Patch 7.2: Es wurden weitere Raidtests angekündigt

Der für World of Warcraft verantwortliche Game Director Ion „Watcher“ Hazzikostas meldete sich in der vergangenen Nacht mal wieder in den Battle.Net Foren zu Wort und verkündete dort dann in einem neuen Bluepost, dass jeweils am 23. und 24. Februar 2017 weitere Raidtests auf dem derzeit laufenden PTR zu Patch 7.2: Das Grabmal des Sargeras stattfinden sollen. Während die bereits heute Abend anstehende Testphase die teilnehmenden Spieler in den Kampf gegen die heroischen Versionen von „Sisters of the Moon“ und „The Desolate Host“ schickt, so stehen allen daran interessierten Personen am morgigen Freitag, den 24. Februar 2017, dann die beiden heroischen Encounter „Maiden of Vengeance“ und „The Fallen Avatar“ zum Ausprobieren zur Verfügung.
Zusätzlich dazu möchte das Entwicklerteam von World of Warcraft laut Game Director Ion „Watcher“ Hazzikostas am nächsten Wochenende auch wieder eine etwas längere Testphase in dem Grabmal des Sargeras auf der normalen Schwierigkeit durchführen, die es den teilnehmenden Personen dann mehrere Tage lang ermöglichen wird, gegen die normalen Varianten der Vier weiter oben erwählten Encounter anzutreten. Wer nun gerne mehr über die testbaren Bosse oder den Ablauf dieser anstehenden Raidtests erfahren möchte, der sollte sich folgende Übersicht zu diesen Encountern anschauen.
On Thursday and Friday, February 23-24, we will be conducting a raid test of four more Tomb of Sargeras Heroic bosses. Remember that Heroic difficulty scales for any group size between 10 and 30 players, so feel free to assemble and bring a group of any size within that range.
Thursday, February 23
- Sisters of the Moon – Heroic Tomb of Sargeras
- 13:00 PST (16:00 EST, 22:00 CET)
- The Desolate Host – Heroic Tomb of Sargeras
- 14:00 PST (17:00 EST, 23:00 CET)
Friday, February 24
- Maiden of Vengeance – Heroic Tomb of Sargeras
- 13:00 PST (16:00 EST, 22:00 CET)
- The Fallen Avatar – Heroic Tomb of Sargeras
- 14:00 PST (17:00 EST, 23:00 CET)
After testing concludes on Friday, we plan to open Normal Tomb of Sargeras over the weekend, with these same four bosses available on Normal difficulty.
Hinweis: Die Zeitangaben weiter oben können sich jederzeit ändern. Dies liegt daran, dass dies eine Testphase ist und die Entwickler jeweils die Zeiten bzw. Bosse nutzen, die ihnen am besten passen.
Die testbaren Bosse:
Sisters of the Moon
The Sisters of the Moon served as wardens for the temple long before the avatar of Sargeras was buried beneath it. Even in death, the sisters maintained their vigil, but over the millennia something twisted their ability to distinguish friend from foe. Their madness slowly consumed them, and now any who enter their sacred chambers are put to death.
- Font of Elune: The floor of the font continually changes through the phases of the moon. Standing on the light side of the moon will stack Lunar Suffusion every 3 sec, while standing on the dark side of the moon will stack Umbra Suffusion every 3 sec. Switching from one side of the moon to the other clears all stacks of suffusion and triggers Astral Expulsion.
- Lunar Suffusion: Increases Arcane damage taken by 5%.
- Umbra Suffusion: Increases Shadow damage taken by 5%.
- Astral Expulsion: Arcane energy erupts from the target inflicting 195000 to 205000 Spellshadow damage.
- Huntress Kasparian
Glaive Storm: Throws a glaive that shatters into multiple glaives, each inflicting 855000 to 945000 Arcane damage to everyone hit.
- Twilight Glaive: Throws a glaive at a target, inflicting 1425000 to 1575000 Shadow damage to anyone it hits before returning to the caster.
