Patch 7.1.5: Der neue Build 23178 wurde auf den PTR aufgespielt

Im Verlauf der vergangenen Nacht haben die Mitarbeiter von Blizzard Entertainment den neuen Build 23178 auf den im Moment aktiv laufenden öffentlichen Testserver von Patch 7.1.5 aufgespielt und dadurch dann wieder einmal einige Anpassung an den auf dem PTR testbaren Neuerungen durchgeführt. Dabei beinhaltete diese neue Version von Patch 7.1.5 abgesehen von den üblichen Klassenänderungen dann auch noch die bereits vor einigen Tagen angekündigten Verbesserungen für Ausrüstungsteile mit einem Itemlevel von über 800, neue Hintergrundmusik für die Kampfgilde, weitere Änderungen an den legendären Gegenständen aus Legion und einige weitere kleinere Anpassungen. In folgender Zusammenfassung könnt ihr euch selbst durchlesen, was genau mit diesem neuen Build überarbeitet wurde.
Highlights aus diesem Build:
- Viele Gegenstände aus der Nachtfestung wurden noch einmal überarbeitet und an die neuen Begebenheiten aus Patch 7.1.5 angepasst. Hier findet ihr eine Liste.
- Wie bereits vor Kurzem angekündigt wurde, haben die Entwickler mit diesem Build die Werte auf Gegenständen über Itemlevel 800 ein wenig erhöht und um ungefähr 5% verbessert (Beispiel: Bild).
- Die Abgesandtenquest der Kirin Tor benötigt nun nur noch 3 Weltquest (vorher 4).
- Das UI für die WoW Tokens wurde angepasst und beinhaltet nun Informationen, die darauf hindeuten, dass man diese Marken bald gegen Battle.Net Guthaben eintauschen kann.
- Es gab viele Klassenänderungen. Weiter unten findet ihr die genaue Übersicht.
Neue Musik für die Kampfgilde:
Änderungen an legendären Gegenständen:
- Cinidaria, the Symbiote – Additional damage is no longer in the Physical school
- Velen’s Future Sight – Now increases healing by 20%, up from 10%. Now redistributes 50% of overhealing, down from 100%.
Death Knight
- Seal of Necrofantasia – Now recharges 10% faster, up from 5%
Demon Hunter
- Loramus Thalipedes‘ Sacrifice – Now deals 10% increased damage, up from 5%
- The Emerald Dreamcatcher – Reduces the Astral Power cost of your Starsurges by 10 for 2 sec, down from 3 seconds.
- X’oni’s Caress – Now has Haste instead of Crit. Secondary stats rebalanced.
- Butcher’s Bone Apron – Now Mongoose Bite increases the damage of your next Butchery by 15%, down from 20%.
- Zann’esu Journey – Now increases the damage of your next Blizzard by 50%, up from 35%.
- Marquee Bindings of the Sun King – Now deals 275% extra damage, down from 300%.
- Koralon’s Burning Touch – Scorch now also deals 350% extra damage and is a guaranteed Critical Strike below 30% health up from 25%.
- Ice Time – Damage increased
- Firestone Walkers – Fortifying Brew Cooldown now reduced by 2 seconds up to a maximum of 6 seconds, up from 1 second with a maximum of 4 seconds.
- The Emperor’s Capacitor – Chi spenders increase the damage of your next Crackling Jade Lightning by 125%, down from 250%.
- Mantle of the Master Assassin – Now has Haste instead of Crit.
- Al’Akir’s Acrimony – Chain Lightning now deals 10% increased damage on subsequent targets, up from 5%.
- Spiritual Journey – Feral Spirits cooldown now recharges 500% faster up from 300%
- Timeless Stratagem – Now has equal amounts of Haste and Mastery, rather than being Mastery heavy.
Anpassungen an Artefakten:
Death Knight
- Vampiric Fangs (Rank 1) Vampiric Blood increases your maximum health by an additional 5% and increases all healing and absorbs received by an additional 5%.
- Moon and Stars (Rank 1) During Celestial Alignment, each
harmfuldamaging Balance spell you cast grants 3% haste.
Death Knight
- Vampiric Blood Embrace your undeath, increasing your maximum health by 30% and increasing all healing and absorbs received by 30% for 10 sec. Death Knight – Blood Spec. Instant. 1.5 min cooldown.
