SC2: Balance Update zu der Beta von LotV
4. September 2015

SC2: Balance Update zu der Beta von LotV
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Im Verlauf der vergangenen Nacht haben die Entwickler von Blizzards Strategiespiel „Starcraft 2“ einen weiteren Blogeintrag veröffentlicht, der eine Reihe von vor Kurzem durchgeführten Änderungen in der derzeit laufenden Beta von Legacy of the Void auflistet. Dabei handelt es dann hauptsächlich nur um ganz gezielte Anpassungen an den Kosten, Werten oder Voraussetzungen von bestimmten Einheiten, die einige Ungleichheiten beim Balancing zwischen den Fraktionen beheben sollten.
Legacy of the Void Beta Balance Update — September 3, 2015
Below are the latest balance changes for the StarCraft II Legacy of the Void Beta. Let us know what you think once you’ve gotten a chance to test them out.
- Zealot
- Zealot Charge damage decreased from 30 to 8.
- Chrono boost is back.
- No energy cost.
- Ability is set to autocast by default on the Nexus.
- Efficiency is reduced to 20%, but never expires.
- Warpgate research time increased to 160 from 140.
- Photon overcharge
- Overcharge can only be cast on Pylons.
- Has an attack range of 7.
- Has a duration of 30.
- Costs 25 energy.
- Deals 30 damage every 1.25 seconds.
- Colossus
- Increased upgraded range to 9 from 8.
- Tempest
- Now functions as it does in Heart of the Swarm.
- Immortal
- Barrier ability is set to autocast by default.
- Triggers when Immortal is attacked.
- Oracle
- Revelation cast range increased to 12 from 9.
- Carrier
- Increased the cooldown for Release Interceptors to 40 from 20.
- Orbital Command
- Calldown: MULE is back.
- Ability is set to autocast on nearby minerals.
- No energy cost.
- Now has a cooldown.
- 30 range from casting Orbital Command.
- Harvest amount decreased to 40 from 45.
- Scanner Sweep cost increased to 100 from 50.
- Calldown: Extra Supplies cost increased to 75 from 50.
- Calldown: MULE is back.
- Siege Tank
- Now has a 0.75 second delay before firing when unloading from a Medivac while in siege mode.
- Spawn larva increased from 2 to 3 per cast.
- Creep now spreads and recedes faster.
- Ravager
- New Upgrade: Increases the corrosive bile range to 13 from 9.
- Costs 100/100.
- Requires a Lair.
- Overlord
- Transport upgrade requires a Lair.
By azurios