- Moon Glaive: Throws a glaive that bounces between up to 3 targets, inflicting 8.75e+06 Physical damage total. The first target hit has Discorporate applied to them, decreasing all healing taken by 50%.
Spectral Glaive: Throws a spectral glaive that bounces between up to 3 targets, inflicting 487500 to 512500 Spellshadow damage.
Incorporeal Shot: Captain Yathae Moonstrike aims a Incorporeal Shot at her target, inflicting 10000000 Shadow damage to the target after 6 sec. Players can move between her and her target, disrupting her aim and causing the damage inflicted to be split among all intercepting players and the target.
Call Moontalon: Captain Yathae Moonstrike calls Moontalon to fight at her side.
Deathly Screech: Moontalon screeches inflicting 400000 Shadow damage to all nearby enemies. This damage increases by 25% every time it is cast.
Twilight Volley: Shadow arrows rain from the sky, inflicting 600000 Shadow damage every 1 sec.
Rapid Shot: Captain Yathae Moonstrike focuses fire on a target, inflicting 500000 Shadow damage every 0.5 sec for 5 sec.
Shadow Shot: Fires a arrow inflicting 585000 to 615000 Shadow damage.
Embrace of the Eclipse: Priestess Lunaspyre shields an ally for 12 sec, absorbing 30000000 damage while also warding her enemies for 12 sec, absorbing 1000000 points of healing. If the shield expires, it inflicts the remaining absorption as Arcane damage to all enemies within 70 yds of the shield. Any ward that expires inflicts its remaining healing absorption as Shadow damage to all enemies within 8 yds of the ward.
Lunar Beacon: Marks an enemy with Lunar energy, inflicting 700000 every 1 sec for 6 sec. When Lunar Beacon expires the target’s location will be bombarded by a Lunar Barrage every 1 sec for 4 sec. Each Lunar Barrage inflicts 700000 Arcane damage every 700000 and Silences while in the barrage area.
Moon Burn: Burns enemies with lunar energy, inflicting 600000 Arcane damage every 2 sec for 18 sec.
Lunar Strike: Summons lunar energy inflicting 585000 to 615000 Arcane damage.
Lunar Fire: Burns the target, inflicting 500000 Arcane damage every 2 sec for 30 sec.
The Desolate Host
Once, this was a sacred burial site for the nightelves, but the legion has twisted these grounds with the Engine of Souls. This foul machine draws upon the energy of the dead, twisting them into abominations. Due to this corruption, these tormented spirits have become monstrosities, looking to feed on any who descend into the tomb’s depths.
Dissonance: All creatures and players periodically inflict 307125 to 322875 Shadow damage to all players in the opposing realm within 8 yds. (Heroic, Mythic)
Corporeal Realm:
In the realm of the living, the Engine of Souls siphons fallen night elf spirits for the Burning Legion. -
Bone Shards: Bone shards fly out at a target, inflicting 100% weapon damage.
Spear of Anguish: Marks a player for a Spear of Anguish. After 6 sec, the Spear of Anguish inflicts 1096875 to 1153125 Shadow damage to all players within 5 yds and knocks their spirit out of their body. This places a 1800000 heal absorb on targets struck which prevents them from interacting with Spiritual Fonts. (Heroic, Mythic)
Collapsing Fissure: Reverberations create a Collapsing Fissure for 1.5 min. Players standing within the Collapsing Fissure suffer 575000 Shadow damage every 1 sec.
Tormented Cries: Marks a player and blasts a cone of tormented magic at the target, inflicting 1072500 to 1127500 Shadow damage. This damage is increased by 300% if the target is already standing within Tormented Cries.
Remaining within the tormented spirits inflicts 275000 Shadow damage every 1 sec and silences the target. -
Quietus: When no players are in the current realm, 575000 Shadow damage is inflicted to all players. This increases the caster’s Shadow damage done by 25% for 12 sec. This effect stacks.