- Sweeping Claws Rakes an enemy with deformed claws, dealing 135% of normal damage as Shadow to the target and nearby enemies. Can be cast in Ghoul. 40 Energy. Melee range. Instant.
Demon Hunter
- Chaos Blades Increases all damage done by
8%11.2% (based on Mastery) for 12 sec. While active, your auto attack deals 200% increased damage, and causes Chaos damage. Havoc Demon Hunter – Level 110 Talent. Instant. 2 min cooldown. - Soul Barrier Shield yourself for 12 sec, absorbing
[ 1,950% of AP * Percent Health + 20%[ 2,250% of AP * Percent Health + 23% of AP * AP * Percent Health ] damage. Consuming a Soul Fragment adds [ 250% of AP * Percent Health ] to the shield. Soul Barrier’s absorption cannot be reduced below [ 300% of AP * Percent Health ]. Consumes all Soul Fragments within 25 yds. Vengeance Demon Hunter – Level 110 Talent. 100 Pain. Instant. 30 sec cooldown.
- Demon’s Bite Quickly attack for (260% of weapon damage) Physical damage. Generates 20 to 30 Fury.
Melee range. Instant.Demon Hunter – Havoc Spec. Melee range. Instant. - Mastery: Demonic Presence Increases your Chaos damage by
8%11.2% and your movement speed by 8%. Demon Hunter – Havoc Spec.
PvP Talents
- Celestial Guardian While in Bear Form, you take
30%20% less damage from spells and receive 20% increased healing. Balance Druid – Tier 2 PvP Talent. - Focused Growth Reduces the mana cost of your Lifebloom by 50%, and your Lifebloom also applies Focused Growth to the target, increasing Lifebloom’s healing by 20%. Stacks up to 3 times. Restoration Druid – Tier 5 PvP Talent.
Instant. - Malorne’s Swiftness Your Travel Form movement speed while within a Battleground or Arena is increased by 20% and you always move at 100% movement speed while in Travel Form.
Tank Role – Tier 2 PvP Talent.Guardian Druid – Tier 2 PvP Talent.
- Moonkin Form (Balance) While in this form, single-target attacks against you have a 0% chance make your next Lunar Strike,
Solar Wrath or Stellar Flare instant.instant. - Moonkin Form While in Moonkin Form, single-target attacks against you have a 15% chance make your next Lunar Strike,
Solar Wrath or Stellar Flare instant. Druid – Balance Spec.instant. Druid – Balance Spec.
Feral & Guardian
- Survival Instincts Reduces all damage you take by 50% for 6 sec. Max 2 charges. Druid – Feral & Guardian Spec. Instant. 6 sec cooldown.
- Butchery Strike all nearby enemies in a flurry of strikes, inflicting (
518%620% of weapon damage) Physical damage to each. Survival Hunter – Level 90 Talent. 40 Focus. 8 yd range. Instant. - Caltrops Scatters Caltrops in an area for 15 sec. Enemies who step on Caltrops will take
[ 25%[ 50% of AP ] Bleed damage every 1 sec, and have 70% reduced movement speed for 6 sec. Survival Hunter – Level 60 Talent. 40 yd range. Instant. 15 sec cooldown. - Disengage Leap backwards.
Hunter – Beast Mastery & Marksmanship SpecSurvival Hunter – Level 45 Talent. Unlimited range. Instant. 1 sec cooldown. - Expert Trapper All of your traps are improved in the following ways: Freezing Trap When Freezing Trap’s incapacitate effect ends, the victim and all neaby enemies‘ movement speed is reduced by 50% for 4 sec. Explosive Trap Increases Explosive Trap’s damage to the triggering enemy by 75%. Tar Trap Enemies moving through the tar have a chance to be rooted in place for 4 sec. Steel Trap Your Steel Trap also deals an immediate [ 500% of AP ] Bleed damage when triggered. Caltrops Increases Caltrops damage by 50%. Survival Hunter – Level 100 Talent.
