BfA: Weitere Informationen zu der Verbrennung von Teldrassil

Die aktuell auf einer Reihe von Plattformen vorbestellbare Collector’s Edition von Battle for Azeroth beinhaltet unter anderem das stark limitierte Wendebuchs „Klagelied & Ein guter Krieg„, welches den Besitzern dieser speziellen Version der kommenden Erweiterung gleich zwei auf dem Krieg der Dornen und der Verbrennung von Teldrassil basierende Novellen zur Verfügung stellt. Auch wenn die normalen Mitglieder der Fangemeinde im Moment noch keinen Zugriff auf die Inhalte der Collector’s Edition haben, so durften im Verlauf der vergangenen Tage sowohl die Mitarbeiter von WoWhead als auch der bekannte YouTuber Nobbel87 jeweils ein Exemplar dieser Spielversion auspacken und schon jetzt einen Blick auf diese spannenden neuen Novellen werfen.
Laut diesen beiden Quellen ist das wirklich Interessante an diesen beiden Novellen der Umstand, dass die in dem Buch erzählten Ereignisse sich leicht von den im Spiel gezeigten Szenen unterscheiden und viele Momente des Krieges der Dornen mit einigen bisher unbekannt gewesenen Aussagen oder Informationen füllen. Dadurch erhalten die Leser dieses Werkes ein wesentlich besseres Bild davon, was für eine Motivation die wichtigsten Charaktere besitzen, wie Saurfang zu den verschiedenen Teilen des Krieges steht, was für Ziele mit diesem Angriff verfolgt wurden und was für Hintergründe das Ganze haben könnte. Wer keine Lust hat den englischen Text zu lesen oder einen Blick auf das Video von Nobbel87 zu werfen, der findet folgend praktischerweise eine übersetzte Zusammenfassung der interessantesten Informationen aus den Novellen.
(Hinweis: Die Novellen sollen in der nahen Zukunft kostenlos im Internet veröffentlicht werden.)
Interessante Informationen aus den Novellen:
- Sylvanas startet den Krieg mit der Allianz, weil sie fest davon überzeugt ist, dass ein Frieden zwischen den Fraktionen nicht auf Dauer bestehen kann. Ihrer Meinung nach wird es nach 1, 10 oder vielleicht erst 50 Jahren erneut zu einem Krieg kommen.
- Laut Sylvanas haben viele verschiedene Bevölkerungsgruppen einen guten Grund für diesen Krieg:
- Die Menschen von Gilneas werden der Horde niemals wegen den Ereignissen in Cata vergeben.
- Die Menschen aus Lordaeron sehen die Verlassenen als Monster an.
- Die Menschen aus Sturmwind kennen die Geschichten rund um die schreckliche Horde und den ersten Krieg. Sie geben jedem Orc die Schuld für die damaligen Taten.
- Zwischen den verschiedenen Elfenvölkern gibt es schon Jahrtausenden starke Spannungen und Konflikte.
- Die Dunkelsperre haben nicht vergessen, wer sie von ihren Inseln vertrieben hat.
- Die Orcs erinnern sich noch immer an die Internierungslager.
- Sylvanas sorgt sich über den Einfluss von Genn auf Anduin und Anduins zukünftige Pläne.
- Der Angriff auf Teldrassil soll die Allianz von innen heraus auseinanderreißen. Sylvanas geht davon aus, dass es Spannungen innerhalb der Allianz geben wird, wenn die Menschen von Sturmwind eher den Nachtelfen als den Worgen bei der Rückeroberung ihrer Heimatländer helfen.
- Genn Graumähne steht allerdings komplett hinter den Nachtelfen und versteht, warum die Menschen diesem Volk helfen.
- Die im Angriff auf Teldrassil verwendeten Taktiken und Vorgehensweisen wurden von Saurfang entworfen. Zu Beginn stand er komplett hinter dem Krieg. Diese Einstellung änderte sich allerdings mit der Verbrennung von Teldrassil und dem Kampf gegen Malfurion.