Rupturing Slam: Slam the ground, creating ruptures that travel outward. Players collidiing with a rupture suffer 970125 to 1019875 Physical damage and are knocked back.
Bonecage Armor: At 50% health remaining, bones surround the caster, reducing damage taken by 95% for 1 min.
Being struck with Shattering Scream removes this effect. -
Bound Essence: Upon death, the caster loses Bound Essence and its essence transfers to the opposing realm. (Mythic)
Grasping Darkness: Shadows erupt around a target, inflicting 218400 to 229600 Shadow damage. This bounces 3 times to players within 5 yds and increases in damage for each bounce.
Bonecage Armor: At 50% health remaining, bones surround the caster, reducing damage taken by 95% for 1 min.
Being struck with Shattering Scream removes this effect. -
Bound Essence: Upon death, the caster loses Bound Essence and its essence transfers to the opposing realm. (Mythic)
Spirit Realm:
In the realm of the dead, High Priestess Dejahna’s soul has been corrupted into dark servitude. -
Crush Mind: Blasts a player, inflicting 840937 to 884063 Shadow damage and increasing damage taken by Crush Mind by 5% for 1.5 min. This effect stacks. (Heroic, Mythic)
Crush Mind: Blasts a player, inflicting 840937 to 884063 Shadow damage. (Normal, Raid Finder)
Soulbind: Binds the souls of two players together. Each target inflicts 862875 to 907125 Shadow damage to all players within 5 yds every 2 sec until they move within 5 yds of another bound player in an opposing realm.
Wailing Souls: Releases a host of wailing souls every 2 sec for 1 min, inflicting 564480 Shadow damage to all players within the spirit realm.
Quietus: When no players are in the current realm, 575000 Shadow damage is inflicted to all players. This increases the caster’s Shadow damage done by 25% for 12 sec. This effect stacks.
Shattering Scream: Releases a shattering scream at a player, inflicting 292987 to 308013 Shadow every 1.5 sec for 7.5 sec. Each hit reduces the target’s movement speed by 10% for 12 sec.
This effect stacks. Upon reaching 5 stacks, it explodes for 399750 to 420250 Shadow damage and removes Bonecage Armor from all targets within 5 yds. -
Spirit Chains: Spirit chains fly to a player, inflicting 633750 to 666250 Shadow damage and reducing movement speed by 50% for 30 sec. These chains prevent the player from using Spiritual Fonts.
- Bound Essence: Upon death, the caster loses Bound Essence and its essence transfers to the opposing realm. (Mythic)
- Soul Residue
Soul Rot: Soul Residue leaves behind Soul Rot as it moves. Standing within Soul Rot inflicts 684000 Shadow damage every 2 sec and reduces damage done by 75%.
Soul Eruption: Upon death, explodes and inflicts 1121250 to 1178750 Shadow damage to all players within 5 yds, knocking them back.
Bound Essence: Upon death, the caster loses Bound Essence and its essence transfers to the opposing realm. (Mythic)
- Tormented Souls:
- Upon reaching 30% health, the Engine of Souls draws forth a vast number of tormented spirits to form the Desolate Host.
- The Desolate Host
Sundering Doom: Marks an area around a player, inflicting 8000000 Shadow damage to all players within 15 yds, divided evenly among targets struck in the corporeal realm.
Additionally inflicts 10000000 Shadow damage to all players in the spirit realm. Players further away suffer less damage. - Doomed Sundering: Marks an area around a player, inflicting 8000000 Shadow damage to all players within 15 yds, divided evenly among targets struck in the spirit realm.
Additionally inflicts 10000000 Shadow damage to all players in the corporeal realm. Players further away suffer less damage. - Torment: The Desolate Host periodically increases its damage done by 10%. This effect stacks.
Additionally, if Sundering Doom or Doomed Sundering fail to strike any players in either realm, The Desolate Host gains 5 stacks of Torment.In Mythic difficulty, this begins a chain reaction that destroys the Spiritual Fonts.