- Guerrilla Tactics (Beast Mastery, Marksmanship) Explosive Trap deals 50% more damage, and Waylay’s effects are further strengthened: Freezing Trap will not break due to damage for the first 6
seconds.sec. Tar Trap reduces enemies‘ movement speed by 90% for the first 4 secseconds. - Guerrilla Tactics (Survival) Explosive Trap deals 50% more damage, and Waylay’s effects are further strengthened: Freezing Trap will not break due to damage for the first 6
seconds.sec. Tar Trap reduces enemies‘ movement speed by 90% for the first 4 secseconds.Explosive Trapdeals 200% increased damage.causes the target to miss their next 2 melee attacks. - Serpent Sting Targets hit by your Raptor Strike and Carve are also affected by Serpent Sting, dealing [ 5 +
87%115% of AP ] Nature damage over 15 sec. Survival Hunter – Level 90 Talent. - Snake Hunter Instantly grants you 3 charges of Mongoose Bite. Survival Hunter – Level 30 Talent. Instant.
1.5 min cooldown.2 min cooldown. - Spitting Cobra Summons a Spitting Cobra for 30 sec that attacks your target for [ 1
+ 20% ofAP ] Nature damage every 2 sec. While the Cobra is active you gain an extra 3 Focus every 1 sec. Survival Hunter – Level 100 Talent. Instant. 60 sec cooldown. - Steady Focus Using Arcane Shot or Multi-Shot
threetwo times in a row increases your Focus Regeneration by 25% for 12 sec. Marksmanship Hunter – Level 15 Talent. - Sticky Bomb Hurls a concussive grenade at your target which sticks to them and explodes after
32 sec, knocking back all nearby enemies. Survival Hunter – Level 75 Talent. 40 yd range. Instant.30 sec cooldown.25 sec cooldown.
- Bursting Shot Fires an explosion of bolts at all enemies in front of you, knocking them back, disorienting them for 4 sec, and dealing (
40%60% of weapon damage) Physical damage. Hunter – Marksmanship Spec. 10 Focus. Instant. 30 sec cooldown.
- Explosive Trap Hurls a fire trap to the target location that explodes when an enemy approaches, causing [ 350% of AP ] Fire damage and burning all enemies within 5 yards for [ 35% of AP ] additional Fire damage over 10 sec. Trap will exist for 60 sec. Hunter – Survival Spec. 40 yd range. Instant.
40 sec cooldown.30 sec cooldown. - Flanking Strike (New) Flanking strike has double the normal chance to trigger Hunting Companion. Hunter – Survival Spec.
- Harpoon
Harpoon’s cooldownBeast Mastery, Marksmanship: The cooldowns of Harpoon and Disengage are reduced by 10 sec. Survival: The cooldown of Harpoon is reduced by 10 sec. Hunter – Survival Spec. - Lacerate Tears a bleeding wound in the target, dealing [ 12 + 223% of AP ] Physical damage over 12 sec. Hunter – Survival Spec. 35 Focus. Melee range. Instant.
10 sec cooldown. - Waylay (Survival) Explosive Trap
deals 50% increased damage.staggers the target, causing them to miss their next melee attack.
Survival, Beast Mastery, Marksmanship
- Freezing Trap Hurls a frost trap to the target location that incapacitates the first enemy that approaches for 60 sec. Damage will break the effect. Limit 1. Trap will exist for 60 sec. Hunter – Survival, Beast Mastery, Marksmanship Spec. 40 yd range. Instant.
40 sec cooldown.30 sec cooldown. - Tar Trap Hurls a tar trap to the target location that creates a 8 yd radius pool of tar around itself for 30 sec when the first enemy approaches. All enemies have 50% reduced movement speed while in the area of effect. Trap will exist for 60 sec. Hunter – Survival, Beast Mastery, Marksmanship Spec. 40 yd range. Instant.
40 sec cooldown.30 sec cooldown.
- Frozen Touch Increases your chance to generate Fingers of Frost charges by 40%.
Increases the maximum number of Fingers of Frost charges by 1.Frost Mage – Level 60 Talent. 30 sec cooldown.
PvP Talents
- Dampened Magic Name changed from „Cloak of Protection“ to „Dampened Magic“. Magical Damage over time effects deal 20% less damage to you. Mage Any2 Role – Tier 3 PvP Talent.
