Patch 7.2: Der neue Build 23445 wurde auf den PTR aufgespielt

In der vergangenen Nacht haben die Entwickler von World of Warcraft den neuen Build 23445 auf den öffentlichen Testserver von Patch 7.2 „Das Grabmal des Sargeras“ aufgespielt und dadurch dann wieder einmal einige Anpassungen an den auf diesem PTR vorhandenen Inhalten durchgeführt. Dabei brachte diese neue Spielversion Patch 7.2 unter anderem einige weitere Klassenänderungen, mehrere neue Gegenstände, den PvP Brawl „Tarren Mill vs Southshore Brawl“ und eine Reihe von anderen Kleinigkeiten mit sich. In folgender Zusammenfassung der bisher von Data Minern entdeckten Informationen könnt ihr euch nun selbst durchlesen, was für Änderungen und Neuerungen dieser Build beinhaltete.
Neue Gegenstände:
- Es gibt einige neue Glyphen:
Glyph of the Shadow Succubus,
Glyph of the Fel Succubus,
Glyph of Frost Grip,
Glyph of Blood Grip
- Mehr Questitems für die Herstellung von legendären Ausrüstungsteilen:
Legendary Wardenscale Supplies,
Legendary Blacksmithing Supplies,
Legends of the Four Hammers
- Ein neues Items der Nachtgeborenen:
Nights with the Nightborne
- Es gibt mehrere Portalsteine, die die Spieler vermutlich dafür verwenden können werden, um Elite Mobs mit besonderer Beute zu beschwören:
Portal-Stone: Than’otalion,
Portal-Stone: Skulguloth,
Portal-Stone: Illisthyndria,
Portal-Stone: General Xillious,
Portal-Stone: Fel Obliterator,
Portal-Stone: An’thyna
- Dieser Build brachte eine Reihe von blauen Ausrüstungsteilen mit sich (Beispiel:
PH Vendor Gauntlets). Dabei handelt es sich vermutlich um die Gegenstände, die Spieler mit den Tokens der verheerten Insel herstellen können (Liste).
Der Tarren Mill vs Southshore Brawl:
Der PvP Brawl „Tarren Mill vs Southshore Brawl“ wurde mit diesem neuen Build freigeschaltet und steht daher nun allen daran interessierten Testern zum Ausprobieren zur Verfügung. Dabei funktioniert dieser Brawl im Grunde aber genauso, wie das spezielle PvP-Event zum zehnten Geburtstag von World of Warcraft. Daher sollten die meisten Spieler von World of Warcraft bereits jetzt mit dem Ablauf dieses Brawls und seinen Besonderheiten vertraut sein.
Neue Icons:
Neue Wappenröcke:
Dieses Update beinhaltete diese beiden neuen Wappenröcke: Black Apron – TEST und
Legionfall Tabard TEST.
Neue Erfolge:
- Hidden Tracking – Appearance Unlock – Challenge – Color 2 – Spec 1 (New)
- Hidden Tracking – Appearance Unlock – Challenge – Color 2 – Spec 2 (New)
- Hidden Tracking – Appearance Unlock – Challenge – Color 2 – Spec 3 (New)
- Hidden Tracking – Appearance Unlock – Challenge – Color 2 – Spec 4 (New)
- Hidden Tracking – Appearance Unlock – Challenge – Color 3 – Spec 1 (New)
- Hidden Tracking – Appearance Unlock – Challenge – Color 3 – Spec 2 (New)
- Hidden Tracking – Appearance Unlock – Challenge – Color 3 – Spec 3 (New)
- Hidden Tracking – Appearance Unlock – Challenge – Color 3 – Spec 4 (New)
- Hidden Tracking – Appearance Unlock – Challenge – Color 4 – Spec 1 (New)
- Hidden Tracking – Appearance Unlock – Challenge – Color 4 – Spec 2 (New)
- Hidden Tracking – Appearance Unlock – Challenge – Color 4 – Spec 3 (New)
- Hidden Tracking – Appearance Unlock – Challenge – Color 4 – Spec 4 (New)
Feats of Strength
- Unholy Determination (New) Massacre all of the red dragons in the Ruby Sanctum
- Words of the Old Gods: Elune’s Wrath (New) Listened to Xal’atath and then subsequently slain by Elune.
- Words of the Old Gods: Odyn’s Wrath (New) Listened to Xal’atath and then subsequently slain by Odyn.
Dungeons & Raids
- Five Course Seafood Buffet (New) Defeat Mistress Sass’zine in Tomb of Sargeras after feeding the following items to Sarukel on Normal difficulty or higher. 10 points.
- Great Soul, Great Purpose (New) Defeat The Desolate Host in Tomb of Sargeras while keeping the Diminishing Soul from perishing on Normal difficulty or higher. 10 points.
- Sky Walker (New) Defeat the Maiden of Vigilance in Tomb of Sargeras having captured every Titanic Anomaly on Normal difficulty or higher. 10 points.
Neue Szenarien:
Thwarting the Twins
- A Brother Betrayed
- Confront Raest.
- The Prophecy Denied
- Defeat Raest and Karam.