- The Desolate Host
- Upon reaching 30% health, the Engine of Souls draws forth a vast number of tormented spirits to form the Desolate Host.
Maiden of Vigilance
Charged by Aegwynn to defend the Tomb of Sargeras, the Maiden of Vigilance has stood watch for hundreds of years. Yet, the guardian did not forsee what effect the avatar’s seeping fel energy would have on this titan construct. Slowly warped by this maleficence, the Maiden now seeks to destroy any in her path.
- Unstable Soul: Inflicts 508750 to 591250 Fire damage every 2 sec. After 8 sec the target explodes, inflicting 1202500 to 1397500 Fire damage to all allies. The target and allies within 5 yards will also be knocked back. (Normal, Heroic, Mythic)
- Unstable Soul: Inflicts 508750 to 591250 Fire damage every 2 sec. After 8 sec the target will explode, inflicting 1182500 Fire damage. The target and allies within 5 yds will also be knocked back. (Raid Finder)
- Aegwynn’s Ward: An ancient ward protecting the deepest reaches of the tomb prevents Unstable Soul explosions from affecting allies. (Heroic, Mythic)
- Aegwynn’s Ward: An ancient ward protecting the deepest reaches of the tomb prevents Unstable Soul explosions from affecting allies. (Normal)
- Fragment Burst: Inflicts 1387500 to 1612500 damage to all players immediately, as well as 508750 to 591250 damage every 1 sec for 6 sec. Also applies Ravaged Soul. (Mythic)
- Ravaged Soul: Increases Fragment Burst damage taken by 25%. (Mythic)
- Stage One: Divide and Conquer:
- The Maiden of Vigilance infuses and hammers her enemies with both Holy and Fel magic.
- Infusion: Infuses players with either Fel Infusion or Light Infusion.
- Fel Infusion: Infuses a target with Fel energy, inflicting 208125 to 241875 Fire damage every 3 sec. After 5 sec, moving within 5 yards of an ally with Light Infusion will trigger Unstable Soul.
- Light Infusion: Infuses a target with Holy energy, inflicting 208125 to 241875 Holy damage every 3 sec. After 5 sec, moving within 5 yards of an ally with Fel Infusion will trigger Unstable Soul.
- Hammers: The Maiden imbues her hammer with either Holy or Fel energy and strikes the ground with tremendous force.
- Hammer of Creation: Slams the current target with a Holy infused hammer, inflicting 2000000 Physical damage. Holy energy then radiates from the hammer, splitting 12000000 Holy damage between all targets within 20 yards in a cone in front of the caster. Creates an area of Light Remanence.
Fel Infused targets become afflicted with Unstable Soul.
- Light Remanence: Remanence left behind by the Maiden’s hammer inflicts 323750 to 376250 Holy damage every 5 sec. As the remanence decays, it emits Light Echoes.
- Light Echoes: A blast of Holy energy strikes all players within 4 yards for 323750 to 376250 Holy damage.
- Light Remanence: Remanence left behind by the Maiden’s hammer inflicts 323750 to 376250 Holy damage every 5 sec. As the remanence decays, it emits Light Echoes.
- Hammer of Obliteration: Slams the current target with a Holy infused hammer, inflicting 0 Physical damage. Fel energy then radiates from the hammer, splitting 12000000 Fire damage between all targets within 20 yards in a cone in front of the caster. Creates an area of Fel Remanence. Light Infused targets become afflicted with Unstable Soul.
- Fel Remanence: Remanence left behind by the Maiden’s hammer inflicts 323750 to 376250 Fire damage every 2 sec. As the remanence decays, it emits Fel Echoes.
- Fel Echoes: A blast of Fel energy strikes all players within 4 yards for 323750 to 376250 Fire damage.
- Fel Remanence: Remanence left behind by the Maiden’s hammer inflicts 323750 to 376250 Fire damage every 2 sec. As the remanence decays, it emits Fel Echoes.