- Arcane Blast Blasts the target with energy, dealing [ 192.4% of Spell Power ] Arcane damage. Damage increased by 60% per Arcane Charge. Mana cost increased by
60%125% per Arcane Charge. Generates 1 Arcane Charge Mage – Arcane Spec. 3% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. 2.2 sec cast. - Arcane Explosion Causes an explosion of magic around the caster, dealing [ 1 + 75% of Spell Power ] Arcane damage to all enemies within 10 yards. Damage increased by 60% per Arcane Charge. Mana cost increased by
60%125% per Arcane Charge. Generates 1 Arcane Charge if any targets are hit. Mage – Arcane Spec. 2% of Base Mana. Instant.
- Crackling Jade Lightning Channel Jade lightning, causing [ 4 +
17.5%35% of AP ] Nature damage over 4 sec to the target and sometimes knocking back melee attackers. 20 Energy, plus 20 per sec / 20 Energy, plus 20 per sec. 40 yd range. 4 sec cast (Channeled).
- Dampen Harm Reduces all damage you take by
30% from the next 3 attacks that damage you for 15% or more of your maximum health. Castable while stunned20% to 50% for 10 sec, with larger attacks being reduced by more. Monk – Level 75 Talent. Instant. 2 min cooldown. - Elusive Dance Purifying Brew now clears an additional 15% of damage delayed with Stagger. It also grants up to
15%20% Dodge and damage done for 6 sec, based on the level of Stagger damage purified. Brewmaster Monk – Level 100 Talent. - Gift of the Mists Gift of the Ox has an up to
60%75% increased chance to trigger, based on your missing health. Brewmaster Monk – Level 45 Talent. - Mystic Vitality (New) Stagger is now fully effective against magical attacks. Brewmaster Monk – Level 75 Talent.
- Ring of Peace Form a Ring of Peace
around the friendly target for 8 sec. Enemies in the ring that use a harmful spell or ability will be knocked out ofat the target location for 8 sec. Enemies that enter will be ejected from the ring. Monk – Level 60 Talent. 40 yd range. Instant. 45 sec cooldown. - Rushing Jade Wind Brewmaster, Mistweaver: Summons a whirling tornado around you, causing [ 621% of AP ] damage over 6 sec to enemies within 8 yards. Windwalker: Summons a whirling tornado around you, causing [ 621% of AP ] damage over 6 sec to enemies within 8 yards. Applies Mark of the Crane to up to 5 nearby targets. Monk – Level 90 Talent. 1 Chi. Instant. 6 sec cooldown.
- Summon Black Ox Statue Summons a Black Ox Statue at the target location for 15 min, pulsing threat to all enemies within 30 yards. You may cast Provoke on the statue to taunt all enemies near the statue.
BrewmasterWindwalker Monk – Level 60 Talent. 40 yd range. Instant. 10 sec cooldown.
PvP Talents
- Refreshing Breeze Increases the healing of Vivify by
25%20%, and Vivify refreshes the duration of Essence Font on targets it heals. Mistweaver Monk – Tier 5 PvP Talent.
- Hand of the Protector Holy, Protection: Calls down the Light to heal a friendly target for 30% of the target’s missing health. While you are standing in your Consecration, Hand of the Protector’s healing is increased by 20%. Retribution: Calls down the Light to heal a friendly target for 30% of the target’s missing health. Protection Paladin – Level 75 Talent. 40 yd range. Instant.
- Mind Bomb Inflicts the target with a Mind Bomb. After 2 sec, or if the target dies, it unleashes a psychic explosion, stunning all enemies within 8 yds of the target for
24 sec. Shadow Priest – Level 45 Talent. 30 yd range. Instant. 30 sec cooldown.
PvP Talents
- Greater Fade Fade out, removing all threat, increasing your movement speed by
100%50% and causing most melee, ranged and spells to miss you. Lasts 6 sec. Holy Priest – Tier 3 PvP Talent. Instant. 30 sec cooldown. - Premonition Heals nearby targets within 20 yards for [ 300% of Spell Power ], and applies Atonement to yourself. Deals [ PS * BC ] Shadow damage to yourself for each Atonement you have active, and increases their duration by
[ 3[ 5 + 0.2% of Spell Power ] sec. Discipline Priest – Tier 3 PvP Talent. Instant. 12 sec cooldown. - Trinity The duration of your Atonement is increased by
515 sec and the healing transferred through Atonement is increased by 20%. However, Atonement can now only affect a maximum of 3 targets and can only be applied through Plea. Priest Any2 Role – Tier 3 PvP Talent.
