Patch 7.2: „Update“ Kommende Änderungen an den legendären Gegenständen

Update: In den vergangenen Wochen spielten die Mitarbeiter von Blizzard Entertainment mehrere neue Builds auf den öffentlichen Testserver von Patch 7.2: Das Grabmal des Sargeras auf, die neben den üblichen Klassenänderungen dann auch häufig eine Reihe von Anpassungen an den legendären Ausrüstungsteilen aus Legion mit sich brachten. Passend dazu veröffentlichte Community Manager Kaivax vor Kurzem einen sehr interessanten Bluepost in den offiziellen Battle.Net Foren zu World of Warcraft, der praktischerweise ganz genau aufliste, welche Legendaries eigentlich mit diesen Builds überarbeitet wurden und was für Auswirkungen das Ganze auf die Mechaniken dieser unterschiedlichen legendären Gegenstände hatte. Wer jetzt also gerne erfahren möchte, in welcher Weise dieses Update die legendären Gegenstände für seine Klasse veränderte, der sollte einen Blick auf folgende Übersicht werfen.
(Die Liste wurde das letzte Mal am 20.03 aktualisiert.)
Community Manager Kaivax: I’ve updated the title and first post of this thread. It now includes a number of changes that were made in the last week.
Die Liste:
Multiple Classes
- Aggramar’s Stride:
- Now has an additional 617 Critical Strike (@ ilvl 940) as a third bonus secondary stat. Now grants movement speed equal to 75% of your Haste, Critical Strike, Mastery, or Versatility, whichever is highest.
- Norgannon’s Foresight:
- Now triggers after standing still for 6 seconds (was 8 seconds), granting you the ability to cast while moving for 4 seconds (was 5 seconds). Now has a new visual indicating when you gain its ability to cast while moving. Now has an additional 617 Critical Strike (@ ilvl 940) as a third bonus secondary stat.
- Sephuz’s Secret:
- Now always grants 10% increased movement speed and 2% Haste. When triggered, this bonus is increased to the current values of 70% movement speed and 25% Haste. Movement speed bonuses now stack with other movement speed bonuses.
- Roots of Shaladrassil:
- Now has an additional 658 Critical Strike (@ ilvl 940) as a third bonus secondary stat.
Death Knight
- All Specs
- Acherus Drapes
- Now has an additional 771 Mastery (@ ilvl 940), as a third bonus secondary stat.
- Acherus Drapes
- Blood
- Rattlegore Bone Legplates
- Now also increases Bone Shield’s damage reduction by 2%.
- Service of Gorefiend
- Now has an additional 1233 Leech (@ ilvl 940) as a bonus tertiary stat.
- Rattlegore Bone Legplates
- Frost
- Perseverance of the Ebon Martyr:
- Howling Blast deals 20% increased damage to enemies recently damaged by your Remorseless Winter (was 40%).
- Perseverance of the Ebon Martyr:
- Unholy
- Death March
- Now also increases Death Strike and Death Coil damage by 15%.
- Tak’theritrix’s Shoulderpads:
- Damage bonus duration increased to 30 seconds (was 20 seconds).
- Death March
Demon Hunter
- Havoc
- Achor, the Eternal Hunger
- Now has an additional 658 Mastery (@ ilvl 940) as a third bonus secondary stat.
- Anger of the Half Giants:
- Demon Blades generates an additional 1-6 Fury (was 1-8 Fury).
- Loramus Thalipedes‘ Sacrifice
- Damage bonus now starts with the first target hit (was second target hit).
- Mo’arg Bionic Stabilizers
- Damage bonus now starts with the first target hit (was second target hit).
- Achor, the Eternal Hunger
- Vengeance
- The Defiler’s Lost Vambraces
- Now has an additional 539 Avoidance (@ ilvl 940) as a bonus tertiary stat.