- Hammer of Creation: Slams the current target with a Holy infused hammer, inflicting 2000000 Physical damage. Holy energy then radiates from the hammer, splitting 12000000 Holy damage between all targets within 20 yards in a cone in front of the caster. Creates an area of Light Remanence.
- Mass Instability: Instantly triggers Unstable Soul on up to 3 enemies.
- Spontaneous Fragmentation: Summons a Fragment of Creation or Fragment of Obliteration at the feet of a target enemy with an opposite infusion after 3 sec. The fragment will pursue the target for 10 sec. If not consumed, it will trigger Fragment Burst. (Mythic)
- Stage Two: Watcher’s Wrath:
- The Maiden of Vigilance jumps away, shields herself, and buffets the raid with Fragments of Creation and Obliteration.
- Blowback: Stuns all enemies for 6 sec.
- Titanic Bulwark: Fel Titan creates a shield of Holy energy, absorbing 60000000 damage and preventing all interrupts while the shield holds.
- Wrath of the Creators: Repeatedly buffets the raid with waves of energy, inflicting 168000 Holy damage. Each wave will do more damage than the last.
Essence Fragments: Emits Fragments of Creation and Obliteration that travel outward from the caster.
- Grace and Vigor: Collecting Fragments of Creation or Obliteration with a matching Infusion will trigger Creator’s Grace or Demon’s Vigor for all nearby allies.
- Creator’s Grace: Holy energy bolsters a Holy Infused target, increasing damage inflicted by 10% and healing done by 5%, stacking up to 10 times.
- Demon’s Vigor: Fel energy bolsters a Fel Infused target, increasing damage inflicted by 10% and healing done by 5%, stacking up to 10 times. Grace and Vigor: Collecting Fragments of Creation or Obliteration with a matching Infusion will trigger Creator’s Grace or Demon’s Vigor for all nearby allies.
- Grace and Vigor: Collecting Fragments of Creation or Obliteration with a matching Infusion will trigger Creator’s Grace or Demon’s Vigor for all nearby allies.
Fallen Avatar
When Aegwynn defeated the Avatar of Sargeras, she was unable to destroy his avatar. In an effort to seal it away, the armor was entombed beneath the Temple of Elune, where it remained dormant for hundreds of years. Now, with the Legion tearing down the tomb’s barriers, Kil’jaeden is in a position to reanimate the armor and unleash its power on
- Stage One: A Slumber Disturbed:
- Locked into an ancient titan device, the Fallen Avatar struggles to regain his full power by corrupting the machinery around him.
- Touch of Sargeras: The Fallen Avatar creates 3 shadowy fissures. Each fissure erupts after 8 sec, inflicting 8500000 Shadow damage to all players within the fissure divided evenly among all players in the fisure. (Heroic, Mythic)
- Rupture Realities: The Fallen Avatar unleashes a blast of fel energy inflicting 5000000 Fire damage to all players. Players farther from the Fallen Avatar take less damage.
- Unbound Chaos: The Fallen Avatar corrupts each player, inflicting 137000 to 143000 Chaos damage every 0.5 sec for 4 sec.
In addition, every 0.5 sec, the target marks their current location. After 1.5 sec, the marked location explodes inflicting 634000 to 666000 Chaos damage to all players within 5 yards. - Shadowy Blades: The Fallen Avatar summons forth 3 blades that speed towards random targets. Each player hit by a blade creates a pool of Lingering Darkness and causes an explosion, inflicting 560000 Shadow damage to the target and all players within 10 yards. (Heroic, Mythic)
- Lingering Darkness: Impact with an Infernal Blade creates a viscous pool of felflame that inflicts 650000 Shadow damage every 2 sec and reduces movement speed by 50% while within the pool. (Heroic, Mythic)
- Shadowy Blades: The Fallen Avatar summons forth 3 blades that speed towards random targets. Each player hit by a blade causes an explosion, inflicting 400000 Shadow damage to the target and all players within 10 yards. (Normal, Raid Finder)
- Desolate: Inflicts 6500000 Physical damage and increases damage taken from Desolate by 75% for 29 sec.