Discipline & Shadow
- Shadow Word: Pain (Discipline, Holy) A word of darkness that causes [ 1 + 41% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage instantly, and an additional
[ 7[ 9 + 41% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage over14 sec.18 sec. - Shadow Word: Pain (Shadow) A word of darkness that causes [ 1 + 41% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage instantly, and an additional
[ 7[ 9 + 41% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage over14 sec.18 sec.
- Mind Sear When Mind Flay deals damage, if the target is afflicted by your Shadow Word: Pain, it deals
[ 40% of Spell Power0;] damage to all nearby targets. Generates 1 Insanity per target hit. Priest – Shadow Spec. - Vampiric Touch A touch of darkness that causes
[ 6[ 8 + 79% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage over1824 sec, and heals the Priest for 50% of damage dealt. If Vampiric Touch is dispelled, the dispeller flees in Horror for 3 sec. Generates 6 Insanity. Priest – Shadow Spec. 40 yd range. 1.5 sec cast.
- Feint Performs an evasive maneuver, reducing damage taken from area-of-effect attacks by 50% for 5 sec.
20 Energy. Instant.35 Energy. Instant.
- Gloomblade Punctures your target with your shadow-infused blade for (
425% of weapon damage) Shadow damage525% of weapon damage) Shadow damage, bypassing armor. Awards 1 combo points. Subtlety Rogue – Level 15 Talent. 35 Energy. Melee range. Instant. - Prey on the Weak Assassination
: Enemies disabled with your, Subtlety: Enemies disabled with your Blind Kidney Shot, Cheap Shot, or Sap take 10% increased damage from all sources. Outlaw: Enemies disabled with your Blind, Gouge, Cheap Shot, or Sap take 10% increased damage from all sources.Subtlety: Enemies disabled with your Blind, Kidney Shot, Cheap Shot, or Sap take 10% increased damage from all sources. Rogue – Level 75 Talent.Rogue – Level 75 Talent.
PvP Talents
- Thick as Thieves Your Tricks of the Trade now increases
youyour and the friendly target’s damage by 15% for 6 sec. Outlaw Rogue – Tier 3 PvP Talent.
Subtlety, Outlaw, Assassination
- Blind Blinds the target, causing it to wander disoriented for 60 sec. Damage will interrupt the effect. Limit 1. Limited to 1 target. Rogue – Subtlety & Outlaw Assassination Spec. 15 yd range. Instant. 2 min cooldown.
- Earthbind Totem Summons an Earth Totem with [ 2% of Total Health ] health at the feet of the caster for 20 sec that slows the movement speed of enemies within 10 yards.
Earth Totem.35 yd range. Instant. 30 sec cooldown.
PvP Talents
- Control of Lava Lava Burst damage increased by 50%. Your Flame Shock damage over time has a 10% chance to reset the remaining cooldown on Lava Burst, and increase its damage by
0%, stacking up to 050%, stacking up to 3 times. Elemental Shaman – Tier 4 PvP Talent. - Spirit Link You link yourself and two closest allies within 15 yards together. When linked targets take damage, 50% is distributed among the other linked allies. Linked targets receive 100% increased healing from your Chain Heal and Healing Rain. Lasts for
2030 sec. Limited to 3 targets. Restoration Shaman – Tier 5 PvP Talent. 15% of Base Mana. 15 yd range. Instant. - Thundercharge You call down bolts of lightning, charging you and your target’s weapons. The cooldown recovery rate of all abilities is increased by
70%30% for 10 sec. Enhancement Shaman – Tier 5 PvP Talent. 40 yd range. Instant. 45 sec cooldown.
- Seed of Corruption Embeds a demon seed in the enemy target that will explode after 18 sec, dealing [ 1 +
138%215% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage to all enemies within 10 yards and applying Corruption to them. The seed will detonate early if the target is hit by other detonations, or takes [ 300% of Shadow Spell Power ] damage from your spells. Unlimited range. Instant.