- The Defiler’s Lost Vambraces
- All Specs
- Ekowraith, Creator of Worlds
- Now has an additional 658 Haste (@ ilvl 940) as a third bonus secondary stat.
- Ekowraith, Creator of Worlds
- Balance
- Promise of Elune, the Moon Goddess
- Now also increases the damage of Solar Wrath and Lunar Strike by 8%.
- Promise of Elune, the Moon Goddess
- Feral
- Chatoyant Signet
- Now also increases your Energy regeneration by 5%.
- Fiery Red Maimers
- Now also causes your next Maim to cost no Energy.
- Chatoyant Signet
- Guardian
- Oakheart’s Puny Quods
- Barkskin instantly grants 45 Rage plus an additional 30 Rage (was 15 Rage) over 3 seconds.
- Oakheart’s Puny Quods
- Restoration
- The Dark Titan’s Advice
- Now also causes Lifebloom’s periodic healing to have a 5% chance to trigger the final healing effect.
- Tearstone of Elune
- Allies healed by your Wild Growth have a 15% (was 20%) chance to also gain Rejuvenation.
- X’oni’s Caress
- Now also reduces Ironbark’s cooldown by 25%.
- Essence of Infusion
- Tranquility heals targets below 60% (was 50%) health for 60% (was 50%) more.
- Aman’Thul’s Wisdom
- Redesigned. When your Rejuvenation heals a full health target, its duration is increased by 3 seconds, up to a maximum total increase of 15 seconds per cast.
- The Dark Titan’s Advice
- All Specs
- The Shadow Hunter’s Voodoo Mask
- Now has an additional 658 Critical Strike (@ ilvl 940) as a third bonus secondary stat.
- The Shadow Hunter’s Voodoo Mask
All SpecsBelo’vir’s Final StandNow has an additional 658 Mastery (@ ilvl 940) as a third bonus secondary stat.
- Fire
- Darckli’s Dragonfire Diadem:
- Now has a new visual when Dragon’s Breath is cast.
Pyrotex Ignition ClothPhoenix Flames reduces the remaining cooldown on Combustion by 9 seconds (was 6 seconds).
- Darckli’s Dragonfire Diadem:
- Arcane Mage
- Cord of Infinity:
- Each time Arcane Missiles hits an enemy, the damage of your next Mark of Aluneth is increased by 1%. This effect stacks.
- Cord of Infinity:
- If you have either Cinidaria, the Symbiote or Gai Plin’s Soothing Sash, your odds of getting the other belt are significantly reduced.
- Mistweaver
- Eye of Collidus the Warp-Watcher
- Each time Soothing Mist heals, the absorb amount of your next Life Cocoon is increased by 3% (was 1%), stacking up to 50 times (was 100).
- Fixed a bug where the second Soothing Mist from Unison Spaulders did not grant a second stack of the buff.
- Ovyd’s Winter Wrap
- Redesigned slightly. Each time Enveloping Mist heals, its healing bonus has a 50% chance to spread to an injured ally within 30 yards.
- Ei’thas, Lunar Glides of Eramas
- Redesigned. Uplifting Trance increases your Vivify healing by an additional 10% and causes it to heal 1 additional target.
- Eye of Collidus the Warp-Watcher
- Windwalker
- Hidden Master’s Forbidden Touch
- Now also increases Touch of Death’s damage by 40%.
- Katsuo’s Eclipse
- Reduce the cost of Fists of Fury by 1 Chi (was 2 Chi).
- Drinking Horn Cover
- The duration of Storm, Earth, and Fire is reduced by 0.4 seconds (was 0.6 seconds) for every Chi you spend.
- Drinking Horn Cover:
- The duration of Serenity is now extended by 0.3 seconds every time you cast a Chi spender.
- March of the Legion
- Now has an additional 641 Mastery (@ ilvl 940) as a third bonus secondary stat. Haste stat reduced slightly.
- Now has an additional 641 Mastery (@ ilvl 940) as a third bonus secondary stat. Haste stat reduced slightly.
