonus reduced from 30 to 25
- Hellforged Armor (W/D)
- Level 16
- Total Annihilation (Q)
- Damage reduced from 5 to 4% of target’s maximum Health
- Hell Rift (E)
- Demon Warrior buff duration reduced from 6 to 5 seconds
- Total Annihilation (Q)
- Level 13
- Ancient Blessings (Trait)
- Damage reduced from 68 to 62
- Healing reduced from 100 to 90
- Potion of Revival (Q)
- Healing increased from 30 to 35%
- Super Healing Potion (Q)
- Healing bonus increased from 75 to 80%
- Ancient Blessings (Trait)
- Level 20
- Bottomless Flask (Q)
- Recharge time increased from 6 to 8 seconds
- Bottomless Flask (Q)
Li Li
- Cloud Serpent (W)
- No longer has a cast time (Currently .25) and no longer cancels existing move orders.
- Level 13
- Gale Force (E)
- Blind duration bonus reduced from 1 to .75 seconds
- Gale Force (E)
- Level 20
- Mistweaver (Active)
- Heal reduced from 165 to 149
- Mistweaver (Active)
Lt. Morales
- Healing Beam (Q)
- No longer cancels existing move orders.
- Safeguard (W)
- No longer cancels existing move orders.
- Base Maximum Health increased from 1682 to 1765
- Health Regeneration increased from 3.5 to 3.7
- Basic Attack damage increased from 249 to 261
- Level 4
- Vigorous Reuptake (Trait)
- Bonus Healing increased from 25 to 30%
- Vigorous Reuptake (Trait)
- Level 1
- Clemency (W)
- Passive cooldown reduction increased from 3 to 4 seconds
- Clemency (W)
- Level 4
- Unwavering Faith (Q)
- Desperate Plea Mana cost reduction decreased from 30 to 15
- High Inquisitor (W)
- Mana return per Desperation stack increased from 60 to 75
- Indulgence (E)
- Secondary lash Mana return reduced from 30 to 25
- Unwavering Faith (Q)
- Level 16
- Radiance (Q)
- Heal amount reduced from 200 to 175
- Radiance (Q)
- Level 20
- Judgment Day (R)
- Damage bonus reduced from 50 to 30%
- Judgment Day (R)
- Level 4
- Psionic Synergy (E)
- Armor amount increased from 15 to 20
- Psionic Synergy (E)
- Level 20
- Plasma Burn (Trait)
- Damage increased from 60 to 70
- Plasma Burn (Trait)
- Level 4
- Shattered Ground (W)
- Splash damage bonus increased from 75 to 100%
- Shattered Ground (W)
- Level 16
- Giant Slammer (W)
- New Functionality:
- Seismic Slam and Basic Attacks deal 1.25% of the target’s Maximum Health as bonus damage
- New Functionality:
- Giant Slammer (W)
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue that could cause Damage Reduction visual effects to persist indefinitely.
Heroes, Abilities, and Talents
- Cassia: Fixed an issue that could cause Valkyrie to fail to pull its target if Cassia entered movement commands in the direction opposite the pull.
- Kel’thuzad: Fixed some confusing wording in the tooltip for the Hungering Cold talent.