- In der Novelle hat Saurfang versucht, die Verbrennung von Teldrassil zu verhindern. Er forderte die Orcs an den Katapulten dazu auf, den Befehl von Sylvanas zu ignorieren und nicht auf den Baum zu feuern. Diese Aktion erinnerte ihn an den Angriff der verderbten Orcs auf Shattrath und wie sehr er den Kampf damals liebte.
- Sylvanas hat Saufang nicht ihren kompletten Plan verraten.
- Die Novellen beinhalten Hinweise darauf, dass möglicherweise Elune (Rettet Malfurion) und einige andere Mächte den Verlauf der Ereignisse beeinflusst haben. Diese Mächte stellen sich gegen das wahre Ziel von Sylvanas.
- Baine wusste über den Angriff auf Teldrassil bescheid.
Die Motivation von Sylvanas:
„You are not Garrosh Hellscream, why do you want to throw the Horde into the meat grinder again?
Sylvanas’s eyes did not waver, even in the face of his rage. „If I dedicated myself to peace with the Alliance, would it last a year?“
„Yes,“ Saurfang said curtly.
„How about two years? Five? Ten? Fifty?“
Saurfang felt the trap closing in on him, and he did not like it. „We fought side-by-side against the Burning Legion. That creates bonds that are not easily broken.
„Time breaks every bond.“ Sylvanas leaned across the table. Her words flew like arrows. „What do you believe? Will peace last five years or fifty?“
He leaned forward, too, his face inches away from hers. Neither blinked. „What I believe doesn’t matter, Warchief. What do you believe?“
„I believe the exiles of Gilneas will never forgive the Horde for driving them away. I believe the living humans of Lordaeron think it is blasphemy that my people still hold their city. I believe the ancient divide between our allies in Silvermoon and their kin in Darnassus is not easily mended.“ There was a smile on Sylvanas’ face. It was not a pleasant one.
„I believe the Darkspear tribe hasn’t forgotten who drove them from their islands,“ she continued. „I believe every orc your age remembers being imprisoned for years in filthy camps, wallowing in despair and surviving on human scraps. I believe every human remembers the tales of the terrible Horde that caused so much destruction in its first invasion, and I believe they blame every orc for that, no matter what you people have done to redeem yourselves. And I remember very well that my first Forsaken were once loyal Alliance citizens. We died for that banner, and our reward was to be hunted as vermin. I believe that there will be no permanent peace with the Alliance – not unless we win it on the battlefield on our terms. And believing that, answer this, Saurfang: what use is delaying the inevitable? „
„The boy in Stormwind will not start a war tomorrow,“ Saurfang said.
Her eyebrows lowered. „With Genn Greymane in his ear? We will see. „
That was a concern, Saurfang had to concede. In the thick of fighting against the Burning Legion, Greymane had launched a mission to kill Sylvanas. It had gotten some of Stormwind’s few remaining airships destroyed.
There were whispers that Greymane had ordered the attack without Anduin’s permission, but as far as Saurfang knew, Greymane had not been punished. The implications of that were troubling, and every possible explanation led to the same conclusion: the old Worgen would always drive the Alliance toward war against the Horde.
Sylvanas’ eyes glittered. „And the boy is becoming a man. What if that man decides that he has no choice but to launch war on us?“
Eine Reaktion von Baine:
”If you want to sit in the desert for a few months, you are welcome to join me,” Saurfang said lightly.
“Is that where you’re going?” Baine’s tone did not waver, but his eyes were ice.
Saurfang did not let himself show surprise. Baine knows the real plan, the orc realized. He didn’t know how, but the tone of the Tauren’s voice made it clear he knew something. I need to stop underestimating him.
Die Reaktion der Allianz:
„And what of Gilneas? What will you say to me if I choose to help the Kaldorei first?“
Which he would, especially if the Horde threatened thousands of prisoners. And Genn knew it.