- Hidden Master’s Forbidden Touch
- Holy/Protection
- Uther’s Guard
- Now has an additional 797 Haste (@ ilvl 940) as a third bonus secondary stat.
- Uther’s Guard
- Holy
- Tyr’s Hand of Faith
- Reduces the cooldown of Lay on Hands by 70% (was 60%).
- Tyr’s Hand of Faith
- Protection
- Tyelca, Ferren Marcus’s Stature
- Now also increases Avenger’s Shield’s damage by 20%.
- Tyelca, Ferren Marcus’s Stature
- Retribution
- Aegisjalmur, the Armguards of Awe
- Now has an additional 617 Critical Strike (@ ilvl 940) as a third bonus secondary stat.
Triggered Shield of Vengeance amount reduced from 200% to 100%.
- Justice Gaze:
- Now also causes Hammer of Justice to generate 1 Holy Power when used against targets above 75% health. Mastery reduced by 412 (@ ilvl 940) and Haste increased by 412.
- Aegisjalmur, the Armguards of Awe
- Discipline
- Skjoldr, Sanctuary of Ivagont
- Now also increases Power Word: Shield’s absorb amount by 20%.
- Skjoldr, Sanctuary of Ivagont
- Holy
- Muze’s Unwavering Will
- Health threshold reduced to 50% health (was 75%).
- Now also affects Flash Heal.
- Rammal’s Ulterior Motive
- Healing bonus increased to 20% (was 15%).
- Muze’s Unwavering Will
- Shadow
- Zenk’aram, Iridi’s Anadem
- Now also increases Voidform’s Shadow damage dealt bonus by 3%.
- Anund’s Seared Shackles
- Each time Shadow Word: Pain and Vampiric Touch deal damage, your next Void Bolt gains 3% (was 4%) increased damage, stacking up to 50 times.
- Zenk’aram, Iridi’s Anadem
- All Specs
- Will of Valeera
- Haste reduced by 412 and Critical Strike increased by 412.
- Will of Valeera
- Enhancement
- Akainu’s Absolute Justice
- Lava Lash deals 50% (was 30%) increased damage while your weapons are enhanced by both Flametongue and Frostbrand.
- Akainu’s Absolute Justice
- All Specs
- Pillars of the Dark Portal
- Now has an additional 658 Mastery (@ ilvl 940) as a third bonus secondary stat.
- Pillars of the Dark Portal
- Affliction
- Sacrolash’s Dark Strike
- Now also increases Corruption’s damage by 15%.
- Sacrolash’s Dark Strike
- Demonology
- Sin’dorei Spite
- With Grimoire of Supremacy, there is now a visual debuff that displays the 3-minute cooldown.
- Sin’dorei Spite
- All Specs
- Timeless Stratagem
- Now has an additional 717 Versatility (@ ilvl 940) as a third bonus secondary stat.
- Mannoroth’s Bloodletting Manacles
- Now has an additional 771 Versatility (@ ilvl 940) as a third bonus secondary stat.
- Timeless Stratagem
- Protection
- The Walls Fell
- Now also increases Shield Slam’s Rage generation by 2.
- Thundergod’s Vigor
- Each enemy you hit with Thunder Clap reduces the remaining cooldown on Demoralizing Shout by 3 seconds (was 1 second).
- The Walls Fell
Der direkt an World of Warcraft mitarbeitende Game Designer Seph meldete sich in der vergangenen Nacht zum ersten Mal in den Battle.Net Foren zu Wort und verkündete dort dann gleich in einem etwas längeren Bluepost, dass einer der nächsten Builds für den aktuell noch immer auf dem öffentlichen Testserver vorhandenen Patch 7.2: Das Grabmal von Sargeras eine Reihe von weiteren Änderungen an den legendären Gegenständen aus Legion mit sich bringen wird. Diesem sehr interessanten Beitrag zufolge sollen viele der schwächeren legendären Ausrüstungsteile mit situationsabhängig Effekten durch dieses kommenden Update für den PTR dann entweder neue konstante Boni oder aber zusätzliche sekundäre Werte in Höhe von ca. 650 Punkten erhalten. Folgend findet ihr nun weitere Informationen und zwei Beispiele zu diesen geplanten Änderungen.