- Channel Demonfire Launches 15 bolts of felfire over 3 sec at random targets afflicted by your Immolate within 40 yds. Each bolt deals
[ 46.62%[ 64% of Spell Power ] Fire damage to the target and[ 23.31%[ 32% of Spell Power ] Fire damage to nearby enemies. Destruction Warlock – Level 100 Talent. 4.8% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. 3 sec cast (Channeled). 15 sec cooldown. - Contagion You deal
12%18% increased damage to targets affected by your Unstable Affliction. Affliction Warlock – Level 30 Talent. - Empowered Life Tap Life Tap increases your damage dealt by
12% for 1510% for 20 sec. Warlock – Level 30 Talent. - Grimoire of Synergy Damage done by you or your demon has a chance to grant the other one
35%25% increased damage for 15 sec. Demonology Warlock – Level 90 Talent. Approximately 2.5 procs per minute. - Haunt A ghostly soul haunts the target, dealing [ 1 + 805% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage and increasing your damage dealt to the target by
10%30% for 15 sec. If the target dies, Haunt’s cooldown is reset. Affliction Warlock – Level 15 Talent. 5% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. 1.5 sec cast. 30 sec cooldown. - Malefic Grasp While channeling Drain Soul, your damage over time effects deal
20%80% increased damage to the target. Affliction Warlock – Level 15 Talent. - Sow the Seeds Seed of Corruption will now
consume$@switch[]consume a Soul Shard, if available, to embed a demon seed in42 additional nearby enemies. Affliction Warlock – Level 60 Talent.
PvP Talents
- Curse of Shadows Magical damage over time effects will strike the target an additional time for
50%30% of their damage as Shadow. Lasts 10 sec. Affliction Warlock – Tier 5 PvP Talent. 4% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. Instant. 30 sec cooldown.
- Seed of Corruption Embeds a demon seed in the enemy target that will explode after 18 sec, dealing [ 1 +
138%215% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage to all enemies within 10 yards and applying Corruption to them. The seed will detonate early if the target is hit by other detonations, or takes [ 300% of Shadow Spell Power ] damage from your spells. Warlock – Affliction Spec.4.5% of Base Mana1 Soul Shard. 40 yd range. 2.5 sec cast.
- Firebolt
Deals [ 1 + 82% of Spell PowerDeals 1;] Fire damage to a target. (Right-Click to toggle) Basic Attack. 40 Energy. 40 yd range. 1.8 sec cast. - Lash of Pain Lashes the target for [ 1 +
90.7%110% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage. (Right-Click to toggle) Basic Attack. 60 Energy. 20 yd range. Instant. - Shadow Bite Bites the enemy, causing [ 1 +
38%45% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage. (Right-Click to toggle) Basic Attack. 60 Energy. Melee range. Instant.
- Charge Charge to an enemy,
rooting it for 1reducing its movement speed by 50% for 6 sec. Generates 20 Rage. 8-25 yd range. Instant. 1.5 sec cooldown.
- Warbringer (Arms, Fury) Charge now deals [ 108% of AP ] damage to all enemies within 5 yds of the target, and stuns them for
2.5 sec.until cancelled. - Warbringer (Protection) Intercept now deals [ 108% of AP ] damage to all enemies within 5 yds of the target, and stuns them for
2.5 sec.until cancelled.
PvP Talents
- War Banner You throw down a war banner at your feet, rallying your allies. Increases movement speed by 30% and reduces the duration of all incoming crowd control effects by 50% to all allies within
400 yards of the war banner. Lasts 15 sec. Arms Warrior – Tier 4 PvP Talent. Instant. 1.5 min cooldown.
- Intercept Run at high speed toward an ally or enemy. When targeting an enemy, Intercept will
root for 1reducing the target’s movement speed by 50% for 6 sec, but has a minimum range of 8 yds. When targeting an ally, Intercept will intercept the next melee or ranged attack against the ally within 10 sec while the target remains within 10 yards. Generates1015 Rage. Warrior – Protection Spec. 25 yd range. Instant. 1.5 sec cooldown. - Revenge Swing in a wide arc, dealing [ 1 +
340.2%650% of AP ] damage to all enemies in front of you. Your successful dodges and parries cause your next Revenge to become free. Warrior – Protection Spec. 300 Rage. Melee range. Instant. 3 sec cooldown. - Shield Block Arms, Fury: Raise your shield, blocking every melee attack against you for 6 sec. Increases Shield Slam damage by 30% while active. Protection: Raise your shield, blocking every melee attack against you for 6 sec. These blocks can be critical blocks. Increases Shield Slam damage by 30% while active. Warrior – Protection Spec. 150 Rage. Instant. 1 sec cooldown.