This effect stacks. - Consume: Upon reaching 100 Energy, the Fallen Avatar consumes the remaining life essence from Oath-Keeper Sacraya, healing himself proportional to the health she has remaining.
- Ripple of Darkness: Inflicts 731250 to 768750 Shadow damage to all enemies.
This attack is only used by the Fallen Avatar whenever he is not actively engaged in melee combat. -
- Cleansing Protocol: Upon reaching 100 Energy, Sacraya places a shield upon herself absorbing 20% of her maximum health and begins casting Cleansing Protocol. At the completion of the cast, she inflicts 10000000 Fire damage to all players.
Depleting the absorb shield triggers a Malfunction.- Malfunction: Inflicts 20% of Sacraya’s maximum health to herself and she becomes stunned for 4 sec, interrupting all casts.
- Matrix Empowerment: Sacraya becomes empowered while standing within the matrix, increasing Physical damage done by 5%. This effect stacks while she remains in the matrix.
- Cleansing Protocol: Upon reaching 100 Energy, Sacraya places a shield upon herself absorbing 20% of her maximum health and begins casting Cleansing Protocol. At the completion of the cast, she inflicts 10000000 Fire damage to all players.
- Containment Pylon
- Corrupted Matrix: Upon activating, a Containment Pylon sends a beam of corrupted power at the Fallen Avatar causing it to gain energy every sec for 40 sec.
Oath-Keeper Sacraya can intercept the beam causing her to gain energy instead. - Tainted Matrix: A tainted pylon activates and begins to channel shadowy energy into the Fallen Avatar, increasing his energy generation. Oath-Keeper Sacraya refracts the shadowy beam to all players if she stands within it, inflicting 2487500 to 2512500 Shadow damage to all players every 2 sec. If a player stands between the pylon and the Fallen Avatar the beam is redirected to them. Standing within the beam inflicts 345625 to 354375 Shadow damage every 1.5 sec. In addition, the target is afflicted with Tainted Essence. This effect intensifies every 2 sec while standing within the beam. (Mythic)
- Tainted Essence: Reduces healing and shields received by 10%. This effect stacks. At 10 applications, the afflicted target is slain. (Mythic)
- Corrupted Matrix: Upon activating, a Containment Pylon sends a beam of corrupted power at the Fallen Avatar causing it to gain energy every sec for 40 sec.
- Stage Two: An Avatar Awakened:
- Upon reaching 100 Energy the Avatar shatters his bonds, destroying the platform and dropping players deeper into the Tomb of Sargeras.
- Dark Mark: The Fallen Avatar brands a target causing them to unleash shadowy energy after 6 sec sec, inflicting 8890000 Shadow damage divided evenly to all players within 8 yards of the target, and knocking them into the air. In addition, their damage taken from Dark Mark is increased by 100% for 6 sec.
- Rupture Realities: The Fallen Avatar unleashes a blast of fel energy, inflicting 5000000 Fire damage to all players and shattering the ground below him. Players farther from the Fallen Avatar take less damage.
- Desolate: Inflicts 6500000 Physical damage and increases damage taken from Desolate by 75% for 29 sec.
This effect stacks. - Black Winds: Summons forth chaotic storms of darkness that traverse the platform. Touching a storm inflicts 3703125 to 3796875 Shadow damage. (Heroic, Mythic)
- Sear: Waves of heat emanate from the Fallen Avatar inflicting 200000 Fire damage to all players every 2 sec.
- Fel Infusion: While the Fallen Avatar stands in lava, the damage of Sear is permanently increased by 50% every 2 sec. (Heroic, Mythic)
- Rain of the Destroyer: The Fallen Avatar calls comets of felflame down onto the platform, inflicting 1218750 to 1281250 Fire damage to players within 4 yards of each impact.
Impacts that are not absorbed cause the platform under them to shatter, inflicting 780000 to 820000 Fire damage to all players, knocking them back. (Mythic)