Overwatch: Beta-Patchnotes vom 19. April

Vor Kurzem haben die Entwickler von Overwatch einen weiteren neuen Patch auf die Testserver der im Moment noch immer aktiv laufenden geschlossenen Beta dieses Titels aufgespielt und gleichzeitig damit auch wieder offizielle englische Patchnotes in den Battle.Net Foren veröffentlicht. Dabei beinhaltet dieses sehr kleine Update neben einigen Anpassungen an den Porträtrahmen und den vorhandenen Spielfeldern allerdings hauptsächlich Fehlerbehebungen an verschiedenen Aspekten von Overwatch.
Overwatch Beta Patch Notes – April 19, 2016
Progression Rewards
- Portrait Frames
- “Gray” portrait frame design removed (levels 1-100)
- All remaining portrait frame designs will now shift down one promotion as a result (i.e. players level 1-100 will now have a bronze frame, players level 100-200 will now have a bronze frame with a star, etc)
- Removed some of the less popular sprays
- Note: These sprays may return in future content patches
- All heroes will have the same number of hero-specific sprays
- The map has been temporarily disabled to address an issue affecting spawn room doors
Route 66
- Slowed the payload by 10%
- Adjusted placement of the health packs across the map
Developer Comments: We’ve noticed that attackers are winning more often than we’d like on Route 66, so we’ve made some adjustments to the payload speed and health pack placement to try to bring the attacker win rate more in line with our other escort maps.
Volskaya Industries
- Moved initial spawn points to further back
Developer Comments: We’re also seeing attackers win more often than we’d like on Volskaya Industries, so we’ve pushed spawn points back a little bit in the library to help defenders hold objective A.
- Fixed issue where shooting a barrier counted as a miss for Widowmaker’s Scoped Accuracy statistic
- Fixed issue where shooting a turret or barrier counted as a miss for Pharah’s Rocket Direct Hits statistic
- Soldier: 76’s Final Blows average statistic in the end of round scoreboard is now correct
Weekly Brawl
- Fixed several interactions with barriers in the “Arcade” Weekly Brawl
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