Turn Back the Tides: Highmountain
Securing Thunder Totem
Secure the upper portion of Thunder Totem.
Base Defense
Rendezvous with Mayla in the lower portion of Thunder Totem.
Defend the area from incoming enemy attacks.
Last Defense
Eliminate the lieutenant leading the assault.
Escort Mayla to meet up with Lasan outside of Thunder Totem.
To the Ship!
Use Lasan’s War Eagles to reach the Legion Ship.
Free our people.
Rescue the highmountain tauren captured by the Legion.
Destroyed from within.
Set explosives at key points throughout the ship.
The final fight
Assist Lasan in the fight against the Legion Commander.
Time to go.
Use the eagles to get off the ship.
Death Knight
- Death’s Harbinger (Rank 1)
Under Construction. Check Back Soon!Increases the damage of Apocalypse by 30% and causes it to grant 2 Runes upon use.
Glyph of Blood Grip Your Death Grip changes to blood tendrils.
Glyph of Frost Grip Your Death Grip changes to icy tendrils.
Demon Hunter
- Lingering Ordeal (Rank 2) Increases the duration of Metamorphosis by
2 sec.1 sec. - Lingering Ordeal (Rank 3) Increases the duration of Metamorphosis by
3 sec.2 sec. - Lingering Ordeal (Rank 4) Increases the duration of Metamorphosis by
4 sec.2 sec. - Lingering Ordeal (Rank 5) Increases the duration of Metamorphosis by
5 sec.3 sec. - Lingering Ordeal (Rank 6) Increases the duration of Metamorphosis by
6 sec.3 sec. - Lingering Ordeal (Rank 7) Increases the duration of Metamorphosis by
7 sec.4 sec. - Lingering Ordeal (Rank 8) Increases the duration of Metamorphosis by
8 sec.4 sec.
- Fury of Ashamane (Rank 1) Tiger’s Fury also grants 0 Versatility to you and your four
nearest allies.allies.
- Phoenix’s Warmth (Rank 1) Phoenix Flames has a chance to grant 0% critical strike chance to you and the four
nearest allies.allies.
- Stave Off Keg Smash as a
0%20% chance to trigger another Keg Smash.
- Fiending Dark (Rank 1)
Under Construction. Check back soon!Increases the duration of Shadowfiend by 5 sec. - Fiending Dark (Rank 2)
Under Construction. Check back soon!Increases the duration of Shadowfiend by 9 sec. - Fiending Dark (Rank 3)
Under Construction. Check back soon!Increases the duration of Shadowfiend by 14 sec. - Fiending Dark (Rank 4)
Under Construction. Check back soon!Increases the duration of Shadowfiend by 18 sec. - Fiending Dark (Rank 5)
Under Construction. Check back soon!Increases the duration of Shadowfiend by 23 sec. - Fiending Dark (Rank 6)
Under Construction. Check back soon!Increases the duration of Shadowfiend by 27 sec. - Fiending Dark (Rank 7)
Under Construction. Check back soon!Increases the duration of Shadowfiend by 32 sec. - Fiending Dark (Rank 8)
Under Construction. Check back soon!Increases the duration of Shadowfiend by 36 sec.
- Dreadblade’s Vigor Curse of the Dreadblades also increases your energy regeneration by
- Winnowing (Rank 1) Name changed from „Entropic Instability (Rank 1)“ to „Winnowing (Rank 1)“.
- Winnowing (Rank 2) Name changed from „Entropic Instability (Rank 2)“ to „Winnowing (Rank 2)“.
- Winnowing (Rank 3) Name changed from „Entropic Instability (Rank 3)“ to „Winnowing (Rank 3)“.
- Winnowing (Rank 4) Name changed from „Entropic Instability (Rank 4)“ to „Winnowing (Rank 4)“.
- Winnowing (Rank 5) Name changed from „Entropic Instability (Rank 5)“ to „Winnowing (Rank 5)“.
- Winnowing (Rank 6) Name changed from „Entropic Instability (Rank 6)“ to „Winnowing (Rank 6)“.
- Winnowing (Rank 7) Name changed from „Entropic Instability (Rank 7)“ to „Winnowing (Rank 7)“.
- Winnowing (Rank 8) Name changed from „Entropic Instability (Rank 8)“ to „Winnowing (Rank 8)“.
- Cry Havoc (Rank 1)
Chaos Bolt will bounce to your Havoc target for 0% of the initial damage.Under Construction. Check back soon!
- Glyphs
- Glyph of the Fel Succubus Transforms your Succubus into a Fel Succubus (Video)
- Glyph of the Shadow Succubus Transforms your Succubus into a Shadow Succubus.
- Glyph of the Shivarra Transforms your Succubus into a Shivarra.
- Soul of the Slaughter (Rank 1) Name changed from „Retaliatory Blows (Rank 1)“ to „Soul of the Slaughter (Rank 1)“.
Under Construction. Check Back Soon!Spending Rage has a 0.50% chance per rage spent to heal you for 10,000 per rage spent.
- Artifact Traits (1)
- Oathblood Bloodthirst has a
0%20% to trigger a second Bloodthirst.
- Oathblood Bloodthirst has a