„I cannot act if the Alliance is divided,“ Anduin said. That’s what this action is intended to do, Genn. Not just take Darnassus. But to use it against us, striking at the very heart of what makes our kingdoms the Alliance. Sylvanas is going to turn us against one another. That’s the grand plan. I was a fool for not to see it earlier.“
Genn was silent for a long time. „When did you learn so much about strategy?“
Anduin laughed humorlessly. „I was reading when I should have been sparring.“
„Well, you are a fool.“ Anduin turned to regard him, surprised by the words. „A fool to think for a moment that I would withdraw my support because you are helping the Kaldorei. Do I want my kingdom back? My people to return to their homes? Of course, I do! Do I want it badly enough to allow innocent night elves to suffer, when they so generously have helped the Gilneans these last few years? When they mitigated the Worgen curse, so we could hang on to ourselves and not get lost in madness? When they fed us, sheltered us, and offered us their home when we had nothing?
Genn made a dismissive noise, somewhere between a huff and a snarl. „No, I would never betray that kindness by turning my back on them now. Sylvanas certainly doesn’t understand the Alliance. She is in for a rude awakening, and you can mark my words. „
„I mark your words, Genn Greymane, and my heart is full to hear them. They are a beacon in a time of terrible darkness. „
Both men turned to see Tyrande standing in the doorway still dressed in her priestess’s robes.
Saurfang und die Verbrennung von Teldrassil:
The screams continued. They reminded him of Shattrath. He had loved the sound, then.
Smoke filled the air, reminding him of Stormwind, of racing through the streets as buildings burned all around him, finding cowering humans and butchering them as they begged for their lives. He had loved the slaughter, then.
And he had loved this war too, hadn’t he?
Saurfang did not move for hours, not until the screams faded and the flames had burned themselves down to embers. Before him, stood a smoking husk that had once been a great civilization. Inside him was a feeling of despair, a feeling of shame. There was no haze of corruption now to soften the horror.
Saurfang would remember this moment in his dreams forever. He would relive his shame, and all the new ones to come, over and over again.
You have led your Horde in the service of death, Malfurion had said.
How could Saurfang face the soldiers he had led into this war? How could he explain what they had done?
He couldn’t. He would never know how.
But the burden would be his, always, until his dying day.
As Saurfang turned away, he hoped that day would come soon…
Die Verteidigung der Nachtelfen:
’By the moons’ glow, listen. Beside the river, listen. Holding those you love, listen. To the cries of the dying, To the whisper of the wind over the silent dead….
Sleep brushed Astarri’s mind, feather soft, honey sweet. The pain disappeared. She let out a sigh. All around her, she heard similar sounds.
There would be no pain in the lady’s light, in the lady’s love. Mother and child both slept, breathing gently despite the smoke. Her duty faithfully discharged, Astarrii allowed her own eyelids to flutter closed.
There will be justice one day, but eyes other than ours will behold it.
The last thing she heard was a cracking sound as she slipped into slumber.
Ein geheimer Plan und äußere Einflüsse:
Nathanos finally spoke up. “And it will give you a chance to hunt Malfurion alone, Warchief.”
The look in Sylvanas’ eyes gave Saurfang pause. She was more annoyed than he would have expected. If the Horde managed to kill both Tyrande and Malfurion, yes, it would be a great victory that would weaken the Alliance, but the objective was supposed to be conquering the World Tree. That wedge would split the Alliance no matter who ruled the night elves.
Saurfang considered, not for the first time, that Sylvanas wasn’t telling him everything.
Perhaps he would find a glorious death on the battlefield before he ever had to face a choice that would destroy him.
Or maybe the old orc will surprise me, she thought. Maybe he will face the world as it is and choose to fight onwards at my side. If he doesn’t well…That can wait.
Elune had intervened. Perhaps she had even stayed Saurfang’s killing blow. And she wouldn’t be the only force beyond the Alliance to oppose Sylvanas’ true objective.
Sylvanas’s anger grew cold.
She had known this would happen. It had simply come sooner than expected. That was all.