Die geplanten Anpassungen:
Legendäre Gegenstände ohne konstante Boni, sollen in der Zukunft dauerhafte Effekte erhalten:
- Beispiel: Der Gegenstand Versprechen Elunes, der Mondgöttin (Schuhe für Gleichgewichts-Druiden, die Spielern nach dem Wirken von Lunarschlag oder Solarzorn einen Heilungsbonus für Nachwachsen gewähren.) wird in Zukunft auch den verursachten Schaden von Lunarschlag oder Solarzorn dauerhaft um 8% erhöhen.
Legendäre Gegenstände, bei denen dauerhafte Boni keinen wirklichen Sinn machen, erhalten weitere sekundäre Werte:
- Beispiel: Der Gegenstand Belo’virs letztes Gefecht (Eine Brust für Magier, die dafür sorgt, dass Blinzen den Spielern einen Schild gewährt.) erhält in der Zukunft einen dritten sekundären Wert in Höhe von ca. 650 Punkten. Auf diese Weise möchten die Entwickler vermeiden, dass sich Blinzeln erneut in einen DPS Button für ihre Rotation verwandelt.
Legendäre Gegenstände, deren aktuelles Design nicht wirklich gut funktioniert, sollen überarbeitet werden:
- Diese wichtige Maßnahme wurde bereits mit Patch 7.1.5 gestartet und soll selbstverständlich auch in der Zukunft noch weiter laufen.
Weiteres Balancing der legendären Gegenstände:
- Das korrekte Balancing der mit Legion eingeführten Ausrüstungsteile ist den Entwicklern sehr wichtig und wird auch in den kommenden Monaten weiterhin stattfinden.
In an upcoming PTR patch, you will see adjustments to a number of legendary items. These changes can be categorized into:
- Added throughput effects to legendaries with non-throughput bonuses, or only occasional throughput benefits.
- Example: Promise of Elune, the Moon Goddess (Balance Druid boots that grant a utility healing effect via casting Lunar Strike/Solar Wrath), will now also increase the damage of Lunar Strike and Solar Wrath by 8%.
- Added extra secondary stats to non-throughput legendaries where that makes more sense than to add throughput to the legendary effect itself.
- Example: Belo’vir’s Final Stand (Mage chest that causes Blink to grant an absorb shield) now have an extra 3rd secondary stat. We don’t want to turn Blink into a rotational DPS button, so instead of adding an effect like “Blink also increases your damage dealt by X% for Y sec”, we’re adding an extra ~650 secondary stats to the item.
- Improvements to legendaries whose design isn’t working well in gameplay.
- This has been and will continue to be an ongoing effort, and we’ll be making such changes as time goes on, including after Patch 7.2.
- Numbers tuning to bring the throughput benefits of other legendaries more in line with each other.
- This has been and will also continue to be an ongoing effort.
Legendaries have different use cases and we want their power level to be tuned with that in mind. Universal throughput legendaries – legendaries that increase output in most situations – should be good but not always the best in every situation. Situational throughput legendaries – legendaries that perform very well in the right situation – should be better than universal throughput legendaries in those situations, but then aren’t ideal in other situations. Non-throughput legendaries will soon include a small amount of consistent output through either an adjustment to their legendary effect or an extra 3rd secondary stat, and continue to provide their utility benefits.
By narrowing the power gap between throughput legendaries and non-throughput legendaries, we’re hopeful that 1) the first two legendaries a character acquires will have some reliable throughput increase and 2) once you acquire more of them, you’ll feel more freedom to swap them around based on the situation.